AGNPH Stories

Bright Future, Hazy Past by darius



Hey! I hope you liked my first chapter. I apologize for the very long wait you had to endure to read this. Anyway, before I start to ramble, here's the second chapter! ^-^

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokemon, its merchandise, yadda yadda. It's copyright of its creator, Nintendo, etc.

Chapter Content: Again, nothing that needs restriction. That is, of course, unless you have a tickling fetish. O.o;


Bright Future, Hazy Past

Chapter Two: Official

My eyes slowly opened, and I looked around. The fires still crackled, filling the room with a very comfortable heat. Sunlight poured in through the room, and combined with the fires provided an almost blinding light, which stung my eyes before they could become used to it.

"...Oof..." I mumbled, rubbing my eyes and blinking a few times. I'm still the same...this isn't a dream after all...I've really turned into a Charmander! I have to admit, though, it's a bit cool. Still...I wonder why I'm even here in the first place.

I looked around again, and noticed Trevor wasn't by my side as he was the previous night. We promised to form a rescue team, Trevor and I. Trevor...I wonder what he's doing. I should go out. With that thought, I leapt out of the hay bed and exited the base.

I found Trevor sleeping just outside the base, near the entrance way. His mouth was slightly ajar, and a bit of saliva dangled from it, threatening to drip down and wet his lemon colored fur. There was a damp spot just above Trevor's belly, which told me many drool droplets had already made their way down. I giggled at the sound of him snoring lightly, and then decided to wake him up. I rubbed his back slowly and he sighed happily in his slumber.

I laughed at this. "Enjoying yourself?" I asked him, and he jolted awake, looking around quickly before wiping his mouth and standing up quickly, chuckling nervously.

"Heheh, sorry," he began, rubbing the back of his neck bashfully, a small blush across his face. He looked thoughtful for a moment, which piqued me to ask, "What's wrong?"

This shook him from his thoughts and he chuckled. "Nothing, nothing, I was just thinking that that backrub...well, to be blunt, it was really good," he said with a big grin. It was my turn to blush now, and I fidgeted with my tail. He continued.

"I was so excited to get started, that I woke up early and came out here at dawn. Of course, you were still asleep, so I waited for you out here, and here I am!" He said with another chuckle and his trademark grin. "Anyway, today is the day we start doing some rescuing! Let's always do our best!" cried Trevor with enthusiasm.

There was a very long pause, and the only sounds that could be heard were the sounds of the campfires--and my tail fire--crackling. I rubbed the back of my neck shyly. "So, uh...when do we start?"

"'s kind of embarrassing, but...we don't have any jobs yet, Trevor said with a nervous chuckle.

"Well, why don't you check the mail? We may have gotten something in there." I suggested. This caused Trevor's ears to perk, and he made his way to the mailbox. Opening it, his eyes lit up.

"I don't believe it! It's here!" I tilted my head and walked over behind Trevor, placing my chin on his shoulder and peeking over it. While I did so, my nostrils filled with that heady scent of his, causing my vision to haze momentarily. I heaved a pleasant sigh softly, yet audibly, and Trevor picked up on it. "...What is it?" he asked.

I meeped and shook my head a little, signifying nothing was up. He turned back to the item he was holding, which looked like what humans would call a "tackle box", the box used for holding items when one would fish. Trevor opened it and there were an abundance of compartments and pockets, all for holding items. There were a few items already inside, actually.

Trevor held up an enamel object, shaped like an egg and colored a two-tone pink and peach. The back of the object was gold-plated, and there was a pin attached to it. "This is an official rescue team badge! It lets everyone know that we're the real deal," Trevor said with a wide grin. Next, he held up what looked to be a newspaper article.

"This is an issue of Pokemon News, complete with headlines, gossip and even sports." He took a brief look at the paper, and read a quote from the sports columnist's comment. "'If you can throw it, hit it, volley it, or hit me in the head with it, I'm your guy! Just come to me if you want to know about sports!' Hm. I don't think we'll be needing that..." he declared, tossing the sports section aside.

"Cool, we're official now!" I cried suddenly, thrusting a fist into the air. "Let's go out and start rescuing!" Trevor put the article back into the mailbox and slung the toolbox--which came with a handy strap--around his shoulder. I could tell he was about to mention the fact that we haven't gotten any orders when a Pelipper flew by, stopping briefly to drop a note into the mailbox, then took to the sky, continuing on with his route.

