AGNPH Stories

Midnight Seduction (Redone) by squirrely


Midnights alone time

The usual shit, (dont own pokemon, nintendo, but yes I still want to)

Midnight was the first up, she still felt a bit tired from the night before. As she sat up, she noticed that Ander's love

was still on her. Some near her waist and some around her muzzle. She licked her lips to get that off, but she couldn't reach her

waist, she decided to take a shower.
Midnight went into the kitchen and climbed onto the counter. She turned on the faucet but nothing came out.

Midnight waited a bit, and out trickled a rust colored water. She was disgusted, but waited. It eventually started coming a little

clearer. Midnight put something in the drain to fill the sink up. (AUTHOR'S NOTE: if you hadn't noticed, these are small

pokemon both are about 2 feet tall. They only look like an Umbreon and Charmander, but act like humans in most cases) She

jumped into the water. It was a deep sink. Midnight sat down in the water, relaxing in the warm current.
She looked around for some soap. None was to be found.
"Shit, now what am I susposed to use?" she asked the air. She just sat there and soaked. Midnight didn't really

care about the soap but she did want to look her best for Ander. Because of that, she started to rub her body, hoping that the

friction could cause some dirt to come off. She started to feel better about her self as she rubbed. When she started to rub her

thighs, she took a deep breath, it had really made her feel good. Midnight slowly rubbed upward. She started to rub her cunt,

she was getting really turned on. She closed her eyes and continued. Her body was causing the water around her to heat up.

She started to finger herself, the heated water rushed in and out as she did. The sensation it caused was beautiful, almost like a

suction feeling, she moaned a little. Her body tensing and relaxing in such a fasion that it made her shiver. Caught up in such

pleasure, she didn't notice that Ander was watching her. He had woken up when he heard the water running, he didn't think

much of it until he heard her moan.
Ander was going to jump in, but being a fire type, his tail flame would go out, and that might kill him. Being splashed

with water, or even hit by a water blast wouldn't do it, but soaking in water would. So he sat down on the toaster and watched.

Midnight was in her own world. With the new feeling of the water rushing, she soon came. It was wonderful. The water was

flooding with her juice. Midnight moaned in pleasure much louder than she had intended. It was so loud that a Squirrel outside

heard it.
Ander snapped out of the daze he was in from watching his lover pleasure herself. He glanced up at her, her eyes

were glazed over, and they were half closed. She still didn't notice him.
Eventually Midnight came to. She looked up at Ander and if she wasn't covered by fur, she would have turned a

deep red. Midnight was extreemly embarased by having been looked at while she masturbated. Slightly annoyed that Ander

hadn't said anything, but also even more turned on than before. She stood up, climbed out of the sink, and walked over to

"Next time you can help."

Yea, that was short but I wanted to post something new. I am still working on another so dont worry. My god damn internet is

fucking up though, so I might not be able to post for a while.
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