AGNPH Stories

Midnight Seduction (Redone) by squirrely


Ander And Midnight

Disclaimer (yes, the usual crap)

I do not own pokemon nor nintendo (though that would be bad ass) and do not have any responsibility over your reading this, though if you are under 18 you probably shouldn't but I cant stop you. But please, respect that age law.

Ander slowly made his way though the woods, feeling an overwhelming sense of worthlessness. He was just released from his trainer's selection. This charmander only wanted to help he tried all he could.
"Why? I don't really know, I guess he never really did care for me." Ander thought to himself. "All I did was try to help, that fire was not my fault, but did he care? No..."
Ander sat down below a small tree and leaned back against it, dropping his pack filled with food on the ground.
"All he ever did was be mean to me, never anything back." Ander softly whispered to himself. Ander tried not to cry about what had happened, but a lone tear soon made its way down his face. His eyes became watery and soon that lone tear was followed by a wave of others.
He cried for what seemed an eternity to him. Ander soon started to fall asleep, all his crying had worn him out, he never had felt that bad. He almost wanted to end his life.
He laid his head against a pile of leaves and gazed into the sky, it was getting dark. Ander could see some stars beginning to emerge from their peaceful slumber. He watched the sun set into the horizon with a blaze of orange and red it was beautiful.
Ander started to dream, he was back with his trainer and they were battling against the elite force. They won many battles during that dream; in fact they beat the force and became champions. But at the award ceremony, Ander started to get angry; one of the staff accidentally bumped into him and knocked Ander onto his back.
He jumped to his feet and attacked the staff member. She tried to fight back but Ander was too strong. He whipped his tail around and started her on fire. Ander turned to his trainer and lunged. He extended his claws and swiped at his trainers face.
This brought him back to the real world, he woke up sweating, and he had never felt so many emotions, at least not at one time. What he didn't feel was that a certain female was watching him sleep. Midnight, a very elegant Umbreon watched him from the tree above. She watched him build a fire, which was an easy task of gathering up sticks.
Ander reached into pack and grabbed a small can of pokechow. He grabbed a grate and a can opener and popped the top off the can. He put the open tin can on the grate and set it on the fire. Midnight got a whiff of the pokechow and suddenly remembered that she hadn't eaten for days. She wanted to go down there and talk to him, she did think that Ander was a beautiful pokemon, and that fact made it hard for her to gather the courage to ask for some food. She believed that she might slip up and say something embarrassing.
Ander sat there against the tree waiting for his chow to be ready. He looked up at the stars, they were beautiful, two great glowing ones hung right above him, and those were his favorite.
"Wow, those are the most beautiful stars I have ever seen" Ander softly said to himself. "What are they though, I've never seen them, and maybe they are new stars."
Midnight's eyes were of course, the new "stars". She heard him talking, afraid she would be caught; she held her breath and tried not to blink. Waiting for him to look away, which he did not. A couple minutes later, she was about to pass out, she started to get dizzy, and with that, she fell out of the tree and onto him.
Ander was startled to see stars fall that fast and almost knock his breath out. He jumped up and she almost fell into the fire. Ander light his tail up to get a better look at what had hit him. He looked right into her glowing eyes as she smiled weakly.
"H-h-ell-o, how...s it g-going?" She asked. Ander just stood there stupidly, lost in another set of feelings, love and lust.
"Uh, I-its going well, I think. Who are you?" He inquired. Midnight stood up slowly, still a bit disoriented. She fell once again but this time closer to him. He reached down to grab her and help her up. She reached up and she stood up, Ander however, did not let go. He was entranced by how smooth her skin was. She also did not let go, Midnight did not feel Ander not letting go and Ander did not feel Midnight not letting go. (Yea, that was a bit confusing, sorry) They both were trapped in their own world of love and lust. They were like that, with Midnight slightly on the ground and Ander standing over her, hands interlinked. It was probably an awkward position to see but to them, they did not care. Suddenly, Midnight reached up and grabbed him around the back and they hugged with new love. Midnight turned to Ander and him to her. Ander thought out loud, "God, she is the most beautiful woman I have ever seen."
"Oh, thank you, by the way, my name is Midnight" Midnight responded with a minor glowing of her rings. She did not know that he did not mean to say that.
"Shit, did I really say that out loud?" He asked. Worried that she would think he was some sort of pervert. However, Midnight had some other thoughts through her head. She leaned in and kissed him. Just a bit, nothing to imply she was some sort of slut.
Ander made an attempt back. He reached in and kissed her with some more passion. They stayed like this for sometime. Ander broke away, very embarrassed. He stood up against the tree again.
"I am so sorry; I don't know what came over me." He said shyly. She was shocked; she thought he meant to do that. She thought it was time to reassure him that she wanted to do this. She walked over to him in a very seductive manor. Wiggling her hips and such. She glanced over to his pack and saw that his name was carefully stitched into the hem.
"What's wrong Ander, what can I do to help?" She asked, hoping that the answer would be what she was looking for. As she talked, she went around him and wrapped her hands around his waist. Slowly rubbing that area, releasing a quiet moan of approval from Ander, she felt a sense of pride in that.