"Oh? I wonder what it could be..." Trevor chimed suddenly. This prompted me to check the box myself, pulling the hatch down. "Maybe it's a rescue job offer!" he cried, his eyes alight with wonder. "What does it say?"

I begin to read the letter. There are several words that make no sense read silently, but when sounded aloud they have a tone akin to that of buzzing. The letter begins with that, accompanied with a recommendation from a Caterpie. It must have been a friend of the Caterpie Trevor and I had saved yesterday that sent this letter. "It's from a friend of Caterpie's," I relay. Trevor's ears twitch upon hearing the baby Pokemon's name, recognizing it.

"That's cool, what's it say?" He asks, walking over to stand next to me, reading the letter. His furry arm grazes my scaly one, sending shivers up the limb and around my body. I didn't know I had such sensitive nerve endings...

Disregarding the thought, I continued to read the letter out loud. "'We need your help! Our friend, a Magnemite, is in peril! A strange vibe coursed through a nearby dungeon and stuck together two Magnemite; that's not enough to form a Magneton! It isn't complete, and we need help!" A few more buzzing sounds signaled the end of the message, and I folded it closed and stuffed it back into the envelope. I placed the envelope in the mailbox, alongside the Pokemon News article.

"You think we should go, right?" Trevor asked impulsively. I nodded, of course, and we set course for the location: Thunderwave Cave.


The trek would last longer than we had suspected; Thunderwave Cave was quite a distance away from our base. Sure, we expected it might take a while, but not this long of a while. We decided to stop and rest for a bit, picking a nice, semi-rocky clearing in which to relax.

"This is taking much longer than I had thought..." Trevor said, parking his rump on a rather large rock. He began to rub his feet. "My feet are so sore..." This struck a horrible idea into my head. If we couldn't even make it to this destination, how can we have what it takes to make it to harder ones? Apparently, my concern showed on my face, because Trevor had asked me that all too familiar question: "Is something wrong?"

"It's nothing," I replied, with the same one I always do. I sat down beside the Pikachu, unintentionally watching him rub his feet. Seeing him do so made my own feet sore, and I began to massage them. I giggled softly. I was always very ticklish, so it would stand to reason that soft contact with my feet would trigger a reaction, but Trevor shot me a weird look.

"What was that?" He asked, holding back a laugh of his own. "Did you just giggle?" I nodded slightly.

"Just a bit ticklish," I admitted. "I didn't expect it, was all." A mischievous little grin crawled across the electric rodent's face, and he inched closer, his paws groping the air. This caused me to shrink back a little bit, and he took that opening to tickle attack me, using his furry little fingers to probe around my sides and under my chin and the soles of my feet. I burst into a gigantic fit of laughter, flailing about as I tried to avoid the assault.

My laughter intensified as he began using his lightning bolt-shaped tail to tickle my feet, focusing his paws around my sides and neck. As I flailed, so did my tail, raising the temperate around us and causing us to lightly perspire. After continuing his attacks for a solid five minutes, I finally cried out: "Uncle, uncle! I give!" He stopped, drawing his digits away from my body, still wearing that silly grin.

I sat up, panting heavily and coated in a thin film of sweat. I loved the feeling. I looked to Trevor to find his fur had been dampened with sweat, which had changed the usual lemon color of it to a fine goldenrod hue. He was still smiling; sweat managing to trickle through his fur and down his face. He was panting as well. I found that I rather enjoyed this look for him; the fur clinging to his shape and accentuating his reasonably fit form. I felt my cheeks get hotter, and I looked away as he began to speak.

"That was fun," he said. "I didn't know anyone could be so ticklish," he added, sweeping his tail across my right foot playfully. I winced and giggled again, the blush plastered on my face. Once we both caught our breath and had cooled down, it was time to go. We left as hastily as we could, trying to make up for the time we had used 'resting'.

As we walked, I began to contemplate why I tended to be so bashful around Trevor. I mean, I should be somewhat nervous, since he's merely an acquaintance, but it felt like something beyond nervousness, as I tended to be shy around him more than anyone I've ever known. I couldn't place a finger on it, so I decided to just leave it be for now.


"We're finally here," Trevor observed, stopping as the base of the giant rock structure that was to be our destination. A gaping hole bore through the rock, creating the cave we were about to explore. Two Magnemite were already at the entrance, waiting for us.

