AGNPH Stories

Bright Future, Hazy Past by darius


Becoming A Tourist

Hey all! Phew! I'm sorry that this update took so long. I finally got fed up with my old comp and bought myself a brand spankin' new laptop! With that out of the way, I won't delay! I'm here to say, now come and stay! I'm gonna pay...for all those rhymes. u.u;

(By the way, I changed the function of the Gulpin's Shop, seeing as characters in a story can think to make combos on their own without some machinal box thing to allow them to do so.

Also, I apologize for the shortness, but after waiting so long, I figured I at least owed you guys another chapter.)

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, its merchandise, yadda yadda. It's copyright of its creator, Nintendo, etc.

Chapter Content: Just implications. It's up to you to decide what is being implied...


Bright Future, Hazy Past

Chapter Three: Becoming A Tourist

Beyond my realm of sleep, all was dark and quiet. The opposite holds true within my dreams. It is very warm, very vibrant. It even seemed to be accompanied with heavenly music. I can see myself dozing, though I am sitting up when I know that in fact, I am laying down. My dream self stirs lightly.


He shifts in his sleep, though his eyes remain closed.


He moves about more, clearly on the verge of awakening, but he still sleeps. It seems that as long as my eyes are closed, his are as well. I can almost hear my dream self's thoughts, as though I were thinking them myself.

"Where...where am I? ...Is this a dream?"

More stirring, this fit of movement being a softer one, as if there was trouble maintaining a balance.

"...Oh? There's someone here..." I look around, Dream Darius remaining stationary. "Who is it? ...Someone I know?" I begin to think to myself, Dream Darius snoozing away peacefully. It seems that though his thoughts are transmitted to me, mine aren't to him.

"I can't remember..." I mentally decide.

I am drawn into the waking world by a jaunty tune whistled by a bird outside. The fires still crackled, keeping the room toasty. I embraced the feeling briefly before recollecting my thoughts, giving myself a chance to make sense of things.

I think I dreamt something...But I can't quite remember what that dream was about... A smile followed a small shrug. I chuckled inwardly. Oh well. Today's another day of rescue with Trevor...

As I thought about him, an image of last night's events flashed through my mind. I recall the Pikachu's face quite clearly retreating from my own, and place two digits lightly against my nose, thinking of the soft sensation I felt before seeing it.

Shaking the thought from my mind reluctantly, I focused on the day's protocols. "I wonder if we have any mail?" I said, thinking Trevor was still beside me. As I turn to look, though, I discover he isn't. Sighing lightly, I roll my eyes in a mock sarcasm. Must be sleeping outside again...

"Better check the mailbox, then," I say to myself, now knowing full well Trevor wasn't there. I make my way outside, my tail seeming to attract all the heat in the room as if it were a heat magnet, giving the room a brief chill. As my full body exited the place, however, it flooded with warmth again.

The sunlight greeted my warmly, and I basked in it momentarily before looking around, not spotting Trevor. A little dismayed, I walked up to the mailbox anyway and opened it, only to find it empty. A leave blew out, carried away by a soft breeze.

"Oh...that's a little melodramatic, isn't it?" I say to the wind, knowing it wasn't able to answer back. I turn as I hear footsteps behind me, and grin as I see my favorite Pikachu walking up to greet me.

"Hey, Darius! You're up a bit early..." He said with a smile as wide as my grin. He laughed. Looking past me, he noticed the open mailbox. His eyes lit up instantly, and he gasped, stepping closer. "Oh, you've checked the mailbox? ...Was there anything?" he asked hopefully. "You know, any rescue requests?"

I cast my gaze downward, my feet suddenly becoming interesting. I shuffled my left foot across the dirt, and shake my head, predicting the news would sadden Trevor, and not wanting to see his reaction head-on.

"Huh? Empty?!" From his voice, I gathered he was pretty upset, but more shocked than anything. I look up to make eye contact with him. He calms almost instantaneously, a small frown visible on his furry face. "Hmm...I guess so. We've only just begun, after all. It should stand to reason it'd be empty."

I smile as he perks up, and walks to stand next to me, his arm around my shoulder. "Oh well. Want to go to Pokémon Square? There might be some jobs posted up at the Pelipper Post Office. It's this way," he said, escorting me westward. "Let's go."


We stepped into the boundaries of town, and I gasped. It was bustling with all sorts of Pokémon; some of them were running about and doing their errands, others socializing, and others just relaxing. As I looked about, I felt my body warm up all over with a fuzzy feeling. For the first time since arriving here, I felt at ease. At home.

"Welcome to Pokémon Square!" Trevor cheered, much like a ringmaster. He led me about the town, holding my hand all the while. I tried avoiding his gaze meanwhile, a light blush hiding within my red scales.

He brought my attention to a fairly sized kiosk. "This is the Kecleon Shop." The chameleon-like Pokémon bow lightly upon being acknowledged. "We'll be coming here often...after all, it's where we'll be filling up our Toolbox!" He chuckled, myself doing the same. He then led me past a dirt path heading north to a stand minded by a single Persian.

"This is the bankâ�"" the Pikachu started, before being cut off by the feline clearing her throat. "Oh, excuse me," he began again sarcastically, "Felicity Bank. It's function should be obvious, of course." I nodded; a bank in any universe is still a bank, I gathered.

He then took me to the from of a booth tended to by a green, blob-like Pokémonâ�"Gulpin. "This is Gulpin's Shop. He just moved in and set up, so I'm not exactly sure what he's all about yet. Probably something out of the ordinary, though, looking at his stock..."

Trevor was right. Inside Gulpin's shop was a lot of different little knick-knacks and figurines, though some were a little bit...questionable. They featured other Pokémon in positions ranging from fighting stances to playful fighting to...well..."other" things. The Gulpin laughed as he saw the deep blush occupying my--and apparently Trevor's--face.

"I run a decór shop," he said simply. "You can spice up any bland room with the things I've got." He followed our gazes to a rather detailed figure of a Growlithe and a Houndour getting 'intimate', and smiled. "Are you interested?"

Stepping back, Trevor and I fanned our hands in a polite decline, shaking our heads rapidly. Our cheeks couldn't shake off the redness, however, and we turned and walked the opposite direction. Trevor released my hand and faced me, jerking his head back to a beastly-shaped building.

"That's the Kangaskhan Storage," he said rather shakily. He must still be a little stunned, I thought to myself. Though, since my own hands were quivering, I didn't have room to talk. "If you put anything in there, they'll never go missing. It's probably a good idea to put anything really important there. I know I do."

I tilted my head, my curiosity piqued. What could he have saved up in that establishment? The thought gnawed at me while he continued to speak, and I didn't catch what he was saying. I did, however, manage pick up something about jobs being posted at the office, just past the city limits. He grabbed my hand again and led me somewhat slowly towards the east exit of the town, allowing me unintentionally to enjoy his soft, furry hold on my sensitive claw.

With my eyes, I led a trail from his hand and up his arm, past his shoulder and to his face. I sighed, a docile smile on my face. I still didn't understand why, but Trevor made me feel so light-headed, so aloof. In a good way. Whenever I was around him I just felt...Well, I couldn't yet explain it, but it was a delightfully wonderful feeling. I found myself wanting more of the feeling, and somehow connected it mentally to the fingurine we saw at Gulpin's Shop.

I felt my eyes grow wide and shook my head of the thought, though it still loomed in the back of my mind. It made me wonder, what association could this feeling and that figurine have in common?
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