AGNPH Stories

Project D by captanblue


Data exchange

Chapter 3: Data transfer

Jake just stared at Dee, the obvious was no ordinary plusle. Plusles didn't find out where people lived and waited for them. And what was that black thing in front of her?

Dee just stood on the table, staring at Jake. From the intense glare she was giving Jake she seemed to be trying to pierce into his mind.

Luna looked at Jake (who was obviously frozen in shock) and Dee (who was waiting for Jake to make a move) and decided to do something.

Jake, I think she's waiting for you to do something.

Jake snapped out of it, "Oh, uhhhhhh...Why are you here?" Jake asked, "In fact, how did you find out about me?"

Dee seemed to consider her answer first before replying to Luna. Luna listened to Dee and relayed to Jake with a confused expression.

She said she was sent from a friend of yours, but due to the present company she can not go into fuller detail. I guess she doesn't me, who would send you a plusle?

No idea Luna, plusle are extremely common in Palm City so we can't really trace her to anybody. None of my friends even owns a plusle.

While Jake was thinking the phone rang. At first Jake wasn't sure if leaving Dee by herself was such a good idea.

Just go answer it Jake, if Dee meant us any harm I would have noticed by now.

Jake felt more comfortable after that and went to the phone. As he picked up the phone he checked the caller ID next to it to see who it was.

"Oh wow, it's mom. Hi mom."

The voice that answered was anything but feminine.

"It's me, your dad Jake, I just wanted to let you know that your mom and I decided to stay in a hotel. "


"What was that Jake?"

"Uhh, nope, didn't say a word dad."

"Hmm...Your brother and sister are going to watch movies at Jenna's house and spend the night there. Your 18 so I wont tell not to do anything inappropriate or not to throw any wild parties, You already no the consequences of those actions. "

"Yes sir"

"Good, I'll see you tomorrow"

"All right, see you later."

Jake hanged up the phone, shaking his head and burying it in his hands. He couldn't imagine how his day could get any weirder, until he remembered Dee. She was still giving him the same look that she was giving him before while Luna just looked hurt and perplexed.

Jake went over to Dee again and knelt next to her, examining her closely. Dee just stared back, seeming unperturbed with everything going on as if this kind of thing happened every day to her. Up close she still looked like any other plusle, but something was off, something so small that it almost escape his attention. It was nagging him in the back of his mind but he couldn't put his finger on what exactly it was. he reached out his hand and scratched behind her ears. This seemed to surprise Dee. No on had ever scratched her head before so this was a completely new experience to her. She was obviously enjoying herself and murred softly, leaning into Jake's hand.


Huh? What's wrong Luna?

Enjoying your new pet I see.

Calm down Luna, its not like that, I just wanted to check on something.

Oh really, like if she likes getting her head scratched? I've been here watching her for hours, being completely ignored I might add, and all you want to do is play with your new pet here.

Wait! Luna! Where are you going?

I think it's time I had a day off as well, besides, she obviously doesn't want to talk with me around so I'll just be leaving now.

Before Jake could answer she walked off and went through the front door. Most pokemon would have trouble doing this but being physic had its advantages, so opening the door didn't really pose a problem. Jake watched speechless as Luna slammed the door behind her. Rubbing his hand through his hair he stood up again and looked at his watch. It was only 6:34 and it was Saturday, which usually meant that he would watch a movie with Luna curled up in his lap asleep. Their newest guest had completely ruined any plans that Jake had now.

Dee hopped off the table and waked towards Jake and pulled on his pants leg. Once she got Jakes attention she handed him the photo and the letter she was holding. Jake picked them up and looked at them.

"Well this is a picture of me all right, that kind of explains how you found me. And I guess this letter explains the rest?"

Dee nodded and pointed to the letter again.

"All right fine, I'll read it" Jake said as he read through the letter.

