AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


A Couple of Discoveries

The stadium was incredible in size and while it was a low budget poke'mon gym, the arena was at least half the size of a professional football field. The arena was unlike the standard field of battle for poke'mon, but I knew that many gym leaders preferred battlefields that gave their poke'mon a certain advantage over their opponents. The arena was covered in rough uneven concrete and loose dirt while large rocks were positioned seemingly randomly along its surface. From the number of boulders and rocks I saw, I knew that maneuvering through the terrain would be difficult. There were few flat areas throughout the entire arena and the number of obstacles impeding my path robbed me of my speed and agility advantage over any rock type my trainer's opponent decided to call out. "Alright Chase, this is going to be a difficult battle, but we are going to do our best to win!" I heard Cass call out from behind me.

She was standing on the trainer's circle at the edge of the arena that was closest to me. She sounded very confident and I knew that a trainer's emotional state had a large effect on their poke'mon. I knew that if a trainer seemed weak or lacked confidence, their poke'mon would become fearful and lose any confidence they had at winning any of their battles. However, I was not a poke'mon, at least I was not a natural poke'mon and I was truly frightened for my own safety. The arena was massive in comparison to my small form and I knew that while it left me handicapped in several areas, it only increased the home team's advantage. Of course, gym battles were designed to be as difficult as possible and any trainer who could not overcome such obstacles did not belong in any of the regional tournaments.

Before I thought about anything else, I saw something flying through the air. I looked up and noticed that it was a poke'ball, but it was odd that my adversary would toss out a poke'ball without calling out the poke'mon inside of it. It was also strange that I could not see the other trainer at all even after we entered the stadium to greet Cass's first human opponent. All I saw was a dark figure from the entrance who decided not to greet us verbally. Instead, he simply raised his right arm and pointed over toward the trainer circle closest to our position. It was as if he already knew why we had come and decided to instruct us on what we needed to do without uttering a single word, but that was not where the oddities ended. Cass decided not to speak either even though she was rather talkative even when I was the only one she could talk to, knowing that I could not respond in her language.

The poke'ball crashed into the ground several feet away from my position, but there were too many large rocks impeding my vision so that I could not see it. All I noticed was a large flash of light before I heard something large release a loud roar. I felt the ground shake and knew that the monstrous poke'mon was on its way toward me. It did not take long before I noticed a series of boulders snaking its way toward me. Fear rushed through my entire body and I froze completely, knowing that I was about to face off against an Onix. The head of the large poke'mon approached me as it towered my body by several feet. I knew that there was no possible way that I could defeat such a massive creature in battle. In fact, Amber had a better chance fighting Onix than I did because at least she could do more than simply run around and bash her head into things. "Chase, dodge!" I heard Cass shout.

I was too frightened to move and could not believe how willing poke'mon were to face off against enemies who clearly outmatched them. The Onix rushed forward before my senses finally returned to me as I jumped toward the left. It was already too late though because the dense head of the rock type smashed into my body and sent me spiraling toward a boulder a few feet behind me. I shut my eyes tightly and felt my body slam painfully into the hard cold rock. "Chase!" I heard Cass scream at me worriedly.

I did not feel my body plummet toward the ground, as it should have after crashing into a rock. Instead, I reopened my eyes and noticed a bright light overhead, nearly blinding me. Something dark soon blocked out most of the light as it came closer to me. I eventually realized that Cass was looking down at me. "You are finally awake." Cass said with a smile. "You must have had a bad dream if it made you fall off the bed like that." Cass explained and I began smiling back toward her. "The nurse healed you already, but from that nasty fall, you might need a little extra treatment." Cass said.

I examined myself for a moment and noticed that I was lying on the floor on my back in the same room as before, but I did not understand why the nurses allowed Cass to come back here. I rolled over onto my paws and stood back up and the moment I did, I realized that I was not looking at Cass at all. The face that had looked down at me was not a human's face; it was Amber's! "Amber! You can talk?" I asked as I stared at the face of the reddish-orange vulpix before realizing something. "Wait a minute, I can talk!" I shouted excitedly. "How can we be talking? We're poke'mon." I said before I heard Amber giggling for a moment.

"Of course we can talk silly." Amber said. "What are you? Human?" Amber asked.

"Sorry, I feel kind of embarrassed; I just woke up from a horrible nightmare that I was a human and forgot how to talk to poke'mon." I decided to lie while wondering how I could be communicating with a poke'mon.

