AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


Chase VS. Amber

I awoke several hours later without experiencing a single dream; at least I did not remember dreaming anything as I slowly opened my eyes. I looked toward the sky and realized that the sun was just beginning to rise. During that moment, I hoped that the experiences of the previous day were nothing more than a bad dream. Unfortunately, I felt Cass's deep breathing pushing my small fox-like body up and down. I knew that I actually had been transformed into a poke'mon. I almost began crying over my own unfortunate fate, but instead of crying, I stood up on all fours and stretched out each of my limbs one at a time. I spent about ten seconds stretching each one of my four paws before I jumped off Cass's stomach. When I landed on the ground, I turned around and looked at her peaceful face as she slept soundly within her sleeping bag. I felt a little hungry, but I decided to wait until she awoke so that she could feed me. I knew that it was embarrassing to rely on someone else like I was their pet, but I already proved that I could not eat on my own.

Other than hunger, I felt something else and nearly crossed my hind paws over one another, but seeing as how I could not, I knew that I desperately needed to take a piss and quite possibly a crap as well. I knew that it was unwise for me to venture too far away from Cass, but no one would try capturing me with my black collar around my neck. Besides, I would not wonder too far away from Cass because I would make sure I kept her in sight while searching for a bush or a tree to do my business. I walked off toward a nearby tree and stepped around it so that if Cass did wake up, she would not see me until I was finished. I held up my left hind leg while balancing myself on my other three paws as I relieved myself on the tree. Nearly a minute passed before I finished as I sighed from relief and began preparing for a good long crap. I squatted down on my hind legs while I lifted my tail and spent another two minutes trying to squeeze out the feces until I felt all of it exit my anus.

When I finished, I felt some of the feces sticking to the fur surrounding my anus and realized that I needed to clean it off. I knew that poke'mon naturally licked themselves clean, but I nearly vomited just by thinking about the idea. Instead, I decided to rub my body into the grass, hoping to use the ground as natural toilet paper, but after two scrapes, the pain from the hard forest ground became too much for my sensitive skin to endure. I moved onto my back as I lifted my right hind legs as I bent my head forward to examine how dirty I was. I realized that by rubbing into the grass and dirt, I only spread the mess across my inner thighs, tail, and lower belly. I did not want to lick myself clean, but I did not want to walk around for the rest of the day covered in my own feces. Therefore, I desperately resorted to licking it off as I bent my head forward and felt my nose touching my furry tail. Fortunately, I felt no strain on my back as I began licking off the feces. I did not swallow any of it though as I immediately allowed it to drop off my tongue, but I tasted it enough until I almost vomited.

I eventually finished cleaning myself as I began spitting out the remains of the droppings that may have entered my mouth. No matter how many times I spat though, I could not remove the taste from my mouth. Therefore, I decided to scrape my left forepaw against my tongue several times in an attempt to remove the flavor. Unfortunately, my efforts were in vain, as I merely combined the taste of feces with the taste of fox fur. I decided to give up on the matter entirely and hoped that breakfast would make my mouth taste better, but when I glanced around the tree to see if Cass had awoke; I realized that she was still sleeping. I knew that as a poke'mon trainer, she could not sleep much longer because it was expected out of trainers to wake during daybreak and sleep during nightfall. I walked over to her quietly, but my stomach growled in slight pain, reminding me of my hunger pains, as they grew stronger. I approached Cass until my face was less than an inch away from hers before I began softly licking her cheek.

Cass began stirring a little as I continued licking her face until she began giggling and opened her eyes. She turned her face to look into my soft brown eyes and smiled before he carefully unzipped her sleeping bag and rubbed her eyes with her hands. Afterward, she stretched all of her limbs in a similar manner as I did while yawning rather loudly. Her morning breath reached my sensitive nose, as I winced from the stench, but I remained in place and pretended that I did not notice her foul smelling breath. "Good morning Chase," Cass greeted, reminding me of my nickname. "I am pretty sure you are hungry aren't you." She said as she stood up and walked over to her backpack. "Give me a moment and I will be able to grab something to eat for both of us." She said as she reached into her backpack and took out my food and water dishes. She then poured some of my food into one dish while pouring water into the other. "There your go, sorry for the wait." She said in a gentle tone.