Dear Jake:

Sorry I can't explain everything but I don't have much time. The plusle you no doubt see in front of you is actually an experimental porygon version: 2 named Dee. When we were designing her I figured it would be best if she had emotions. Without them, of course, she does exactly what she' told and nothing else, just like a robot really. I figured you would be able to help me. Jake, I want you to help Dee find emotions. Without those I am afraid that she will become noting more than a tool. Please find a way to do this for me. In the meantime you can keep Dee and train her using our prototype pokedex too. She can explain how it works. Good luck

Your friend,
Leah Tompson

Jake couldn't believe what he just read, An experimental porygon? that can't be possible. he thought to himself. Once he really gave it some thought he realized that it did explain why something seemed abnormal with Dee. Porygons were not exactly the rarest thing in the world. While not its biggest attraction, the Palm City Casino had porygon version:1 and version: 2 available for trade. Porygon version: 2 (or v2 for short) was way more expensive because of it's versatility with programs, but most people never get them so they just sat around.

During the time Jake was reading, Dee had gone back to the table and got the pokedex. By the time he had finished the letter, Dee already had it turned on and waiting for him.

Jake looked down and noticed that the pokedex was already on. He picked it up and marveled at how slim it was. It couldn't have weighed more than 3 pounds and the pokedex itself had a glossy black exterior. What he could not figure out was why it had such a large lens on the back. He knew that the lens on the back was here so he pokedex could know what exactly it was scanning, but the lens on this one was much bigger and the lens appeared the extend outward too. Once he was done examining the outside he looked inside of the pokedex, which didn't look as flashy. The keypad buttons were blue and backlit, the screen was a very glossy black color. All in all it was very impressive and looked extremely expensive. What surprised him the most was that white letters started appearing on their own accord, accompanied by a feminine voice of it's own.

~ Are you pleased with the pokedex?

Jake almost dropped it. Pokedex's built in voice chips weren't supposed to sound that clear. It was almost as if there was a teenage girl right in front of him. He glanced at Dee quizzically before looking back at the dex's screen. He watched as the words on the display scrolled down and were replaced with new ones, the voice coming in again.

~ I had hoped that Leah's letter would have explained everything but I she that she did not have the time. As you know my name is "Dee",

Jake interrupted the dex and looked at Dee in shock.

"No way, porygon's are only supposed to manipulate small programs. What you're doing is way beyond that. Not only that, but you look nothing like a porygon, you're a plusle."

More words scrolled onto the screen, meanwhile the dex's monotone voice read the words that showed up.

~ As I have stated before, I'm highly advanced, a more complicated model than those that can be found at a casino. Like normal porygonv2's I can manipulate programs, what sets us apart is that I can do it from a distance. I also have the capability to change the programming that controls my outward appearance, my current form is not the result of that. The pokedex your holding contains information on any pokemon that you scan. This plusle form that you see before you was preprogrammed into the pokedex. Leah saw fit that I had a way of traversing Palm City without attracting notice. As you can see I am in every way a plusle, rather then a plusle on the outside. It takes less energy to change my outward appearance than to make a full transformation.

Jake still couldn't believe what was going on. This was the kind of stuff that happens in Sci-fi/Fantasy stories, not in the real world.

~ You still seem skeptical, perhaps I should show you. If you press escape and go to the main menu look for the option titled "Project Transformations". Once find it press enter and select one of the options available.

Jake followed her instructions and noticed that the only two options there were porygon, (which he assumed meant porugonv2) and plusle. She was already a plusle so using the arrow keys he highlighted "porygon" and pressed "enter".

Jake jumped as a bright glowing grid formed around Dee for the second time that day. Her whole body was instantly covered in white light and started to elongate and round out, the grid stretching out with her. A couple of seconds later the light faded and the grid disappeared, revealing a normal looking porygonv2

~ The transformation is complete, are you satisfied? Are there any more doubts in your mind?

All Jake could do was stare at the porygon in front of him. There was no longer any question as to what was going on. He had in hid possession what was quite possibly the most advanced piece of technology at his house and it was under his complete control.

"So is this the only way you can change shape? Do I have to do that every time?"

~ Only if you are unable to do it yourself.


~ You seemed to have grasped what is going on. Leah's orders where to come to you and explain the situation. Your Luna was not included in this so I was not able to discuss anything with her nearby. If you would like to see any other orders press escape and highlight Current Objectives to see what I am currently working on.

Jake speechlessly followed what she said and noticed that she currently had 4 orders: Give Jake the letter and the pokedex, attempt to answer all questions, find a means to acquired motions, and protect Jake at all cost. The first order was grayed out, probably because that one was already finished.

