AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


The Chase Begins

There was a time when I was human once, but that time ended several days ago as I attempted to bury the memories of the day I changed without the smallest level of success. A large group of criminal researchers once existed who attempted human transmogrifications. Their experimentations had various disturbing results from their unfortunate and unwilling human test subjects. Their employees went out during any time of the day and abducted randomly selected humans to undergo such tests, as they knew what the consequences of their actions might bring without the slightest care. I was one of these people as I was unexpectedly snatched off the streets during one sunny and Friday afternoon, forcefully drugged, and shoved into the back of a large brown van. I was unconscious for most the trip that followed as I dreamed of the day that I would finally be able to claim my very first poke'mon and begin my journey as a trainer in order to become a poke'mon master.

I eventually awoke several hours later to a cold, hard, and uncomfortable sensation as I slowly opened my eyes, still feeling some of the side effects of the drugs my captors injected into my system. I found myself surrounded by darkness without the smallest source of light to illuminate my surroundings. I began trembling in fear as I frantically wondered where I was. I placed my hands at my sides for support as I sat up and felt cold uneven stone beneath my fingertips. My body ached severely in multiple areas as I accurately assumed that I had been sleeping upon a stone slab, possibly meant for a bed. This did nothing to ease my fear though as it increased it instead. Therefore, I immediately stood up and began walking forward as I held my arms in front of my body so that I did not bump into anything accidentally. Before I walked too far, the sound of rusted metal creaking reached my ears as a small sliver of light emanated from a few feet in front of me.

I opened up my eyes further as I wondered what secrets lay behind the door, but it only opened up for about two feet. A shadowed figure squeezed through the opening, but he or she never revealed their face to me as they stepped into the dark room. The dark stranger then closed the door as slowly as it had opened and drowned the entire room in darkness. I heard the stranger's footsteps as he or she moved closer to me and I moved back a little more quickly than they moved. Unfortunately, I soon reached the room's limits as my back bumped gently against a cold and hard wall that was obviously made of stone. The stranger stopped for only a second, possibly listening in on the quick thumping noise my back made when it hit the wall before he or she resumed their pursuit of me in the darkness. I hoped that I could use the darkness against the stranger as I slowly side stepped around the walls of the room, careful not to scrape along the walls.

I slowly made my way toward the opposite end of the room within a minute and placed my hand over something cold and hard, but it was not stone because it was completely smooth. I figured what I was touching was the metal door the stranger had opened up and closed. I slid my hand around its surface, but I found no handle or any way to open the door from the inside. Suddenly, my hand reached the end of the door's surface as my fingernails accidentally scraped against the stone wall around the door. I realized I had made a mistake, but it was too late for me to act upon it as I felt a pair of powerful arms grab me. I felt one of the arms releasing me, but the stranger's legs pinned my legs against the wall so firmly that it hurt. I could not make any movements, let alone struggle or attack as the stranger placed something that felt like a cloth bag over my head and tied it loosely around my neck. Afterward, he moved me to the side as he banged five times on the door.

The door slowly reopened as my captor stepped a few feet back, dragging me back along with him before he began shoving me forward seconds later. If there was any light in the next room, I could not see it because the bag over my head made it impossible for me to see anything including a tiny glimpse of light. I tried struggling against my captors for the following minutes, but they never fought back and only dragged me along. Within minutes, I grew tired and knew that I could do nothing, but I still struggled somewhat for the minutes to come as they forced me onto my feet multiple times. I took several turns during the long journey ahead and soon I stopped struggling even in the smallest amounts as I had become too exhausted. I then heard a door creak open a few feet away and felt my captors shoving me through the doorway before the door instantly slammed shut behind me and hissed as though I was inside an air lock. I was extremely frightened as I began to hear a low hum of machinery activating.

The hum grew increasingly louder as I felt warm, cold, wet, and dry all at once without even realizing what was happening. Slowly the feeling of multiple sensations increased as did the noise of the machines around me. It did not take long for the hum to become more of a roar within a minute. Eventually, I could no longer withstand the unexplainable sensations I was undergoing or the deafening roar of the strange machines surrounding me. Fortunately, the sound ended abruptly, leaving behind only the endless physical sensations I continued feeling. After the sound finally ended, I began experiencing additional sensations as well. I thought that I was feeling thick fluffy hair growing from my skin and replacing my already existing hair. I also felt my ears shifting in size as they painfully moved toward the corners of the top of my head. My tailbone extended and burst from my skin unexpectedly as I tried screaming, but felt that I was unable to make any sound at that moment.

My tailbone extension rapidly covered itself up in skin as well as hair similar to the hair that recently grew across my entire body including my ears. The bag across my head soon fell from its position as it tapped gently on the large tuft of hair that had grown across my chest and neck. I soon realized that I was inside a small elevator sized chamber with chrome walls and blinding lights installed into the floor and ceiling. However, I was more interested in what was occurring with my body as I noticed that the floor of the chamber was growing closer as the entire room grew much larger. It was then that I noticed that the room was not increasing in size. Instead, my body was decreasing in size, which caused the bag to slip from its position on my head. This explained why my clothes felt very loose and much heavier than before. I could not even move my shoes as I felt my hands and feet altering in shape and size as my thumbs fell back a few inches while the rest of my hands and feet became animal paws.

