AGNPH Stories

Bright Future, Hazy Past by darius



Hey there! ^-^ This is actually my first story on AGNPH, so I hope you find it to your liking. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, or its franchise, etc.

Chapter Content: Nothing that requires rating constriction.


Bright Future, Hazy Past

Chapter One: Transcension

'Where am I? Am I dreaming this? I feel a pleasant breeze...I hear a voice from somewhere...I wonder who it is?'




"Excuse me...Please, wake up. Come on, wake up."

The voice coaxed me out of my deep slumber. My eyes fluttered open to find a small, yellow mouse standing in front of me. I recognized it immediately as a Pikachu, one of my favorite Pokemon. I got up, and was amazed to discover we stood eye-to-eye. Why was I as short as this Pikachu?

"You're finally awake! Great!" The Pikachu said with a giant grin.

'Wh-where is this...?' I looked around, observing my surroundings. I was lost in a place with soft grass, bushes, trees, and stumps everywhere. There was another pleasant breeze, which carried the aroma of surrounding flowers, and something I couldn't quite place, but it was a lovely scent indeed.

"You were passed out here. I'm glad to see you awake!" The Pikachu said, still smiling. "I'm Trevor. Glad to meet you! ...And, you are? I've never seen you around here before." After a long pause, I regained my ability to talk.

"I'm...I'm a human," I said sheepishly. Talking to strangers, especially Pokemon that spoke English was never quite my forte.

"Huh? You're a human?" The Pikachu replied with a bewildered look. He frowned slightly and looked me up and down, making me a bit nervous. "But you look like a normal Charmander in every way."

This alarmed me. I looked around and spotted a convenient puddle nearby, probably from rain some time ago. As I walk toward it, I begin to notice my legs are stumpy. I wobbled this way and that, not used to such short legs. This earned me a giggle from Trevor. I finally arrive at the puddle and take a peek.

'It...It's true...I have turned into a Charmander! ...But why? I don't remember anything...' I stared at my reflection a little bit more, not noticing Trevor walking up behind me. Trevor tapped me on my shoulder and I wheeled around to face his confused look.

"Um..." he shuffled his feet. "You're kind of weird." I frowned a bit. 'Weird?' "Your name?" He went on. "What's your name?"

I was a bit hesitant to reveal my name, in case he was to report me to some lunatic home, but eventually I gave in. "...Darius," I said. It was now that I noticed my voice had changed somehow. It was a little higher than it was before, with a bit of a husk to it. I rather liked the change; my old voice was really low and raspy. Though, it wasn't the kind of change puberty brought, of course. That would have been creepy.

"Oh? Darius's your name?" Trevor said, beginning to smile again. "'s a funny name!" He cheered, elbowing me in my side playfully. This one was a jokester, I could already tell. I managed to smile meekly and sigh. Then I looked around again, still not sure of where I was. Trevor picked up on this. "Oh! This is Tiny Woods, by the way. You can see why it's called that, I hope." He patted my back, another gesture that he was joking, and a shriek tore through the silence.

"Somebody! Please! Help me!"

Trevor and I jumped. "Huh? I hear shouts from over there..." He said. ' was the ice cream man.'

A Butterfree flew into our view, and stopped in front of us, clearly out of breath. "What's wrong?" Trevor asked.

The Butterfree took a few moments to catch her breath before replying. The reply was hastened and panicked. "It's horrible! My Caterpie fell into a cavern! My poor baby!" 'This must be the Caterpie's mother...'

Trevor's and my eyes widened in shock. "What?!" We cried in unison.

"A huge fissure opened in the ground, and my Caterpie fell in!" She cried. "He's too young to crawl out by himself, and when I went to get him, Pokemon suddenly attacked me!" Butterfree was shaking in shock. These Pokemon clearly traumatized her somehow. "They must be enraged by the fissure," she went on. "They're out of control! That's what I think. I'm not strong enough to fend them off...what will become of my baby?" As she began to worry, Butterfree's wings fluttered rapidly.

Trevor looked to me with "idea" written all over his face. "This sounds bad! We have to help!" With that, we rushed into the woods to rescue Butterfree's baby Caterpie.


As time passed, we moved deeper and deeper into the woods. The calls of other Pokemon were abundant and loud. "We've been walking forever, Trevor. I'm a bit tired, and very hungry."

"That's not uncommon, Darius. Berries are all around, you know. We just have to keep an eye out." As soon as he said that, we came upon an Oran Berry bush. They were so blue and luscious that I couldn't resist picking a whole bunch of them and gobbling them down. Trevor laughed and joined me, pigging out as well.

By the time we were done, we had blue berry juice all over our mouths. He began licking his paws and scrubbing his faceâ�"a primitive form of cleaning fur. Of course, seeing as my body was sleek and furless, I couldn't perform such a feat. Knowing this, I started to lick around my face, and noticed I could do just that: lick around my face. My whole entire face was soon covered the saliva from my own long, slightly forked tongue. Wiping my now clean face, I stood up and picked up an Oran Berry for future reference.

"My tongue's so long's a big change," I told myself. Trevor stood up as well, but didn't pick up a berry like I did. His fur was shiny now, and just brimming with such static electricity, I could feel it.

"Let's g--" he started, but was cut off by a Pidgey knocking him back. Another one appeared beside the first.

"Those berries were ours!" One of them cried.

"Yeah, get off our turf!" The other demanded.

"Hey! Don't you mess with my friend!" I roared, slightly unnerving the Pidgey, though they didn't back down. One flew towards me and I cringed, bracing myself. Then, I heard Trevor's voice.

