AGNPH Stories

Bright Future, Hazy Past by darius


Topping Mt. Steel {Part One}

Disclaimer: I don't own Pokémon, its merchandise, yadda yadda. It's copyright of its creator, and Nintendo, etc.

Chapter Content: Nothing too heavy yet. Just a kiss...of sorts.


Bright Future, Hazy Past

Chapter Six: Topping Mt. Steel {Part One}

It was a good thing we had though to stock up on some supplies before we left. Beforehand, we stopped by the Kecleon Shop in the Square and spent our savings on ridiculous amounts of foods and medicines. We had stuffed our toolbox to the point where it wouldn't even hold anything anymore.

Luckily enough, Trevor's fortitude was high. He hefted the large tote as if it were a handbag, whereas had I been carrying it, it would have been dragging along disgracefully behind me whilst I struggled to pull it onward.

Right now, we were well outside familiar territory, and I was beginning to get worried.

This Mt. Steel didn't sound too welcoming, after all. Even its name sent a cold shiver down my spine. I braced myself, for even the trip there would prove dangerous, I just knew it.

We walked silently, keeping our eyes peeled and our ears alert, trying to catch any movement or sound that may belong to some terrifyingly powerful threat. If something should happen to come along that was not friendly, we would at least be prepared for it, that's for sure.

It was then that some nearby bushes decided to rustle furiously. Trevor tossed the bag aside, readying himself. I, too, prepared for a fight.

A harmless Skitty leapt from the bushes, chasing a rather round and shiny object whose name I couldn't place. It circled us a few times, seemingly unaware that we even existed. Trevor and I just gawked at the creature, watching it skitter hither and thither just chasing that sphere, before it vanished into some more bushes.

We heaved a sigh of relief. Perhaps we were getting too worked up. After all, how tough could this Skarmory be? It sounded like a pet name.

No sooner than I had been imagining the 'beast's' adorable round and poofy figure, a piercing shriek filled the sky, causing both Trevor and me to jump, covering our ears tightly. We looked up to find the source.

A shining metal bird soared deftly through the open orange skies, the sunset's light playing along its body, making it glow and shine like a star. Its hollow body was composed of polished chrome, save for its wings, which seemed to be made of scrap metal. Perhaps the wear and tear of the rough life it allegedly led had diminished the wings' luster.

As I watched the bird glide through the air, I suddenly remembered where I had heard its name before. I recalled the fact that Skarmory use their wings as weapons, and after a few years or so, they shed and new ones instantaneously replace the old ones.

That spelled trouble.

Trevor picked up the satchel and slung it over his shoulder like a messenger bag.

"Let's go, we're burning daylight," he said abruptly. Who uses phrases like that anymore?

Simply nodding, I followed the Pikachu through the opening in the clearing.

As we continued along, the bases of the trees surrounding us became thicker, and the canopies above us grew denser. We were in the midst of a lush forest now. A dank, creepy one at that. I could hardly see in front of me.

"Hey, um..." Trevor began, uncertainty hiding in his usually sure voice, "I think we're lost."

Lost isn't a good sign. Especially when that sign is smack dab in the middle of an unfamiliar forest teeming with what could potentially be threats to our very lives.

I looked to him with concern. "No way. Let me go in front; I can light our way so we can at least see better." As I spoke, he took an Oran Berry from the Toolbox and smashed it in his palm with a fist, smearing its juices across a nearby tree and licking his paws clean.

"So we can know where we are," he said when I looked at him confusedly. I then nodded, and took his paw. It was still damp from saliva and juice, which made me shiver pleasantly. Using my free claw, I held my tail out in front of me and led the way.

Things didn't look like they'd be clearing up anytime soon as we trekked farther into the woods. We'd passed that Oran juice mark about five times, by my count. It looked about hopeless.

Various creatures of the night called to us from beyond our sigh, informing us of the time. Hoothoot and Spinarak sounded from all around, setting the atmosphere in a way that was quite intimidating. Still, I kept moving ever forward, keeping Trevor in tow. He didn't seem to mind the environment; in fact, he seemed to be at peace. Were Pikachu nocturnal animals?

