AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


An Evening with Cass Under a Star-Speckled Sky

Cass walked about ten miles outside of the town with me perched on her shoulder as she traveled into a large forest with a running river not too far away, as the sun began setting. The two of us were becoming rather hungry as our stomachs moaned for food almost simultaneously. "Don't worry Chase." Cass said as she turned her head to meet my face. "I brought plenty of food that should last us for about a week at least." She said as she sat down to take her backpack off her shoulders and I hopped down as I stretched my limbs from sitting in one position for so long. I then watched her curiously as Cass reached into the backpack and brought out a moderately sized brown sack and a small brown sack. "I am glad you are a small poke'mon Chase, otherwise I would have had to pack heavy for both of us." She said smiling, unaware that she only reminded me that I was no longer human. However, I was not about to allow anything spoil my positive mood that evening. "Here, let me help you with yours." Cass generously offered.

Unfortunately, I did not want her help because I did not want to feel helpless considering how humiliating my situation already was without relying on someone else's help. I quickly tackled the smaller of the two brown bags and toppled it over onto the ground. Cass quickly moved her hand out of the way in order to avoid me, but she was not frightened, instead, she giggled at my actions. Cass then took her own sack in her arms while I tucked my head into my bag to investigate the bag's contents. I found a few plastic baggies with poke'mon food stored in them specifically made for an Eevee such as myself. I also found a bottle of water in it and wondered how I would get any of my food or water without hands. It seemed that I needed Cass's help with my food after all. Therefore, I removed myself from my bag and walked over to Cass. She was busy eating a bologna sandwich with lettuce, tomatoes, and mayonnaise as the sandwich made me lick my lips since I was incredibly hungry. Cass finished chewing and swallowing a bite of her sandwich before she noticed I was having trouble with my food.

Cass reached into her backpack and pulled out a pair of stackable and shallow food bowls that were both gray in color. She placed them down on the grass next to me before reaching into my meal bag and pulled out a single plastic baggy, opened it, and poured its contents into one of the food bowls. She then zipped up the baggy and placed it back into my paper sack before pulling out the bottle of water. She opened the bottle and poured some of it into the second food bowl before she closed the cap on the bottle and placed it back into my sack. "There you go Chase, if you want any more food or water, just let me know because I made sure to bring plenty for the two of us." Cass said, but I did not want to eat from animal food bowls. Instead, I wanted some of the food that she was eating because I did not want to feel like a poke'mon, I wanted to feel human. "Is there something wrong with your food?" Cass asked, "I made sure to buy the right food for you," She added.

I did not answer or even look into Cass's eyes; instead, I jumped onto her arm and took the largest bite of her sandwich as I possibly could, which was not very large. I chewed on it for a few seconds and swallowed it, but it did not taste as good as I thought it would. Usually, sandwiches tasted pretty good whenever I became hungry during the day, but now that my taste buds had dramatically changed, human food no longer tasted the same. In fact, the sandwich made me cough a few times because my body did not seem to like it very much. "Are you alright Chase?" Cass asked worriedly as she placed her sandwich aside and quickly took me into her arms. I stopped coughing within seconds and looked up at Cass as if nothing wrong had happened. "You should not eat human food, but I guess you were just curious." She said innocently, obviously unaware that I was once human. "I am glad you are alright though." She said before she kissed me on the forehead and set me gently back down onto the ground.

I walked slowly toward the food bowls Cass set up for me and I sniffed at the one that contained moist bite-sized slices of meat. I sniffed at the meat and it smelled delicious as the mere scent of the food increased my appetite. I quickly took a mouthful of the meat and discovered that it tasted more delicious than it smelled. Not only that, but I easily chewed and swallowed it. After eating the meat, I felt severely thirsty though because the meat was only moist enough to keep it from going dry and brittle like jerky, which could cause small poke'mon like myself to choke. Therefore, I walked over to my water and tried drinking it as I would if I was a human and sucked on it. Unfortunately, I took too much of it in at once and choked as I began coughing again, but more heavily that time. Once again, Cass reached over and picked me up in her hands. "Are you okay?" She asked as Cass began to sound like a recording set on repeat.

