AGNPH Stories

Full Blown Soul by trowa_aizu


All Around The World

Okay guys, this is my first story in the erotic field, I hope you all like it, and if you don't just tell, I don't mind it.

This first chapter doesn't has a sex scene, but it will soon come, just wait a bit for it,I'll try not to let you all down with it.

In this chapter (and next ones too) I mention wrestling, it has a reason, you just will have to wait a bit to know what is going.

Okay, let's get the show in the road.

Full Blown Soul

Chapter 1: All Around The World

For most people under the age of 20 their dreams is to go out into an adventure, going from land to land, without stopping them rivers, mountains or the incredible sea that connected every continent; everyone had an adventure like that, and then they decided to turn into a full time trainer, or pass to a breeder, researcher or anything like that; it was few the people who decided to work for something else related to Pokémon, from marts, construction, police, thief; all of that in some way or other was related to Pokémon.

Those memories of the young days were the most precious to people and trainers, it was always a pity when someone decided to simply forget those days; but for some, it's not their decision to forget.


The strong winds were picking up his old trusted cloak around his body, his goggles were protecting his eyes from the icy storm up ahead, he just didn't felt the horrible coldness around him anymore, he felt like any other day while his travel was taking him to the most unexplored lands of the world, who only he and his companions will be able to reach; taking a glance besides him he saw the other people and Pokémon who were following him every day; inside his cloak he smiled a bit remembering what was the event that started all of this.


High in the sea three Wingull soared over in the direction of the shining blue sea at that morning; Nurse joy was simply watching the beautiful scenario from the window of the Pokecenter she have worked for years, basically since she was a little girl; everything was so calm in the town, but that was obvious since the island was not a really traveled one for trainers.

The small island of Calliope was not a highlighted area in the maps or the Pokenav because, and quite honestly, there was nothing interesting to do, this was only an island of fishers and a few local trainers, some of them had stories of their travels while the kids decided to start their training and go out themselves; the town's specialty was water Pokémon which was not a surprise seeing where they were.

Nurse Joy was the third one of her family who took the charge, her mother died giving her birth, and her father simply decided to go in an adventure... to never come back; she was alright with that right now, after all she barely saw him since he was a sailor right now, always expending time in the sea for days, even for weeks before coming home for a day and once again going to the sea, but that didn't mattered, it still hurt; in her own opinion, this was her home, she loved her work, even if there was so little of it, but it was her life, and she accepted it fully; after all, she wasn't alone now.

Turning around from her position in front of the window she went back besides the counter waiting for the trainer that she saw walking up the hill came to the center; the doors opened up with an automatic sensor letting the young trainer walk inside; she have never seen her in the town, she was definitely a new trainer watching how her skin was a little pale, although it seemed more like she was a little famished; traveling through the sea was a really dangerous adventure if you did it alone.

"Welcome, in which way I can help you?" Joy asked in her usual way; the trainer was a little young, barely 14 years old, she had her blue hair in a haircut over her shoulders, she was wearing a white t-shirt and dark grey jeans that seemed they had better days; the trainer smiled coming to the counter showing up two pokeballs.

"Yes, I would like to heal my pokémon, and they could use a day or two to rest" she said with a happy tune in her voice, finally with a tired sigh she slumped on a chair close to her; Joy giggled a little at that, she knew of first hand how it was for trainers to finally arrive to another town safely.

Placing the two pokeballs in the machine Nurse Joy also revised the information of the two pokémon inside them; the first one was a Persian, although it seemed quite healthy in her opinion, but like all pokémon it was better if she rested, if the information in the computer was right; the other one was the one in the worst shape, it seemed as the Lapras in it was traveling nonstop, she was really tired from that but besides that there was nothing of emergency right now.

"Your pokémon will be ready to travel again tomorrow miss..." Joy said waiting for the other trainer to talk.

"Oh, yeah, where are my manners? My name is Alice, a pleasure, is good they are okay"

"Yes, from where you came from? We don't usually have a lot of foreign trainers in this island"

"Well, I'm from Rustboro, I decided to travel through the sea and go to the other end of Hoenn... but I got lost in the way; I suppose I'm not that good with orientation"

"What about your Pokenav?"

