AGNPH Stories

Brotherly Love in a Moonlit Den by chase


Brotherly Love in a Moonlit Den

It was nearing the end of April, which meant mating season for several poke'mon around the entire planet. However, it also meant that certain poke'mon that had been born during the previous year had matured during the last several months. Such poke'mon had very little time left to spend with their mothers and siblings before they had to leave their homes behind in search of their own mates. It was a very difficult time for many poke'mon families because they had developed strong relationships with their family. Not only that, but also some poke'mon had only been given less than a year to spend with their families. Additionally, some of the younger poke'mon were afraid of what the outside world might bring once they left their families behind. Other poke'mon did not feel ready to breed just yet due to their uncertainty. Fortunately, they had their mothers who usually told their children that they had nothing to worry about as long as they trusted their instincts and avoided humans.

Sam and Lucas were twin Sandrew brothers who were also experiencing the hardship of saying goodbye to their family because they were not guaranteed that they would see each other again. They only had one final day to spend with each other and their Sandshrew mother, Grace and their Sandshrew father, Andrew. Sam and Lucas were Grace's first and only children, but she needed them to leave soon so that she and Andrew could mate and breed a new litter of Sandshrews. Both Sam and Lucas were well aware of the fact that they needed to leave soon or their chances of finding the mate of their dreams would drastically decrease. Unfortunately, neither of them wanted to say goodbye to their brother, mother, or to their father even though Grace and Andrew desperately need them to leave.

Sam, Lucas, Grace, and Andrew lived in an underground den that Andrew had dug for his family. Male Sandshrews and Sanslashes impressed and won over their mates by working hard to create a stable, comfortable, and accommodating underground home for themselves, their mate, and their future children. Andrew built his family's deep underground and multi-bedroom den near the center of a large desert near multiple cacti and other desert foliage for a steady supply of water and food. The location was secluded enough to avoid predators, it was far from any human civilization, and the closest road was two miles away at least. Additionally, because both Sandshrews and Sandslashes feared large bodies of water, the location was the dream location for any female Sandshrew or Sandslash. There were no rivers, lakes, pond, oceans, seas, etc. for several miles in any direction from Andrew and his family's home.

Sam and Lucas were currently residing within the topmost room of the den, which was considered their lounge. The room was large enough to fit five Sandslashes inside of it even if there would not be any room left afterward. It was about five feet underground. Because of how large Sandshrews were, the entrance to the world above was constantly covered in sand to camouflage the den with the rest of the desert. This kept the entire den completely dark even though Sandslashes and Sandshrews could not see any better in the dark than any other rodent. Sandslashes and Sandshrews were able to memorize the dimensions of their own underground homes rather quickly.

Andrew and Grace were outside collecting water and food for their last meal with their two sons that night and informed their children that they would not return for an hour at least. They told Lucas and Sam not too long ago during sunset before the Sandslashes set off and left the two Sandshrews by themselves. The sun had set completely and reduced the temperature above ground to forty degrees Fahrenheit. Only a thick sheet of stars and the full moon illuminated the sky above, but darkness did not affect Andrew and Grace's navigational abilities as long as they remained within familiar territory. "Do you think either of us can build a home as good as dad's?" Sam suddenly spoke. "It looks kind of hard." He said.

"Sam, we had this discussion yesterday, remember. I told you that it is supposed to be hard and take a long time. Otherwise, if you are lazy at it, then you will end up with an ugly, fat, and desperate girl." Lucas responded.

"I'm sorry, I just don't want to leave you behind and it is our last night together." Sam said.

"Don't worry about it, I am just a little stressed because I too hate not being able to stay here any longer once the sun comes up tomorrow." Lucas explained. "Do you want me to hold you again until mom and dad come home?" Lucas asked. "Yesterday you kept crying and would not stop until I held you all night and I am sensing that you want to cry again." Lucas pointed out.

"No, that's okay; I can't act like a kid anymore." Sam said.

Lucas then grinned, but his smile went unnoticed by his brother as Lucas stealthily approached where his brother sat on the hard dirt floor. He then lightly and quickly tapped Sam on the shoulder. "Tag! You're it!" Lucas shouted before he scurried toward the surface.

Lucas soon broke the sand entrance to their home as the moonlight and stars began showing through the large hole. "Hey, wait, we can't go up there!" Sam shouted.