My face and the rest of my entire body completely resized and reshaped itself as the transformation sometimes brought some instances of physical pain as my clothes fell all around me. Fortunately, the transformation soon completed itself as I looked at myself with my large brown animal eyes down at my fox-like body of brown and white fur. I was shocked and horrified by what had become of me as I tightly closed my eyes, hoping that I would wake up from a horrible dream. Instead, I reopened my eyes and saw that nothing had changed about me or my environment as the door I entered from slid open. I bent my neck upward and stared curiously into the face of a forty-year-old man whose facial features were severely wrinkled with age as his head was partially covered in gray hair. His entire body was dressed in a white outfit, which included a lab coat, protective glozes, white pants, and a pair of black work boots. "This is incredible." He said as he stared at me with amazement.

He stared at me with a broad smile spread across his face as he bent down low to examine me more closely through his large blue goggles. I figured he wanted to pick me up and hold me in his arms. My suspicions were quickly confirmed when he reached out in an attempt to grab me. Instead of allowing myself to be picked up, I jumped up onto his shoulder with as much accuracy and power I could muster with my body. I found the leap exhilarating and satisfying for a single moment as I landed exactly where I wished to go. I then opened up my small mouth and tried biting into the old man's neck. Fortunately, I succeeded as I felt my sharp canine fangs dig into human flesh while warm blood slowly dripped into my mouth. The flavor of blood disgusted me as I immediately released my mouth from his neck and realized that I had only made a shallow cut that barely pierced the man's skin. The man shrieked in pain suddenly, but he soon turned his head and smiled at me.

I watched him as he reached his right hand toward me, so I decided to jump down behind him since my attack did not work. I quickly scurried out of the small room and into a long and wide hallway and ran rather well on all fours as if I was meant to do so. Unfortunately, I only ran for a few meters as a large muscular security guard dressed in an expensive suit bent down and grabbed me before I made it any farther. I did not like being touched especially as one of his hands pressed against my anus and my fur coated penis. His large meaty hand closed around my tails and thighs in order to hold me firmly in place. The man was large, bald, and dark skinned as he grabbed my mouth and nose with his free hand. I made a murmured yelp with my closed mouth because my nose was more sensitive to touch than usual. Not only that, but the man had clamped down rather hard. "You are hurting him, be a little more gentle." The old and partially bald man commanded.

The guard loosened his grip, but he kept his hands in place, making me continue to feel uncomfortable as the guard walked over and carried me over to the old man. The man eagerly picked me up slowly out of the guard's hands as he handed me over. The old man cradled me in his arms as I began feeling more comfortable, but I still felt anger and hatred toward the man who was holding me. He then proceeded to stroke me across the ears, which felt disturbingly comfortable causing me to murr happily without meaning to do so. He then turned me onto my back in the warmth of his arms and gently scratched my underside. The strokes were comfortable, but I felt too frightened to make any additional noises of satisfaction, but the same could not be said for my captor as he chuckled from great pleasure. Soon, the old man made an error that I quickly noticed when he looked up toward the guard who recently stopped me from running away. "After so many failed attempts, we finally succeeded." He said, completely giddy with excitement.

The moment that the old man had become distracted, I immediately jumped from his arms and began running as quickly as possible. The guard tried grabbing me a second time, but I was too quick and small. I felt my small body slip through his large hands before he had a chance to sustain a grip on me. I continued running at what I suspected to have been at least twenty miles per hour. I made some quick turns along the way and felt thankful that there was carpet along the hallways to provide some traction on my small claws and paws. Without any grip beneath my paws, I would have slipped and painfully slammed myself into oncoming walls. I eventually came to an elevator full of occupants and noticed that the elevator was just about to close. I entered the elevator without anyone noticing me and waited for the elevator door to shut completely. I stared up at the people around me who appeared to be wearing medical uniforms. When I looked back down, I felt the elevator beginning to move, as I hoped no one would crush my small body beneath their shoes. After all, I was barely bigger than a large rat in my current form.

After a few moments passed, the elevators doors finally reopened and I quickly ran out in fear of being crushed. I found myself in a hallway in a large poke'mon center. I made my way toward the public entrance because I knew that I could not wait around and think about where I was unless I wanted to be recaptured. Unfortunately, I heard some people running behind me, which were a couple of security guards and the old man in the lab coat. I ran toward the glass double-doors in the visitors section of the building and ran through just as a twelve-year-old boy pushed open the door to enter. I knew that I could not continue running forever and it would not take long for my pursuers to catch up to me. I needed a place to hide until they gave up the search, but I was too frightened at that moment to know where to hide. I eventually bumped into a black shoe and winced from painfully smacking my nose into the hard leather. I nearly cried from the pain, but there was no time as I managed with only a few tears running down my cheeks. I then looked up and saw a fourteen-year-old girl looking down at me curiously.
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