AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


Behind the Counter

The poke'mon center was relatively close to the entrance of the city and it only took Cass and me ten minutes to reach the front entrance. I had decided to walk during the short journey because I was growing tired of sitting on Cass's shoulders constantly. Of course, my burns still ached, but I maintained what I thought was a normal expression for an eevee and endured. I did not want Cass to worry about me because I despised relying on her constantly. Unfortunately, my aching finally caused me to scowl a little bit upon reaching the entrance to the poke'mon center and Cass looked at me worriedly. "Chase, you don't look very good." Cass said, only pointing out the obvious. I only found annoyance in her for a few seconds though. Cass had saved me, which placed me in her debt and her intentions were the purest of any poke'mon trainer I ever encountered. "Would you like me to carry you to one of the nurses?" Cass inquired.

Cass kneeled down only a few feet in front of the double-door glass entrance of the relatively large building. She then stretched her arms out toward me and offered her gloved hands out toward me. I knew how comfortable it felt to be cradled in her arms; her warm softness would surely relieve me of some of my pain. I nearly accepted her offer, but I narrowly avoided temptation and eventually refused. I lowered my expression, closed me eyes, and shook my head to inform her that I did not particularly like the idea of having her carry me wherever we went. "Alright, but if you feel you cannot walk, I insist that I carry you." Cass said before she stood back up and looked at me for a few more seconds. "You are one of the strangest poke'mon I have ever met Chase and that is saying something for an eevee." Cass said as she smiled, I smiled back at her. "Well, one thing's for sure, you have a cute smile." Cass said and at this, I blushed a little.

As Cass walked into the poke'mon center, I followed close behind and noticed that it looked similar to the one in the previous city. It was certainly quite large to say the least, but it was expected of poke'mon centers considering that they were almost as busy as human hospitals were. Cass walked up to the front counter and glanced down at me with a worried look in her face again. I had the feeling that she was about to ask me if I needed help getting onto the counter. Therefore, before I allowed her to utter a single word, I crouched down for a moment and hopped up with as much strength as I could muster. The moment I did, I wished I hadn't done so because my body began screaming at me in pain before I collapsed on my stomach on the bare counter in a crash. It was obvious that my injuries were far worse than I had thought them to be. Either that or the walking only added onto my poor physical condition. "Chase!" Cass screamed at me with a shrill voice.

Everyone within hearing range, meaning everyone on the first floor of the building, glanced over to look at the girl who had screamed. Cass ignored the stares she received during that moment though because she was frightened and worried only for my safety during that moment. Cass placed her right hand over my small body and began rubbing it across my fur. I was panting heavily from pain and my eyes were tightly closed. I began to think about how foolish I was for believing that I could take up fighting poke'mon less than a day after becoming one. I was not a poke'mon, so why was I trying to behave like one? I could not even endure half of a flamethrower attack without collapsing helplessly in agony. I knew I was a basic poke'mon, but that did not make matters any better because the vulpix I helped Cass capture was also a basic poke'mon. "Is there something wrong miss?" One of the many Nurse Joys asked as she approached the counter.

Was the nurse completely oblivious to my pain? I knew I was small for a poke'mon, but I wasn't that small. "Yes, I need my poke'mon treated right away." Cass said as she pulled out Amber's poke'ball and placed it onto the counter. "Please don't put Chase, my eevee, in a poke'ball, he doesn't seem to like those very much." Cass said and I felt thankful for her revealing my hatred toward poke'balls.

A blissey came walking next to Nurse Joy and it was carrying a rectangular silver plate that looked like it could sustain up to one hundred pounds of weight. I glanced over to it with my half-closed eyes and knew that it was usually meant for carrying poke'balls alone, but poke'mon centers were forced to redesign their carrying trays. Many trainers possessed poke'mon that never went inside a poke'ball except for maybe once in their entire life, which was only to be captured. "Your eevee looks like he is suffering from some minor external burn wounds and a severe case of exhaustion." Nurse Joy said and I was surprised that she was able to determine my injuries and physical condition without even asking what happened or performing any tests. "We will take a look at your other poke'mon as well." Nurse Joy told Cass. "Do you have any others that need treatment?" Nurse Joy asked.

"No, those two are my only two poke'mon; I just started thanks to Chase." She said with a smile and I turned my head slowly to face her as I barely managed a weak smile across my face. "I will be waiting out here for you Chase and when you are finished, we can restock up on supplies and have a meal together." She said.

I felt relaxed that Cass had not mentioned battling the local gym leader because I heard that the Pewter City gym leader battled with rock type poke'mon. I did not enjoy the prospect of having to face a rock type in my fragile and fleshy form. Their incredibly durable bodies allowed them to use their dense exterior as defensive armor and offensive weaponry. Seeing as how my only attacks were normal attacks, my only advantage over a heavyset rock type was my speed and agility. I knew that running away would not earn me a victory in a fight against a rock type though because I would eventually tire out and become slow enough for a rock poke'mon to pummel me into submission. "Don't worry; I am going to take good care of you." I heard Nurse Joy say as she interrupted my thoughts.