During my battle against Amber, I could not understand anything she had told me. On the other hand, anything that I tried to say came out as natural eevee-speak. I wondered if the transformation that I had undergone had not completed itself until recently or if the transformation was still changing me. My personal theory explained why my body had acted on its own a couple of times. Unfortunately, if that was true, then it meant that I would possibly become an actual eevee. An eevee that behaved and thought like a poke'mon until I completely lost my humanity. "That's a weird dream to have." Amber suddenly spoke.

"I see that you are feeling better, when did the nurse release you from your poke'ball?" I asked.

"They took me out less than three hours ago, she needed to give me a personal physical to make sure I was alright, at least that's what she said." Amber explained. "It felt really weird though, humans are very strange creatures." Amber said and I decided not to take that offensively.

"Amber, why are you talking to me like we're friends?" I asked. "I was the one who hurt you and I helped Cass take your freedom away from you." I added and Amber giggled again. "What's so funny?" I asked.

"You are very strange for an eevee, you know that?" Amber said, almost sounding like Cass when she said that to me. "You must not be from the wild then, otherwise you would know." Amber said before she became silent.

"Know what?" I asked and Amber giggled again. "Please, tell me." I said.

"A fight with a trainer is a fight for dominance, if we lose the battle and become captured, we recognize the human who caught us as our dominant master." Amber said.

"It sounds a lot like slavery." I said before I realized that I was beginning to sympathize with poke'mon a lot more.

Amber began laughing, but when she did, she laughed much harder than before. "That's strange for you to say, especially when you have a trainer and a collar around your neck to show it." Amber said.

I blushed a little from embarrassment for saying something exceedingly unintelligent. "Why do you see the trainer as your master and not the poke'mon you fought?" I asked and at this, Amber looked insulted.

"Are you coming onto me?" Amber asked with an angry tone.

"What? Oh god no, that's just gross!" I exclaimed in response.

"Oh, are you saying that I am unattractive then?" She asked, twisting my words into an impending argument.

"Amber, I am not coming onto you and I am not saying you are ugly." I said. "I was asking you a serious question." I said as I looked at her sincerely.

"Oh, sorry about that." Amber said, as it was her turn to blush from embarrassment. "We don't consider the poke'mon the dominant one because while battling we see how the trainer commands their poke'mon in battle. Therefore, we recognize the human as the poke'mon's master and our master as well if we are captured." Amber explained as I took a relaxing breath upon narrowly avoiding an ugly argument with a vulpix. "You didn't seem to follow your trainer's orders during our fight though. Why did you keep disobeying her?" Amber asked.

"Cass is a new trainer and very inexperienced, I don't feel comfortable taking orders from someone like that until they become more knowledgeable in battle." I answered.

"Are you saying that she is incompetent then?" Amber asked.

I knew I had just insulted Cass and that Amber was not twisting my words. I felt like crap for talking badly about the very person who had saved me and helped me during the last couple of days. "I guess I did call her that just now, but she is very kind and generous. Cass places the needs of her poke'mon before her own needs and desires. She is never forceful and quite lenient. Even though she cannot understand us completely, she does her best to listen and she is quite accurate in her interpretations." I said and smiled while mentioning all of Cass's good qualities. "I am certain that she will make a good poke'mon master someday." I truthfully admitted.

"It sounds like you want her to be your mate." Amber said teasingly.

I became silent for a moment and could not form any words to respond, I had been feeling something for Cass ever since I saw her. However, I couldn't, even if I was a human, I was nineteen years old, making me five years older than her. On top of everything else, Cass was underage. That did not include the fact that I wasn't sure if or when I could become human again. "Alright you two, it is time to leave." Nurse Joy suddenly said as she came in through the doorway accompanied by the blissey from earlier before. "Come on Amber, back into your poke'ball." Nurse Joy said.

The nurse raised her right hand, which contained Amber's poke'ball and activated it so that a red beam shot out toward the vulpix before dragging it back into the device. "Nurse Joy wants to see if you can walk after your skin treatment, therefore, I did not bring a transportation tray. You slept during your physical checkup; all we need now is a demonstration of your health before you are dismissed." The blissey standing next to Nurse Joy told me.

I followed the blissey toward the door of the medical room while the nurse closely accompanied us with Amber's poke'ball in her possession. The three of us walked outside the room and into a hallway that led toward the front counter. I felt reenergized and fully revitalized during our short walk as if I was healthier during that moment than I had been on any other day in my entire life. It did not take long for the waiting room to come into view as I instantly hopped onto the front counter once it came within range. I barely placed any power into my leap and I landed perfectly on all four paws. Nurse Joy smiled and I heard the blissey laughing softly from behind. "Well, it seems you are ready to go, but we cannot let you leave just yet Chase." Nurse Joy said, using my poke'mon name as if we had been friends for some time. "Cassandra Follie, please report to the front desk. Cassandra Follie, please report to the front desk." Nurse Joy announced loudly and clearly into a microphone bolted into the counter's surface.