The flavor of the food and water was not too bad, but it was the same food that I ate during the previous night. I knew that the same food after awhile would become tiring, but it seemed that Cass was suffering the same dilemma because she only packed similar looking sandwiches for herself. Fortunately, she separated the bread, toppings, and condiments from one another, but I knew that the meat and tomatoes would spoil after a week until she could no longer safely eat them. My food was similar to the meat though because it was meat and because it was not completely dehydrated, it would spoil soon enough as well. While my poke'mon intestines could devour more germs and bacteria than human stomachs could, I did not want to risk eating spoiled meat. Fortunately, my sensitive nose would let me know when any of the food spoiled, so I would not have to worry for a while. I ate my food and lapped up my water happily. I nearly finished my food and water until I heard some movement in the trees nearby. "What's wrong?" Cass asked before she took another bite and noticed that I stopped eating and that my ears had pricked up.

I looked around for a moment as I suspected that something was amiss until I noticed something move quickly in the bushes directly in front of me. I chased after it at quick speeds, suspecting that it was a wild poke'mon; I knew that Cass might want to try capturing it. "Chase, wait up, where are you going?" Cass asked as she stopped eating and immediately stood up to follow me. However, I did not stop until I entered an area of the forest where the trees were abundant. I then saw the poke'mon that I was chasing after and realized that it was a vulpix. "How wonderful, thank you for noticing it Chase, are you ready to help me capture it?" Cass asked from behind as I noticed her heavy breathing coming from behind. The orange furred vulpix looked at me and I noticed the fear in its eyes, but I also knew that Cass would take care of it and that it could not find any better trainer. Therefore, I nodded in compliance to Cass's words. "Alright then, let's see what you can do Chase. Tackle that vulpix now!" She ordered.

The vulpix looked like it was about to defend itself from the attack Cass called out and I knew that if I followed Cass's orders, then the vulpix would be able to prepare itself for every attack. Therefore, I prepared to tackle the vulpix, but changed direction at the last second and sped up until I performed agility. My speed created three more images of my body that circled the vulpix. The vulpix tried following my movements, but it was impossible and because I began circling around it at a much closer distance, I gave it no room to maneuver. As a normal poke'mon, I realized that my attacks were limited, so I had to prevent the fire poke'mon before me from launching any successful fire attacks on me. Afterward, I went in for a tackle as soon as I gathered up enough speed, I knew that the gathered speed from agility only increased the damage of my physical attack.

I successfully made a direct hit with my head by tackling the vulpix in its side and sent the rival poke'mon falling a few feet backward. Cass watched me with curious eyes as she probably wondered why I disobeyed her orders and attacked the vulpix on my own terms. "Chase, what happened?" Cass asked. "I thought I told you to tackle, not use agility. I am happy for your efforts, but I am your trainer and you should be doing as I tell you, if that is not too much to ask of course." Cass said as her voice took on a shy tone toward the very end. Unfortunately, Cass's words distracted me from the battle as vulpix quickly recovered from the attack. "Dodge!" Cass shouted and it did not take me long to realize why she had given the order. I noticed fire building up in the vulpix's mouth as it prepared for a flamethrower attack.

I did not take Cass's advice during the time that she ordered me to dodge though. I knew if I dodged at the wrong time, the vulpix could turn its head for a better shot and release the attack just as I finished landing. Therefore, I waited until the last moment as Cass began shouting at me. "Chase, what are you doing? I thought I told you to dodge." She stated, but during that moment, I continued ignoring her as the vulpix finally released a stream of flames from its mouth. I quickly jumped approximately five feet to the left as the attack missed me entirely. "Chase, what is going on with you?" Cass inquired. "Is there something you know that I don't? Do you think you can handle this fight without my orders? Am I a bad trainer even though I have barely started?" She questioned and when I looked at her, I noticed that she was beginning to cry. I quickly returned my attention to vulpix and realized that it was preparing for a second flamethrower attack. "Dodge!" Cass ordered with teary eyes.