Lucas turned around and peeked down at his brother. "Of course we can, we are adults now, but as long as we can play like children, we might as well." Lucas replied. "Catch me if you can unless you are too scared!" Lucas taunted before he ran off.

"I'll make you eat your words with dinner!" Sam playfully retorted as he too ran outside to join his brother in fun.

Sam suddenly bumped his face into Lucas's armored back and crawled back some. "Haha, I guess you're it now." Sam said playfully, but his brother did not move or respond. "Hey, what's wrong?" Sam asked before he realized why his brother had suddenly stopped.

Two ghost poke'mon stared at the Sandshrews with maddening smiles spread across their faces. One of them was a Haunter who floated more than two feet above ground, making him tower both of the Sandshrews by several feet even though the Haunter was already more than five feet tall. The other ghost poke'mon was a Gengar and he was not as tall as his companion was. The Gengar was currently standing on the ground, making him appear much shorter than the Haunter, but he was more than double the height of either of the two Sandshrews because he almost stood five feet tall. "Joseph, I think we just found the perfect bodies." Haunter said with an undeniable gay accent.

"What are you talking about?" Sam curiously asked.

"Just shut up and run!" Lucas loudly ordered and turned around in an attempt to retreat to the den.

"Okay." Sam responded as he soon followed his brother.

Both Lucas and Sam quickly made it to the safety of their den and immediately pressed their backs into the walls of the lounge once they retreated far enough. The Sandshrew twins were breathing heavily together as they tried relaxing after what they had just seen. "Ghost poke'mon like ourselves do not have internal organs." A strong deep voice said as the Gengar and the Haunter suddenly appeared beneath the moonlight in front of Lucas and Sam. The ghost poke'mon obviously teleported themselves inside the Sandshrews' home. "Therefore, we cannot mate; we are simply poke'mon who have died and remained in this world for one reason or the other." The Gengar known as Joseph explained. "After several years of doing nothing during every mating season though, ghost poke'mon such as ourselves begin to miss the experience and yearn to feel it again. Some of us have awkward sexual preferences though and Alex and I think we know how we can mate again." Joseph stated as he greedily stared at Mark and Sam.

"You two are going to make the cutest couple." The Haunter named Alex said. "You two also look like brothers and that makes me feel so naughty about this." Alex added.

The Sandshrews stared at the intruders fearfully and each word spoken by either of the poke'mon only increased their level of terror. "We have to go deeper." Lucas said as he ran for the entrance to his and Sam's bedroom on the opposite side of the lounge.

"Wait for me!" Sam shouted.

Each ghost poke'mon rushed toward a different Sandshrew as if they had already chosen which one of them would use which Sandshrew. Lucas barely ran three steps forward when Joseph's enormous body solidified in front of the small mouse poke'mon. The collision into the Gengar knocked Lucas a few feet back before he landed on his back. Lucas tried standing up again, but Joseph levitated himself off the ground by an inch before he flew forward with incredible speed. Lucas only had enough time to lift his head to see Joseph's ghost face come within striking range of his own Sandshrew body. At the last possible moment, Joseph became transparent and entered Lucas's body, filling the Sandshrew with a secondary spirit. "Ahhh!" Lucas suddenly screamed from a quick sharp pain while closing his eyes tightly. Lucas eventually reopened his eyes, but he found that he could not move his body. "What did you do to?" It was all Lucas managed to say before Joseph took command over his body.

Meanwhile, Sam was not given much of a chance to run away because he only took a single step before the Haunter known as Max appeared directly in front of him. Sam was not a courageous Sandshrew as he began stepping back in fear. Alex slowly followed Sam until the Sandshrew felt himself back up against the lounge wall. Sam turned his head to stare at the dark wall fearfully before he looked back toward Alex and began shivering. Sam was far too frightened to form words. Instead, his red mammalian penis exited from its shaft somewhat and drooped low as Sam involuntarily urinated on the lounge floor. Alex simply watched Sam as though he were enjoying himself until Alex had finally finished and created a thick pool of warm urine beneath his feet. Sam's penis then slowly returned to its shaft afterward, but the Sandshrew was too frightened to feel embarrassed "You are too adorable for words." Alex declared before he flew into Sam's body.

"Ouch! That hurts! Lucas hel." Sam tried screaming before Alex took complete control of his newly acquired Sandshrew form.

