AGNPH Stories

Ignorance is Punishable by Rape by chase


Ignorance is Punishable by Rape

Many people exist who own and care for poke'mon who cannot afford to support more than a certain amount of poke'mon. Additionally, others are limited to a certain amount of poke'mon because they are incapable of traveling far from home in order to capture other poke'mon. Things like that make it impossible for certain people to truly call themselves poke'mon trainers and even more impossible to become poke'mon masters. Fortunately, over the years, many poke'mon caretakers who could not afford more than a handful of poke'mon or could not travel far from home have proven that their misfortunes do not hinder them from pursuing other poke'mon related careers. If anything, their misfortunes have broadened their perspective so that they could look beyond a single possibility while exploiting others. People such as police officers, nurses, and gym leaders are only a few examples of people incapable of becoming poke'mon masters, but still capable of interacting with poke'mon throughout their daily lives.

Alexander was a trainer who suffered from several problems of life including school, his part time job, and caring for the only two poke'mon that he owned. Fortunately, Peter was only sixteen years old and at that age he still lived his both of his parents. Alexander had light skin that was well colored without any hint of becoming pale, but it was not tanned or darkened. He was not very large for his age, but he was about average as he stood five feet and eleven inches tall. Additionally, Alexander was a rather slender boy and his thin form almost made him appear scrawny, but not in a bony manner. Due to how slender Alexander was, he only weighed a little over one-hundred and twenty pounds, which made him more than forty pounds underweight. Alexander worked hard to correct his body and reach the ideal weight for people his age though. Unfortunately, Alexander's schedule was packed and he rarely ever found time to do anything outside of eating, sleeping, working, schoolwork, homework, household chores, and training his poke'mon. After Alexander completed his daily tasks, he was exhausted beyond measure and slept soundly for only seven hours a night.

He had a pair of dark green eyes and naturally black hair that he artificially dyed so that it would appear dark green in the right light. Alexander would have used a brighter shade of green hair dye, but he knew that the wrong dyes could either damage or destroy his hair. Therefore, Alexander selected a dark green hair dye because it was closer to his natural hair color while still bearing the color he desired. Alexander's hair was combed straight and kept long enough to reach down to the back of his neck while his bangs hang nearly two inches above his eyes. Besides his eyes, hair, and skin, Alexander was wearing a pair of white cargo pants that ran below the ankles and nearly covered his yellow sneakers. Alexander also wore a white t-shirt with a green red-long-sleeved and unbuttoned jacket over it. Alexander's outfit was strange in appearance that only his friends and family understood and that was only after asking him why he dressed so strangely. However, every time Alexander told them that he liked the colors of his starter poke'mon, they burst out laughing, but his life was far too busy to let him feel anything other than exhaustion.

Alexander lived in a small home inside of a small town where less than one-thousand people populated the area. The city was situated in the center of a large grassy meadow that went on for miles and some of the land had been cultivated into farms, but the majority of the city ruled against agricultural development. Therefore, only a portion of the land could be used for farming while the rest was untouched by humankind. The meadow was mostly flat as the largest point in the mostly flat and grassy area was a hill that was only thirty feet high and was easy for anyone five years old or older to climb because it barely slanted. It was not until you came toward the last ten feet that it became difficult for some to climb because the hill slanted more sharply toward the top. A large and broad river was located west of the meadow where healthy oak trees grew in large numbers.

For Alexander, it was already two o clock in the afternoon as both he and his two poke'mon had already enjoyed lunch together at home with his parents. It was the first Saturday of May, which meant spring as many beautiful flowers covered large portions of the meadow in various awe-inspiring colors. Spring also meant mating season for poke'mon, but Alexander did not know just how badly poke'mon needed to mate because he only received his starter poke'mon last Christmas. He was given a Natu as his first poke'mon from his favorite cousin Butch, who lied to the family and called himself a poke'mon researcher even though he was actually a member of Team Rocket.