~ As you can see, the first objective is done. Now I have moved on trying to answer all of your questions. I believe I have completely explained who and what I am, and the letter explained why. At the moment I am attempting to teach you about your new pokedex. You now know how to check on my objectives and adding more will come later. Let us go back to the Project Transformations Menu. Once there change me back into a plusle and we can continue with our tutorial outside.

Once Dee changed back they both went outside. It was already pretty dark out but the moon and the street lamps kept everything from becoming pitch black. Jake was actually happy he could get outside and think for bit. All the events that where happening to him was giving him a headache. Dee had decided to perch herself on Jakes left shoulder so she could see better. After they had walked a couple of blocks Dee directed Jake to the right. Jake was too lost in thought for communication while Dee appeared to be scanning everything within a 200-ft radius and storing into her memory. Around 15 minutes later they had arrived at Dee's location, Palm City Park.

The Palm City Park was huge; it was around 102,000 acres wide, (which is roughly 160 square miles). It would have taken hours to cross the entire park but Dee found what she was looking for after 10 minutes or so. They were in a grassy plain area that was inhabited by many flying, normal, and a diverse selection of electric type pokemon. Dee jumped of Jake's shoulder and scanned the area for a brief moment before finding what she was looking for. Jakes new pokedex started vibrating in Jakes pocket so he took it out and opened it. Words began to appear on the screen but this time no voice could be heard.

~ Jake, it is now time to commence the rest of the tutorial. As you have no doubt noticed, my transformation selection is limited. You also have probably noticed that the back of your pokedex has a peculiar lens. The lens on the back of your pokedex not only registers pokemon you have caught but can also do a deep scan and copy their data onto itself, thus enabling me to take on other forms. I can only assume that Leah found a plusle beforehand and scanned it for me, most likely assuming that I would be coming here to you. The porygon option really just allows me to go to my original state. The reason I brought you here Jake is because Luna left before you could scan her, because of this we will instead scan a wild pokemon. Because I am a plusle I figured that another pokemon you could scan is a minun. The area that we are in now should present a high chance of a minun encounter and it appears that I was right.

Sure enough, around 30 feet in front of them was a sleeping minun. It decided to "camp out" under the stars tonight early. Thus making it the perfect target for what Dee had in mind. Dee crept up slowly towards the slumbering pokemon and motioned Jake to follow her. Once they were only a few feet away they Dee stopped and the pokedex began to vibrate softly.

~ This should be close enough, on the far right of your keypad you should notice a key with a "S" surrounded by a circle. By using this you can scan anything up to 5 feet away. Please press the button now.

Jake was hesitant; "This won't hurt it right? It would be kind of cruel to just go up to somebody and zap them with something while they're trying to sleep."

Dee stared a Jake before responding

~ What we are doing is absolutely necessary if we are to continue with this tutorial. It is in your best interest that you fully understand all of the functions of this pokedex. Never the less, the minun should remain unharmed from this.

Feeling slightly better Jake pressed the button, aiming the lens on the back towards the minun. He could see everything on the pokedex screen as if he was using a digital camera. The minun on the screen had a green outline on it. Data on the minun appeared in a black box on the top of the screen in white letters. It was the typical pokemon data all Pokedex's showed. It also showed that it was male, its current status was normal, it was still young, and that it was at full health. In other words, it was a healthy young minun. On the bottom of the screen the words, "Scan: Y/N?" appeared.

Jake still wasn't sure about all of this; his whole day had been one strange event after another. He was in the middle of the park with a porygon that looked like a plusle, and a super pokedex. It was all a bit much to take in one day. He gave Dee an uncertain look and she stared at him. Finally Jake sighed. I guess I've got nothing to lose. he thought before he glanced at the screen and pressed the button.

The pokedex hummed while the lens on the back extended. Jake watched as the picture of the minun on the screen began to enlarge as the pokedex made the picture more detailed. A vertical line cut through the middle of, screen. On the left side, It showed the minun and on the right side it had the word "SCAN" and a progress bar underneath it in the center. The words "Beginning Scan" flashed briefly before percentile numbers replaced it. Jake was expecting a ray or some kind of an electric bolt and was almost disappointed. The scan itself didn't take more than a minute, Jake figured that it was probably because minun were tiny to begin with. Once the scan was done the screen went to the transformation selection and in between porygon and plusle was "minun".

~ Perfect, I believe you have a basic understanding of how to work the pokedex now. We have no further reason to be here so I suggest that we go home now.