Both Lucas and Sam were conscious and fully aware of their surroundings, the only thing they lacked was control over their own movements and speech. The Sandshrews were forced to stare at one another as they both smiled. Sam's body raised its left hand up to his mouth as Alex caused Sam's face to blush a little. "Well Alex, how do I look?" Joseph asked through Lucas's voice.

Lucas placed Sam's arms down and held the Sandshrew's arms together over Sam's crotch. Afterward, Alex crossed the Sandshrew's legs over one another. "Like a hot piece of godly domination wrapped up in the cutest little package." Alex replied as Sam's voice suddenly took upon a gay accent. "Do you think I look pretty in this outfit?" Alex asked.

Using Lucas's body, Joseph stepped forward until only a few inches separated him from Alex and Sam. "My darling, you are as beautiful as ever. The shining night sky above only magnifies your perfection." Joseph said in Lucas's voice as poetically as possible. "Tonight is the night that we sacrifice the virginity of our selections by physically expressing our eternal love for one another." Joseph declared before he placed Lucas's arms down on Sam's shoulders. "Lie back and we shall prepare one another by making each other erect." Joseph ordered.

Lucas and Sam were not sure what was about to happen to them because both of them were barely mature enough to mate. They understood that a male mated with a female by inserting his penis into her vagina and releasing semen into her. The Sandshrews knew this because they began feeling as if they wanted to do weird things to girls nearly a month ago and asked their parents about it who told them everything. They did not know that some males preferred other males until the ghost poke'mon released that information. Neither Sam nor Lucas knew how a male would mate with another male either and something inside of them told them that they did not want to find out. The last question Lucas and Sam asked themselves before anything else happened was, "How are they going to make us erect?"

Alex slowly forced his Sandshrew to sit down on the floor and moved the Sandshrew's tail to the right just enough so that he had room for his next action. Alex forced his Sandshrew to lie down on his back on the cold hard floor and barely avoided splashing the Sandshrew into his own puddle of urine that had become cold with the rest of the floor. Alex was able to see the moon and stars from the opening above as his Sandshrew face smiled from the romantic night sky before his vision was impeded by something. He quickly recognized Lucas's face and knew who was staring at him from behind it as he looked into the opposing Sandshrew's beady eyes.

Once Alex was lying down on the lounge floor in Sam's body, Joseph walked around in Lucas's body until he stood just above Sam's head. Joseph then looked down into Sam's face and caused his Sandshrew to smile. Alex returned the smile. "Are you comfortable?" Joseph asked and Alex immediately nodded Sam's head in response. "Then let us begin." Joseph said.

Lucas's body leaned forward until the Sandshrew nearly fell to the ground until Joseph quickly placed the Sandshrew's forearms in front of him and caught his current body with the Sandshrew's claws. Joseph forced Lucas to stand on his knees so that he positioned his furry shaft in licking range of Sam's face. Joseph then bent Lucas's head forward and lowered it so that he was facing Sam's furry shaft. Alex could not see much of anything because there was not enough light coming into the den from the night sky and Lucas's body was blocking his vision. It did not take long for Alex to realize what had happened though as he felt Lucas's tongue slowly slide along Sam's shaft.

When the Sandshrew twins saw their brother's shaft facing them, they became frightened and disgusted at the same time. They were both male, they were brothers, and they were both heterosexual. Neither of them wanted to feel this way, but as long as the ghost poke'mon inhabited their bodies, they had no control, even over their body's sexual preference. Lucas even tried to stop himself from tasting his brother's own shaft, but with no success. Sam on the other hand became paralyzed with fear and did nothing to fight because he knew he could not do anything. Sam additionally believed that fighting would only make everything worse for him. Therefore, Sam miserably accepted his situation and waited for the horrible experience to end.

Once Alex knew what was placed in front of his face, the two Sandshrews were forced into licking their brother's shaft. They did so slowly at first as they only slid their tongues around the other's shaft and sometimes poked the tips of their tongues at the top of their mate's shaft. It did not take long for the Sandshrews' bodies to understand what was happening as they became sexually aroused simultaneously. Small tubes of red flesh began poking through the shafts and upon feeling their mate beginning to bulge, both Joseph and Alex quickened the Sandshrews' tongue movements. The ghost poke'mons' sexual arousal affected their host bodies and soon both Sam and Lucas began feeling the same way. Both Sam and Lucas felt that what they were doing was wrong and that neither of them should be feeling the way they did about what they were being forced to do. They also realized that licking their own brother's penis was going to make each other erect unless one of them somehow stopped the ghost poke'mon.

