AGNPH Stories

Disaster to Miracle by XD385


Tragedy brings a Miracle

Once again, Cassandra dreamed about herself in the same meadow. Many cherry blossom leaves were fluttering in the breeze as she walked towards her one true love, who was waiting for her under one of the trees. When she sat down next to him, he embraced her. She then pressed her lips and tongue against his for a kiss, which they enjoyed. After they broke the kiss, Cassandra turned away from him and raised her tail. Seeing that she was ready, Ash removed his clothes. When Cassandra felt him gently grip her hips, she braced herself for the inevitable pleasure.

As expected, Cassandra felt Ash push into her, causing her to let out a moan of pleasure. However, she felt him suddenly grip her hips tightly. Also, he didn't pull out of her and she felt a warm and slightly sticky liquid oozing into her fur. When she looked back, Cassandra felt her heart break as she saw her own bladelike tail embedded into Ash's chest. His eyes were glazed over. He had died almost instantly when he impaled himself on it when he thrust into her. Cassandra quickly pulled her tail out of his chest and rolled him onto his back when he collapsed. She begged him to wake up, but it was no use. He was gone. She let out a wail of grief and remorse.

Cassandra woke up in tears. She looked around and calmed down a little when she saw that she was in Ash's bedroom. She could feel his arms embracing her from behind. He was having a pleasant dream and was smiling. Cassandra knew that if they tried to make love, Ash would die. She couldn't stand the thought of him dying, but the thought of leaving him was slightly more bearable. She whispered, "I will always love you, Ash. I want to bear your children, but not if it means that I'll lose you for good. Good bye." She placed a gentle kiss on his lips and snuck downstairs to write a farewell note before disappearing into the night.

Ash woke up with a yawn. "Morning, Cassandra." He quickly noticed that she wasn't in his room. "Maybe she's having breakfast." After getting his clothes on, he went downstairs. However, he didn't smell the aroma of food being cooked. When he got downstairs, he saw his Mom looking distraught while holding a note in her hands.

"Mom, what's wrong?" Mrs. Ketchum replied, "Cassandra wrote this note for you." Ash took the note in hand and read, "Ash, my love. Meeting you has been the best thing to ever happen to me and I hoped that our relationship would last forever. However, I have made a discovery about myself. My tail is like a blade. As you may know, we Absol mate by having the male mount the female from behind. However, if you were to try to mate with me, my tail would impale you. I can't stand the thought of losing you in exchange for children, so I have decided to leave. I will never forget you. Please try to stay happy. Your fiancé, Cassandra." Ash looked up at his Mom with tears in his eyes, "Mom, when did you find this?" She wiped a tear from her face, "Just this morning. She must have slipped off during the night. The poor dear. I was hoping that she would marry you someday, but....." She burst into tears.

Ash clenched his fists, "Cassandra...... I love you too much to let you leave because of the fact that we can never have kids." Without a second thought, he burst out the door and towards Viridian Forest.

Cassandra had come to the very same clearing where she first saw her love. Even the ashes from the campfire were still there. In the spot where his sleeping bag had been rolled out, she lay down and wept. While sobbing heavily, she spoke, "What was I thinking? I was in love with him and I left him. He fell in love with me even though I am so much different from him. Ash, I'm so sorry! I love you so much!" She continued crying for a few minutes before falling asleep from exhaustion.

A few hours later, Cassandra awoke to the sound of something approaching her. She felt a sense of dread when she saw a Trainer walk out of the bushes. He spoke, "Huh?! What's an Absol doing here?! I thought they only lived in the Hoenn region." She backed away slightly. "Hold on! I don't care about how you got here, but I'm still going to catch ya! At least, I'll catch ya before Ash gets the chance. Go, Machoke!" Ash? Did he know him? She didn't have time to think as the burly Fighting type Pokemon tried to get her with a Low Kick. She jumped it, but was caught off guard by a Karate Chop! With her stunned, the Trainer threw a Pokeball at her. A quick burst of red light sucked her up into it and closed. Cassandra struggled to break free and barely managed to get out before the lock activated. However, she was too exhausted to move.

Ash thought he heard the sound of combat and ran towards it. He heard a voice that sounded oddly familiar, "Yeesh! You are one tough Dark type! You should have been caught for sure!" Ash knew that the voice belonged to Gary. He also knew that there were no Dark type Pokemon living in the wild of the Kanto region. (No! Cassandra! I won't let you take her, Gary!)

Gary decided to have his Machoke use just one last attack without trying to overdo it. "OK. Machoke, use Seismic Toss!" When the Machoke made the lunge for Cassandra, an unseen person shoved her out of the way! However, the Machoke snatched up the intruder and leapt skyward. Gary didn't take his eyes off Machoke and failed to notice that he had missed the Absol. However, Cassandra didn't get a chance to see the face of who pushed her out of the way.

