AGNPH Stories

Midnight Seduction (Redone) by squirrely


Forget the past

Yes it is short

Usual Disclaimer, (you know the drill)

I do not own nintendo nor pokemon and yes that would be cool but unfortionitly I also

have no affilliation and this is a story of pure fan-ishness?!

"Holy shit, all that really happened?" Midnight was shocked at Ander's retelling. She

had gotten enough to prove that Ander's old trainer was bad, but this story topped it all. Ander

had been raped by his old trainer. He litteraly got fucked over.
Ander didn't want Midnight to see him cry, he tried to keep the tears back once again.

Midnight saw his eyes squeeze shut, she knew he was crying.
"Ander, Im sorry I had you retell that. I had no idea that anything that bad could have

possibly happened to you. I really feel horrible. But you know I love you right?" Midnight was

almost crying. She felt a mix of hate and sadness. "Im sorry I made you cry"
"No, Im not crying *snif*" Ander tried to cover it up. He couldn't, Midnight slid over

to him and gave him a sorrow filled hug. She wraped her arms around his shacking body. Ander

leaned in close to her and snuggled in her warm body. They stayed like that for a while, neither

saying anything. Eventually the sun went down and the moon rose up, casting an eerie sillouete

of the window, just like the cliche window moonlight thing. Ander finally pulled away and looked

at Midnight.
"Wow, you are truely beautiful. I can not believe that you are here with me." Ander

softly said. He saw that in the moonlight she was glowing. Her rings were glowing with an aura

of blue. Her eyes were softly glowing with an orange backlight. He could see her tail swishing

back and forth, leaving a trail of light, such as one that is left behind with sparklers. (you

know what I mean I hope).
She could have said the same thing, if she were not so captivated by his beauty. Ander

saw that she was staring into his eyes. Ashamed of this sort of affection he was recieving, even

after what they had gone through, he turned his head and blushed.
Midnight leaned in for a kiss, and Ander was ready. They kissed with a passion, a

passion like the one they had both experianced the night before. This time, Ander lead. He put

his hands around her hips, massaging that area, he then moved his hands down to her nicely shaped

ass. He massaged there too. Midnight purred a bit, this made Ander happy. He was doing

something right. He broke the kiss and slightly pushed her onto her back. Midnight, already

horny, was ready to take him all the way. Ander wasn't going to ruin it right away though. He

lent in and started to lick her inner thighs. She quivered, and laughed a bit.
"Oooo, whoa, that tickles a bit." Ander made a feeble attempt to laugh back, but all

that came out was a muffled umph. Midnight, feeling an intense pleasure scooted foward abit.

Just enough for Ander to start pleasuring her even more. Ander loved her taste.
Ander explored Midnight with his tounge. He licked her for a good couple of minutes, all

the time wanting to stick it in her, but controlling himself, just like a gentleman should do.

Midnight soon let out an audibal purr. Ander had made her cum, he felt her scooting more toward

him, she wanted all of his tounge in her. Midnight was once again in heaven. He gave her one

more lick and then he moved upward. He licked her stomach, then her chest, then Ander kissed her

quickly, grabbed her paws, held them behind her back like she liked, and then he started to rub

his cock up and down her very wet sex. Midnight was almost going to cum again, even without

Ander in her, she loved being fucked like this.
"Ander stop teasing me, please, god please." Midnight cried, she wanted him so badly.

She bucked her hips foward, taking control of his teasing and getting Ander in her.
"Well, if you put it that way..." Ander joked. He lifted her up and layed her on him.

Ander was on his back, with his paws still gripping her paws behind her back, Midnight started to

move up and down on his cock. She loved it, not only was Ander huge, but she was having her

fetish taken care of. He looked at her half closed eyes and smiled, he really had found his

No longer did the room reek of mold and dust, it now smelled of sex. The whole room was

getting hotter. Midnight's tail was swishing, grazing Ander's legs now and again. Her rings

were glowing a dark blue and her eyes, her beautiful eyes were glowing a bright orange. Her ears

were bouncing up and down in sync with her motion.
Suddenly Midnight made another purr, this was loud enough to be heard by others, outside

the door even. Midnight felt her orgasm hit, she contracted around Anders invasive cock. Ander

felt her contract too. This gave him the go ahead to cum. He was going to pull out, but

Midnight had felt him shake, which was a good enough sign that he was about to cum.
"Your not going anywhere. You just stay where you are." Midnight said, she wanted to

feel Ander shoot his seed into her wating body.
He closed his eyes and came. Midnight was suprised at how hot his seed was, it made her

cum again, and even once more. Ander felt her pussy contract around him, which made everything

ten times better. He came again and again, filling her all the way. Eventually he felt some

start to drip out of her. She grinded her hips against his, she wanted more. Some of their

mixed juices seeped out and onto the floor. Ander was still bucking, as was Midnight, so he

could get all the pleasure he could. Unfortionatly even a man like he had to stop, he became

soft and pulled out. Midnight was exhausted. But not too much, she leaned over him, and started

to lick their mixed juices from his softening cock. It was better than she could have imagened.
Ander leaned over to her and kissed her.
"Good night my sweet love." he said.
"Good night Ander, I hope we can be mates for life"
"We will, on my life I promise we will." With that last sentance both of them fell

asleep, Ander's arm around Midnight.


Yea, im pumping these out like Ander. He he, uh yea. More requests, I cant keep thinking of this that fast. Ug.
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