Jake put the pokedex into his pocket as he looked at his watch. Dee jumped back unto his shoulder and looked at his watch as well. It was 9:03 so it wasn't too late. Jake just hoped that Luna wasn't still made at him. Jake backed away from the sleeping minun and walked off. During their trek home something suddenly occurred to Jake. He took out the pokedex and turned it on.

"Hey Dee, when I was at the store parking lot something saved me from a charging totodile, was that you?"

Words scrolled silently onto the screen

~ Yes, I was the one who saved you from Butch. I began to wander if I would have to meet you at Super Pokemart but you took so long o get done explaining everything to everybody that I had all the time I needed to get to your house and wait for you to make an appearance.

"Then why did you act as if...Oh, because Luna was there right?"

~ Correct.

"Well...Thanks for saving me back there"

~ I do not require thanks, I only did what I was programmed to do.

"Oh...okay then...Hey Dee. Porygons don't have a gender, so what made you want to be female ?
~ Leah and I talked for a while before I was sent to you. After some discussion I concluded that, despite men typically have more muscle mass, woman really are the superior sex.

Jake was about to point out some facts until he realized that arguing about this with any woman, (even those who aren't but decided they are) would be pointless and tiring. Instead he just walked silently the rest of the way home.

About halfway there. Dee heard a rustling coming from a nearby bush behind them. Jake didn't hear anything so he kept walking ahead. Dee tensed, waiting for whatever it was to strike but it never did. Jake noticed that something was up and turned to Dee.

"Something wrong?"

Dee glanced behind her, looking over the bush. Finally she shook her head and stared ahead as is nothing had happened. Jake looked behind himself as well but didn't see anything. probably the wind or something Jake thought and continued walking home. When he made it to he door he wondered for a second if Luna would be home yet, but he doubted it. Luna had a tendency to hold a grudge and got jealous very easily. She had been acting that way since hey met and though they've known each other for years, she never trusted any other pokemon that wanted anything to do with Jake. Which explained why she got upset when Jake decided not to kick Dee out of he house the first time he laid eyes on her. Although she knew a umbreon was what Jake wanted at first, she like being an espeon. She saw mind reading as another way she could help out Jake. Jake sighed and opened the front door. Sure enough, Luna was nowhere to be seen.

Wow, she must really be mad at me. I'll just have to explain things too her when she gets back. Jake thought. Whenever Luna got upset she would go out the front door and go someplace. Jake had no idea where this "place" was but he figured that with her being so protective she couldn't be too far away.

Dee got down from Jakes shoulders while he locked the front door. The whole day had been exhausting. All he really wanted to do was go to sleep. He went into his room and took his, shoes off, emptied his pockets onto his, and got some clothes to sleep in. With that done he looked at Dee.

"All right Dee, I'm going to take a shower now. Don't digitize anything while I'm gone please. I've had enough surprises for one day."

Dee nodded and jumped onto Jake's bunk bed against the wall. She watched as Jake turned around and closed the door slightly as he walked into the restroom down the hall. She could her the door click as Jake locked it and a few moments later the water came on. She simply sat on his bed while she was waiting for Jake to get out of the shower. Needing something to do, she quickly went over her objectives for that day. She had already given the letter and pokedex Leah gave to her to Jake. She all the questions that she could. Now she just had to acquire emotions. She had given it some thought while they were walking back home and she believed that she puzzled out how to take care of the problem.

The door opened wide as Luna calmly walked in . Her voice never wavered and she didn't yell, but the anger could easily be felt.

"So, did you have fun?"

Just about anyone else would have run in fear after hearing any woman speak like that. Dee, had no emotions so fear was unknown to her. Because of this Dee was able to answer with equal calmness.

What Jake and I did is none of your business. If you want to know I would suggest you ask him, rather than follow us around while attempting to hide like some love sick jealous child.

