AGNPH Stories

A Tough Decision by the_masterer


An Unexpected Rescuer

Ok guys this is my first story so I don't know if it will be good.

Sarah walked down the road holding hands with Steven, her trainer. As they walked down the road Steven explained to Sarah where they were going.

"Ok we are going to see an old friend of mine that lives up in the Hoen region. He and I used to be rivals but now we are just good friends." he explained.

Sarah nodded understandingly, but she wasn't paying attention to the road and she tripped and cut open her shin. Steven looked over hearing her yelp of pain and went over to see how bad her shin was.

Well it was bleeding but it didn't look too bad.

He picked her up and said "You need to be more careful Sarah. How bad does it hurt he asked?"

She didn't answer but she did cry and Steven knew it had to hurt very badly because his zangoose very rarely cried at all.

He stumbled a little on the road and caused a bit of pain to shoot up Sarah's shin. She cried even more and began to wail loudly.

Steven stopped and sat her down next to a tree and tried to comfort her," Hey hey it's not that bad calm down you'll be ok." When she had calmed down he gave her some medicine to ease the pain and help her sleep.

When she fell asleep he picked her up and carried her the rest of the way.

When Sarah awoke she was in a house with a bandage on her leg she could see Steven talking to some women in a corner of the room. And standing next to the women was the most handsome zangoose she'd ever seen.

Steven saw she was awake and smiled " Good morning Sarah " he said " does your leg feel better." she smiled and nodded. He beckoned her over and introduced her to his friend "Sarah this is Ashley" and then pointed to the zangoose and said" this is Rob" Rob smiled at her and said "Hi Sarah"

She blushed and hid behind Steven who only laughed and said" She's just shy"

Then a Prissy looking Delcatty came in from the other room and said "Hi Rob" then she saw Sarah and curled her lip in disdain"Who's this slut?"

Both trainers and both pok'e'mon gasp in surprise. Then the Delcatty continued "Get the fuck out of here u bitch Rob is mine."

Sarah began to cry and then ran out of the house straight into the forest.

Rob spun around on the smiling Delcatty and screamed "WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU YOU DUMB WHORE?" then ran off into the forest to find Sarah.

Sarah had been running for a long time when something hit her in the back of her head.

When she awoke her arms and legs where tied and a Nidoking was hovering over her. She could she his member hanging out and he was advancing towards her.

"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO LEAVE ME ALONE" she screamed and began to struggle

And right when it seemed she was going to be raped for sure out of no where Rob burst out of the trees and slashed the Nidoking in the side of the head. The Nidoking ran off and Rob began to untie her and asked "Did he do anything to you?" "No"she managed to reply "O thank you so much rob and hugged him.

Then she asked "Do u want me Rob?" she got on all fours and lifted her tail showing him her pussy

Rob was a bit startled but then replied "Yes I do"

She quickly turned around and began to suck his dick. She sucked and sucked hearing his moans of pleasure until he came. She gulped down all of his cum and then aloud him to lick her pussy.

Rob thrust his tongue deep into her pussy and kept licking until she reached her climax and came all over his muzzle. He then mounted her and thrust his member into her. Sarah gasped at the mix of pain and pleasure since it was her first time. Rob almost stopped and asked "Are... are you alright?" "Yes" she replied "Please don't stop I want you to make me scream"

He continued thrusting harder and harder until he broke he hymen and she climaxed and cum causing him to cum as well.

They both fell to the ground panted until they fell asleep together.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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