Alexander worked hard to train his Natu, but it was nearly impossible for the female poke'mon to advance without any other poke'mon to battle. Alexander knew that poke'mon were scarce to find anywhere in or around the city and because of that, no one ever bothered to set up a gym or a poke'mon center. In fact, no one except for Alexander owned poke'mon in the city and everyone knew about it considering he lived in a small city where just about everyone knew everyone. Alexander was rather popular for it, but only popular in the locals' eyes. No one who dealt with poke'mon wanted to visit a city where the only thing that was poke'mon related was a trainer who only owned and struggled with a basic poke'mon. Therefore, upon Alexander's birthday in February, Alexander's parents bought him a pink Meditite from a research facility in a city twenty miles away from home to help him train his poke'mon more easily. Alexander's newly acquired poke'mon made things easier for him, but the time between February and May is not very long and neither of Alexander's poke'mon managed to evolve during that time.

Alexander stood nearly fifty feet away from the large hill in the meadow and more than one thousand feet away from the nearest house within the city. He extracted both of his miniaturized poke'balls from his pocket and enlarged them. Afterward, Alexander tossed them nearly ten feet in front of his position. They softly landed and burst open as two tiny shimmering lights basked everything within twenty feet in a blinding white glow. After the light vanished, two small poke'mon appeared, both of them were psychic and both of them were female. However, Natu was a flying type, which allowed her to cover the air and Meditite was a fighting type, enabling her to cover the ground. Alexander enjoyed psychic types for their strange and powerful abilities. Alexander especially liked how he was able to cover nearly just about any terrain excluding water with the two poke'mon he already owned. In fact, Alexander wanted to open up a gym of his own some day after his Natu and Meditite evolved.

As a poke'mon trainer, Alexander was alone and could not travel very far, but he knew that as a gym leader, he would be able to entice poke'mon trainers to visit the city. He could then challenge them to battle his psychic poke'mon and award badges to victorious trainers for overcoming not only the psychic element, but also the fighting and flying element as well. With different poke'mon to battle, Alexander would not become bored because he would not have to force his two poke'mon fight only each other any longer. In addition, by opening up his gym, the Joy family would be forced to open up a poke'mon center in the city. Even though Alexander knew that it would only add more work for him, but he was determined. Once he became eighteen and graduated from high school, he would only have college left for his education and he felt that he would take the appropriate classes to become a gym leader. After all, licensed gym leaders who could not afford certain expenses were given funds. Gym leaders qualified for outside funding as long as the gym promoted and participated in poke'mon competitions by awarding specific competition related tokens such as badges, symbols, and ribbons to poke'mon trainers who earned them.

Alexander eventually awoke from his daydream moments later, but neither of his two poke'mon had bothered to interrupt his thoughts. Alexander found that rather odd because whenever his mind wondered, one of his two psychic poke'mon was able to detect it and inform him. Usually Natu helped return Alexander's focus because her primary element was psychic while Meditite's primary element was fighting. Instead of waking Alexander from his daydream, the two poke'mon were sitting on the soft grass with their eyes closed. Alexander knew that neither of them was sleeping because he had seen this behavior from them before. They were both meditating and they did so whenever Alexander left them at home by themselves, but Alexander did not realize what their reasons for meditating were during that moment.

The two poke'mon were both in heat and even though they were basic, they had lived long enough for their bodies to mature enough to mate. Psychic poke'mon that had no mates available or were not allowed to mate, were capable of suppressing their physical desires through heavy meditation. The meditation was almost as deep as sleep and psychic poke'mon that did this, spent several hours meditating during mating season when their sexual urges became too unbearable to resist. Such psychic poke'mon only stopped meditating to eat and sleep until mating season passed. Unfortunately, it did not take much to interrupt the meditation and if it were interrupted, the consequences would be unpredictable as well as horrific.

Alexander knew that poke'mon mated, but he did not know that poke'mon needed to mate unless they were spayed or neutered. "Get up you two, now is not the time to meditate." Alexander ordered as he walked over to them and placed his hands on each of their heads gently. "I have not been able to spend more than two hours training with you two over this past week and I intend to take advantage of the extra time over the weekend." Alexander explained, but neither of the poke'mon responded. "Come on, I know you two are getting closer to evolving. After all of our hard work, I am sure you two will evolve by early to mid June." Alexander said as he almost pleaded with his only poke'mon, but there was still no response from either of them. "I am ordering you two to wake up!" Alexander shouted as he accidentally pressed on Natu and Meditite's head a little harder than he meant to.