"Oh, you're here!" the one on the right cried, buzzing. "My friends are inside, somewhere deep. You'll have to look around for a while, but we can feel the pulses linking them together out here, so they shouldn't be far. Please help them!" Trevor and I nodded our understanding, and the Magnemite parted, letting us enter.

Inside the cave was dusty and rocky, with weeds growing from the cracks. There was a slight static in the air, like what you would feel right before a thunderbolt strikes nearby. Trevor noticed this. "This feeling is weird, but strangely likable..."

I shook my head and led us further in. The more we walked, the more static-filled the air seemed to be, and the more it affected Trevor. Pretty soon, he walked with the stride of an intoxicated human, wobbling this way and that with little balance. The static was apparently giving him some sort of energy boost unnatural to him, causing his motor skills to weaken in functionality. "Hold onto my waist," I suggested. "You can keep your balance that way as we walk."

He wrapped his downy arms around my waist as I had instructed, though he took longer than I would have liked. These slow movements affected me as well, the furry arms brushing against my back and belly causing me to let out a weak whimper of bliss. As was discovered earlier, my nerve endings had become extremely sensitive. He simply giggled, stating that the sound was delightful.

"Uh...thanks?" was all I could muster, and we began to walk again. Trevor found his hold on me to be too unsteady, so he leaned against my back for extra support, moving my tail out of his way. This tinted my face red, though I made sure to hide it from him. We continued to walk through the static-heavy cave. I began to wonder why it wasn't affecting me in the way it had Trevor, but then I realized that it must have had something to do with the fact that he is an electric-type Pokemon.

After much uneventful walking, I started to think we would never find the missing Magnemite. Just as I became encased in my thoughts, a Poochyena howled and charged right at us in a vicious Tackle attack. Hitting me head-on, I was thrown backward, landing on Trevor. He squirmed beneath me and I stood upright, helping him up. "Sorry," I muttered, turning to face the wild dog.

It barked at us; a light yelp of sorts. I dashed toward it with my claws raised and sparkling. "Scratch!" I called, swiping in its direction. I landed a direct hit, and it was sent flying into the rock wall nearby, passing out. Somehow, after vanquishing the foe, I felt somewhat stronger. I was going to exclaim my joy but instead, small flames shot from my mouth.

I had leveled up! Not only that, I had learned the attack Ember as well! Trevor came up to me and congratulated me with a shaky thumbs-up sign. I laughed, turned around and allowed him to wrap his arms me once more. We continued onward.

As time passed, I found it strange that the only enemy we should come upon was a Poochyena. It felt so weird, though I wasn't complaining. Along the way we had found some money, an Apple, a Blast Seed, and a few Oran and Pecha Berries. We were well-prepared for anything now.


After much more trekking, Trevor and I finally came upon a clearing surrounded by a thin moat. The moat itself bordered all but the path we were taking, and for this I was grateful. In the clearing, I spotted to floating metal spheres: the Magnemite. Trevor had apparently recovered enough from his drunken state to notice them, too, because he cried, "Oh! There they are! Hurry, let's get them out safely." His voice, however, was garbled, telling me he had not fully recovered yet, though he could walk properly again. We carefully led the Magnemite out of the cave, where they separated and rejoiced.

"Our bodies separated!" One cried, buzzing. Another Magnemite, the one we had talked to upon arriving, cheered and buzzed. The other joined in soon, making me smile, enjoying the feeling of a job well done. One floated up to us, handing us some money, a seed, and an apple. "Thank you so much," he said, "you are our hero!" The Magnemite friends cheered more before floating around us and leaving the area. We took that as our cue to return home as well.

It turned out that the trip back didn't last nearly as long as it did there. Trevor and I were standing in front of our base now, and he had nearly fully recovered from his state of inebriation. "I'm glad our mission went well today," he said, his voice less garbled. "I was nervous since this was our first official mission." He yawned abruptly, rubbing his eyes. "Let's get some sleep; I'm exhausted!" I smiled and he led me inside, laying down on the alfalfa hay.

I joined him, still wearing my smile. I was facing him, and this time did not turn around, for by now I was used to his scent. We started into each others eyes for a bit before I closed mine. As I did so, I felt something soft press against my nose for a split second. My eyes opened ever so slightly to see Trevor's retreating face, which held a small smile. I opened my eyes all the way, and his quickly clamped shut. Feigned snores emitted from him, and I blushed deeply. Had he done what I thought he'd done? I decided to wait a few more minutes before drifting off to a peaceful sleep with a smile.
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