AGNPH Stories

StrangersLoversKillers by exclamation_man




Chapter 2: Spiral

Ah, the disclaimer. The one part of the story I can't mess up. Well, children, if you've gotten this far, good for you, ya sneaky bastards. But seriously, don't sue me or this site; it's your own fault from now on. I own the story but not what it's about. Ain't getting paid. And it's mostly plot. Maybe, if you're lucky, I'll throw some sex in, but I can't slow down my maniacal plot, you understand.

Anyways, on to the really fun stuff. The story. It ties in with "The Valley" and you'll have fun and headaches making connections between the two stories if you read them together (this chapter comes after ch. 5 in valley). But hey, if you're finding this years later, no problem. Just enjoy. Incidentally, this chapter is filled with odd alliteration, puns, contradictions, oxymorons, and other wordplay. [begin story]

"How peculiar," Jero repeated. One moment. He was experiencing a life changing moment and he knew it. In this moment, this suspended feeling of doubt, vengeance was alive. Three-fold vengeance. The Source. Falin. And one other, who Jero felt was in the most danger. A situation of three-fold sightlessness.
Jero looked up. The moment was gone. Lost.

Ajax ran. He knew he could be seen, and didn't care. Being seen was his prime concern, the only thing that really mattered in the majority of his actions. His secrecy was everything. Ajax didn't care. He ran.
For all he knew he and Falin were already doomed. Ajax knew something had gone wrong. Something had gone wrong and the humans found out before he did. Now all he could do was run. It was that or risk capture. And capture was not an option for Ajax. If there was one thing Ajax despised, it was the human race.

Capture was not an option.

"Are you alright?"
"Yeah," Blaze gasped in the darkness. "I think so."
"What the hell happened?" Kerelli demanded. She had been tossed from the moving truck and had no doubt missed what happened afterwards.
"Had to torch it. Sorry." Blaze was still breathing heavily as he stood on his hind legs. "It was that or lose the truck."
"Right, well, wouldn't worry 'bout the truck now, huh?" The female Wartortle turned her back on him and headed over to where Blaze had last seen Terrin and Heather. There was only darkness now as he looked.
Blaze swore and made his way over the branches in the road. They were still burning. He couldn't see Terrin or Heather. In the darkness, they might as well have disappeared. The only light came from the burning wreckage of the truck that Blaze had detonated with his flames. He had seen the driver escape before the blast. Blaze silently hoped there had not been another human on board. If there was...

...there wasn't anymore.

Falin closed his eyes briefly and then studied the scene in front of him again. He was doing a great job of staying stealthy for a Charizard, but he figured it wouldn't last, not now that the humans were rushing all about. Falin knew in his heart something had gone wrong, and could only hope Kerelli and the others were okay. There was nothing he could do about it yet, though. His priority for the moment was to escape. But first he had to find Ajax.
Falin gathered his wits and darted onto the bricks bathing in the pale streetlights that distorted everything. If the humans saw him, he could always fly. Unless they had tranqs.
"Falin!" The Charizard spun around, a task not easy for one his size.
"Ajax! Geez, you're better at sneaking around than I had thought. Did you hear anything?"
"Did you overhear any humans?"
"No, I've been avoiding them, you know?"
"What, did you hear something?"
"Enough to know something went wrong," Falin replied grimly. "We need to get out of here, you understand."
"Oh, I comprehend, comrade."
"Great. Well. You don't have wings. Maybe if we can get across to the-"
"Just go, Falin," Ajax replied, almost calmly.
"Look, I might as well stay with you, at least until-"
"You don't think I can take care of myself?" the Sneasel interrupted rhetorically.
"God knows I don't need drama right now, Ajax."
"You believe in God?"
"Nope. I believe in Fate. And Fate says you're a reckless punk who's gonna land himself in a shitstorm of grief."
"The longer we stand here arguing, more likely we'll get caught. Just get out of here, Falin. Go with the retreat plan. I know where to find you."
"You sure, kid?" Falin asked. "Last chance." The Sneasel smiled, a fittingly, if not intentional, malicious look.
"Just trust me on this."
"You know I don't trust you with anything, Ajax." Falin prepared to fly.

