AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


"My friends call me Cass"

The girl wore a pair of blue jeans that hung only an inch off the ground at the bottom where I hit one of her black tennis shoes. The pair of pants was secured by a black belt with a silver buckle that had the symbol of a shining poke'ball engraved into its surface. She also wore a red jacket with several pockets along its front and long sleeves that connected with fingerless gloves. The jacket was unbuttoned and revealed a black shirt underneath, but I was not sure if it had long sleeves, short sleeves, or no sleeves at all. She appeared only four feet tall, but to me she seemed rather tall in my current form. She had black hair that was tied in a ponytail with a very large white ribbon with gold edges. She had large blue eyes and smiled at me, but there was no time for pleasantries at that moment considering I was running for my life. I noticed a black backpack slung across her shoulders with its top flap loose and after thinking for a second, I quickly jumped onto her left shoulder and quickly slid into the backpack's compartment.

She giggled because my movements tickled her, but she had no time to ask me what I was doing as I heard my pursuers running toward the girl. I hoped that they did not intend to harm her, but instead of stopping to question her or even search her, I heard the men rushing past her in an attempt to catch up with me. It seemed that they were unaware of my actions as I felt the teenage girl turn around and look toward the guards. I suspected she was wondering what was going on. However, it did not take a genius to figure out what had just happened and it seemed she had understood what was going on. I soon felt the backpack being lifted as the girl sat it down onto the ground and opened up the top flap as her gentle face greeted my eyes. I wanted to tell her why I had hid in her backpack and I was frightened that she would turn me over to the nearest poke'mon center or police station. "You were running away from those criminals weren't you?" She asked.

She offered her hand out to me and continued smiling gently toward me. "Do not worry, the police have been looking for those people, they are on a lot of wanted posters. I will not let them get you and I promise that I won't hurt you either." She said as she continued holding her hand out to me, but I did not feel comfortable about being held or carried by another person. I especially did not want to be touched by a girl since it was disrespectful for a male human during the first time meeting a girl. "You poor thing, you must be frightened after what horrible things they must have done to you. I wish there was something I could do to help you trust me." She said with a look of genuine sadness in her eyes. I eventually decided to walk into her hand slowly before I leaped up onto her left shoulder for a second time. I desperately wanted to speak to her, but all that came out was a fox-like murr. I hesitated for a moment afterward, but then I gently nuzzled my face into hers. "Oh, you are so adorable." She said after she had giggled from me rubbing fur in her face.

Unfortunately, the moment did not last long as the criminals who had been chasing me came back and saw me standing on the girl's shoulder. I knew that there was only one way out of the situation I was in until the police arrived. I jumped down into the girl's backpack and searched it, hoping to find an empty poke'ball. I quickly found one and knew enough about the devices to determine whether it was empty or occupied. I pushed it along the edges of the backpack's interior so that it slid up and fell out of the pack. I then jumped out and quickly nudged the poke'ball toward the girl. She seemed to understand what I was trying to tell her and she apparently knew that there was no time for she had also noticed the criminals running toward us. She picked up the poke'ball and tossed it at me before I felt an unusual sensation overcome me as my body was digitalized and encoded into the poke'ball's circuitry for later use. The poke'ball soon stopped blinking and signified my capture.

Staying within a poke'ball was a strange experience for me that felt like a dreamless sleep, except it was a deeper sense of unconsciousness that reached even my subconscious. I soon knew why it was difficult for poke'mon of any kind to escape the device once they had been weakened to the point where resistance became futile. The girl who I allowed to capture me eventually summoned me outside of my poke'ball. I then looked around and realized that I was standing next to her on the same street as before. "There is no need to worry about those criminals anymore because the police arrested them shortly after I captured you." The girl stated happily. "However, they would have taken you and gotten away had you not allowed me to capture you the moment you did. Fortunately, I was able to hold on to the poke'ball you were stored in when they tried stealing it just long enough for law enforcement to arrive and handle the situation." She explained and for once that day I actually felt a little happy.

"Eevee," She began as she unknowingly added onto the constant reminder of what I had become. "My name is Cassandra, but my friends call me Cass and I apologize for not telling you my name sooner." She explained. "I would like to keep you and become your trainer, but I will never force you to go into your poke'ball." She offered as I objected to her request in my own mind immediately upon hearing the words coming out of her mouth. However, I knew that if she did not become my trainer, then someone else who was not as nice to poke'mon or someone who acted cruelly toward poke'mon might try to capture me.Besides, there was something about Cass that made me nearly blush whenever I looked into her eyes. "If I do not become your trainer and you wish to go free, I understand. However, there are others who will not be as considerate and those who will want to hurt and mistreat you and I don't want that to happen." She said as she nearly repeated my thoughts.

