AGNPH Stories

A Tale of Good Friends by shadow6691


A Dream, or a Vision? and The Crossover

Foreclosure: This is a story containing sexual situations of an explicit nature. Do not continue if you are under the age of 17. I do not own anything contained within this lemon except for Brad, Sparky, Thunder veemon, the digimon of peace, the lemon itself and the town of Bladesdale.

A tale of good friends part 3 & 4

Part 3: A dream, or a vision?

Early Wednesday morning, I had an awesome dream. Sparky and I were in a field full of strange creatures like I had never seen before. They weren't pokémon, but were relatively similar. I was with a group of kids, and they all had strange portable devices and a type of crest or something around their necks. I was talking with the group and having a hell of a good time. I learned the strange device was called a D6, though I had no Idea what it meant. I was handed one myself by a rather small, bird like creature. Mine was orange, and I had a crest which meant peace. Just then, I woke up, my alarm clock beeping annoyingly. I reached over and woke up Sparky, Scratching her ears and receiving a big hug.

"Good morning my love." I said to her.
She replied "Good morning Brad. How did you sleep?"
"Good, but I had a strange dream. We were in a field full of strange creatures. They weren't pokémon, but were relatively similar. (I explain my dream). A few seconds later and I woke up. I have no idea why I had that dream, but it seemed so real." I said back.
"Don't worry about it, it was only a dream. We'll find out what it means soon enough.

We got dressed and ate breakfast as usual. Today seemed to be just another normal day. I decided that I would go out in search of new pokémon. Sparky rode in the basket on my bike, which I had turned into a seat for her to sit in. Mew and dragonite were in their pokéballs on my belt. We were riding up Route 93 when I caught a glimpse of a pokémon I had never seen before. It was really fast, so I lost it easily. We stopped by a pond nearby to take a break. I saw some mudkip playing on the other side of the shore.

"They sure look like they are having a lot of fun." I said as we watched them wrestle with each other. One was a male and the other was a female.

"Have you caught a mudkip yet Brad?"
"No, but I don't want to spoil their fun."
I had an idea. I walked over to the two with Sparky trailing behind me. They got scared and hid behind a rock. I said to them:
"Don't be afraid. I mean you no harm."
They slowly crept out from behind the rock and said:
"How do we know we can trust you mister? And besides, how can we understand you anyway? You just spoke to us in pokémon."

I was stumped. "You can understand me because I am using a communicator I invented. Also you can trust me because I just want to talk."

"Ok mister." They said. "Please, call me Brad. I was watching you guys from over there. I was wondering if maybe I could convince you two to join my party, or maybe have a battle. You two both appear to be pretty strong for your size. I'd be willing to meet any requests you may have if you join. I am rich after all." At that last statement the two had thoughts of being owned by a rich guy cross through their heads.

"Ok. We'll join you on a few conditions: 1. we can stay out of our balls at all times like your Raichu there 2. We get our own bed and a pond to swim in and 3. We don't eat any of that pokémon food we keep hearing about, unless it's home made." I tallied it up on a note card. "Done. Welcome to the team. I think I'll call you (male) Muddy, and you (female) Aqua. You two ok with that?"

"No arguments here." After that I registered them to a couple of pokéballs and quickly let them back out. I put the balls on my belt and they hopped onto my shoulders. I grabbed my bike, and we headed on home. We reached the house in no time and we walked inside. "Mew, Dragonite, come on out! I got some friends for you to meet!"

They both appeared from their balls and I introduced the two Mudkip. I left them there in the living room to get better acquainted. I grabbed my laptop off my desk, and sat down on the couch. I ordered the supplies for the bed and pond. I then went to check my e-mail. Most was just spam or fan mail. I skimmed through it all when a strange symbol caught my eye. It was the symbol from the crest I was wearing in my dream, the symbol of peace.

I opened it, not knowing what to expect. -------Dear Brad, I have no good way to ask you this so I'll just say it. Our world is in danger, and we need your help. Tomorrow at 7:00 am an e-mail like this will be sent to you. That dream you had was no dream, it was a vision from one of us destined. Her name is Kari. Tomorrow when you wake up, pack any belongings which you wish to bring with you. Also, a box should be waiting at your door with some things you will need. The email you get tomorrow will explain more. But most importantly, you are our last hope. I hate to say it, but our world is counting on you.