I decided to follow her commands so that she would stop crying considering that she was the trainer and I was her poke'mon. Therefore, I jumped nearly four feet to the left and just as I made my landing, the vulpix turned its head toward me and released a mouthful of flames. I had no time to dodge the attack that time, but I tried jumping out of the way again even though it was already too late. I managed to avoid being directly hit by the fire, but the flames licked at my underside, legs, and paws as I screamed out in pain. When the stream of fire ended, I crashed into the ground with my paws beneath my scorched body. Some of my fur had been burned off and there was ash all over my body. The pain from the minor burns I received was immense and I did not want to fight any longer. Until that moment, I never realized how much pain poke'mon suffered to fight for their trainers. I began understanding poke'mon better and admired them for their courage, endurance, and loyalty. During that moment, I felt that I wanted to be like them as long as I was a poke'mon. "Chase, please get up." I heard Cass plea.

I slowly lifted myself off the ground as I continued trembling with pain from the minor burns I suffered from vulpix's last flamethrower. I knew that if it had been a direct hit, I probably would have been incapacitated or worse. I began doubting my abilities as a poke'mon for a moment because I knew that I was only a normal type. Many normal types knew how to fly, which was their trump card, but as an eevee, I only had physical attacks and they failed in comparison to fighting poke'mon type attacks. My only trump card was the various different poke'mon I could evolve into, which made eevees all over the world unique due to their unstable DNA. However, my evolutions did not matter during that moment because I was far from obtaining a much more powerful form in my basic poke'mon state and I had to use what was given to me. When I looked at vulpix again, I noticed that it was suffering from pain too and knew that the direct hit from my tackle had weakened it some.

I wanted to attack the vulpix in the same manner as I did the last time, but I decided to wait for Cass's orders so that I would not insult her status as a trainer. "Alright Eevee, use agility again if you can and when you see an opening, go for a tackle." Cass ordered and I began to feel that Cass was not bad as a trainer after all. However, I also thought that Cass was simply asking me to do what worked the last time because she could not think of anything else. I followed her orders though and ran toward the vulpix with as much speed as my body could produce. Unfortunately, it was not enough because my legs and paws continued to hurt from the burns. Therefore, I only made one false image of myself that followed my movements rather closely. "Chase, are you hurt too badly to fight?" Cass asked. "If you are then I can end the fight." She stated, but I refused to give in and just as I circled the vulpix closely, I launched an attack just as Cass commanded. However, the vulpix managed the jump out of the way before I connected the attack.

I did not give up though because as soon as I landed, I acted without Cass's orders again and went for a following tackle. The vulpix barely landed from dodging the first tackle, making it an easy target for my following attack. I hit the vulpix directly in its side with my head again and sent it spiraling into the thick trunk of a large oak tree. The vulpix looked weakened after it had violently crashed into the tree. However, the vulpix seemed defiant because after a few seconds of lying motionless on the ground, it began standing up as it trembled with pain. I understood how the vulpix felt and almost sympathized with it, but I had to complete the task set before me. Unfortunately, Cass did not give me a chance to finish it off. "Alright Chase, let me take it from here." Cass said as he extracted an empty poke'ball from her right side pants pocket. "Poke'ball, go!" She shouted and tossed the device at the vulpix. The poke'ball opened up and engulfed the vulpix in less than a second before closing. The poke'ball's caution light blinked a few times before it stopped and signaled the vulpix's capture. "I can't believe it! I caught a vulpix!" Cass shouted with incredible excitement and pride.

Other than pain and exhaustion, I felt insulted because I knew that I had done all of the work in vulpix's capture and I even followed Cass's lousy orders from time to time during the fight, which nearly caused my defeat. I looked at her angrily and she returned my stare curiously before Cass walked over and picked up the poke'ball off the ground and stuffed it back into her pocket. "Oh, sorry Chase, I meant to say that we caught a vulpix, thanks for all of your help." Cass said gratefully as she walked over to me, bent down, and scratched my ears. I murred in comfort before I looked at Cass with a much more positive expression on my face. I then nearly fell to the ground from exhaustion as Cass quickly noticed my physical condition. "Chase, are you alright? Would you like me to return you to your poke'ball?" Cass asked, but I quickly stood up and shook my head silently. "Alright, I guess I could carry you then." She said as she lowered her hands and offered to pick me up off the ground.

