AGNPH Stories

Midnight Seduction (Redone) by squirrely


Back to the bad old days

Ok, the usual disclaimer.

I do not own pokemon nor nintendo (though that would still be bad ass). I have no affiliation and this is just fan based so shut up already and enjoy.

The fire had burned to embers by morning. It was an unusually cold morning, even for early fall. The leaves were a beautiful yellow green. They were starting wither and die. Some leaves on the ground were brittle and frail, easily broken by the slightest paw touch.

Ander was already up when Midnight woke from her peaceful sleep. She was a bit cold.
"Good morning Ander, last night was wonderful. Do you have any water?" Midnight commented, she wanted to get a salty taste out of her mouth and finished off with a cute yawn. "What are you doing?"
"I was just about to light the fire back up, and cook some breakfast, do you want some? Water is in my pak, the back pocket." Ander responded. He had just unpacked his pak got a pan. He used his tail to light the kindling and get a miniscule flame up. He put the pan over the fire and let it cook the breakfast.
Midnight walked over to Ander and sat next to him. He put his paw around her shoulder and started to rub her arm. She leaned in and put her muzzle against his ribs. Midnight rested there, feeling safe, feeling loved, feeling love. She had been with many males before, but she felt in love with Ander. She loved how he looked, how strong he was, how safe he made her feel, and the great sex was always a plus.
Ander, felt the same way, Midnight was beautiful, she was magestic, and the sex was awesome. Soon, the food was done and they both ate.
"So my dear" Midnight said "What shall we do today? Such a beautiful day it is."
"I was thinking we could find a better place to stay than this." Ander said, he was tired of sleeping alone, and outside. He decided that he had found his mate for life. Ander hoped she felt the same way. And she did. Midnight gave Ander a quick but passionate kiss and went to grab the water. She proceded to rinse her mouth out.
As they ate Midnight asked Ander about him self. Ander started talking about his old trainer, and about his family.
"So basically the reason I got kicked out was because when he called for a fireblast to light up the night, I tripped and caught his pak on fire. I tried to put it out but I couldn't. I turned to him and he started to yell at me." Ander continued, he was feeling really bad about talking about what had happened. "So eventually I stoped listening and he kicked me out. Litterally, he kicked me right in the face." Ander felt another tear coming up. This time he did control him self and he didn't let it come out.
"He kicked you in the face!?" Midnight almost yelled. She was outraged. "I swear that if we ever find him I will kick him in the face. See how he likes it."
Ander just laughed and said that she didn't have to. He didn't really care anymore.

After breakfast, Midnight and Ander packed up and left. They were walking down a grassy hill, talking about this and that. Having a good old time. It was really fun for Ander to be able to let loose and not have to worry about pleasing his old master. About two hours of walking proved useful. They found an abandoned home. It looked very decrepid. The front was almost rotten and all the paint was either gone or peeling. Basically, a perfect place for them. They climbed the steps and ander jumped to grab the door knob. He twisted and it sprang open. Inside was a moldy couch which was giving off an odor which is indiscribable. The whole place was a shit hole. Midnight and Ander walked into the kitchen and found a fridge.

With Anders help, Midnight opened it, inside was two cans of pokechow, one beer can, a rotten piece of apple, and some ketchup bottles. The two looked at the cans of chow, they were both well expired by over two months. The beer can was already open and probably flat, the apple wasn't apealing at all so they just skipped that, and the ketchup was infested with bugs.