"While I was in the open sea my Pokenav... well, I just couldn't turn it on, it's broken now, so I got lost in my way, thankfully Lapras saw this island and we came here"

"Well, you had luck this time; try to be more careful next time"

"Yes, a trainer needs to be careful, not just for her but for her pokémon too" said a voice behind Alice which made her jump at least two feet in the air; turning around she went face to face with a boy, or at least she would have if she wasn't more than a head shorter.

"Alexander, I didn't knew you was up, good morning" Joy said to her 'assistant' in the Pokecenter, there was quite a history between them.

"Good morning Imouto, did you need any help around?" Alexander asked to his surrogated 'sister'; Alexander was quite tall since he wasn't precisely young, he had a deep brown short hair and chocolate eyes, his skin was slightly tanned like the rest of the people in the island; he was right now wearing a deep blue t-shirt, dark grey jeans and grey sneakers; the thing that called attention more on him was his forehead, where a small mark in the form of a diamond was; in the opinion of the rest of the girls in the island he was really cute, in the way where he doesn't realize he is cute; mostly, Alexander was rather quiet when it came to girls, but he was always talkative with other trainers, it didn't mattered which gender they were.

"Well, can you prepare something to breakfast? And be sure to make also for our little guest" joy said at the surprised face of Alice.

"What? Really, is okay"

"Of course not, look at your face; you are really pale, I'm sure you didn't had food for more than a day while lost"

"Well, maybe, but..."

"No buts young lady, you will eat and that's my orders as a nurse" she said hushing away the trainer in the direction of the food-hall.

"At your service Imouto, what would you like today?" he asked with a big grin on his face.

"Well, what about pancakes? And don't be cheap with honey like last time" she said edgy while Alexander only laughed a bit walking away; joy sighed feeling rather happy having her own 'brother' making her company, it have been really weird the night when he got into the center; she remembered it was a storm night.


The strong winds were picking up even more, the palm trees were swinging around with the strength of the wind and the drops of water were falling to the ground like small bombs; it have been one of the worst storms in a long time, at least the worst in the young memory of Joy while she stood awake looking at the storm outside the reinforced windows of the Pokecenter; luckily the houses of the island were also reinforced, they were more than prepared for situations like this to worry about them, and she knew the pokémon were already in their houses and safely, they weren't stupid.

Joy screamed when an outline stood in front of the door with the light of a thunder, with a hand on her heart she tried to not panic, her heartbeats felt like a racing horse from the fear of the impression; finally the doors opened up letting the figure go inside; he was wearing a poncho-like dark brown coat, over his head were goggles, with one hand he lifted them up to let her see two deep chocolate colored eyes.

"Good... I came..." was the only thing he was capable of saying before he toppled over falling into the hard floor.


After that her 'brother' was unconscious for more than a day, he had an horrible cut in the back and a bump on the back of his head that was not made from where he felt on the floor, it seemed there was a lot inside of him, some things that neither her or Alex knew.


Alice devoured pancake after pancake and behind Alex's head was a rather big sweatdrop, she was really hungry.

"That was delicious" she said finishing her plate, she felt like if her belly was three times bigger.

"It was my pleasure; I usually do the food around here so I need to be good" Alex said feeling at ease with a trainer, he never understood why he felt like that, but he didn't tried to answer his question, he knew he would never have answers.

"I never heard of a Joy having a brother, they usually only have sisters"

"Yeah, I know, because we are not brothers"


"That's right, she told me that I came to the Pokecenter in a really bad shape, since then I stay here and help her around, she is like a little sister to me"

"Wow, how cool, so what's your age?"

"I don't know"

"You don't know or you don't want to tell?"

"I simply cannot remember"

"Like... amnesia?" she said interested even more on the older man in front of her.

"Yeah, more or less, the doctor of the island told me that I had something like... selective amnesia, I cannot remember things related to me, only about other things, like where are Rustboro and Littleroot, the different kinds of pokémon and things like that; amazing but true"

"Wow... that's amazing, and I'm only a trainer, a pretty bad one"

"Really? Well, too bad, you need to catch more pokémon and train them, it's not so hard, and you only need to trust in yourself and in your partners, is as simple as that"

"And here he goes again; he's really good at that; Alice, are you going to stay here tonight?"

