AGNPH Stories

A Tough Decision by the_masterer


The Day After

Alright guys this is part 2 of my first story. Hope you enjoy it. Sorry its taken me so long to update it but I've had a lot of stuff to distract me. Including the death of a Family member.

"Sarah... Sarah..." Sarah awoke to find rob holding her gently while calling her name.

"Morning Rob" She said sleepily "You were great last night." Then she reached up and kissed him. Sarah felt like she could stay here forever kissing Rob but he stopped her and said "Come on we need to get back to my house.

On the way back all Sarah could think about was Rob. About how handsome he was and how strong he was and how good it had felt the night before when his cock has been thrust in and out of her faster and faster...

"Sarah are you ok?" Rob asked. Sarah realized she must have been day dreaming and was a little embarrassed until she realized her pussy was wet. Rob must have noticed because he started to laugh and said "I guess that you were having a wet dream."

Sarah blushed and ducked her head. Rob only laughed more and said "There's no need to be embarrassed." This made her feel a bit better as they continued toward the house.

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When they finally arrived Sarah could see Steven waiting for them. When he saw her he exclaimed "Sarah there you are!" Then he ran over and picked her up and said "Where have you been, I was so worried." He said it as though he were speaking to a young child.

He put her down and then thanked Rob for finding her and led them inside.

Inside Ashley was making breakfast while all the other mon were still asleep, either in their balls or on big cushions. When she heard them coming in she turned around and apologized "I'm so sorry about the way princess (the Delcatty) acted yesterday but she's in heat so she will be a bit territorial and she's not entirely herself."

And then as if on cue Princess walked into the room and nuzzled up against Ashley. When she saw Rob she ran over to him but he pushed her away and glared at her. "I think there is someone that you need to apologize to, now."

Princess averted her eyes obviously embarrassed about what she had said and then turned to Sarah and said "Sarah, im extremely sorry about what I said." and then added "I'm not sure what came over me but I'm terribly sorry." and Sarah responded "Thank you for the apology and I forgive you." Then Sarah hugged her and went to stand by Rob.

In the silence that followed Ashley said "Well now that that's settled who wants breakfast."

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Later on in the day after everyone had eaten they decided to go to the lake by Ashley's house. Steven was talking with Ashley about Rob and Sarah, "Its seems to me like our two Zangooses have taking a liking to each other." Ashley agreed and continued watching the pair playing around and splashing in the shallows.

"Hey Rob" Sarah said "come here I want to tell you something."

"Ya ?"Rob asked then Sarah leaned forward and whispered "Rob I think im in heat because I cant stop thinking about you and that night." And for the first time noticed the familiar of a female in heat that was coming off Sarah. It enticed him and just wanted to have sex with her on the spot but he knew he couldn't, not with everyone watching.

"How about we go somewhere a little more private?" Rob suggested. "Anything for you Rob" replied Sarah rubbing his sheath with her tale as she passed by.

"I wander where they are off to?" asked Steven "Probably to get a bit of privacy" replied Ashley. Steven looked confused so Ashley explained "Well you know Sarah is in heat right?" He nodded "Well its obvious that Rob is attracted to her so they are jsut trying to find someplace private to... you know ... do their business." She giggled a bit as she said this and Steven said "Well they will be back soon ... I think."

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"OK I'm pretty sure we're alone now." said Rob "Good!" said Sarah then she turned around and jumped on Rob and locked lips with him their tongues exploring each others mouths and trying to wrap themselves around the others base.

Robs big cock was already halfway out and Sarah helped it along by licking and sucking on it hearing his moans of pleasure. She took as much of his rod into her mouth as she could and sucked on it more and started wrapping her tongue around his cock. Robs breathing increased moans became louder. Sarah began playing with his balls increasing robs pleasure greatly.

Rob could feel his climax coming and said " Sarah..... I .....I'm.....about to........ cum." She only sucked harder signaling him it was ok. Finally he released his cum into her awaiting mouth. She swallowed it all savoring the salty taste.

"Now its your turn" he said making her lay on her back. He began to lick her pussy while playing with her clit. The pleasure was immense for Sarah as Rob thrust his tongue deep into Sarah and pleasured her as best he could.

It was enough. "Oooohh ... it feels so good going to cum Rob." As Sarah came Rob licked up as much of her come as he could until Sarah said "Ok I think we're ready" and she giggle a little.

Rob stood up and thrust his still rock hard cock into Sarah's still wet pussy. They both moaned loudly in pleasure. Rob thrust faster and faster all the while Sarah begged him "Please Rob go...... faster.......fasteeeer..........FAAAAAASTTEEEER ."

Rob felt his climax coming and he shot his hot seed into the womb of Sarah.Sarah climaxed shortly after and both of them fell together worn out and tired. They both fell asleep in each others arms.

OK well Ill try to get the next chapter to you guys soon counting on nothing to stop me.
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