AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


Failure to Sacrifice

Several hours must have passed since I had lost consciousness due to the sudden attack issued against me by the police officer. I eventually awoke feeling refreshed and unharmed, positioned on something that was both soft and warm. I slowly opened my eyes to a near blinding light above me, but my eyes began adjusting themselves so that I could better examine my surroundings. There was a white desk resting against a light gray wall to the right of me. Placed along the surface of the desk were several medical supplies, mostly basic items such as tongue suppressors syringes, and cotton swabs.

I looked beneath me and found that I was lying on a small blue bed, covered in disposable medical sheets, barely large enough for a human child. I realized that I was currently located within a poke'mon center, which meant that I had been treated and healed recently. This explained why I no longer felt like any of my bones were broken or why my skin did not feel bruised or swollen. Still, it was odd that I was alone at that moment with neither Cass nor any of the nurses looking after me. That was when fright overwhelmed my senses upon remembering that I was being targeted by a notorious poke'mon thief without anyone guarding over me.

With this recent fear of mine came a second one when I also remembered that my first visitation to the poke'mon center was what had informed our pursuers of my location. Quite possibly, would not be long before someone tried capturing me again, placing Cass in terrible danger. I knew that I had to leave immediately, but without alerting anyone of my movements, especially Cass or the authorities. It was obvious that they would not allow me to walk into the clutches of my pursuers, but unless I gave my enemies what they wanted, Cass would be in constant danger. I already decided that I would allow myself to be taken to prevent anything truly harmful from befalling Cass and I was determined.

I quickly stood up on all four paws and did not realize until that moment just how invigorated I was feeling. It felt amazing, it was nearly enough to convince me that I could take on a well-trained stage one or two poke'mon. However, I was already well aware of my limitations though and I also knew just how false a feeling could be. I was simply grateful to the nurses who treated me so that I would be in peak physical condition for escape.

I jumped off the medical bed and onto a bluish-green carpeted floor. I then slowly rotated around to study my current surroundings more thoroughly than before. It seemed that my only exit out of the room was a dark brown wooden door nearly six feet way from the bed and it was already closed. I decided to walk toward the door in order to examine any possible method of opening the door in my current form. The silver-colored door handle looked like i could turn it if I jumped up and pushed my weight into it. After examining the door for a few seconds, taking into consideration the handle's distance from the floor, my size, and my current physical capabilities, I did exactly just that. After leaping from the floor, I just barely managed to grab hold of the handle with my paws.

Soon, I began feeling myself slipping off the smooth metal handle and just before I fell, I pushed down as hard as I could before I heard a click. I then landed on the carpet, just catching myself on all four paws to prevent myself from being harmed by the fall. I then looked toward the door and noticed that my actions caused it to open by only an inch at the most. I walked over toward the doorframe and moved by mouth toward the slightly opened door. Afterward, I opened my mouth and sank my canine fangs into the wood of the door before heaving backwards. It was tiring work and the door was much heavier than it appeared, but after nearly a minute of struggling, I managed to open it far enough to allow a safe exit.

The moment I released the door from my mouth I noticed that it was slowly swinging shut again on its own due to its weight. I raced to the small opening and just barely managed to slip past and into the hallway outside. A few seconds later I heard the door behind me close completely. The hallway was definitely different from the last time I visited a poke'mon center. Rather than seeing poke'mon nurses, poke'mon, and poke'mon caretakers, I noticed several humans. None of them were dressed in uniforms identifying them as the caretakers of poke'mon and some of them were wearing hospital uniforms.

It was obvious, I had not been taken to a poke'mon center, I was inside a clinic and that a hospital was located not too far away. "I am glad to see you are doing well little fellow, but you aren't safe out here." I heard a strong deep voice next to me. "Rest assured, I will protect you as ordered, but I think it is best you wait inside until your trainer arrives." The same voice said.

I turned to my right and noticed a large arcanine standing guard just outside the room I had just exited. "Ordered? Whose orders?" I asked curiously.

"Officer Jenny's orders of course, you probably don't recognize me, but I am the growlithe that attacked you yesterday. I am terribly sorry, but Jenny could not have you run off and she reacted on impulse when you suddenly began running away. Neither of us intended to hurt you as badly as we did so I hope you can forgive me." He replied

I suddenly remembered the pain that the poke'mon had inflicted upon me the other day and flinched in the clinic hall even though I was experiencing no physical agony at that moment. "Don't worry, poke'mon are meant for battle when they have trainers." I said. "As for returning to my room though, I cannot. I must be leaving now and I have no time to spare you the details." After I said that, I began walking away.

Suddenly, the arcanine ran forward and intercepted me before I made ten steps. "I've been ordered to keep you here and protect you as if you were my trainer." He informed me.

Upon hearing his words, I knew that I would not leave without convincing the arcanine to allow me to leave. After staring at the poke'mon and noticing the fiery passion within his eyes, I sensed that he would do anything for his trainer. It was apparent that he was loyal and would never go against his orders unless..."Would you die for your trainer's safety?" I asked.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I would. Why?" He responded.