----------------The destined----

I got up and went to the door. Surely enough, there was a box there. I brought it into the den. I called Sparky into the den with me and read her the e-mail. I then opened the box. Inside I found exactly the same D6 and crest I got in my dream. There was also a deck of cards that said "Digi modify" on the back and a rectangular device with a note attached to it. The note said it was a D-terminal, and gave instructions on how to set it up. This whole time Sparky was watching in disbelief. She remembered seeing an occasion like this on TV from when she was still a pikachu. Sparky and I would always watch a show on t.v. called Digimon and now she understood what this meant.

"Brad, I think I have an answer for you. Remember back when we were kids that show we always watched?" I said nothing, still taken aback. I had no clue what she was getting at.

"Yeah, why?" I said.

"Brad, you were just chosen to be a digidestined." She told me.

"But does that mean I can't be with you?" I asked.

"Well, the e-mail said to make sure you had everything you wanted to bring packed up by 7 am tomorrow. Just put me in my ball so I don't get left here." Sparky was so smart sometimes it surprised even me. We are the perfect pair.

"Ok, but I'll do that last thing tomorrow." I went into the living room and I pulled out the first episode of the digimon t.v. series. I put it in and I began to explain to every one with Sparky's and Mew's help. (Mew had read my mind so she felt she had to help). Every one had no clue what was going to happen to them now, but I told them they could come. They just had to be in their balls when the time came.

The rest of the evening was uneventful. I grabbed a few mega potions and put all the gang but Sparky in their balls. I had packed two changes of clothes, my pj's, a jacket, tent, sleeping bag for me and Sparky, 3 spare sleeping bags and my D-terminal. I placed the bag by my computer. Sparky and I went to bed shortly after that. I had the same dream, and was ready for whatever came next.


Part 4: The crossover

Sparky and I woke up at 6am. I took a quick shower and I got dressed in a clean trainer outfit. We ate breakfast and slowly awaited the clock to turn 7.

The clock ticked 7 and I checked my e-mail. There was a new letter there again with the same symbol. ------Dear Brad, Well, here is the instructions. Take a hold of your D6. Hold it so the screen on the D6 is facing the screen on your main computer. All you have to do after that is say "Digiport open!" all the coordinates have been set in your D6.------

I complied as I grabbed my bag and equipment, put Sparky in her ball, and placed it in my pocket. I turned off my laptop and put it in my bag. I held my D6 to the screen of my computer. "Digiport open!" Sure enough, a portal began to appear on the screen. I began to feel a spinning sensation throughout my body. It suddenly stopped and I opened my eyes. I was in the same field I had seen in my dream. I saw mountains off in the distance, and the sights of this new place were very heart-warming. I pulled Sparky's orange and green ball from my pocket.

"Sparky, come on out!" a blue flash emanated from the ball and disappeared. Sparky stood there by my side, awe-struck at the sights of this place.

"It's so beautiful" she said. We suddenly heard footsteps coming our way. Sparky was up and ready to defend me when the same pink bird in my dream came flying over to where I was. In her arms was what appeared to be an egg of some sort. It had thunder bolts pictured all over the shell and the main color was blue. She (I had no idea why I knew it was a she) flew over to me and placed the egg in my arms, noticing my crest and D6.

"Hi, I'm Biyomon. You must be Brad, correct?"
"Yes, that's me. Nice to meet you. This here is my Raichu, Sparky."
"Hi Biyomon." Sparky said.
"What's a Raichu?" Biyomon asked.
"It is an electric mouse type pokémon, a creature found where I came from. By the way, are we by any chance in the digital world?" I asked.
"Yes, we are. In fact, your new partner resides inside that egg there."
Just then, the egg in my arms began to glow white. The glow was so intense, I had to put it on the ground, step back, and squint my eyes.

The light disappeared and in front of me stood what appeared to be a yellow form of my favorite digimon. It had wings and a lightning bolt shaped tail. It looked a lot like a cross between Sparky and a veemon. "Hi, I'm Thunder Veemon. Nice to meet you all. And you are?" "My name is Brad. This here is Sparky and Biyomon. I believe I'm your new partner." Biyomon and Sparky said "Hi" And I shook hands (or paws) with my new friend.

"Now that you guys are here, we should head over to meet the others."

We all walked with Biyomon. The other digidestined smiled as Biyomon introduced me, Sparky and Thunder veemon.
"Welcome to the team Brad. We called you here because we are in need of assistance against Mechadiaboromon." Tai said.
"Didn't you guys defeat him already in the combined world effort using the internet?" I asked.
"Yes, but he came back by means of the primary village. No one knows who released him." Tai replied.
"Well whoever it was, they are probably gone by now." Every one agreed with me.
The sun was beginning to set in the digital world. "It's getting late. We should turn in." I said to the group. "We should leave somebody here to keep watch." Tai said. I volunteered to stay. The group left through a nearby port to go back to their real world.