Ander was in heaven; this was the first time he had ever done anything like this. He had no idea anything could feel this good. Midnight slowly worked her way downward. She started to fondle his slightly erect penis. Ander jumped forward a bit and broke out of Midnight's grip. Not sure what had happened, he had never been touched like this. He had no idea what was going on. Midnight was surprised to see him react like this. She was sure that a male of his beauty would have had many girls.
"What's wrong? I'm sorry to have startled you." Midnight reassured him.
"I'm sorry to have reacted like that" Ander slowly said. "Its just that... well.... I... I have never..."
"Never done this before?" Midnight finished. Ander nodded his head, very embarrassed. Fortunately for Ander, Midnight knew exactly how to fix that. Quickly, Midnight pushed Ander down and sat on him. She wasn't too heavy, even though she was quite strong. He tried to sit back up but she put her paws on his shoulders and held him down. She stayed like that until Ander stopped struggling. Midnight leaned in for another kiss, a quick one but nothing too pathetic. Meanwhile, she had started to scoot back a bit. Ander felt the wetness of Midnight moving downward, she started to slide back and forth. Causing the friction to make things even hotter. This made both Ander and Midnight to moan a bit. Pretty soon Ander was fully erect, and Midnight knew it. She turned around and saw how big he really was. For such a small animal, in comparison he would be about 9". She was shocked, Midnight thought he was going to be big in the first place, but damn. It made her even hornier.
She leaned over and started to lick it. Ander was not expecting that, he bucked his hips and Midnight took the whole thing in her mouth. She almost choked, but he relaxed a bit and pulled out. She started her procedure again, but suddenly a burst of heat shot down her spine, and several other places. Ander started to return the favor she was giving him. He didn't really know what he was supposed to be doing, but she seemed to like it so he kept on going.
Ander loved the taste of her wet cunt, and that just made it all the better. Midnight was shivering all over, almost forgetting about her duty. She kept licking and sucking his shaft for a while, and then she felt another burst of heat, she came hard. Ander felt Midnight clench her legs around his head and her sex squeeze his tongue. He took a last lick before his instincts really started to go into overdrive. Ander grabbed her back and pulled her up. She was now lying on his stomach, looking up at the stars. She knew exactly what he wanted. So, with a last kiss, tasting her own juice on his tongue, she flipped over and started to slide back. She felt his cock at her entrance. She didn't really want this to go so fast so she didn't fully take him. Sliding back and forth all along his length, until she wanted him so badly. Ander didn't really seem to notice when she stood up. Midnight slowly took him balls deep feeling every inch of him sliding into her.
"Ooo, your big" Midnight said, partly to her self. Ander took that as a compliment and soon started bucking into her. He grabbed onto her hips and started to move her up and down. Midnight let him do all the work.
Midnight took him all the way and then almost exiting, Ander slammed her down again. This whole maneuver took place for a while. Both were in bliss. He looked into her eyes and she got a bit embarrassed, as did he. Ander moved his eyes down, almost in shame.
She however wasn't ashamed at all. Midnight felt another orgasm coming along. She was surprised at how long a virgin (he must be) like him could last. They were at it for a while and he hadn't made any hint that he was almost done.
Ander was getting a bit close. He grabbed her by her sides and set her on the ground. He was still fucking her all the time. Almost standing over her, Midnight felt her 'gasm hit. She loved dominance. And this was exactly what it was. Ander felt her contract around his plowing cock. He loved it.
Midnight felt him start to speed up, and she knew he was close. She backed up, pulling him out. She almost leapt for his cock. She took him all the way in her mouth. She wanted to taste him. And taste him she did. Ander blasted his cum right into her mouth. Midnight drank it all, like it was a pool of water in the desert. He came for a while.
"He must never had masturbated" Midnight thought as he still flooded her mouth with his seed. He could hardly stand up; it was the best feeling in the world. It made him forget his misery, it made him forget everything. It was pure sex that he though of. Nothing more.
Eventually Ander stopped cumming. He fell on his back and Midnight kept licking him. Not because there was any more, but because she wanted more. She wanted to get him hard again. But to no avail, she stopped after a minute of trying to get him on again. She was exhausted anyway, and as Midnight could see, so was he. Ander's eyes were half closed and he looked so peaceful.
"Midnight?" He asked.
"Yes Ander my dear? What is it?"
"Are you an angel, is this a dream or am I really the luckiest guy in the entire universe?" He asked, sort of jokingly but almost wondering if she was an angel or a dream.
"No, no Ander I am not and angel or a dream. And yes, you probably are the luckiest guy in the universe." Midnight said with an air of arrogance. "You really are the luckiest guy." She fell asleep on his stomach, and he just lay there, looking at the stars, wondering if his life could get any better. He thought back to all of his happiest days, and nothing compared to this night. He looked at his sleeping lover, and saw that nothing in the world was more beautiful than her. Sleep soon over took him as well, and the fire still burned, leaving the entire scene with an orange glow and illuminating the two for anyone who passed by to see.
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