I resisted the offer at first, but my flesh continued stinging from my burns as I winced from the slight agony. Cass took notice of my pain so she stopped trying to lift me up and set me back down onto the ground. Cass then walked toward her backpack and took out a tube that looked like it was full of skin treatment. "Don't worry Chase; I bought some poke'mon burn treatment from the poke'mon center since I figured we might have to battle against fire poke'mon." Cass explained as she removed her gloves from her hands, opened the tube of burn treatment, and squeezed some of the white pasty substance into her bare hands. Afterward, Cass rubbed the skin treatment into her hands before she approached me. "The nurses told me that it may cause you some stinging, so don't move." Cass said as she continued walking over to me. "I will need you to lie on your back so I can get the areas that were burned. "She quickly added as she knelt down in front of me once she got close enough, but I did not want to let her touch me, especially with her hands covered in pasty medication.

I nearly decided to resist at first, but then I felt my skin stinging again, from my burns, therefore, I rolled over onto my back and awaited the treatment willingly. I felt Cass's warm fingers slowly slide around my fur as I began feeling a slight stinging sensation that was not the fault of the burns. My burns began stinging a lot more as the skin treatment I was receiving caused some additional irritation. I closed my eyes tightly and concentrated solely on the feeling of Cass's warm comforting hands move around my fur, but even that was not enough to stop me from grimacing. I lightly growled from the pain, but I did nothing to threaten Cass as she continued spreading the medicine around my burns. After five minutes of painful treatment, Cass finally stopped as the stinging slowly went away. The pain from the burns began fading away as I looked at my fur and noticed that the medicine restored some of my fur to its natural color, but I knew that it would take a few more days before my body completely healed even as a poke'mon.

When Cass removed her hands from my fur, I rolled back over onto my paws and felt much better and that I could walk again. Cass smiled as she slipped her fingerless gloves back onto her hands and placed her backpack over her shoulders. I noticed that she was ready to move on, but I did not want to leave just yet as I quickly ran toward her and jumped up. I knocked my nose into her pocket and hit the poke'ball that contained her newly captured vulpix. The poke'ball then popped out from her pocket and crashed into the ground before it released an injured vulpix. I then walked over to the vulpix that was barely even conscious and nuzzled my nose gently into its face. I knew it was badly hurt because it suffered two direct physical attacks that I inflicted upon it. "Chase, do you want me to treat her too?" Cass asked as the Vulpix barely lifted its head to look at me. I turned my head toward Cass and nodded my head in response to her question. "Alright then." Cass said as she placed her backpack down onto the ground and searched it for something.

Cass took out another tube similar to the one that contained my skin treatment, but instead of the tube being red, this one was brownish yellow. She untwisted the cap from the top of the tube before she bent down and squeezed some of the medicine into the vulpix's side where I tackled her. She then used her fingers to rub the medicine into the vulpix's wounds as it began growling in pain. I walked up to it and nuzzled my nose into the vulpix's face, but she moved away from me, probably frightened because of what I had done to her. I did not understand the language of poke'mon, even as a poke'mon, but I knew when I was not wanted. Therefore, I walked away and waited by Cass's side until she finished. A few minutes later, Cass stopped and closed the tube of medication before she placed it back into her backpack. The vulpix did not look much better, but it managed to open its eyes completely and looked like it was smiling toward Cass. "I'm glad you feel a little better vulpix, but thank Chase because it was his idea." Cass said.

The vulpix looked at me, smiled weakly before it fell asleep without even moving, that meant that it was very tired, and probably still in pain. "I gave her some medicine to help with her bruises, but we will have to get her to a poke'mon center for full treatment." Cass explained as she looked down at me. "We will probably have to get you looked at as well, those burns are pretty serious and I don't think a little ointment will be enough for you." Cass said as she looked over at vulpix again. "As for her, I think I should give her a name like I gave you one." Cass said as she stopped to think for a few seconds. "Hmmm, let me think for a moment." Cass said as she continued pondering for nearly two additional minutes. "I will call her Amber, I know it is not much of a name, but it is all I could think of." Cass finally decided as she picked up Amber's poke'ball off the ground and aimed it toward Amber. "Amber, return." Cass said as the vulpix was dragged back into her poke'ball by a red beam. "Now, are you ready to go Chase?" Cass asked as she looked at me.
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