"I must leave to keep Cassandra safe, dangerous criminals are after me and I can no longer risk her safety by constantly relying on her and remaining at her side." I said. "While I am a coward and fear being harmed or even killed, I cannot live with myself if my survival costs Cassandra, my trainer, her life." I stated.

The arcanine smiled at me and slowly blinked once before laughing softly at me. "What's so funny? Why am I always being laughed at by other poke'mon?" I asked.

"I sympathize with you greatly, but I cannot go against Jenny's orders. Besides, you greatly underestimate me and what I am capable of doing. You also talk to me as if I have no idea of the current situation. I know that a thief by the name of Jerry Thompson is after you, but rest assured the police force has many units positioned throughout the area." He said.

"Did you just say many?" I asked as fear began to race through my body, but not because my chances of escape had been reduced. My new fear originated from a much more frightening thought. "With so much protection surrounding this clinic, the thief will realize that something precious is being guarded. He will eventually realize that the thing is me and that he will come here. You idiots!" I shouted. "I am one of Cass's closest friends and she is going to want to see me so she and Amber will come here. You are endangering my friends just to protect me! I am tired of relying on others while those closest to me are at risk. Get the hell out of my way!" I screamed at the arcanine.

I rushed forward, infuriated beyond imagination that my protection was a force of fools who only cared about capturing a wanted criminal. Even if it meant placing civilians and my friends in the line of fire. While my chances of victory against an arcanine were minimal, his purpose was to keep me from harm. Therefore, he had to be careful and limit himself; it was possible that he was not even allowed to attack me. Meanwhile, I prepared a well-aimed attack for his nose, knowing that my inferior strength was not sufficient for knocking him unconscious. I leaped into the air once I was within range and positioned my forehead so that it rammed directly into the canine poke'mon's sensitive nose.

The arcanine yelped out in extreme pain as he immediately collapsed, tears building up in his eyes as his forepaws rushed to comfort his nose. "You're unlike any poke'mon I've encountered before, that attack of yours is something I'd expect an intelligent trainer to order their poke'mon into performing." The arcanine said.

Noticing that he already began recovering from the non-fatal, but excruciatingly painful attack, I decided to take advantage of what little time remained. I ignored the arcanine's comment and jumped over his enormous body while continuing to rush forward through the hallway. I passed the checkout counter and found myself nearing the reference desk where the main entrance was located. I noticed some people walking up to the reference desk to check into and confirm their appointments while I whizzed passed others who waited patiently for their names to be called.

The area was not too large and I had to be careful to avoid crashing into any of the seats while certain people shrieked in surprise at my speedy form. It was unusual to see an unaccompanied poke'mon in a public area, especially within a hospital rather than a poke'mon center. I paid no attention to any of the humans during that moment though considering my only concern was escaping my guards so that I could allow my enemies to capture me. Although the plan was questionable, not having me around would theoretically keep Cassandra safe. Besides, Cass had Amber so she would make a fine trainer with the vulpix I supplied her as well as enough experience once I was gone.

I neared the entrance and saw that the heavy, transparent glass doors were closed. It was obvious that I would be incapable of opening them on my own. "Time for another plan I guess." I thought to myself with a sigh.

Hoping that I still had time to escape before any of the police officers arrived; I looked around for anything that would help me. I noticed an elderly woman wearing a blue dress, a thick pair of brown glasses, and a yellow straw hat over her short gray hair. I decided that I could take advantage of her, knowing that some old women were kinder and gentler in their old age than they were young. I walked up to the door, acting as cute, pathetic and miserable as possible to obtain her pity. I scratched at the door with my right forepaw and stared at her directly whimpering loudly. "You want out?" She asked after taking notice with her grayish blue eyes and at this, I nodded. "Tim, could you let the little guy out?" The woman asked as she turned toward a man sitting next to her who looked to be in his thirties.

The man had clean black hair, cut short around the back, sides, and front. He had blue eyes, but not as dim and aged as the woman's eyes. He was wearing a brown long sleeved shirt, a pair of blue jeans and a pair of black tennis shoes with white laces. He did not appear physically impressive, but he was neither slim nor fat. He turned to looked at me, the eevee that the old woman had indicated. "Alright mom, you just wait here." He said as he stood up and revealed that he was nearly seven feet tall.

He walked toward the door and pushed it open a few feet. "There you go." He said, but I barely heard him as I already scurried past him and out into the parking lot outside.

I ran toward the edge of the crowded parking lot, noticing several small buildings surrounding the area similar to the clinic I had just exited. I neared the end and was nearly at the sidewalk situated next to the nearest street until something unfortunate happened. "Chase, return!" I heard Cass shout from shout from not too far away and before I entered a dreamless unconsciousness, a light brighter than the sun swallowed me up.
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