"Yah, probably, I think I'll better have a shower, that's it if you let me" she said a little flushed.

"Of course you can, is at the end of the hall, you cannot miss it, and there's also towels, soap and shampoo, so enjoy it" Alice only nodded while walking in the direction "she is really fun, right? A little low spirit, but that can change"

"Yeah, I wish I could remember how I was at that age"

"Oh, come on brother, you know we will find out sooner or later, just have a little of patience" Nurse joy said while holding the hand of Alex who was seating at the other side of the table.


Alice was humming to herself while rinsing off the dirt in her skin, this was the last time she went into the ocean without seeing first that her Pokenav was working correctly, it was so good that Lapras saw the island, maybe by now she would have been only bones, she though while getting into the shower; laughing to herself from the mental image she didn't heard a faint thud in the wall of the shower, followed by an even stronger blow, then, the wall exploded in a smoke screen.


Alex yawned once again; he was pretty tired after all of his works of maintenance of the Pokecenter yesterday; lately he have been feeling kind of weird when he was working with his sister, like he would feel lightheaded or starting to loss focus for a second; the weirdest thing of all was that he felt like that every time he was in contact with a pokeball or directly with a pokémon; it wasn't an allergy, so there must be another reason behind it; sadly, with his life, nothing was as simple.

Alex's eyes went wide open in a second after hearing a crumbling sound and a loud scream coming from the bathroom; standing up and dashing from his room he got in a couple of seconds in front of the door of the bathroom just to be quickly tackled; Alex's body tensed to be able to counterattack whatever was attacking him, but that was forgotten once he felt the wet skin of the arms and the scream of a young girl that was only reaching his chest.

"HEEEEEEELP!" Alex quickly disengaged himself from Alice and went inside the bathroom; he wanted to see what was attacking his home; he also didn't wanted to be there with a naked preteen girl in his arms when his sister arrived to see what was the commotion; he was as perverted as any other guy but he just wasn't into that.

Alex went out of his little world just at the time to duck and avoid a gloved hand making a direct jab to where his face was, without stopping to think what the hell was happening he speared his opponent flying both outside the bathroom via the big hole in the wall, he was going to thank Vincent after showing him the wrestling shows; once they felt to the floor he quickly rolled out and stood up of the range of the other thing he was fighting; the other one also stood up to see eye to eye at Alex; the tank top, the boxing gloves, Alex's opponent was nothing else than a Hitmonchan... a really angry Hitmonchan by the way.

With a scream the Hitmonchan attacked Alex even angrier than before with a right jab at Alex who only had time to block it but he didn't saw the left hook that was next, the blow was right into his chin sending him stumbling backwards, the pokémon was strong, Alex though after shaking his head from the impact.

"Let's get ready to rumble" he said with a big grin after his eyes started to shine with strength, the small diamond in his forehead started to grow until it transformed in a brown rhombus that was the size of his forehead, inside of it was another white rhombus; the Hitmonchan didn't even saw this after realizing that he had found at least a good opponent; he was going to finish the fight in one blow; his right fist started to shine and a flame appeared around, Alex knew what that meant, and there was something he could do; the Hitmonchan attacked dashing at Alex ready to finish him; Alex once again ducked the attack with even more speed, it was almost like he was using agility, then he did something amazing, he attacked head first, literally, making a headbutt attack that landed directly into Hitmonchan's chin; almost like the retaliation for the other attack; Hitmonchan was completely stunned from that attack, he have never seen a human attacking with that speed, but this wasn't over, opening his eyes and looking at the front he saw Alex gaining speed until the human was nothing but a blur after using something too similar to a quick attack; the impact send Hitmonchan through the air to land with great strength to the floor, his eyes were spinning signaling that he was knockout.

A pokeball went flying landing on top of Hitmonchan, the blinding light engulfed the pokémon to finally get inside the small device; after shaking a couple of times it finally stopped with a final sound; Alex turned around to see his sister Joy with her arm extended showing that she was the one who threw the pokeball; besides her was Alice who fortunately had a towel around her small body; Joy took a few steps and retrieved the ball, she then faced Alex looking how the rhombus once again went back to being a small diamond in his forehead; this was the third time she saw it, and every time she was feeling like this; scared; scared of the man she called brother.