"Thundershock!" He cried, and a stream of electricity flew from him and into the Pidgey, sending it flying into a tree, which knocked him out. The other Pidgey was flying at Trevor while he launched the electric attack, and was about to collide with him. Thinking fast, I dove in front of the Pikachu and held up my claw, which glinted in the sun.

"Scratch!" I called, and swung my claw as hard as I could at the Pidgey. There was a loud scratching sound and Pidgey was knocked back, and it fell unconscious. I looked at my claw in amazement. "Wow..."

Trevor placed a warm, furry paw on my shoulder. "Thanks," he said.

I nodded. "You too." Trevor led me past the fainted Pidgey and into a clearing, where we spotted a Caterpie. We could hear him crying.

"Mommy...where are you?" he sniffled. We walked up to the Caterpie and tried to comfort him.

"...We came to rescue you," Trevor said while I rubbed his back. "Your mom's waiting, so let's get you out of here." Trevor and I smiled reassuringly and the Caterpie was convinced we were friendly. He nodded.

"Okay," he said with a sniffle. We led the Caterpie out and to his mother, who greeted us very happily.

"My baby's safe..." she started with a hiccup of sadness. "I'm sorry...I don't know how I could ever thank you properly!"

Trevor grinned widely. "Oh, that's okay! It was great to find your little boy unharmed, what with all the disasters happening lately."

"Please, may I have your name at least?" Butterfree pleaded.

"I'm Trevor," the Pikachu said.

"I'm Darius," I recited, nodding.

Caterpie looked at us with admiration. "Cool..." Trevor and I chuckled humbly. 'He's staring at us adoringly...those sparkly's kind of embarrassing. But, this doesn't feel bad either. It's like I'm a hero. Helping others in trouble might be a good experience.'

"Thank you, Trevor and Darius!" Caterpie cheered. Butterfree nodded and turned to us.

"I know it isn't really enough, but this is a token of our thanks. Please accept it." She gave us an Oran Berry, a Pecha Berry, and a Rawst Berry. "Thank you so much. Farewell!" She said, and she and her son left the scene.

Trevor turned to me with his trademark giant grin. "Thanks for helping! You're very tough. I was sure impressed." He punched me playfully in the shoulder. "So...what're you going to do? Do you have any plans?" There was a long pause.

"Listen, Darius, if you don't have a place to stay, you should come with me!" Without waiting for an answer, he whisked me away.


He had me close my eyes until we arrived, but when we did I was sure surprised. There was a brick dome atop a mound of dirt surrounded by a brick wall. There were campfires around the site that seemed to burn forever and torches lined the walls.

"Well, this is the place..." He said modestly. My eyes sparkled with joy; I absolutely loved it. I was brimming with an unexplainable happiness, and on the inside I was jumping with glee. It must have shown through, because Trevor giggled, smiling.

"Oh, Darius. You're impressed, aren't you?" I nodded. "I thought so. I thought this would make a good place for you to live. I was sure you would like it." He then explained the concept of the area, including its function and the mailbox.

Apparently, he aspired to help the Pokemon in danger because of the natural disasters that seemed to occur often. He wanted to help the Pokemon in need, and change things so all the Pokemon could live in peace.

"I liked how you handled yourself when we rescued Caterpie. So uh...want to join me and make a rescue team?" I hesitated, but nodded. He threw himself upon me in a giant hug. "Perfect! That's it then," he said.

I caught a whiff of something pleasant, and realized it was the fragrance I breathed in upon waking up. It was Trevor, and he smelled wonderful. I returned the hug, resisting the urge to bury my face into his soft fur to get more of that smell. We released each other.

"We're partners from now on, Darius! Glad to have you on board!" He said.

"So...what's the team's name?" I asked him suddenly. He looked thoughtful.

"Well, I don't have one yet. How about you come up with one?" He suggested, grinning.

I thought long and hard, considering what the name would be, how it would sound, if it was catchy, and if it was agreeable. Coming upon a decision, I blurted the first thing that came to mind. "Team Orion."

There was a long pause, and Trevor's eyes lit up with enthusiasm. "Orion! I love it! It's a really good name, perfect for us! Rescue Team Orion..." I smiled. He really likes it, and that made me happy.

We went inside, and my jaw dropped. It was spectacular! There were two fireplaces, and four mini campfires around a bundle of alfalfa hay, with a giant cobblestone design in the middle of the room. To the sides of the entrance were bundles of logs--for the fireplace and campfires of course--and a big vase full of water. On a table sat a bowl of exotic wax fruits. The place had four big and round windows lining the walls. Trevor walked up beside me.

"Come on, we've had a big day. Let's get some sleep." He walked to the bundle of hay and laid down on it, facing me.

"There's only one bed..." I said, and he shrugged.

"Then we'll share it. It's big enough." I walked over and laid myself down next to Trevor, facing him. It was a bit awkward, but I can't say I didn't enjoy it. I could still smell him; he had the same pleasant and intoxicating aroma, similar to that of lilacs. My eyes fluttered a bit as my mind hazed from the overflow of the fragrance, and I turned over to face the other way, my face redder than what was usual for a Charmander.

"Something wrong?" Trevor asked. He didn't seem to notice my faltering, so I shook my head.

"No, no, I'm fine," I answered with a nervous chuckle. After that, all was quiet save for the crackling of the fires. I heard rustling, then a soft snoring. The crackling and Trevor's light snoring combined with his overwhelming scent lured me into a peaceful, yet slightly uneasy sleep.
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