After considering her words for over a minute, I finally slowly stepped toward her as she sat on both her knees. I then leaped onto her shoulder. From there, I nuzzled my face and wet nose into her cheek to let her know that I was willing to be her poke'mon. "Oh thank you for becoming my first poke'mon." Cass said as she giggled gratefully. Cass then reached her right hand over her shoulder, and scratched my ears. The feeling was very comforting and satisfying as I murred in happiness. "You know something Eevee?" Cass said as she continued looking at me. "I only kept a poke'ball with me and wore these clothes because I only pretended and dreamed of becoming a trainer, so you will never know how much this means to me." Cass admitted. "However, if I am going to train you, then I would like to call you something other than Eevee because it sounds too informal." She said before thinking for a moment. "I think I will call you Chase because I met you while you were being chased."Cass finally said and I murred in satisfactory agreement since I could not tell her my true name myself.

Throughout the remainder of the day, Cass decided to purchase a few things in town including a sleeping bag, food, and water for the long journey ahead of her and me. I remained on her shoulder as she shopped since I was afraid of being stepped on by a passerby. After shopping for nearly an hour, Cass stopped off at the poke'mon center, but I was too afraid to go inside because it was the same building that I had escaped from earlier that day. The moment I hopped of Cass's shoulder she looked down at me just as she was about to step inside and smiled at me. She was probably thinking that I was worrying for nothing when I jumped off her shoulder and refused to enter with her. "Do not worry Chase; there is nothing to worry about. I am just going inside to see what an Eevee like you needs for a healthy diet. After all, I need to know these things if I am going to train you." She explained, but I continued to refuse to enter. "Very well, but I at least want you to wear this when we are separated so no one else tries to capture you." Cass finally said.

Cass removed her backpack from her shoulders and set it down on the sidewalk before she opened a side compartment and reached inside. She then extracted a black leather collar with a silver tag clipped on the center of it, the tag had Cass's first and last name engraved into it along with her cell phone number as I guessed she had it custom made long before we met to satisfy her own person desires about becoming a poke'mon trainer. She then closed up the compartment of her pack and bent down to place the collar around my neck. At first, I refused the collar as I slowly backed away and shook my head in disapproval. After all, I was once human and I felt that I had degraded myself enough by allowing Cass to capture me and keep me as her starter poke'mon. "Please let me put it on you because I do not want to lose you or have anything bad happen to you." She explained and I knew that Cass was being sincere. Therefore, I reluctantly stepped toward her and lifted my chin up high, so that she could place it around my neck without snagging my fur. "Thank you, I will be back in a little bit Chase." She said as she slid her hand across my head, back, and tails in a long petting motion.

Cass then walked into the poke'mon center while she left me on the sidewalk with my brand-new collar strapped around my neck. I sat there for several minutes as people walked in and out of the poke'mon center while others simply walked past the building entirely. Many people who walked by took a moment to look at me and they seemed impressed by me, but I did not seem flattered. Instead, I just wanted them to stop staring at me because it still felt embarrassing to become a poke'mon after being a human for many years. Therefore, I kept my collar visible even though my fur was thick so that people could see it without staring too closely. I made sure at least nine out of ten people who walked by noticed my collar by keeping my chin held up high. I suspected that some people who noticed me would want to capture me and keep me for their own. Fortunately, I was relieved of my fears when Cass stepped outside with a smile on her face and held something out in her hand. "I have something for you." Cass said.

I looked at the thing she was holding as she opened up her right hand and I saw a hard, bone shaped, and brown treat made exclusively for poke'mon. She looked at me, continuing to smile, as she bent down low enough for me to eat the hard and dry biscuit she assumed that I would like. I appreciated her intentions, but I felt certain that I would not like the treat she bought for me. I knew that Cass used her own money to purchase the treat and she wanted to be nice and generous. Unfortunately, I knew that I would not like the taste of the treat even if I tried it, but I also knew that if I did not eat it then I would have insulted the very person who saved me from my earlier captors. "What's wrong?" Cass eventually asked when she realized that I did not want the treat. "I thought that you would like it because I was told all poke'mon love these things." She added, but I heard a hint of disappointment in her tone as her smile slowly began to disappear.

I slowly stepped forward after several seconds and stopped less than half of an inch away from Cass's hands. I then stood up, planted my forepaws on Cass's hand, and bent my face forward as I began sniffing at the treat. Strangely enough, it did not smell too bad, in fact, it smelled appetizing, but I was not very surprised by the smell of the treat. Instead, I was more surprised by my keen sense of smell as I grabbed the treat with my mouth and hopped off Cassandra's hand. The treat tasted like a meat-flavored cracker in my mouth and surprisingly enough, I enjoyed it as I quickly chewed it down and swallowed. Cass smiled as I finished the treat before I jumped back on top of her left shoulder again and nuzzled my face into her cheek as she giggled. "I am glad to have met you Chase, let us head on out now that we have everything we need." Cass said as she stood up straight and began walking away from the poke'mon center.
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