While Sam did nothing to fight against his possessor, Lucas developed an idea even though he knew that he could not control his body. Lucas began to scream at his own body to remind it that it was meant for females only. Lucas doubled his efforts by explaining to it that male mating was wrong. Lucas shouted that he was supposed to find a beautiful female mate in the morning by working hard to build a home for his mate and his future children. Lucas even began showing his body mental images including images of what fully erect male Sandshrews looked like in order to disgust himself physically and prevent his body from becoming aroused. Lucas's plan was beginning to work as his body found Sam's licking absolutely horrid along with its own oral movements around Sam's shaft. Soon after, Lucas's penis began dipping back into his shaft before Joseph realized what was happening.

Joseph smiled with Lucas's face at the Sandshrew's clever attempts. Lucas was young and had never experienced mating before. Joseph knew that the young Sandshrew body would find itself convinced by someone more experienced in mating such as Joseph. The Gengar quickly began using Lucas's plan against the unfortunate Sandshrew. Before Joseph became a ghost poke'mon, he died of old age as a Sandshrew, which was why he had chosen the desert to mate with Alex. Joseph knew that many Sandshrews lived there.

Joseph then quickly remembered his first time that he mated. It was when Joseph was only a Sandshrew about Lucas's age and he had mated with another male Sandshrew. Joseph forced the memories into Lucas's body as the young Sandshrew body fully accepted Joseph's images as something natural. Lucas's body even believed in Joseph's memories over Lucas's limited knowledge. The next time Lucas tried posting a vomit-inducing image of a male Sandshrew penis into his own mind; his body became aroused by it. Immediately afterward, Lucas's penis began bulging slightly further from its shaft than it had done before. "Nice try, it was a smart try too, but I need this." Lucas heard Joseph's voice in his own mind.

After putting an end to Lucas's struggles, Joseph forced his host body to resume licking at Sam's shaft. Alex did the same while both Sandshrews found themselves smiling in between licks. After a few more moments of licking, the Sandshrews' penises began bulging out of their furry shafts until they both reached more than one inch in length. Both Alex and Sam could not see the expansion in the dark den, but they felt it with their Sandshrew mouths. Therefore, Alex and Joseph forced Lucas and Sam to wrap their mouths and tongues around their brother's red penis and began sucking on one another. Lucas, Joseph, Sam, and Alex received a taste of their Sandshrew mate's penis for the first time. The oral movements filled the bodies of the Sandshrew twins with extreme pleasure, causing their penises to enlarge even further. The Ghost poke'mon even had their victims lick and twist their tongues around each other's penises every few seconds. Both Alex and Joseph greatly enjoyed the warmth, softness, and moisture of their mate's Sandshrew mouth all along their Sandshrew penises.

The limp cocks eventually reached two inches in length, but neither of the two Sandshrews had reached their full size. Every lick and suckle afterward was transformed into an intense ecstatic moment and it took Alex and Joseph's entire strength not to bite down on their mate whenever they felt intense pleasure from their mate's oral movements. Sixty more seconds of licking, lapping, wrapping, twisting, and sucking forced the Sandshrews' penises to enlarge until they reached an almost painful size. Lastly, two large red bulges of flesh exited the Sandshrews' shafts, which were their knots. The knots were three-quarters of an inch long and three-quarters of an inch wide each. Both Sam and Lucas's penises reached a full length of three inches each and they were both half an inch thick, which did not include their knots, shafts, or balls. Alex and Joseph both knew that such a size was considerably large for a Sandshrew considering the two mouse poke'mon were one-third the size of most full-grown human males.

The ghost poke'mon removed the Sandshrews' mouths from their mate after feeling and tasting the full length and width of their mate's penis within their Sandshrews' mouths and on their tongues. "It seems that we selected a pair of gifted Sandshrews." Joseph stated. "I cannot wait to feel your tight insides squeezing around me." Joseph added with a smile.

"Well, I cannot wait to feel your meat within my tight insides either, but we will need to change our positions a little for that to happen." Alex responded.

"Do not worry yourself my beloved, you are perfect where you are, I will take care of everything. Trust me." Joseph assured his mate.

