AGNPH Stories

The Tales of Chase and Cassandra by chase


Chased Again

Cass stared toward the man in fear before she turned her worried gaze toward me, the net that tightly contracted itself around my body made it nearly impossible for movement. Whenever I tried changing my position by just a small amount, I felt the fine metal net nearly slice into my outer flesh. I was frightened for myself and for Cass and I was suffering moderate pain from the constricting trap covering my entire body. I could not yelp out to get Cass to do something because I was afraid of cutting my nose on the net, so instead I growled as loudly as I could. In all honesty, I was too concerned for my own safety to tell Cass to run in order to save herself even if I could speak English. After hearing that I was the only survivor of the experiment, I knew there was nothing good in store for me if I went with my captor. I wanted to escape and knew that Cass was my only possible savior unless someone else arrived to help me.

Cass unexpectedly ran toward one corner of the net and grabbed onto the net with both of her hands. Afterward she began tugging onto it with all of the strength that she could muster. I heard the quarter-orb on her side scrape against the concrete a little and knew that it was loosening. Therefore, I decided to help her in my escape despite how painful it became for me when I pushed against the sidewalk with my own strength. "What the hell do you think you are doing? get away from there!" My captor shouted.

The man quickly ran toward Cass and stopped once he was standing directly behind her. He then bent down quickly and grabbed onto both of Cass's wrists. The moment he did, Cass screamed out in terror as she refused to loosen her grip from the net. "Let go of it." The man hissed, but Cass refused to listen and resisted him even more.

Soon the quarter-orb on Cass's end of the net broke loose from the concrete, loosening the entire net around my body. I soon felt that I could move freely again as I quickly ran toward the only open end of the trap. My captor eventually managed to shove Cass aside until she nearly fell into the street. Instead, Cass painfully collapsed onto the curb, but she managed to catch herself with her hand, which minimized the damage done to her body. After witnessing what the man had done to Cass, I was infuriated and wanted to cripple the man for what he did to her.

However, the man was prepared for me as he caught me with his hands the moment I left the net. He held me in his gloved hand around the waist as I frantically tossed and turned my body in a futile struggle to free myself. The man brought me closer toward his chest until he finally wrapped my small body in his arms. Even if I tried biting him, my teeth were not large enough to sink through his heavy layered clothing and into his skin. Instead, my head rested against his left forearm, my midsection was tucked away beneath his hands and my tail was scrunched beneath his right wrist. I continued squirming for freedom, but the more I struggled, the tighter he held onto me so that I would not slip from his grasp.

"Amber, go!" Cass suddenly shouted.

Cass was standing on the edge of the sidewalk and she had just tossed out Amber's poke'ball. Before it hit the ground, the device opened up and released a shimmering bright light that struck the ground harmlessly, but noisily. As the poke'ball hit the ground, the light dimmed down and took upon the shape and color of a vulpix. "Use your flamethrower now!" Cass shouted.

Fortunately, my face was not buried into the man's clothing, which meant I was able to communicate with Amber. I barely turned my gaze toward the vulpix and noticed flames spurting from her closed mouth. "Amber don't do it, you could hit me!" I shouted. "Try tackling him instead." I said.

Amber immediately powered down, but did not follow either command she had received. "Amber what's wrong, why aren't you attacking?" Cass asked, but then she looked at me and understood. "I am so stupid; I could have been responsible for hurting chase if you carried out that order. I am glad you stopped yourself Amber, it was a wise decision even if it meant disobeying my orders." Cass said. "It seems all of my poke'mon think I am a bad trainer." Cass said glumly.

I noticed that Cass was losing track of the situation and yelped out to get her attention. "Chase is still in trouble, Amber, tackle him instead!" Cass shouted out.

"Damn it, as long as I am holding this eevee, I can't call out my poke'mon, but if I release him from my grip, he will escape." I heard my captor muttering under his breath.

Amber soon rushed forward and jumped several feet in the air for a tackle, the man tried backing away, but his heavy clothes limited his movement and with me in his arms, he could not use his hands freely. "Damn it all." The man cursed to himself.

Amber collided headfirst into the man's head as the force of the attack knocked his hat off his head and revealed that he had no hair to begin with. Amber followed through with her attack and placed all of her bodily weight into the man's face as he already began to fall backward from the collision. The attack happened rather quickly, giving him no time to prepare. He continued gripping onto me though, refusing to release me even during the most painful moments. The stranger soon collapsed onto his back as he miserably groaned in pain. Amber hopped off the man's face while I took advantage of the opportune moment and jumped out of the man's arms when I felt his grip loosen from the fall.