"Is everybody okay?" Alex asked walking like if nothing ever happened; Alice stood there with her eyes wide.

"Th... that was... that was so cool! I cannot believe you defeated a Hitmonchan! That was amazing!" Both Joy and Alex blinked before starting to laugh; they could make the repairs later, for now they needed to rest and see from where the heck that pokémon came from.


Alex stood at the side of his sister leaning against the counter while Joy stood in front of the computer revising the information of the resident of the pokeball in it.

"Well, so far I can see Hitmonchan is only knocked out, that was a good blow you did back then Alexander"

"I know, I guess I need to thank Vincent for showing me the wrestling for once" Alex said while thinking back at the fight, for a moment he felt stronger and faster, it was a really intoxicating feeling, and to know that he defeated a pokémon by himself made him feel strangely proud of himself "anything else sis?"

"Well, for once I can assure you that this pokémon is not from this area, and also it doesn't have a registration number, so Hitmonchan was a wild pokémon"

"Or maybe the trainer never took him to a pokémon center"

"A new trainer?"

"Probably, after all is a possibility; the different Hitmon pokémon are known for their love for the fights, they are warriors after all; maybe the trainer wasn't experienced enough to manage a Hitmonchan... also this one is strong" he said touching barely his slightly bruised chin; that one hurt a lot.

"Maybe, but that's only a theory, for now we don't know nothing except that you defeated the Hitmonchan, this pokémon is here in the pokeball in this island... but first... congratulations brother" Joy said taking the pokeball and handing it to her brother "you caught your first pokémon" Alex stood blinking a couple of seconds before smirking.

"Well, what do you think? I'm a trainer... maybe for second time in my life" he said rolling the red and white pokeball in his hand.

"Yes, that's right; treat her well since she is your first pokémon" joy said before walking to the window of the Pokecenter to see the sky outside who was showing the first rays of red of the sunset.

"Alright... wait a minute, what?" Alex said with an utterly surprised face "what did you just said?" Joy simply turned around to face her brother.

"I said take good care of her"

"I heard that, but explain me the 'she'"

"Is simple, your Hitmonchan is female" Alex stood blinking a couple of times before finally bursting into laughter "that was a good joke sis" he said before seeing the straight face of Joy "eh, you are not joking, right?" Joy simply shook her head saying no "but how in the name of Mew is that possible?"

"What is possible?" Alice asked now fully dressed.

"That Hitmonchan... THIS Hitmonchan specifically is female" Alex said showing the pokeball in his hand.

"Oh, okay" Alice said walking in the direction of her room before turning around abruptly with her eyes almost out of her head "WHAT? There are no female Hitmon! That's impossible!"

"Don't you think I know about that? I'm the nurse here, but the information shows that this one in fact is a female; right now maybe we have found out one of the most incredible things in the world, this could something amazing, the discovery that the female Hitmon does in fact exist!" Joy was really happy thinking about that; Alex simply sighed once again knowing really well what he sister was doing.

"Oh god, this is just perfect, she won't come back to the real world in about an hour" Alex said before letting out his new pokémon out of the device, the light quickly formed Hitmonchan's body showing her completely; now her face wasn't showing the anger of before, it was simply curiosity about being outside the pokeball; Alex simply looked at her, not really seeing where was the difference or how to know if it was a female... except the obvious one, but he wasn't that perverted "are you really a girl?"

"Chan?" she said tilting her head in a cute way, her voice was also slightly high-pitched.

"I'll take that as a yes" Alex said before the doors went open again that day showing a boy a little older than Alice walking inside the Pokecenter; he had light green short hair and deep blue eyes, he was also wearing a dark shirt with the letters HWF in it, jeans and sneakers "hey, Vincent, hello"

"Alex! Don't you remember what day is today?"

"Eh, which one? Friday?"

"Come on pal, today they transmit the HWF Ragnarok special event, is the championship match! Is the really special one!" Vincent said showing his excitement.

"Oh, now I remember, then why you aren't watching it in your house?" Alex said confused.