I did not like my situation very much, especially when the nurse reached her hands out to pick me up off the counter. The moment her hands touched me, I began growling at her defensively despite my physical condition. The nurse backed off for a moment. "Shhh, it's okay, I am not going to hurt you, I am just going to pick you up and place you onto the transportation tray." Nurse Joy explained in an assuring tone.

I soon realized how ridiculous I was behaving and decided to stop growling at the nurse, I simply did not feel comfortable having anyone touch me. I accurately guessed that my poke'mon body naturally and physically reacted to my discomfort. Before I could worry about my reaction to Nurse Joy, I felt her warm soft hands fold gently around my petite form. She then lifted my up off the counter as I nuzzled my face gently into her before I realized that I had just rubbed my face into her breasts. "I am glad to see that you are beginning to relax a bit." Nurse Joy said to me while I only wanted to escape her arms for inappropriately touching her.

Fortunately, I worried for nothing because she knew nothing about my human history and believed that I was nothing more than a poke'mon. She took my nuzzling as a sign of friendliness and not a sickening sexual advance toward her. I did not mean to touch her like that; it was something that my body had decided to do all on its own just like when I began growling at the woman. Even though I did not like the idea of my own body taking command over my actions and behavior, I was forced to admit that I enjoyed Nurse Joy's warm embrace and it felt similar to Cass when she held me. "Here you go Blissey, make sure to keep him in good health." Nurse Joy instructed.

The next thing that I noticed was that I was being placed onto a hard cold slab of metal just before Nurse Joy removed her hands from my body. Nurse Joy then turned around and picked up Amber's poke'ball off the counter before she placed it right beside me on the plate. I was in too much pain and too exhausted to make any major movements as I laid on the tray, but I turned my head just enough to stare at Amber's poke'ball. It looked like every other poke'ball in existence, but I felt sincerely worried for the miserable creature trapped inside. I hoped that I had not injured her too badly, which was an ironic sensation to feel considering she attacked me as well. However, I knew that she only acted defensively when she realized Cass's intentions to capture her. "Alright, let's get these two taken care of." Nurse Joy said.

Blissey carried Amber's poke'ball and me past several doors through a long hallway until we stopped at a wooden door with a brass handle. Nurse Joy stepped forward, opened the door, and allowed the blissey to enter first. Nurse Joy followed the pink poke'mon shortly afterward and closed the door behind her. "Alright, we know we need to treat this eevee, but I would like to inspect the other poke'mon first and find out what it is, why it needs treatment, and what treatment is suitable for it." Nurse Joy said as she picked up amber's poke'ball and placed it atop a small silver box with a hollow indention in its surface.

The box was about twelve inches tall, wide, and long, making it a near-perfect cube with a black screen on the front. Amber's poke'ball locked into the indention and I instantly knew that the device scanned the contents of a poke'ball and released poke'mon without the owner's specific verbal command. Nurse Joy needed to know what poke'mon was contained within the poke'ball because many poke'mon were too large to fit inside the small medical room surrounding us. Of course, Nurse Joy knew that Cass was a new trainer and it was highly unlikely that any poke'mon she owned was taller than an average teenage human child was. However, the nurse took no chances in her work. The black screen on the front of the silver box activated and displayed a picture of vulpix. It was not a random vulpix photo though. The image on the screen was an actual picture of what Amber would have looked like if she were to be brought out of her poke'ball during that moment. I could not be certain, but I suspected that the screen was also displaying Amber's current condition.

"This vulpix is suffering from major bruising and two fractured ribs." Nurse Joy said and my heart dropped immediately when I heard her say those words. She turned around to face the blissey and noticed the fear in my eyes from hearing her say that. "Don't worry, your friend is going to be fine, poke'mon come in here all the time in conditions like these, sometimes even worse." Nurse Joy assured me and I understood that preventing poke'mon injuries from worsening was another important action for poke'balls to carry out. "We will just have to heal her while she is still inside the poke'ball." Nurse Joy explained, but the last thing she said was aimed more toward the blissey than it was toward me.

Nurse Joy then walked over to me again and lifted me off the carrying tray, the blissey sighed in relief because it would not have to sustain my weight any longer in its arms. "In the meantime, you should get some rest, your wounds are easily treatable and I will take care of you once we are finished taking care of your friend." Nurse Joy said before she carried me over to a small bed not too far away. The moment she placed me upon the bed, I noticed that it was larger than I was and it was rectangular, it had a soft mattress with warm white sheets. It was nothing compared to Cass's stomach, but it felt comfortable for me to lie down on a bed again. "Sweet dreams." Nurse Joy said, but it was too late, I had already succumbed to unconsciousness.
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