"I know."

The subsequent actions proceeded like this:

Inevitably, something had gone wrong. The cause of the situation the syndicate now faced was unknown to its members. Clearly, the humans had proved more resourceful than had been anticipated, but it was of nary matter now to the core, comprised of Jero,
"It's pointless to look for what went wrong," the Electabuzz told his crew, which had, incidentally, returned without no less of personnel. "This is the result of a indiscernible flaw in an otherwise, I pray, solid plan. Of late, there has been new, and unfortunately quite unfortunate, news." How their leader kept up a constant flow of puns and alliteration was not known to any member of the syndicate.
"I, for one, would like to hear this news," Kerelli replied for all brusquely, "because evidently it means more than one of us getting killed." Her rather fierce sarcasm served to calm the minds of the others. After all, it was what Kerelli was expected to say, and the expected was a welcome change from the evening's previous events.
"That's precisely the information I have to bear," Jero stated. "I pray you all remember Soren?"
"Quit your praying and make with the fucking news," Ajax finally snapped. For a moment, the others, save Jero, looked at him like he was quite mad, then at Jero for letting such a comment slide. The Electabuzz continued passively.
"Soren, Blaze's former comrade, is in danger for his life. You all know Soren helped us get our information," Jero continued, ignoring that Ajax certainly didn't. "I assume the assumption you all made was that the Source was a human. Indeed, he is a man, and a wanted man at that. This man, whose name I do not know-"
"'s Peter," Blaze interrupted quietly.
"This man, Peter," Jero continued, "was Soren's trainer, but our friend has been taken away. Whoever has done the taking is an obvious enemy, but maybe not one easy to get to. It's possible and probable Soren would be sold off like some product." There was noticeable disgust in Jero's usually even voice.
"You said would," Ajax pointed out. "Not could." Jero awarded his attentiveness, something that had diminished in the other members, a rare smile.
"Would, shall we not intervene."
"Finally, to the intervening," Falin grumbled. "I had the strange feeling this might go somewhere. You got a plan already, or should I wait outside?"
"Actually, we may have to divide. There is another situation. One far more grievous." This was a surprise to all.
"What is it?" Heather asked cautiously.
"Three of us will have to head north. There, they will meet seek out Slyver-"
"Slyver?" Falin asked. "Last word of him he's-"
"In the valley," Jero finished his sentence.

Pyotr had always hated his father. It seemed he could never escape this man, the one man that had sent his life into disarray. Ever since Nikolai had been injured, their father had been against Pyotr. Though he had lost contact with his parents, and even his brother, Pyotr had kept one thing safe, and that was Soren, Nikolai's prize fighter. Now he was in danger. Pyotr's anger deepened.
The police were looking for him. More precisely, they were looking for a man named Peter, but the connection would be made quickly. He was a criminal. Pyotr felt no shame. It was not acts of crime, but acts of justice that he committed. Everyone he hurt had it coming to him. The Source, Peter, had become an underground mastermind, a guerrilla terrorist. His target was those that did wrong to pokemon, and that was many humans. Humans always thought they could be superior. Pokemon were things to capture, to own, to sell, to kill. They had no purpose, only value. Pyotr hated them all. They had taken his brother. They had taken Blaze.

Now they were taking Soren. But not without a fight. Pyotr would get his revenge on all of them. He'd get his revenge on his father.

A human killed Ajax's sister. He shot her in the head. He didn't try to capture her. He cornered her with his own pokemon and waited until she was defeated. She never had a chance. The human shot her, just for sport. Just for fun.
There had been another human, but he was dead. Ajax cut out his throat later that night, as he screamed in the still darkness. Ajax found the human pathetic. Without his gun, he was nothing. Nothing but hate. Ajax killed him.
The other, the murderer, was gone before Ajax could get to him. The Sneasel then traveled from Mt. Silver into the forests surrounding it, killing pokemon for their information. More death brought more information. Ajax didn't even care. He would have let them life, had they deserved life.