"I think I see a cave near by that we can sleep in Brad. Wanna go check it out?" asks thunder veemon.

"Sure! By the way, you want to meet some more of my friends?" I asked thunder. "Gladly" he said back. I took the balls out of my pack two at a time. "Alright guys, come on out!" I threw the 4 pokéballs up into the air and the rest of my gang came out with flashes of blue light. "Muddy, Aqua, Mew and Dragonite meet Thunder veemon, or TV for short. "Nice to meet you all" TV said. "Likewise" the rest of my team said.

We reached the cave and setup camp. I sent TV and Sparky to scout the area while dragonite, mew, the mudkips and I set up the cave. Thunder veemon and dragonite would sleep in the back. Mew, Sparky and I had the front, while Muddy and Aqua had the middle. We set up the sleeping bags while Dragonite lit a fire and Mew cooked dinner. Veemon and Sparky came back and said there was a lake just behind some trees to the left of our cave.

"Aqua! Muddy! I heard there's a lake just outside our cave. Feel free to head over there if you want." I said.

"Will do Brad. We'll go there and check it out in the morning." Muddy told me.

"Dinner!" We all ran over and grabbed a seat around the camp fire. The way we cooked and ate our food reminded me of when I was a Boy Scout. We ate our food and curled up in our sleeping bags. Sparky and I had to share as well as Muddy and Aqua because there were only 3 small bags and 2 extra large bags. But we were ok with that. All of the gang was out like a light except for the two mudkips, Sparky and me.

"Can we go out to the lake for a little alone time together?" They asked me.

"Sure! Just be back before sunrise! Play nice you two!" I enthusiastically replied back. "Just give a shout if you run into trouble" I added.

They took off for the lake and now it was just Sparky and Me. I gave her a big hug and kiss. She knew exactly what was on my mind.

Aqua and Muddy just reached the lake.

"So, do you want to start back where we left off this morning?" Muddy asked.

"Sure, but you're leading this time." Aqua replied. They began to play and wrestle with each other on the edge of the lake. They felt a small shake in the ground. It stopped as a rather large digimon approached the two. It was a tyrannomon and it had a black spiral around its arm.

"BRAD!" They both yelled at the same time.
Back at the cave, Sparky and I were kissing passionately when we heard the Mudkip's cry. We broke the kiss just as Thunder veemon came dashing for the entrance of the cave.

"I guess it's time for our first battle" he said to me. I knew what to do as I grabbed my deck of modify cards. Sparky and veemon were right next to me as we rushed in and saw the scene.

"Sparky, use quick attack and then agility in combination to save the mudkip!" I said. She dashed in and grabbed them in the nick of time as a few seconds later the tyrannomon's attack missed its intended target.

"Vee, lets do this." I said as I drew a card out of the deck.
"Digimodify! Digievolution activate!"

"Thunder veemon digivolve to: Lightningmon!"

"Go get him buddy! Take out the spiral!" I shouted.
"Thunder fist!" Lightningmon said as he hit the spiral dead center and it broke.
"Where am I?" The tyrannomon said as he then saw the scene in front of him. "I didn't hurt any of you did I?"

Lightningmon dedigivolved.

"No, me, Sparky and Thunder veemon here came just in time." I said.
"Thunder veemon? (Notices him standing at my side) Oh, so you must be the new digidestined correct?" The large dinosaur asks.

"That's me. I think you should head off to primary village and check out the area there."
I said.

"Will do. By the way, what's your name anyway?" He says to me.

"Brad. I'm from Bladesdale." I replied.

"Got it. See you around then Brad." He says as he runs of into the distance in the direction of primary village.

"Now that that is over, I think we should all go back and get some shuteye." I said to the group. We all walked back to the cave together, but Muddy and Aqua were a little upset. "Don't worry guys. There's always tomorrow." I told them with a wink. They winked back with a small giggle. After about 15minutes of walking we got back to the cave.

"Good night every one" I said as Sparky and I got into our sleeping bag.

"Goodnight" Every one said back. With that, everyone was asleep, waiting for the next event-filled day to come.

So how did I do? Too bad our fun had to be cut short :(. Please feel free to comment as usual.
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