AGNPH Stories

A Tale of Good Friends by shadow6691


Sparky's True love

Intro: Our story begins with a 15 year-old boy named Brad. He lives in the peaceful town of Bladesdale, where his family owns and operates the local pokémon stadium. He has trained and caught many pokémon, but his favorite is still the pikachu he got for his 13th birthday, which he named Sparky. It is a girl, and it has evolved since then into a raichu, but is still just as energetic. Among the many pokémon he has caught the 3 he keeps with him all the time are his raichu, mew (female) and dragonite (male). He himself still can't understand how he found, yet alone captured mew in the first place, but it is his none the less, and he never goes anywhere without it. Sparky always has been the strongest of all Brad's pokémon, and they are inseparable. Brad never puts her in her ball, but keeps the ball close by at all times. (From here on, I will refer to brad as me)


It was Saturday morning, and I had just woke up. I glanced at the digital alarm clock on my night stand: 5:30. I reached over next to me and patted the head of Sparky, gently rubbing between her ears. She woke up and glance back at me, a small yawn coming from her mouth. "Good morning Sparky" I said. "Rai." She replied, still a little tired. We the got up; I got dressed and attached my translator and she stretched.

"You want breakfast?"

"Sure. I'll have the usual" (I had invented a voice translator a year ago so I could talk with all of my pokémon, them being my best friends in the whole world.)

"Ok. I'll get right on it!"

I made breakfast for every one and let them out to eat. After we all ate, we headed over to the stadium and got to work. Since I'm hosting a competition in 3 days, I needed to get the place in tip-top shape for the vigorous battles. My pokémon helped out as well, performing tasks such as cleaning up garbage to washing the monitor. I didn't ask them to, but they helped none the less. After 6 hours had gone by, we stopped and ate lunch. The stadium was now ready to go, and the sign-up sheet we retrieved from the pokémon center. We all went inside to relax from our hard day of work. We sat down and turned on the T.V. While lazily channel-surfing a news program caught my eye. "In just three days the Bladesdale stadium will be opening its doors for what is going to be the biggest tournament yet. The battles will be 3-on-3, single elimination matches. Simply defeat your opponent to move on. A record 150 trainers will compete in this challenge, including the un-defeated owner himself. Good luck to all who participate, this is bob little, GHJ news." Dragonite was asleep on the lounge chair, while mew and Sparky were chatting amongst themselves. Mew said to me (in my head...she is a psychic type you know) "would you like me to cook dinner brad?" "Sure" I said back out-loud. Among the many things she learned over the years, she amazed us all when she came in one day, holding a plate of sandwiches. So in a bright flash of light, she teleported to the kitchen. I returned dragonite to his ball so he could sleep un-interrupted. Meanwhile, Sparky and I had started to chat.

"What do you think she is making Brad?"

"I don't know, but whatever it is it sure smells good!" ".............. (Silence)....................."

"Thanks for always being there when I needed you"

"Your welcome. You are my favorite pokémon, being how I met you first, and we've been through so much together."

Just then, another bright flash of light appeared in front of the table, as well as several smaller white flashes, which turned out to be silverware and plates. Mew looked over and saw me and Sparky embraced in a friendly hug. She rang a small triangle which I had hung over the table to symbolize that dinner was ready. I carried Sparky over to the table, and we both sat down in our chairs. (Sparky's chair I had hand made just for her: not too tall or short, comfortable leather material and infused with rubber ions so as to be virtually shock proof) We said grace and then glared in awe at the magnificent meal laid out in front of us. There was ham, stuffing, mashed potatoes, gravy, just about every thing you would have on thanksgiving. I woke dragonite up and then we ate. After dinner we all helped mew clean up and wash the dishes. I went up stairs followed by mew and Sparky (Dragonite fell asleep again and I put him back into his ball) and I changed into my pj's. Then we all curled up in our beds and went to sleep.