"Well, I was out training Bulbasaur and I forgot about the time, once I saw what time it was I was running to my house, maybe I lost the first fight, but when I got to my home... well, my parents were a little... you know..." he said stuttering a bit.

"A little what?" Joy asked greeting the friend of Alex.

"They were in bed and all that, but anyway, since I didn't wanted to... make them lose the rhythm I went out and came here"

"Thanks for reminding me, I think wrestling is not so bad after all, I think I learned a thing or two, let's watch it in my room" he said before turning around once again at his new pokémon; she was simply watching him with something between curiosity and happiness, he kinda enjoyed that look "oh, well... eh... how should I call you? Do you like Tania?" he asked while Hitmonchan only smiled and nodded.

"So, you got a pokémon at last?" Vincent asked walking with the new named Tania and Alexander, behind them. Alice stood in the same place with a confused look in her face, definitely this island wasn't boring.



"Yeah, I didn't understood a word that boy said" she said answering Joy.

"Well, is the acronym for Hoenn Wrestling Federation, is pretty popular in the island and Vincent is probably the biggest fan around, he even named a couple of his pokémon after his favorite wrestler"

In the room Alex was trying to explain Tania about the matches and all that; what really surprised Vincent was when he asked why he named her Tania and he explained that she was a female, Vincent only blinked once before saying 'that's cool' and turn around to the match in the television.

"You see, this match is called Iron Inferno, is supposed to be in a giant iron cage, with no rules beside the pinfall, is like in box when they count to ten, but you have to be on top of your opponent so the referee counts to three, that's pinfall; so besides that you can use anything you want, even the same cage" he said while Tania nodded turning around to see the television too; her gloves where at her side since she didn't used them all day, it was more comfortable that way; after a few keys and grabs finally the matched was over, with the winner bleeding, but his opponent was worst after they climbed the cage and started to fight on top of it, finally he threw his opponent through the cage over the ring, that was simply spectacular in Alex's opinion.

"Alright, here it comes" Vincent said after watching the entrance of the actual champion, Lion Lexington; in Alex's opinion the guy was really a show-off, he didn't deserved the title, but the people in the crowd liked him, after all he was the favorite of the place; but next came the challenger, the favorite of Vincent "Yeah! Destiny Phoenix!" Alex only chuckled a bit at the antics of his friend, also Tania giggled a bit, startling Alex a bit, and it seemed that Tania was more relaxed than in the morning, thankfully.

After a little over ten minutes it seemed that Destiny was going to lose, after the intervention of Lion's girlfriend who attacked him in the back with a metal chair; Alexander needed to explain to Tania that it was a illegal move, but since the referee didn't saw it he couldn't do a thing; but Destiny stood up and delivered a Muay Thai kick directly into Lion's face to stun him; he then used the ropes behind Lion he jumped on them to impulse himself to go back again backwards grabbing Lion's head while falling down making his opponent fall directly into the mat face first.

"Yeah, DNT!" Vincent jumped up after seeing the signature move of his idol and seeing him win by the count of three and reclaiming the belt; Destiny Phoenix was obviously not his real name, it was Ikan; he had black wild short hair with deep brown eyes that seemed a little like black too; he was wearing an spandex shirt with the imprint of a phoenix draw on his back, also black pants with the words destiny on them and sneakers; somehow every time Alex saw him he had the feeling he have seen Ikan somewhere else, but it was simply a blurry though "that was amazing! Wish I could get out of the island and go to one of their show, men, if only my parents would let me" Vincent said a little depressed but quickly it went away from his face to show a happy grin "but men; that was a good fight! I'll see ya tomorrow, mom and dad would be waiting for me" he said before standing up and going out of the room with a final farewell to Tania and Joy who was downstairs.

"That was interesting; I think I would like to try out something like that if I have to fight again later, what do you think Tania?" he turned around to see his Hitmonchan looking at him kinda strange, like if she was considering something, but quickly she shook her head showing later a small smile and a nod, Alex mentally shrugged his shoulders, after all he never had a pokémon before "yeah, well, want to see what Imouto made for dinner?" Tania once again nodded following him outside the room, but before leaving she had a face full of determination and happiness, finally she have found the perfect one for her, she giggled a little disturbingly if one would have been able to see what was in her mind at those moments.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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