Now Ajax found himself too close to humans for his liking once again. He had sought out Jero for his assistance, but now he was being treated like an underling. Ajax then realized that he was, and that what he was doing was helping his situation. And it was for the sake of a noble poke, at that.
"So, when?" The Sneasel turned to Falin, who looked very alert, though worn-out.
"When they get him out of the truck, we move, quick," Ajax replied. His cohort nodded.
"There'll be two of 'em, maybe three if Peter's father comes out," Falin growled.
"The fucker," Ajax added helpfully.
The unlikely duo were virtually invisible against the blank air, save for the low light of Falin's tailflame. All members of the syndicate spent the daylight working out various plans and counter plans, exhausted in facing their second mission in two nights. Falin was grateful he didn't need to spend all night trudging around the valley, but he knew Jero had made him stay because of who was involved. Jero knew Falin would kill anyone who posed as a threat to his family. His eyes had blazed as fierce as his tailflame when he heard of the attack on his niece, Natalia. Now he was stuck with the kid. Again.
"Now. Let's go!" Ajax started to move before Falin had even seen the humans walking. The Charizard watched in appreciation as he readied his wings. The little devil could really move. He was so quiet Falin wouldn't have noticed him if he hadn't seen him start running. The humans would have no hope. Falin took off.

Soren, his legs bound to one another, was being escorted to the house of his trainer's parents. The escorts were two burly men who looked like they didn't give two shits about the pokemon, just their paycheck. Fortunately, Nikolai never kept his pokemon in pokeballs, something Pyotr continued. Thus, the escorts. The foot bindings seemed a bit too much in Soren's opinion. He could put up a hell of a fight with his fists alone anyway, something about Hitmonlees unbeknownst to most trainers. And when would he be doing any fighting? Unless, of course, Pyotr had spoken to Jero. Which Soren naturally assumed.
Soren wasn't even surprised when he felt the hand on his left arm grip and then release. The other guy didn't even flinch until he saw the Charizard skimming over the ground. The Charizard following the bolt of flame that singed the night air. The other guy was now the effectively burned guy. Soren silently gave approval.
"You Soren?" a voice asked him.
"Who else? And you, my dear savior?"
"Ajax. And this is-"
"Falin, I presume." The Charizard nodded. "Jero mentioned you numerous times. However, he didn't say anything about a Sneasel."
"I'm new," Ajax explained briefly. "Hold still a sec." Soren felt his legs gaining freedom at last.
"Thanks kindly. Is there an escape plan?" Soren asked, rather polite for this sort of situation. Of course, the other two could see through his sarcastic demeanor.
"Sure. Run like hell," Falin replied. "There's no backup on this one, it was kinda rushed."
"Well, much gratitude nonetheless. Now if these guys are still out of commission..." They were.
"Right. Let's go."

Meanwhile, far to the north, Heather was walking silently behind Blaze and Jero. It was very unusual for Jero to actually do any of the dirty work, as they liked to call it, and he never worked in proximity to his teammates. They were shorthanded, however, in a very delicate situation. Or at least, that was what Jero told everyone else.
"What exactly are we looking for?" Heather asked, breaking the silence that had developed as they traveled.
"Out here in the wilderness, there are plenty of pokemon that only follow their own twisted morals. Bolaran's daughter got caught up with the wrong sort of pokemon. The problem is, they do not see anything wrong with their actions. That is the reason we are here."
"You didn't answer my question, you know," Heather replied dryly. "You forget, I grew up in this wilderness. In fact, all of us did. Who are we looking for?"
Jero sighed. His life was secrets, and he preferred to keep them.
"In particular, a Heracross and a Primeape, both male. Those are the two that attacked Natalia. There are, however, many others that threaten the peaceful families in the valley."
"Maybe some of those pokes are just doing what they need to survive. Not every death is a murder." Heather had been a part of those families, the peaceful inhabitants that dotted the land. That was the life she had left behind. She knew what independence truly was, and how hard it was. Every member of the syndicate knew it, but they never said anything, nor did she.
"Maybe," Jero said back. "Maybe some, but not all. Not these."
"They've messed with the wrong pokes now, right?" She was back to her usual playful self. Somehow Heather never got in deep for what she said around Jero. "Is it fair? Is this how justice works?'
"No, this is how I work," Jero concluded, harsh but not yet cold. It was a familiar tone. Jero really did care though, and they all knew it. He wasn't bitter at them, just bitter in general.
"Hate to interrupt."
"What, Blaze?" Jero asked in a tone not curious at all.
"We're looking for a Primeape?"
"Too late for that, boss."
"Never call me boss; I call you Blaze, yes?"
"I don't see him," Heather interrupted.
"You're blind, sweetheart. Right over there, the one that looks dead."