About 2 or 3 hours past, and I woke up, slightly un-easy. I reached my hand over to hug Sparky but all I felt was empty air. I quietly got up so as to not awake mew. I went to the bathroom and headed down stairs. Then I saw a speck of yellow over in the corner by the T.V. It was Sparky. She laid there sweaty and looked depressed and in pain. As I walked over to her, I noticed a small puddle of fluids and a little wetness near her tail. When she saw me she blushed, and sighed lowly. " what's wrong Sparky?" I asked slowly. "Something is happening to me that's never happened before.""Can you describe it a little for me?" "I am real hot and have this awful clenching between my legs" she said shyly, her blush painfully obvious now. I tried to remember that book I had read about 3 months ago. Then it hit me, like being hit by a car. She was in heat. "I think it's because at this time of year raichu like you start to become fertile and can have babies. In other words, you're in heat." "There is something that I really have to tell you Brad, but when I tried to say it before, I thought you wouldn't feel the same way so I kept quiet." "Whatever you have to say, just tell me. I will never think less of you for talking to me. You're really the only one who understands me, and I can understand you. So whatever it is your about to say, just shoot." She looked into my face with a dedication I have never seen before. Then she said slowly ".....I love you Brad." I was a little surprised at this, but I could understand. I had been the only dominant male in her life for some time. "I love you too, Sparky." With that, she jumped into my arms and licked my face. I hugged her back, and kissed her cheek. She stopped me in the middle, pulled my mouth to hers and kissed me back.

I felt her tongue push slightly against my lips, so I opened them and we frenched. We sat there for about 2 minutes, kissing passionately. Her heat was so strong now that I could smell it, and I became slightly aroused. It smelled wonderful, like fresh cut spring flowers spewed across a babbling brook with a hint of honey and lemon. She noticed the bulge underneath my boxers and she looked at me again with that same love and dedication. She Pulls me into another kiss, and hugs me even harder. She then broke the kiss, jumped down, and moved her tail, revealing her wet hole. She said "I noticed your getting aroused too. Would you like me to relieve you of that tension?" "Only if I can relieve yours as well" I took off my boxers and threw them aside. We then laid down in a 69 position. She began to suck on my now rock-hard cock and I began to lick her pussy lips. We both moaned out in ecstasy, loving each other's treatment. I began to delve deeper into her, slurping a little of her juices. They were very sweet, kind of like honey and a pinch of cinnamon. As I penetrated deeper into her with my tongue, I continued to search for that one spot. A few seconds later I found it, and Sparky let out a deeper moan and started to bob her head faster on my 6inch cock. I continued to lick her mound, teasing her way over her limits. She continued to moan and sucked harder on my cock. All of a sudden, she yelped a bit as her juices splashed all over my face, even though I tried to slurp down what I could. Her 1st orgasm lasted for about 30 seconds. "Why don't we just do it the old fashioned way?" "Good idea" She said back. She hopped off and moved her tail, now on all fours. "I have a different idea" I said. She responded "What did you have in mind?" "Lay down on your back and spread your legs" she proceeded to do as I instructed. I then straddled her and positioned my cock at her entrance. "Just tell me if it hurts." I slowly inserted my cock into her already-wet cunt. She howled out in pleasure. "Try to keep it down ok? I don't want to wake up mew" "I'll try" she said. I had hilted her in just a few seconds. I moaned this time, her heat quite obvious as her walls griped and grabbed at my cock. I slowly pulled out and began to pump into her with that slow rhythm. She placed her arms around my neck, signaling for me to go faster. I responded by nearly doubling my speed, the pleasure beginning to take control. I pumped faster and faster as my orgasm neared. Her walls now vicing my cock, The pleasure took control. It was then that Sparky Howled out again, having her second orgasm. This lubricated her hole, allowing me to speed up even more. I was now mercilessly pounding her, Unable to control it any longer. I pumped hard one last time, cumming hard into her hole. My warm fluids entered her and she cooed in delight. I finally stopped and slowly pulled out of her, and embraced her in another hug. She gladly hugged me back, and slowly nodded off to sleep. I got up, pulled my clothes back on and carried her upstairs. I got back in bed, now rather tired myself, laying Sparky next to me. I hugged her again and nodded off to sleep.

To Be Continued

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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