Suddenly, both of Alexander's poke'mon began glowing brightly in a white light similar to the flash of light poke'balls disperse when they release poke'mon. Alexander immediately stood back and watched with a broad smile spread across his face when he realized that Natu and Meditite were evolving. Alexander thought that they were not nearly ready for their evolutions, but they both proved him wrong during that moment. They were evolving partly because of all of the difficult training they were forced to undergo and partly because something inside of them snapped when their trainer refused to let them block out their natural sexual desires. The two flashes of light grew in size and brilliance while taking upon different shapes until they eventually dimmed down. Not long after, a pink Medicham appeared that was one foot and eight inches shorter than Alexander. The other flash of light took the shape, size, and color of a Xatu, which was exactly one foot shorter than Alexander.

Alexander continued smiling from disbelief while continuously staring at both of his poke'mon. "I can't believe you two actually evolved!" Alexander exclaimed and walked toward them while giving each of them a hug. "I am so proud of both of you." Alexander added as his poke'mon blushed from being embraced by their trainer with maddening sexual desires rushing through their minds mercilessly.

Alexander then stepped back and stared at both of his poke'mon in wonder, but Xatu and Medicham remained silent for the moments that followed. Alexander was about to ask them why neither of them decided to respond, but he felt that he could not open his mouth or utter a single word. Alexander tried moving his body, but realized that he could not even turn his neck to change his view let alone walk forward. Alexander could only continue looking at both of his poke'mon. Medicham was releasing a powerful telekinetic force while a pink aura surrounded her entire form. Xatu was doing something similar, but she was emitting a green aura rather than a pink one as Alexander realized that both of his poke'mon were binding him with their own telekinetic power. Alexander wanted to ask them why they were doing this to him. "Why?" Alexander barely managed to say, but was unable to say the rest.

Alexander felt his right arm reaching over to the left side of his jacket as he could only guess as to what was about to happen. Alexander found that he could not slow down his movements, let alone stop himself, when he tried resisting Xatu's motor function manipulation abilities. It was not exactly mind control because Alexander was completely conscious and aware of what was happening to him. Alexander's right fist gripped tightly onto his jacket sleeve and quickly tugged it off his arm. Alexander then felt his right arm remain in that position for a few seconds while his left hand pulled off the other sleeve. Alexander was then forced to release the jacket sleeve as the entire jacket fell to the ground below. Alexander felt a cool breeze pass over his bare arms and was forced to admit that it felt nice to take off the warm jacket during that sunny day.

While Medicham kept Alexander's body firmly in place, Xatu forced the teenager to grab the bottom of his t-shirt with both of his arms before he quickly lifted it over his head. It did not take long for the t-shirt to come off before Alexander was forced to drop it to the ground on top of his jacket. Alexander felt more frightened than ever by the actions of his own poke'mon during that moment, but he did not want to guess what they intended to do to him because the answer was too disgusting to face. Alexander then felt his body sit down for a moment with the bottoms of his feet firmly on the ground. Alexander bent forward and unwillingly untied the laces of his left shoe. Alexander could not believe the intelligence of his psychic poke'mon when Xatu managed to guide him through a complex procedure that she could not perform on her own because she lacked fingers. Within seconds, the shoe was completely untied as Alexander pulled it off and dropped it one foot away from his left side.

Xatu then forced Alexander to untie his other shoe before he reluctantly dropped it less than a foot away from his right side. Alexander then leaned back a little by Xatu's command as he felt each of his hands grab onto his white socks and slipped them off his feet at the same time before releasing them so that they too fell freely to the ground. Xatu then commanded Alexander's body to stand up after she had her trainer remove his footwear. Alexander desperately hoped that they were done and that their actions were only a practical joke that his poke'mon decided to play on him. Unfortunately, it was no laughing matter as Alexander's hands reached for his crotch and unbuttoned his cargo pants since they were tight enough around the waist for him to go without a belt. The pants slipped down to Alexander's hips when he released the button before his hands went lower until they touched the zipper. Alexander heard Xatu and Medicham say something in their own language that sounded like happiness, but they sounded when they saw their trainer reach closer toward his penis.