I shook myself from my thoughts. I needed to focus more on the task at hand; getting lost in thought was a bad habit of mine. As I paid my attentions to our situation, I noticed that the forest had suddenly fallen deathly still.

"It's quiet," I said, breaking the silence. I heard Trevor stir behind me.

"Too quiet."

Pain shot through my torso as I was knocked off my feet, breaking hand contact with Trevor and tumbling a few feet away into a tree, hitting it back first and having the wind knocked out of me. I leaned forward, clutching my chest as I tried to breath, my other claw gripping the dirty ground. With strained vision, I looked up to see my assailant: a rather large Ekans.

Trevor looked to me, then shot a glare at the reptile, clenching a fist.

"What was that for?!" he cried, his eyes flashing dangerously.

The stranger put on a smug face, smirking toothily, his sharp teeth glittering in my flame's light. He spoke, his voice positively dripping with sarcasm.

"Oopsss...I guesss I ssshould watch where I ssslither..." he said, his drawing out his s's. How very typical of a snake to hiss while it speaks. It's almost stereotypical.

Trevor clicked his tongue. "You did that on purpose. What'd he ever do to you?" he was trying to remain calm, I could tell. I wouldn't take too kindly of my friends being attacked from nowhere, either.

"He wasss in the way. I'm trying to passs. Ssso I coaxssed him out my path." His eyes flashed like Trevor's. "Got a problem with it? Take it up with me."

The Pikachu growled. "I do have a problem! No one bullies my friends around!"

Randomly, the snake's stomach growled, offsetting both Trevor and me. We looked at him expectantly.

"Lunch time..." was all he said, and he lunged at Trevor with his mouth wide, aiming to swallow him whole.

Trevor was quick on his feet, though, and, with the heavy Toolbox still around him, he leapt out of the way, causing the Ekans to miss completely and sink his gnashers into the tree that was behind the mouse. The villain writhed around desperately, trying to get free, while in the meantime making a fool out of himself.

Trevor took the time to set the Toolbox down next to me, and he placed a paw on my shoulder. Looking at me with his brows furrowed in worry, he asked, "Are you alright?"

I could only barely respond, still trying to regain my composure. That blow to the stomach had taken a lot out of me. I was still weak, after all.

"I'll be fine," I choked out, nodding. Trevor smiled, before frowning and turning to the now free Ekans.

"Ssstay ssstill, ssso I can enjoy my lunch," he protested, and Trevor pulled an eyelid down, sticking his tongue out. I could barely suppress a chuckle when the Ekans fumed, shaking with anger. " dare you?!" he cried, charging for the Pikachu.

Trevor only smirked and cartwheeled out of the way, evading the snake's second attack. The Ekans kept charging the same direction. But why?

I gasped sharply as I realized I had been the true target of the attack, and that Trevor had just made me open to receive it. The Ekans was cunning; we'd have to be careful.

I stood shakily, keeping an eye on my opponent as he drew closer, his mouth wide open. As he approached, I slowly inhaled through my open mouth, my stomach rumbling as the pressure in my gullet slowly built, until reaching the point where I could no longer hold it in.

Exhaling forcefully, I felt intense heat pass up my throat, over my tongue and finally, out my mouth as shimmering embers coated the violet reptile, encasing him in a torrent of flame.

Over the crackling of my fire, I heard his screaming. It was a pitiful wail, one that was choked and anguished. I ceased fire, and laid my eyes on what was now a snake scorched black. His eyes were closed as he stood still as stone.

I felt confident that I had defeated him, and heaved a sigh of relief. I smiled. But it wouldn't last long.

His eyes snapped open, burning with a fire of vengeance and a desire to spell my doom. He growled fiercely, unnerving me slightly. He didn't even mix words before he lunged at me again, still covered in ash.

I closed my eyes, caught off guard by the motion, and braced myself. But no attack ever came. Instead, I felt moist warmth wrapped around my scalp. The feeling slowly sank down to just about eyebrow level, and kept going. It was a strangely enjoyable sensation that sent shivers down my back.