Luna was stunned; No one ever talked to her like that. She wanted to say something back but instead just walked away with tears in her eyes. She entered the living room and collapsed onto the sofa closest to the window. She didn't cry , instead she looked out the window and gazed at the moon. Jake didn't know it but a few minutes walk from the house was a hill with an unhindered view of the moon and the stars. Gazing at the moon always helped her calmed her down. The lights were still on in the living room so she turned them off and went back unto the sofa. As she watched the star twinkle she wondered what was really going on between Jake and Dee. She promised herself ages ago that she wouldn't pick through people's minds because it was rude. This included Jake as well but she really wanted to know what Jake thought about all of this. Luna did follow Jake when they were outside. The hill that allowed her to stargaze also was high enough to allow her to see Jake's house. She stayed far behind them so they wouldn't notice but when they went into the park she had a harder time. If they had stayed in the around the trees it would not have been much of a problem. The plains area was too flat for her to be close to them without one of them noticing so she hanged around the trees. She couldn't begin to imagine what on earth Dee wanted to do with Jake in the park although she doubted Dee really meant Jake any harm. If she had wanted to attack Jake there wasn't much Luna could have done. Despite being in an evolved state Luna was still weak because she had almost no battle experience. What Dee said that hurt the most was Dee calling her lovesick. Luna loved Jake but she knew there was no way that Jake could ever return it, that kind of thing just wasn't possible. This didn't stop her from dreaming about whenever she went to sleep but dreams are only temporary. There would be sometimes that Luna would wake up completely miserable and Jake would have no idea what was wrong because Luna couldn't bring herself to confess anything. Luna sighed and lay down on the sofa. One day I'll have to talk to Jake, one day... Luna thought before drifting off to sleep

Dee didn't actually have anything against Luna, but for what she had planed she needed Luna out of Jake's room and she noticed earlier that Luna really like Jake. Dee had no remorse for what she did and considered it something that was necessary. She didn't have to dwell on it long as Jake came out of the bathroom smelling faintly of the "Mountain scent" body wash he used. Dee got off the bed and crawled in and collapsed turning towards the wall.

"I wonder where Luna is?" he muttered groggily.

Dee looked towards the door but didn't bother to try to communicate. Jake eventually fell asleep, exhausted.

Dee waited ten more minutes before making her move. This had been what she had been waiting for and she couldn't afford to mess up. Jake didn't know everything Dee was capable of. Dee herself did not fully comprehend all that she was capable of, but there was one secondary function that she had the she didn't want to tell Jake just yet.

hopped back onto the bed and padded over to Jake's face. Once she was absolutely sure that he was deep asleep she hopped off again and transformed back into her porygon form. Luckily, Jake as tuned towards the wall so he didn't she most of the light show behind him. Once Dee was done she turned towards Jake's back and paused. Dee secondary function was to digitize other objects and turn them into data, but leave the looking exactly as they were as if nothing had happened. Then, after completely analyzing the data and by using a lot of energy depending on the size and complexity of the object, she could turn the data into a real object. That and the fact that she could manipulate he own programming were what really set her apart from other porygon's. Being able to take data and make it real was a scientific miracle and she was about to use it on Jake.

Without even pausing to think about it she shot a beam at Jake. He hadn't even bothered to get under the covers, which made things easier. A white glow enveloped Jake as soon as the beam hit but Jake never stirred. It was a slow process that took almost an hour but she did it. There was no trace of Jake when she was done, even his clothes were gone. With that out of the way Dee proceeded to analyze Jake's data. She found exactly what she was looking for, Jake's emotions. By turning Jake into data she could manipulate, copy, or delete any she wanted, but storing all of Jake's data was already begging to take it's toll on her. She didn't want an exact copy of Jake's since that was pretty much who he was. So she copied the capability to have emotions in program form, it would install itself in her automatically when she woke up.

Completing what she needed to do she prepared to convert the data Jake into the real Jake. There was only one problem, Dee had taken too long too long to analyze Jake for his emotions. She could convert him back but if she didn't do something fast she would run out of power and systems crash. She was running out of options. This is not good, I do not have the energy change him into flesh in blood, but data can not live can it? Suddenly, her choice became clear. Using the little bit of energy that she still had left she did the only the she could do...

Turn him into living data.

A grid formed on the bed. Minutes later a porygon that was slightly larger than Dee appeared. Its eye's were closed and it seemed to be sleeping peacefully. Dee did not have the chance to admire her work she could already feel herself falling asleep. I wonder how I will feel about this in the morning Dee thought before she nodded off herself.

That...took...forever...I think it's time I took a little break for now. I know! I think I'll start drawing stuff...Whatever, constructive criticism is appreciated of course. I'm glad I got this chapter done, the sky's the limit now :)
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