Alexander felt his left hand grip onto the zipper before he pulled down slowly until the zipper could no longer go any lower. Alexander's pants then fell to the ground the moment Xatu made him release his zipper as Alexander's body was commanded to step off the pants and toward his poke'mon. Xatu then took Medicham's duty of keeping Alexander's body in place. The pink aura around Medicham vanished as she walked over and slowly pulled Alexander's arms to his sides. Medicham then stood on her toes so that she could hug Alexander for a moment. During the hug, Medicham gently rubbed her left cheek into Alexander's slim chest while sighing in comfort. After awhile, Xatu spoke up and reminded Medicham that they needed to share Alexander. Medicham stopped hugging Alexander and stared up into Alexander's eyes with an apologetic expression in her face. It was as though Medicham was sorry for what she intended to do to her trainer. Medicham then walked around until she was standing behind Alexander and placed her hands gently over Alexander's hips.

She grabbed onto the trainer's black boxers and pulled them down to his feet, revealing his limp penis and his naked ass. If it was not clear before, it became undeniably apparent to Alexander during that moment as he realized that they wanted to mate with him. They had him paralyzed so that he could not move unless one of them commanded him to do so and there was not anyone for several hundred feet who could save him, which isolated Alexander and his two poke'mon. Alexander could not even yell or scream because Xatu made sure his mouth was shut completely, but not tightly shut because she did not want to hurt her trainer. Not only that, but it was all happening to Alexander outside in broad daylight. Alexander strongly hoped that no one came to see him or his poke'mon, but if anyone happened to notice him, Alexander hoped that they would help him.

Medicham then walked around to Alexander's front again and kneeled down before the teenager's limp cock. Alexander understood that she was going to harden it because his poke'mon did not want to risk cutting his penis with Xatu's sharp beak. Medicham took Alexander's penis into her warm hands and positioned it so that it pointed toward her mouth. Alexander was petrified not only physically, but mentally as well as his body produced adrenaline in mass quantities, but his body's natural reaction was in vain because he could not utilize the adrenaline as long as one or both of his poke'mon maintained control over his physical movements. Medicham started by opening her mouth and lowering it before she took one long lick at Alexander's cock. The initial lick was not enough to spark Alexander's sexual interest, but Medicham was far from finished.

Medicham blushed hot while continuing to lick at Alexander's penis as she coated it with her warm slick saliva. Medicham's lubrication began to cause Alexander to feel some sexual sensations, but he easily suppressed them since his poke'mon had just started. Medicham soon finished licking at the human's penis and pulled back for less than a second as she licked her thick lips with her tongue before she opened her mouth and leaned forward. This resulted in Alexander's penis being inserted into Medicham's mouth. Alexander felt her lapping her tongue against his penis as she even sucked on it every once in awhile. Alexander tried denying his body the pleasure, but after awhile the male mind eventually lost to the body's animalistic desires. Medicham's mouth was very warm, soft, and wet as the movements of her tongue only added onto the comfort and caused Alexander to huff a little

It did not take much longer for Alexander's penis to bulge a little, but not by enough to be fully considered a boner. Medicham took notice and began doubling her efforts as she stared up into Alexander's eyes with an innocent expression in her eyes. Xatu forced Alexander to look down to meet her eyes and Medicham looked so much like a human during that moment that Alexander's penis increased to a much larger size. Medicham soon discovered that she could only fit half of her mouth around Alexander's penis as she began finishing up. A few more seconds of Medicham enveloping Alexander's penis in her warm, soft, and wet mouth caused the human's penis to grow until it reached its full length of eight inches.

Medicham then removed her mouth from Alexander's penis as a string of saliva formed a connection between her lips and her trainer's member. Medicham stood back up, broke the string of saliva, and left Alexander's cock gleaming in the sunlight from her mouth. Medicham's body then began glowing pink again as Alexander was forced to turn his attention to Xatu. Xatu was no longer glowing as Alexander guessed that his poke'mon were talking to each other telepathically. They seemed to do so in order to keep Alexander out of their debates and arguments over who was allowed to do what to their human mate and when they could do it. Alexander did not care though; he only wanted it to end as tears began forming in his eyes from the horrific experience. He was not even sure he did anything to deserve being raped.