I had never heard Cass's full name before, but I knew it was Cassandra's name when I saw the fourteen-year-old girl walking up toward the counter. "Hello Chase, I am glad you are feeling better, you have been in there for four hours now." Cass said and began scratching my ears once she came within range.

I closed my eyes in comfort and murred happily at her warm touch before I eventually moved my head aside to make her stop. "Miss, your poke'mon are both feeling better now, but there is something you need to know before you leave." Nurse Joy said.

At these words both Cass and I looked up toward the nurse's face in fear, wondering what important information Cass needed to hear. "Is there something wrong?" Cass asked.

"I am not sure if there is something wrong, but I do know that there is something very unusual about your eevee." Nurse Joy stated.

I could not believe what I was hearing because I realized that the nurse could have discovered the truth about me. I wanted someone to know about my current situation in order to find a way to change back into a human. However, I could not just let anyone know about it because there were wealthy people in the world who could care less about my needs and desires. People like that would pay handsomely to have something like me in their possession for study and experimentation. I especially did not like the idea of poke'mon center staff knowing the truth about my condition. After all, a team of researchers forced me to undergo the change directly beneath a poke'mon center. That meant whoever gave the order to alter my physical body artificially on a genetic level quite possibly had strong connections with poke'mon centers across the region and quick access to poke'mon center databases.

"Before I go into any specific details I must inform you that whenever we receive new poke'mon to treat, we create a medical record for them. In order to keep the record updated, we take a small DNA sample from the poke'mon and archive it, making it easier for us to keep track of specific poke'mon. Of course, the medical information is confidential, meaning that only a poke'mon's trainer and the poke'mon's nurses have access to the poke'mon's medical records." Nurse Joy said and I instantly froze with fear upon hearing that they took a sample of my DNA.

"Is there something wrong with Chase?" Cass repeated her question with a worried expression across her face.

"Like I said before, I am not sure if there is anything wrong with your eevee, but his DNA seems rather contradictory to that of a normal eevee. Eevee DNA is already unpredictable and unstable, but we have managed to keep track of it after years of research. Your eevee differs from any eevee ever documented though. That usually is not a problem because all eevees slightly differ genetically from one another just like any other creature. However, Chase differs on such a large scale that I am not even sure if he is an eevee at all. He certainly looks like one and his internal organs greatly resemble the basic structure of any other eevee." Nurse Joy explained before pausing for a moment.

"What do you mean he isn't any eevee? Is he a ditto simply disguised as an eevee?" Cass asked.

"I thought about that myself, but dittos are even stranger poke'mon whose genetic structure has yet to be determined. To make sure Chase is not a ditto or any other shape shifting poke'mon for that matter, I decided to ask one of our own dittos to transform into an eevee and it quickly complied. Afterward, I ran some tests on both Chase and the ditto and found no match between the two." Nurse Joy replied.

"I see, well I guess that was sort of a dumb question to ask." Cass said. "Is there any useful information about Chase you can tell me?" Cass asked.

"Yes, there are a few more things you should know." Nurse Joy responded. "I decided to examine Chase's major internal organs in a desperate attempt to solve the mystery." Nurse Joy continued. "When I reached the brain, I discovered that Chase's mind is operating quite differently than an average eevee. In fact, his brain functions operate abnormally in comparison to most poke'mon." Nurse Joy revealed.

A new level of fear struck both Cass and me upon the mention of my abnormal brain activity as I wondered if something about the transformation was going to kill me. I was no longer worried about being caught or discovered, I simply wanted to know that everything was going to be alright and that nothing terrible was going to happen to me. Cass had asked that same question twice and each time she asked the nurse replied with an "I don't know". When my health was probably at risk and a medical professional said they didn't know, you're damn straight I was frightened.

Cass remained silent because she obviously had no idea on how to respond. "I decided to compare Chase's brain to other poke'mon since it did not match an eevee's brain, but I found no matches in any known poke'mon. I did notice similarities between Chase's brain and the brain of certain psychic poke'mon such as kadabra, but there were too many differences between the two for me to make any medical conclusions. I then had a theory or performed an act of desperation and compared Chase's brain with that of a human's." Nurse Joy said and I became exceedingly worried during that moment.

"What did you discover?" Cass asked.

"Despite their difference in size, Chase's brain is nearly identical to a human's." Nurse Joy revealed.
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