The man slowly sat up as he groaned a moaned in pain while muttering curses under his breath. He continued rubbing his head, trying to relieve himself of the aching, but seemingly to no avail. "Alright you little brat, it seems that I have no choice other than to fight you." He announced as he finally stood up and extracted a poke'ball from his left pants pocket.

The poke'ball enlarged to its normal size as he tossed it onto the sidewalk, nearly smashing it into the concrete from his apparent frustration. The ball popped open, releasing a near-blinding beam of light that eventually took the shape and color of a poke'mon. I observed the moment curiously, waiting both anxiously and fearfully to see what would come out. It was not long before a wartortle appeared fully released from its imprisonment. As I examined it from a distance in horror, I realized that there was little chance for victory if we were forced to fight. Amber and I were both basic poke'mon with very little battle experience, additionally, Amber was a fire type, making her weak against wartortle, a water type.

"Cassandra, the offer is still open despite your earlier resistance." The man offered again. "Surrender now, I do not want to risk triggering something negative in Chase's DNA." He added.

I looked up to Cass and I felt like I was about to dissolve in my own tremendous fear. I was not sure, but I suspected that my growing poke'mon instincts were causing me to look to Cass for confidence and intelligent decisions and orders to escape our attacker. Cass's eyes were filled with fear as well as I quickly shook my head and reminded myself of how piss-poor her orders were. "Amber, you have to listen to me." I began as I turned my attention to the vulpix. "Amber is incapable of correctly making orders; I would not ask this of you during a competition, a spar, or a gym battle. You need to follow my directions, there is no time to explain, and I need you to trust me." I said while leaving out the part that even with her following my orders, our chances of victory might as well have been none because of how slight they were.

Amber looked at me quizzically for a second; she too appeared frightened, making me realize that I had to step up and take responsibility for my own survival. "I can't, you aren't my trainer and I am too afraid." Amber replied.

"We are not going to fight your stupid battle, we are clearly outmatched." Cass said. "Come on Cass and Amber, we are going to run. We might get lucky and find the police station along our way." Cass added and so both Amber and I began running toward the teenage girl.

The moment Cass noticed that we had decided to follow her command, she too began running, but compared to my speed or even Amber's, she was considerably slow. It was not long before I was running a few feet ahead of Cass and felt even more helpless than before by witnessing how slow she ran. Of course, I knew that as a human, I too would run at an equal pace, perhaps slightly faster, but not by much. "Ice beam!" I heard the man shout from not too far behind.

I turned my head and glanced back, noticing that the man and his wartortle had begun pursuing us down the city street. The wartortle released a powerful beam of energy that shot past our little group of three and collided into the sidewalk in front of us. Almost instantly, a wall of ice nearly ten feet tall impeded our path. We were forced to stop for a moment, but Cass realized the obvious choice of action fairly quickly. "Amber, melt the ice with flamethrower!" She ordered.

I jumped back and landed next to Cass's heels while Amber opened her mouth and released a steady stream of fire onto the wall of ice. The collision of fire against ice released a vast amount of blinding steam, as the ice soon became a large puddle of water. The rising steam gave me an idea that would stall our pursuers long enough as Amber, Cass, and I resumed our escape. "Amber do you know smoke screen?" I suddenly asked.

"Of course I do, it is a pretty basic attack." Amber replied.

I wanted to ask Amber why she did not use it to escape me when Cass wanted me to capture her, but I knew there was not enough time. "Amber, please use it against that wartortle and his trainer, it should give us plenty of time to escape." I requested.

Amber sighed a little, but she then smiled. "Alright." She said before she stopped and quickly rotated around.

Amber then opened her mouth wide and coughed out a large billowing cloud of choking and potentially hazardous smoke. "Good job Amber, I take it Chase asked you to do that." Cass congratulated.

Amber nodded and soon rejoined both my and Cass's company, continuing to run, unknowing of how much time we bought. "Good, please listen to everything Chase tells you unless I say otherwise, he was actually a human once and I am not sure if he is an actual eevee despite his appearance." Cass said.

Amber looked a little shocked and slowed down a little, glancing over to me with wide eyes. "Cass only recently found out about it, but she saved me and continues doing so." I quickly explained. "I am heavily indebted to her, which is one reason why I decided to offer my services to her until I can reverse the effects of my transformation." I added.

Not long afterward, a police station came into view and Cass appeared rather exhausted, huffing and puffing along the way. I myself did not feel the regular effects of running for such a long time and Amber did not appear affected either. Cass suddenly stopped though, not wanting to go any further. "I don't want to go inside; the employer of our captor seems to have connections with the poke'mon center. It might be the same with the police stations, but I don't think all of the officers are connected, which means it is likely that our pursuer will not follow us to this location." Cass spoke rather intelligently as both Amber and I came to a stop.
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