Alexander felt himself sitting back down again as the soft grass below crumpled beneath his naked form. Alexander was then forced to lie down on his back and stare up into the sky Xatu flapped her wings and flew a few feet above the ground momentarily before she began to land. Alexander's legs spread themselves apart as Xatu landed in between them. She then carefully positioned herself so that her vaginal opening lined up with Alexander's cock. Afterward, she lowered herself as the bird's slit slid tightly around Alexander's penis. Alexander could not yell, but he moaned from the sickening pleasure that his body took from the experience. The bird poke'mon and the human almost fit perfectly together, but she was a bit tighter than Alexander expected the moment he realized she was going to rape him.

Medicham's saliva provided excellent lubrication as the human felt something expanding tightly around his Penis before he understood that it was Xatu's hymen. The hymen within the bird eventually broke apart from being stretched beyond its limits as a little blood leaked around Alexander's penis. Both Alexander and Xatu moaned from the pleasure as she tilted her head toward the sky. Medicham then walked over and spread her legs over Alexander's face while Xatu lifted herself up a few inches before bringing herself down again. Xatu's tight and warm insides felt good around Alexander's penis each time it rubbed against Xatu's clit even though he hated to admit it. Alexander especially did not like seeing Medicham's vaginal opening hovering above his face.

Xatu lifted herself up again while spreading her wings and brought herself down again while she and the human moaned together. Medicham leaned forward and placed her hands on the ground so that her body took a doggy-style position. Medicham then lowered her vaginal opening toward Alexander's mouth. Alexander knew Medicham wanted him to lick it and bore his face into it like she had done to him, but there was no way he was going to perform such a vile act. Xatu lifted herself up again and descended with her wings fully expanded as Peter felt her soft, warm, and feathery form press gently against his exposed human skin. Xatu's heated insides then began stiffening around Alexander's penis as she excreted her own lubricant to allow safer and more pleasurable passage for her trainer. These actions caused Alexander to spasm heavily for the first time during the exchange as he nearly slammed his face into Medicham.

Both Alexander and Xatu moaned again as the human felt his mouth opening up on its own accord. Alexander soon felt Medicham's soft and wet vagina pressing against his open mouth, but he did not feel disgusted by it because by then, his body had taken complete control over him. Both poke'mon released their trainer of their psychic holds and even though Alexander wanted to stop, his body ignored him. Instead, Alexander began licking at Medicham's inner walls with his tongue and sucked on it while his mind screamed "No!" and his body screamed, "Yes!" Xatu began ascending and descending on Alexander's penis much harder and faster than before as Alexander moaned much louder and began to spasm harder every time his penis struck Xatu's clit. The vibrations of his voice tickled Medicham as Alexander licked and sucked on Medicham. Each convulsion made Alexander burrow his face deep into Medicham momentarily, which also increased Medicham's pleasure. Alexander even consumed some of the moisture within his poke'mon's body.

After a minute or so during the three-way exchange, Alexander felt a splurge of warm liquid erupting from within Medicham's body as he readily ingested some of it the moment Medicham ejaculated. Medicham's warm and wet insides began expanding and stiffening just as Xatu's had done when she released her own sexual fluids. Alexander could not believe what he was doing, but for some reason he could not stop, it felt too good for his willpower to overcome it. Xatu continuously lifted her body upward and dropped it back down as Alexander felt like he was going to cum at any moment. Alexander then stopped licking at Medicham's insides after consuming most of her sexual fluids because he could not burrow deep enough with his mouth to satisfy her even with the convulsions. Instead, he quickly raised his arms toward her and grabbed onto Medicham's thighs tightly. Her soft, warm, and fleshy fur felt nice as he groped her thighs tightly for a split-second. Alexander did so quickly because he had very few moments during the exchange where he could move his body before he began to spasm more from pure ecstasy. The sudden movements made Medicham shake for a second before Alexander clumsily moved his hands around until they reached their targets.