Joseph forced his Sandshrew form to stand up on both his legs before he walked around toward the opposite end of his mate. Joseph forced Lucas's body to step forward some before he looked at his mate's penis as Lucas's saliva from earlier before made it gleam in the moonlight. Alex was able to see his mate's penis for the first time as well and had Sam smile broadly from its size. Alex was not smiling only because his mate had a thick and juicy penis, but because he found the entire body of his mate to be perfect even if the Sandshrew bodies did not belong to either of them. Alex spread his Sandshrew hind legs as far apart as he possibly could. The Haunter's movements forced Sam's anus to open up a little until a tiny hole appeared just above the bulk of his tail.

Joseph walked forward in Lucas's body until he felt that the positioning was perfect. Afterward, he kneeled down and stared into Sam's face compassionately. Then Joseph forced Lucas to lie down atop his brother's soft and warm furry belly and rubbed Lucas's penis around Sam's anal opening. Joseph did this so that he could lubricate the inexperienced Sandshrew for his first anal mating experience with Sam's own saliva. Both Lucas and Sam understood what was about to happen to them and fully understood how males could mate with each other. Both Sam and Lucas screamed in their own minds from terror and trauma, but the ghost poke'mon ignored them and so did their bodies. "Wrap your arms around my spine and embrace me in your warmth. I will cushion your head in my hands and act as your pillow so that we may lock our mouths together and kiss as I fill you with necessary pain." Joseph said in a poetic tone.

Joseph's words were not only a rhyme-less poem, but also instructions and Alex understood them. Sam had never stretched his anus beyond anything other than the size of his own droppings. Therefore, the insertions would be a painful experience, but the pain was essential if Joseph and Alex wanted to mate with each other in their current forms. Therefore, the Sandshrews were forced to hug one another, which was the only portion of the experience that they enjoyed. Sam and Lucas were accustomed to hugging each other and they enjoyed doing it, they would sometimes hold each other for hours. It did not matter if it was because they were happy, afraid, or depressed; they always found comfort in their brother's warm embrace.

Lucas had his arms around his brother's head and Sam had his arms wrapped around his brother's back. Alex then swept his tail beneath Sam's body and positioned it so that the bottoms Lucas and Sam's tails rested against each other. Afterward, Joseph lowered his Sandshrew head to begin kissing his mate as both of the Sandshrews' mouths opened up and connected with each other. If Sandshrews had lips, they would have been pressing against one another for Lucas and Sam. The Sandshrews' tongues danced around one another as Alex and Joseph prepared themselves for pain. Joseph then pulled his head back for a moment. "Young ones, you are going to feel a lot of pain soon, but this pain is essential for our needs. I will not apologize for my actions, but I thank you for everything you have provided us so far." Joseph said as he addressed, warned, and thanked Lucas and Sam.

Joseph then forced Lucas to continue kissing Sam even though both of the Sandshrew twins were screaming and crying within their own minds to make everything go away. Joseph then positioned Lucas's penis over Sam's anal opening and shoved it forward as hard and quickly as he possibly could. Alex lightly yelped from the pain as he felt an inch of Lucas's penis enter his Sandshrew's opening. Fortunately, as Joseph pushed Lucas's form into Sam's body, he rubbed against Sam's penis with his belly and allowed both Sam and Alex to experience sexual pleasure. Joseph and Lucas also felt sexual pleasure, but more than Sam and Alex had during that moment. Joseph felt Sam's tight insides around his Sandshrew penis and knew that he could proceed no further into his mate upon the first thrust.

Joseph knew that things would change soon enough and slowly retracted Lucas's penis from his mate's hole until only the tip remained inside his mate. As Joseph pulled Lucas out, he rubbed Lucas's belly along Sam's penis again and sent sexual pleasure surging into Sam's body for both Alex and the Sandshrew to share. The retraction felt even better on Lucas's penis for Joseph though. Obviously, Joseph and Alex were enjoying themselves, but Lucas and Sam were not.

Sam had been penetrated by a penis and felt horrible for it; the fact that his body was taking pleasure from the experience only increased his misery. Not only that, but it was his brother's penis and neither of them could do anything to stop it. Lucas knew that he was inflicting pain upon his brother and felt disgusted by his own body for taking pleasure from Sam's pain. Lucas wanted it to end and wreak his vengeance on the two ghost poke'mon. Unfortunately, only two things could stop Joseph and Alex and they were out scavenging for food and water. After seeing Lucas and Joseph's unusual abilities though, both Sam and Lucas doubted their parents would make much of a difference.