When the Machoke reached the top of his jump, about half a mile up, he dove straight down while upside down! He let go of his passenger at the last second, causing him to crash into the ground with enormous force! Machoke landed nearby while a cloud of dust rose from the small crater. Gary applauded, "Awesome as always, Machoke. I'll just catch that Absol when the cloud..... What the?" He noticed the tired Absol standing at the sidelines. He gulped, "Wait. If the Absol is over there, then what......." When the cloud of dust settled, Gary muttered, "What have I done..." Cassandra felt tears fall down her face when she saw the broken and twisted body of Ash in the crater. "NNNNOOOOOO!!!!!" She screamed and threw herself onto his chest, sobbing heavily. Gary, overcome with guilt, had Machoke carry Ash to Pallet Town, hoping that his Grandpa could help him. Even though he was a Professor in Pokemon studies, he was also skilled in medicine. Both with humans and Pokemon.

During the entire operation to save Ash, Gary, Mrs. Ketchum, and Gary's Machoke had to restrain a grief stricken Cassandra from bursting into the ER. Hours later, Cassandra's ears could hear a constant beeping sound without any pauses in-between inside the room. She asked Mrs. Ketchum, "What makes a beeping sound without pausing?" Delia's face went pale, "No..... The heart monitor makes that sound only when the creature it's hooked up to goes into cardiac arrest." Cassandra asked, "What is cardiac arrest?" Delia replied, "It's when a persons' heart stops." Cassandra felt a terrible sense of loss when she heard that. Breaking free from her restraints, Cassandra burst into the operation room.

Professor Oak was removing his mask while sadly shaking his head, "Ash, I'm so sorry. I will never be able to forgive myself for not being able to save you." Just then, Cassandra burst through the doors and ran over to Ash. She looked up at Professor Oak, who had just turned off the heart monitor. He looked down at Cassandra with remorseful eyes. She asked, "Is.... Is he......" She saw a tear trickle down his wrinkled face as he shook his head, "I'm so sorry." Cassandra just stood there in shock at those words. Professor Oak left the room and shut the doors. He then said to Mrs. Ketchum and his grandson, "She needs some time alone. And Gary, I need a word with you."

A minute after Professor Oak left, Cassandra's mind played back all the days that she had spent with her lover. The day they met, the moment when she knew that she loved him, and the instant that they found their feelings for each other, which was only last night! She had lost the man of her dreams after less than 24 hours after he confessed to her. Finally, she jumped on top of Ash's body and cried. "I'm sorry. If only I didn't leave you...... It's my fault that you're gone. Ash, please don't leave me! I can't live without you!" She knew it was futile. Suddenly, she felt a hand caress her face. She looked up at Ash's face and gasped when she saw him open an eye. He whispered, "I promise. I don't want to leave you. Even if we can't have kids, I still love you." Cassandra inched closer to him and very gently pressed her lips against his. When they broke the kiss, Ash held a finger to her lips, "Don't say anything. I forgive you." After saying that, he passed out. It was going to be a difficult road to recovery. Cassandra bolted out the door to get Professor Oak. She screamed as she went looking for him, "HE'S ALL RIGHT! ASH IS ALL RIGHT!!!"

30 day s later, Ash was able to walk on his own again. Cassandra had been by his side throughout the entire rehabilitation program. They had rediscovered their feelings for each other. Delia knew that it was because of Cassandra that Ash was still alive. Her love gave her son the will to survive.

One night, after they had bathed, Ash and Cassandra were getting ready for bed. Ash asked her, "Er, Cassandra? Are you sure that you don't want to be a Mom?" She replied, "Of course I want to be a mother! I just can't mate with you without hurting you." Ash then came up with an idea. "Well, what if we try a different position?" Cassandra looked at him funny, "You mean, we can make love without you mounting me?" He grinned, "Yep! Just wait a sec." He dropped his towel and leaned against the back of his bed. His member was already hard and pointed up. Cassandra walked over to him and asked, "OK. Now what?" Ash raised her paws and placed them on his chest. Cassandra was right over his member. Ash then said, "Now slowly lower yourself." She did as she was told and gasped when she felt his member penetrate her entrance. However, Ash stopped short.

"What's wrong?" Ash replied, "I think there's something in the way." Cassandra raised herself up and brought her body down with extra force, breaking her hymen on the tip of Ash's member. She gritted her teeth at the pain, but began to bounce herself up and down. The intense pleasure was even better than the pleasure she felt in her dreams. "Oh, Ash! This... feels... wonderful! Don't stop! I want to feel you fill me!" Ash couldn't even bring himself to speak.

Finally, they screamed in unison as Ash fired his sperm into his lover's womb while she sprayed her juices all over his upper legs. Cassandra was barely able to lift herself off of her lover and climbed into bed. Ash joined her and embraced her. "Ash..... Do you think that we made babies? And do you think that I'll be a good mother?" He whispered, "You're already the perfect fiancé. I'm sure that you'll be a good mother. However, we'll have to wait to know if you are gonna have babies." After sharing one more kiss, they fell asleep in each other's arms and forelegs.

The next day, Gary began his duty of community service for attempted murder. Ash and Cassandra spent the day with each other as usual. However, a few weeks later, Ash woke up and saw Cassandra sitting at the end of the bed with a warm smile on her face. When he lowered his eyes, he saw a large bulge in her belly with her pink skin showing through her white fur.
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