This description was hardly necessary, for there was one only pokemon near, and he was clearly dead. Blood circled his body, and judging by how he was positioned, there had been no real fight; he never saw the blow coming. The Primeape must have realized he was dying before he succumbed to the wound at his neck, and never could fight back. The Primeape's eyes were burned beyond more than ever would be necessary to blind him. It hardly looked like a face anymore.
"Somebody was mad," Blaze commented indifferently. "Well, shit. Makes our job easier, huh?"
"Perhaps." Jero's eyes spun too many words to read, a feature that had helped him significantly throughout his life.
"No," Heather said more empathetically. "This isn't anyone's friend, especially not ours. Whoever did this won't be very happy when they find us. At least we'll be expecting them, right?"
"Unless..." Jero let it hang. Blaze flinched.

Natalia stopped crying. It was useless. She had not spoken since she told her father of what happened. Her mother had tried to comfort her, but Natalia just walked away, and the message was clear. She had been alone long enough now. Natalia was sick of being the one that needed more care than others, she was sick of being stuck in a constant state of depression, where everyone could predict her actions. She was sick because Mylair was dead.
It was less of a decision and more of a feeling. Mylair had died for a simple reason; his family had lived in the valley for many generations, and they knew things. Mylair had been very sharp and intelligent, despite his young age. He had known what others wanted to know. The knowledge that was worth killing over. It was all about control. Natalia knew, because Mylair knew. He had told her everything. Natalia sometimes wondered if he had been in love with her. Natalia sometimes wondered if she had been in love with him. The feeling came to her, and there was barely any decision at all.
Natalia walked past her parents, their faces illuminated by the small fire at the outside of the small cave where they slept. She felt pain, but nothing she felt made her want to stay. Natalia had to leave. She wanted to find Falin, but knew that it didn't really matter. What mattered was what the map lead to.

"You truly believe they will follow you."
"They will. They are many but aimless. I am the only one that has a semblance of a plan. These pokemon want power, they want control. They are foolish. That Primeape was perhaps the smartest of all that I have met so far, but he was obsessed with the killing."
"And are you sure you are not as well? You left him bleeding without eyes."
"His intelligence was respectable. His morals were not."
"I fail to see how the murder is justified. Your morals seem to be rather twisted as well."
"You've known me all of my life, brother. You know who I am, and you know my morals."
"I do not know if I do anymore, brother."
"Do not sneer at me, and do not curse your own blood. I am not blood thirsty like these fools. I may be one stricken with greed, but I am no fool."
"There is a party searching for the attackers of the girl. No doubt they have already found the body already. Which means they will search for the Heracross."
"No doubt they will find his body as well."
"You bastard, Kolanar. They trusted you."
"They were fools. I may be a bastard, but no savage. You know they killed the other child. My actions were justified. Besides, they were a gateway to the rest of these fools at the compound."
"And now the gateway has crumbled behind you. Perhaps they were the biggest threat, but you cannot argue you are putting yourself in danger."
"What will you have me do, brother?"
"This is an expedition for no other purpose but power. I would have you stop this and destroy the part of the map that Gaulvin has."
"I understand your concern, and I thank you for it. I didn't think you would have any left for me."
"Like you said, you are my blood."
"And always remember it, Ryledar."

Not a very long chapter, I will admit. And no sex. But I hope you enjoyed it anyway; perhaps avid readers (hell, I'm an optimist) will enjoy the plot points revealed. Is it all coming together now? Well, I thank you for reading, and urge you to send email to [email protected] or leave a review. Please do not reveal plot points in reviews.

Oh, and special thanks to Lion vom Silberwald.
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