Alexander eventually inserted four of his left fingers into Medicham's vagina and inserted three of his right fingers into her anal opening. It was difficult for him to accomplish and it left him in an awkward position, but he managed. The moment his fingers were in position, he struck hard and deep into Medicham's openings because Xatu had come down on the human's penis again. This caused Medicham and Alexander to scream from both pleasure and pain before Alexander partially retracted his hands. Alexander then began rapidly inserting and pulling his fingers out of Medicham's openings. Soon, both poke'mon smiled while moaning and huffing when they saw that their trainer was beginning to enjoy himself. Alexander even found himself smiling and blushing for a moment while his fingers rapidly entered and exited Medicham's openings every time he convulsed. All three of them were enjoying themselves as they mated together. Xatu's soft, warm, and feathery body felt pleasant on Alexander's belly because she was careful never to go down too quickly or hard for her safety and the safety of her mate. Medicham's soft warm fur also felt pleasant on Alexander's palms as he felt her vaginal liquids soaking his four left fingers while her tail-hole squeezed tightly around his three right fingers.

Xatu lifted her body up one last time and brought it down as Alexander's penis heavily dispersed massive amounts of the human's semen into the bird poke'mon. Alexander moaned loudly one last time while arching his back before setting back down and breathing in and out heavily. Xatu wailed with her trainer in her native poke'mon tongue as she felt her trainer fill her body excessively with his warm fluids. Some of the human's seed even managed to leak out and lightly spill around Xatu's feathers and Alexander's skin before her lightweight body collapsed on top of Alexander's chest. Alexander felt her heavy breathing and rapid heartbeats. Medicham screamed just a loudly along with the other two, signaling that she too had reached her limit before she rolled over and her expanded and slightly reddened bruised holes slipped from Alexander's fingers.

After catching his breath and retaining a normal heartbeat, Alexander's senses began returning to him as he quickly shoved the rapists away from his body and stood back up. His penis, hands, and mouth were wet from the juices of all three participants, including himself, as the full weight of the situation nearly caused Alexander to fall to the ground from disgust. Alexander stumbled toward his clothes before he bent over his knees and vomited more than once onto the ground. His stomach readily emptied itself of its contents, but Alexander wanted to vomit more as he coughed heavily and sounded like he was gagging. His two sexually exhausted poke'mon looked up to him in fear as small tears formed in their eyes as if to apologize. Alexander looked at them for a moment without saying or doing anything, he only stared at them like a wounded animal for a few seconds because he could not bear to look at them for long. Instead, Alexander turned away and walked over to where a pair of open and empty poke'balls rested on the ground. He picked one up in each hand and aimed them toward his poke'mon. "Xatu and Medicham, return." Alexander ordered without looking at either of his poke'mon.

Both of Alexander's poke'mon were consumed by red lights and were dragged into their respective poke'balls. Alexander then placed them on the ground so that he could redress himself. Alexander dressed himself slowly because he needed to think of suitable consequences for his poke'mon and other things that related to the rape. Alexander did not want to harm or kill them because they were his friends, but they betrayed his trust. Not only that, but they robbed him of his virginity, something that Alexander wanted to save until he met a human girl that he liked. On top of everything else, Alexander wasn't sure how the experience would affect his future sex-related decisions or how it would affect his sexual preferences now that his body knew what it felt like to mate with poke'mon. Alexander also knew that the experience damaged him psychologically. Alexander even silently screamed at himself for letting it happen when he could have stopped it. Of course, he did not want to feel like it was his fault as multiple arguments, debates, thoughts, and questions formed inside of his mind.

Alexander soon finished dressing himself and picked up his poke'balls off the ground before miniaturizing them and placing them into his right pocket. "I don't know if I can trust you anymore." Alexander whispered. "What am I going to do?" He added as he began walking home.
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    The Wild-Card!
    Reviewer: Captain_Dragonuv
    Date:May 31 2013 Chapter:Ignorance is Punishable by Rape
    must have more! not normally a fan of rape, but this was an exception cuz it was fem-dom rape and there wasn't a threat of pain or death involved.
    {} Achievement Unlocked: 75G
    Do As I Command
    "Utilize a psychic-type Pokemon's telekinetic powers to manipulate someone into doing something."