I realized then, that I wasn't shivering out of enjoyment. I was shivering because I had couldn't move. To be more precise, I couldn't move of my own free will. I had been paralyzed.

Taking a chance, I opened my eyes, which came face to face with the thin, forked tongue of the Ekans. I immediately clamped them shut again and tried to screamâ�"only I couldn't. My mouth opened, but no sound was released that could be heard. My shouts were muffled by the Ekans' mouth that was slowly engulfing me.

He tried to quiet me by shoving his tongue into my mouth, an action I was strictly unprepared for--so much so that my gag reflex kicked in, causing me to choke on the organ. It writhed around inside my mouth aimlessly, as it really couldn't taste since it was used for smell.

It wrestled with my own limp tongue. I knew I was blushing; though I couldn't feel it, it like he was...kissing me. ...While devouring me.

Trevor stood, rooted to the spot by the sheer shock that overcame him as what he saw played out before him. The Ekans slowly worked its way down to just below my stomach, enveloping me slowly in that moist warmth.

To be honest, such conditions were somewhat...intimate. I could still feel the presence of his tongue on my body. It had left my mouth and was now licking around just below my stomach.

I wonder why the Ekans is even bothering to explore my body. Shouldn't he just devour me and get it over with? He must not be that hungry. Why am I even still trapped in here? Where's Trevor? The final thought was enough motivation to muster the clearest call I could from inside someone's mouth.

"Trevor!! Trevor, help me! Can you hear me?!"

Though it was muffled, it reached his ears. Cursing indistinguishably, Trevor reached into the bag again and pulled out a smooth, beige seed. He tossed it toward the rear end of the Ekans and, upon landing, burst with such a force that it catapulted the snake off of me, but at the same time, propelled me backwards. I felt the heat of the explosion as I collided into a tree.

My vision was fading fast. My will to stay conscious was slipping away. As I lay at the trunk of the tree, my eyes closing, I heard a cry that sounded far off, and was graced with the sight of a brilliant light before me.

I blacked out.


I woke up in a daze, my vision blurred. I could see a lemon blob in front of me, hovering over my being; that's all.

I shook my head to clear my sight; the paralysis had worn off. Now able to see, I looked around. The Ekans lay in a charred heap. It was just me and Trevor in the clearing now. I slowly brought myself up, supporting myself on palms and knees.

" are you feeling?" he asked. I could sense the anxiety in his voice. Looking up at him, I smiled weakly.

"I could be better," I said. My voice sounded distant, trailed off. "Where isâ�""

"â�"he's done for. After I judged you were at a safe distance I zapped him. You're safe now," the mouse smiled. "Are you sure you're alright? That was some ordeal you endured."

Looking at him just made me want to melt. Those chocolate eyes...that wonderful smile...And, I swear I could smell him on the wind, too. That hint of lilac was unmistakably him. I smiled, mouthing a yes. I couldn't bring myself to speak just yet.

"Come on, let's go. We still have a Diglett to save," he said warily, holding his paw out. I took it.. I mentally sighed, and used his paw to help myself up. Dusting myself off, I nodded my readiness to him.

He picked up the Toolbox and slung it around his shoulder, pointing just ahead. I looked in the specified direction to find a craggy structure that towered high in front of us, with a cave as an entrance into its bowels.

We must have been right in front of the cave the whole time we were fighting that Ekans. Only I didn't notice it, what with the fearing for my life, and all. I looked to Trevor as he marveled the mountain.

"Here we are...Mount Steel. So...Diglett was whisked to its peak." I recalled seeing the Skarmory earlier as he said this. I didn't see anything in its grip then. Perhaps it had made a second trip to look for more targets, but found nothing interesting.

"That's right!" a voice sounded from nowhere. That could only beâ�"

Dugtrio burst through the ground in front of us, knocking us on our cabooses like they always do. "The peak's a long trip from here! So be careful. Thanks for helping! Farewell!"

And they vanished.

They sure are random...

Trevor and I exchanged glances. "...Well, uh...let's go."

Taking one last look at the obstacle before us, we headed inside.
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