Just as Joseph pulled most of Lucas's penis out of Sam's body, he pushed in just as hard and quick as before. The second insertion forced Lucas's penis in deeper until one and a half inches of Lucas's penis had penetrated Sam's insides. Lucas and Sam were forced to continue kissing each other as physical pain and sexual pleasure struck their small rodent bodies with incredible power. Joseph pulled his Sandshrew penis out again while continuing to rub Lucas's soft, warm, and fur covered belly against Sam's penis.

For Sam, the thrusts felt like a large chunk of his own feces kept removing itself from his body only to reenter his anal opening, but Sam knew it was his brother's penis and not an oversized rock-hard dropping. Unfortunately, his forced sexual enjoyment prevented him from wanting to vomit; all Sam felt was pain, pleasure, fear, and sorrow. Lucas experienced similar emotions as he felt his brother's insides trying to repel his penis and sometimes trying to crush it. The experience did not feel very painful for Lucas though, mostly sexually satisfying sensations overcame him during the previous two thrusts.

Joseph shoved Lucas into his brother a third time and felt that Sam's opening was nearing Lucas's knot. A full two inches of Lucas's penis penetrated Sam's insides as his body squeezed tight around Lucas's penis as if begging for it to remove itself and never to return. Joseph pulled Lucas out, but he wasted no time in shoving himself back inside Sam. Upon the fourth insertion, both Sandshrews leaked out some pre-cum. Sam's pre-cum splashed against Lucas's stomach as Lucas's pre barely leaked into Sam's body. Joseph pulled Lucas out again and shoved him back inside faster and harder than ever before until the tip of Lucas's knot prevented Joseph from pushing any further into his mate. Sam felt his brother's penis pressing heavily against his own stomach upon the last insertion and did not like the way it felt even though he knew that he would probably feel it again.

Meanwhile, Joseph knew that Sam's insides were finally ready to stop denying him access as he rested for a few seconds simply to calm the Sandshrews' bodies down a little. Joseph and Alex wanted something to remember for years to come and it would not happen if their Sandshrew bodies ejaculated prematurely. During their momentary break, both Joseph and Alex found that they were breathing heavily into each other's Sandshrew mouths. Joseph and Alex had caused Lucas and Sam's mouth and tongue movements to become a little frantic during their past actions, but neither of them decided to stop kissing and embracing each other. They only slowed down as the Sandshrews' tongues splashed against each other while their warm breaths blasted into their mate's mouth.

Not long afterward, Joseph pulled Lucas's penis from his brother's insides before he pushed back into him and found that it was easy to reach the tip of Lucas's knot. Both mates felt a small amount of sexual pleasure, but only because they decided to take a break in between insertions. Once again, Sam felt his brother's penis pressing hard against his stomach. The time for resting and preparation was over as Joseph pulled Lucas out of his brother again before reinserting the Sandshrew back into Sam. Sam's penis rubbed against Lucas and Sam's warm belly with each thrust like it always had done, but it felt to Sam and Alex as if they had just started all over again except for the fact that Sam's anus had become more accepting toward his brother's penis.

Joseph forced Lucas to push in and out of his brother several times during the moments that followed while squeezing Sam's penis in between the Sandshrews' stomachs. Joseph and Alex continued forcing their host bodies to kiss one another as their movements became more erotic and rapid from the sexual pleasure they were enduring. Sam's body soon released another batch of pre-cum as the white liquid splash against his and Lucas's stomachs. Sam's anus released a small amount of blood as well. Joseph had forced Lucas too far into his brother's body and had done so far too rapidly while applying far too much power to his thrusts. Lucas's penis released some of its own additional pre-cum and from the way both Sandshrews felt, Alex and Joseph knew that they were almost finished. Therefore, Joseph shoved Lucas's penis in and out of his brother a few more times before the finale.

Upon the final thrust, both Sandshrews were forced to hug each other tightly as Joseph shoved Lucas's penis completely inside Sam's body. When he got to the knot, Joseph simply forced Lucas forward and expanded Sam's anus far beyond its limits. Both Alex and Sam felt the maddening pain and a small amount of blood leaked out from Sam's anus. Sam even felt like his brother's penis had penetrated his stomach, which was not too far from the truth since it went into his intestines a little. During that moment, both Sandshrews released their own semen from their penises. Sam's white liquid splashed messily and in large supply onto his and his brother's belly fur.