Midnight was tired from all the walking so she left the kitchen and found a clean spot on the carpet to lie down on. Ander on the other hand was used to such exersize and therefore started to clean up the place. He tried to find a clean room, but since the whole place was a mess, his efforts were useless. Midnight watcher her love walk around the home. She fell asleep watching him, in her dreams, Midnight was in a stadium, not battling but watching. She saw Ander fighting. She saw him win. (She started smiling in her sleep and Ander became very confused but waved it away because he had knocked a chair over.) Midnight followed Ander and his trainer to where the battle weary could rest. She wasn't allowed in the building though. Midnight climbed up a wall and watched through a window. Ander was drinking something and had a piece of cake in his paw. His trainer was sitting on a couch with a beer on the table in front of him. He turned on the TV and it was some sort of weird game show. Ander walked up to the TV and changed it.
His trainer flipped it back and told Ander to get over here. Ander looked a bit scared, but he didn't feel afraid (yes that is possible). The trainer picked him up and placed him on the table. He told Ander to get his beer, it was so close to his trainer that Midnight guessed he was being lazy. Ander bent over to pick it up, he walked toward the edge of the table and held the beer out.
"Good bitch, now give me the beer now!" His trainer said. This made Midnight mad, even in her dream. Ander was about to jump onto the couch, Midnight saw (almost in slow motion) Anders trainer grab him, hit him in the stomach and procede to rape him.
Midnight got hit by a ton of emotional bricks. She woke up with tears in her eyes. Ander looked at her with his head cocked slightly to the side.
"Uh, Midnight? Why are you crying?"
"Ander, *snif* did your trainer really... rape you?" Midnight didn't even want to ask. She was afraid that Ander would think she was insane. Ander however didn't think she was insane, he started to cry a bit. It was true his trainer really did.
"Yes, yes he did. How did you know?" He asked slowly, with a glisten in his eyes.
"I dreampt it, what happened. How?" She responded. "You dont have to talk about it if you dont want to."
"No, it might be better to talk about it." Ander then started to tell the story. Which will be told later.

Ander was jumping in the air to give his trainer a beer. He saw his trainer's hand swipe and grab him. Ander struggled to get away but was hit in the head. This made him a bit dizzy. He tried to figure out what was going on, but then his vision cleared up a bit and he saw what was about to happen. His trainer had pulled down his pants and forced Ander's muzzle onto his cock. Ander gagged on it, he was scared shitless. His trainer started moving Ander's head up and down. Ander still tried to stuggle away, but that seemed to make his trainer abuse him even more.
His trainer was loving it though. He had always hated Ander, and this seemed like the best way to truely scar Ander for life. Just the thought of it made him even harder. It didn't take long for Ander's trainer to shoot his cum into Ander's muzzle. With all those sick thoughts that Ander's trainer had, and the gagging from Ander which caused his toung to "massage" his trainer, it was a wonder that he lasted those ten minutes. Ander finally broke free.
Unfortionatly, his trainer had more ideas. Ander started to run away, but he was still dizzy fromm being hit and fucked in the mouth that his trainer didn't really have to move. Ander was picked up and thrown against the wall, this knocked him out.

When Ander woke up, his mouth was covered in cum, and his ass was filled too. He was out in the forest, his trainer standing over him.
"Now look what you have done. You stupid fucker, you got us kicked out of the leage." His trainer yelled. "I swear to god that if you ever do something that fucking stupid I will gut you." Ander stood up and started to run. He needed to get as far away as possible. His own trainer, who Ander had once thought of as a friend, had just fucked him. But once again, his trainer proved faster. He picked Ander up.
"So you want to leave. Well too bad. Actually, you can leave on one condition. You ligh me a fire and I promise you I will never bother you." He said. Ander was a little skeptikal, but he decided that he should take the chance.
Ander built up a big fireball and blasted it. He light the kindling up, but the fire was too big. It caught his trainers pak on fire. Ander tried to put it out with some water but his trainer was way to pissed off to let that happen.
"YOU FUCKER. I SWEAR TO GOD GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE" the trainer yelled. "I TRIED TO TAKE YOU IN, I TREATED YOU NICELY, AND THIS IS WHAT I GET" He kicked Ander right in the mouth and made Ander go sprawling. Ander grabbed his own pak and ran. He ran as far as he could. He ran untill he was out of breath. He sat down by a tree and cried.

And that is what happened.


I dont know why I did this part so dont ask. Or do, I might think of a reason.
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