I tried taking in deep breaths, but every time I tried, I began choking and coughing harder than before until the effects of drinking too much water eventually passed. I felt that I could breathe normally again after I coughed for nearly an entire minute. Cass smiled again, glad that I was feeling all right as she allowed me to hop out of her arms and in front of my water bowl. "You should not drink too much water at one time." Cass suggested to me as she quickly returned to her own meal. I decided to try lapping up the water with my tongue as normal poke'mon would and felt that it worked much better than trying to suck on the water. I drank over half of the water in my bowl before I felt that I had quenched my thirst. Additionally, I no longer felt hungry as Cass finished taking a large gulp of water from her own fresh water bottle. "Now that we have finished eating, we should get some rest, because the sun is almost done setting." Cass suggested as I yawned heavily and stretched out my limbs, as I felt the effects of lethargy overcoming me.

I then looked up into the sky and realized that Cass was correct and that in the distance, the sun was finishing setting in the horizon. Additionally, I knew that I needed to sleep soon if I wanted to wake up early in the morning to resume my journey with Cass. I did not enjoy being a poke'mon, but I at least enjoyed the girl's company and felt like I could fall in love with her. Therefore, I patiently watched and waited as Cass untied her sleeping bag from the back of her backpack and unrolled it on a soft area in the grass. By the time she finished, the sun had finished setting as the stars shone brightly in the night sky. In addition, a full moon shone brightly and only magnified the brilliance and beauty of the night sky miles away from any known city. Cass then took my pokeball out from her right pocket when she finished setting her sleeping bag up. "You can sleep in your pokeball if you want, but you don't have to." Cass offered as she walked toward me.

I was not entirely sure how to explain to Cass that I preferred staying outside of my pokeball because I could no longer speak English even if I tried. After trying to think for a moment, I decided to run up to her before I leaped onto her left shoulder with ease and rubbed my face into her left cheek for several seconds. Cass laughed from being tickled for the moments that followed until she finally dropped the pokeball from laughing too much. I hopped down, grabbed the pokeball in my mouth while it was in its miniature form, and carried it to Cass's backpack where I dropped it in the opening. Afterward, I returned to Cass, leaped back onto her shoulder, and rubbed my face into her cheek again. "Alright, alright, I won't make you go into your pokeball." Cass managed to say in-between giggles. "I did not think about bringing another sleeping bag for you though, but I guess you can lay down with me during the night." Cass said when I stopped nuzzling my face into hers.

Cass unzipped her sleeping bag and laid down in it before she covered herself up while resting her head against the pillow. She had difficulty zipping up the sleeping bag back up though without ruffling up the bag as it soon became apparent that she could not do it on her own. Without being asked, I walked over and took the zipper in my mouth and bit down hard with my teeth. The taste of metal in my mouth was horrible, but I decided that since she helped me a lot already, I needed to start paying her back for her generosity. I slowly dragged the zipper up toward one end just as Cass finished becoming comfortable in her sleeping bag as she looked at me and smiled affectionately. I soon reached the end and I was able to spit the zipper out of my mouth, but the aftertaste of metal remained even after it left my tongue. "Thank you Chase, I am glad to know that we are already becoming good friends." Cass said and I did something unexpectedly as I walked up to her face and licked her cheek a single time.

Cass soon fell asleep after giggling one last time for the night and I decided to try to sleep on the ground a few feet away from her. I felt that I was becoming too dependant upon her assistance and that I needed to restrain myself from relying on her help so often. I was thankful to have no need for a blanket since Cass had not packed an extra one. I was thankful because my fur acted as a natural blanket. Unfortunately, the ground was hard and uneven, making it increasingly difficult for me to fall asleep. I attempted to fall asleep for the hour that followed, but without success. I silently cursed myself for having to rely on Cass once again simply so that I could sleep as I walked over to her and lightly crawled onto her stomach. I then circled myself three times, feeling that it would make me more comfortable and lied down. Afterward I curled up with my own tail covering my face, my paws buried beneath my body, and my ears pricked up in case I needed to wake quickly. I soon fell asleep because I was becoming attached to the feel of Cass's body.
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