Both Alex and Joseph felt that it was good to get messy again for the first time in decades. Lucas's warm seed filled Sam's body deeply and released an excessive amount of warm cum until some of it could not be contained. The leftover semen from Lucas's body splashed out of Sam's opening and ran along Sam's crotch, anus, inner thighs, and along his tail. The rest of Lucas's semen splashed around his crotch and inner thighs as well while some of it leaked onto his lower belly. Sam felt his own semen's wet warmth cover his belly while he felt his brother's warm liquid surging deeply through his body. Meanwhile, Lucas felt his brother's wet warmth on his belly as well and felt his own penis release large amounts of its own seed into his brother's body. Afterward, both Sandshrews felt a few more squirts of semen release from their penises as their fresh-semen covered bellies pressed heavily against one another.

The Sandshrews were locked in a kiss during that moment, as their tired tongues were lying motionless in their mouths. Their hearts were beating rapidly and it was obvious that they were exhausted beyond measure as they breathed heavily into each other. The ghost poke'mon knew that they had done all they could with the mortal Sandshrews and slipped out of their bodies. Joseph and Alex floated next to the Sandshrews, but neither of the twins had the strength to do anything to react. The ghost poke'mon smiled at both of them, but theirs were smiles of appreciation rather than their usual sinister grins. "Thank you." They said in unison before they both vanished from view.

Lucas and Sam were relieved that the ghost poke'mon had finally left them, but by the time they did, it was already too late. Their semen was setting in their own fur and they would need to lick it off later with their own tongues because of how much they feared water. Neither Lucas nor Sam was looking forward to the experience of tasting their own dried up semen. Lucas stopped thinking about such things as he gathered some strength in his body during that moment so that he could remove himself from his brother. He sat up on his knees and pressed as hard as he could against the dirt floor. Lucas's actions caused some of his own semen packed into his brother's body to leak out as the Sandshrew felt pain coming from his crotch. Lucas looked down to see that his penis was trapped at the knot inside his brother's body because the Gengar had shoved it in far too deep within Sam. "Sam, are you alright?" Lucas asked

Sam barely managed to turn his head, but when he did, he stared up at Lucas with half-closed eyes. "No." He softly and truthfully answered and neither was Lucas. In fact, Sam's stomach felt like he had take a large drink and the Sandshrew knew why. "I want to throw up, but I am too tired." Sam added.

"Can you squeeze me out?" Lucas asked.

"I am sorry, but I am too exhausted. Besides, you are too big to get out right now, which means we are trapped like this for awhile." Sam answered. "If you are still offering, can you hug me until mom and dad comes home?" Sam asked before he closed his eyes and immediately fell asleep afterward from sexual exhaustion.

Lucas nodded his head and decided to lie down on his brother's chest since there was nothing else he could do. Lucas then spread his arms across Sam's shoulders and positioned his left ear directly above his brother's beating heart. It was a good sound to listen to as Lucas began falling asleep. "I love you Sam, but not like" It was all Lucas managed to say before he too lost consciousness from sexual exhaustion.

Not long after the two Sandshrews fell asleep, both of their parents returned home and noticed that someone had left the entrance open without fixing it. "They must have played outside for a little bit, this is their last night together you know." Grace, the Sandslash, said before entering the lounge area. "Oh, that is so cute; they fell asleep hugging each other again." Grace said as she looked at her sleeping children in the moonlight.

Lucas stirred a little upon hearing his mother's voice and opened up his right eye a little to see her glancing over toward him. Lucas was filled with fright when his mother walked in and hoped that she would not discover what had happened to him and his brother. Lucas would have stood up, but Sam's anus continued to clench tightly around the Sandshrew's knot that still had not returned to normal size. Additionally, Lucas was still exhausted and needed several more hours of sleep before he could do anything. "Please don't come any closer." Lucas silently thought to himself before he closed his eyes so that Grace would not notice that he awakened.

Andrew came inside the den with Grace, he was carrying in several seeds stacked on flat heavy stones that looked like plates while his mate carried two shaven and hollowed Cacti filled with water. Andrew saw his sons sleeping and shook his Sandslash head. "Those two really need to grow up." Andrew remarked. "I guess I will wake them up for dinner." Andrew said as he placed the stacks of edible seeds in one corner.

Lucas heard every word his father spoke and while the Sandshrew was tired beyond measure, he was too frightened to fall asleep again during that moment. "Oh no!" Lucas thought fearfully.

"No, let them sleep and we will just have our last meal together tomorrow during breakfast." Grace said and Lucas quietly sighed in relief. "What they need is help getting to their rooms." She added as Andrew shook his head again in silent disagreement.

"They are going to find out and there is nothing I can do!" Lucas screamed in terror in his own mind. "Why did those ghost poke'mon choose us?" He silently and rhetorically asked himself. "Why did they make me go this deep into Sam so that I can't get out?" He added.

"No wonder they haven't left yet, when I was a boy, my parents kicked me out in March and for them it is almost May." Andrew remarked. "You really do spoil those two, you know that." Andrew said as Grace turned around and scowled at him.

"These are the last few moments we are going to spend with them and you just want to toss them out like animal waste." Grace said almost shouting before Andrew walked over and hugged her tightly.

"You are right, I am sorry, after all, these two little guys are my first two sons and I should be a little more appreciative of them." Andrew said as Grace returned the hug. "I am just worried that they won't have enough time to build their homes and find the right mate this year." Andrew added before he released his mate from his arms. "Alright, help me get them to their own room." He said as he turned to face his two children.

Lucas was far too terrified during that moment to form coherent thoughts in his own mind. Lucas did not want either of his parents to see that their two sons had mated with one another. Unfortunately, there was nothing Lucas could do and he feared that talking would only make matters worse. "That's a new position for them, usually Lucas is hugging Sam like a human's teddy bear." Andrew said, as both he and his wife were unaware of what had just transpired in their own home.

Lucas knew nothing would stop either of his parents from discovering what he had been forced to do to his own brother. Lucas was paralyzed in fear and kept his eyes closed hoping for it all to go away as he had when Alex and Joseph forced Lucas and Sam to mate with each other. "Something isn't right." Grace said as she ran over to Lucas and tried lifting him off his brother. Lucas felt his mother's warmth grabbing onto him before he turned his head slightly while opening his eyes. Lucas looked at Grace with a sad expression of shame across his face. "Oh my god!" Grace said as she nearly dropped Lucas onto his brother after seeing Lucas's knot inside Sam.

"Mom, it isn't what it looks like." Lucas said as his mother continued holding onto him. "We were forced to do it by a pair of ghost poke'mon a few minutes after you left to get dinner." Lucas explained.

Andrew did not hear his own son's words because Lucas was too exhausted to speak loudly and clearly. Andrew only rushed forward to discover what had brought fear and panic into his mate's eyes. "Lucas! What did you do to your brother?" Andrew shouted angrily when he finally came close enough to see Lucas buried inside Sam.

Sam finally woke up as well and heard his father screaming at his brother. "It wasn't his fault." Sam said sleepily. "Ghost poke'mon did this to us, you have to believe me." Sam added before he succumbed to his own exhaustion and fell asleep again.

"Grab onto Sam, I'll try to pull Lucas out of him." Grace instructed her mate.

Andrew grabbed onto Sam just as he was told to before Grace placed her arms beneath Lucas's under-arms. Grace then stood up and pulled back as hard as she could before Sam suddenly awoke again. Both Sam and Lucas then screamed out in pain. "Stop! That hurts!" Lucas screamed as he felt his penis stretching beyond its limits.

Neither of his parents listened as they both continued tugging on their children. However, it became apparent that neither of them would move. "PLEASE STOP!" Lucas and Sam screamed out loudly in unison.

Andrew and Grace finally gave into their sons' demands as Grace set Lucas back onto his brother and Andrew released Sam's limbs from his arms. Lucas and Sam immediately fell asleep again because neither of them could manage to stay awake any longer. "We should just let them sleep." Andrew suggested. "Do you believe them about the ghost poke'mon, because if they are right then." Andrew paused for a second. "I don't know; what can I do against ghost poke'mon?" Andrew shouted as he stood up and slammed his right claw painfully into the wall.

"Get some rest; we will talk about this tomorrow during breakfast." Grace said. "I am going to sleep out here with them. It does not matter if they are telling the truth or not because I still love them." Grace explained to Lucas.

Grace rubbed her hands across her children's bodies as Lucas and Sam's pain-filled grimaces softened into comforting smiles. "I think I will sleep out here with them as well, after some sleep, we can decide what we will do next." Andrew said before he walked over and laid down next to Grace.

Grace also laid down until her back faced her children and her face met Andrew's eyes. "Goodnight." She said before kissing Andrew.

Andrew quickly returned the kiss. "Goodnight." Andrew replied before the two of them closed their eyes and eventually found peace when they fell asleep together.
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