AGNPH Stories

Project D by captanblue


New Outlooks

Hiya! It's Captanblue here with the long overdue chapter 4 of Project D. I'm embarrassed to say it but I actually lost hope in this story. All the motivation I had for it seemed to have disappeared and I just couldn't seem to get i the mood anymore. To make matters worse, the program I was using on my pda to write this was awful and made me even more reluctant to get started again. The final straw was when I wrote Never Say Never when I was horny one day and after fixing when I posted it the first time, it got 5 stars! It blew my mind but after a while I realized that this is AGNPH, of course sex went well. I pretty much gave up on this but I started talking to another author (who will go unnamed but he knows who he is) and we're cooking something up. Then I read my reviews and I realized that people actually did care about the story, I just wasn't paying attention. So I got back to writing and even though it was hard picking up where I left off (I actually forgot what happened in the last chapter) I kept with it and I present to you my best work so far, 10074 words worth of hard labor. I'm never going on that long of a break again I can assure you of that. I'm also going to try to make my chapters a bit longer; I've had trouble with elaboration in the past and its back to haunt me apparently.
OK enough blabbering, I know you really came here to see Jake freak out when he wakes up. Well hold on a sec' I'm getting there:

Chapter 4: New outlooks

Leah would have laughed at Jakes idea of a hectic day. Hers had been much worse.
It had finally dawned on her exactly how she would escape from the lab, but she wasn't about to go alone. During her entire stay there the only person who she felt really close to was Cassandra, one the other scientist.
Cassandra and Leah had grown up together as kids and were inseparable up until the end of middle school. Something came up that was more powerful than any friendship could handle: Cassandra's dad getting a new job. They kept in contact with each other but they never did get a chance to see each other face to face. That is, until they both got the invitation to work on the project. Once they met at the lab they immediately got caught up on each other and were chatting like best friends in no time.
Cassandra herself wasn't part of the "construction team" of the project. Instead she was one of the other scientists whose job was to search for information and brainstorm on what to do next when they were searching for ideas on how to make it run smoother. She rarely got to see Dee but she didn't mind her position. She was still getting paid a huge amount of money for what she was doing and it wasn't like she was just thrown to the side and forgotten. Cassandra had long silky black her and was around the same height as Leah. She wore red rimmed glasses and was very attractive. She was timid, and a bit cynical of others until she got to know them. Her attitude made her quite independent and she spent most of her time alone reading books at home or studying for classes at graduate school. She knew Leah very well though and treated like a younger sister, something that was easy to do since she was 31 and Leah was 29. If it weren't for Leah she probably would have went her entire life without spending any time with a friend.
Leah herself was a red head who was very energetic. She noticed Cassandra right away when she was younger and made of point to talk to her often and try to get her to break out of her shell. She had almost succeeded until they were separated, forcing them to contact each other over the phone and through the internet. She tended to act like a tomboy, which explained why she wore her hair short and had two earrings in both ears. None of them knew why they liked each other so much but they were both inseparable.
Of all the people in the lab, Leah figured that Cassandra or "Cass" as she would usually call her, was the one person she could trust. She thought of all this as she was walking down the hallway into the lunchroom. When she got inside she noticed with satisfaction that Cass and some of her other colleagues were already there. Now how to go about doing this Leah thought. Cass was eating a salad and some of the other workers were scattered around the room talking about what they were going to do with all the money they were going to get. Leah walked over to her and leaned on the table Cass was at without saying anything.
"Oh, hi Leah what are you up to?" Cass queried when she noticed a hand on the table.
Leah put on the most disarming smile she could manage "I just wanted to relax after working nonstop for who knows how long. Hey, mind if I speak to you in private? There's something important I want to tell you."
Cass looked confused for a second but noticed the odd look that Leah had in her eyes, she only gave her that look when something serious is going on "Leah, what's going on? Is something wrong?"
"Let's talk about this somewhere else, I need privacy. Follow me to my room ok?" She waited for Cass to say something but she just frowned and nodded, getting out of her seat and following her out of the lunch room. A few minutes later they arrived at her door and she opened it for her, letting Cass go in first before looking around and going in herself. Her room was bare; they weren't allowed to bring any personal items with them to the lab. All that was there were a digital alarm clock, a ceiling fan, and a wall mirror. The closet in the room contained all of their clothes (Lab coats and couple of shirts and pants). Cass was sitting on the plain looking queen size bed in one of the far corners. She was leaning back on her hands with her legs crossed "Well? What's going on that's got you so worried huh?"
Leah didn't say anything at first, just looking at Cass for a few moments before responding "Cass, what we did...what we's all wrong. We made a weapon and there's no way you can deny it any longer. This porygon is more advanced than anything I've ever seen before, what could they possibly want with it?"
Cass shook her head and gave Leah an almost sympathetic look before leaning forward again and scooting to the side a little "Leah, sit down." She waited patiently as Leah got on the bed right next to her and stared at the wall. Cass ran her fingers through her long hair before she continued. "Look, we've had this conversation before. We're just here to do as we're told and get paid for it. Who cares what they do with it, as long as they're not doing anything illegal or whatever, it doesn't really matter."
"But what if they are doing something illegal; we would be responsible wouldn't we?"
Cass shook her head "Think of it like this; if a gun-maker made a gun, and someone later bought it, then shot and killed someone with it, whose fault would it be?" Leah was about to respond but she cut her off "The killer, that's who. The gun maker can't be blamed for what someone did with the guns he sold, it's just a tool. It's neither good nor bad so the gun maker would be innocent." She stared at Leah, who just sat there for a moment and stood up again, walking towards the door but halting in front of it.
"Cass...If the gun maker didn't make the guns, no one would have been shot"
"If the gun maker never made the guns Leah, the killer would have found something else"
Leah turned around "It doesn't matter; I'm starting to wish I had never been a part of this, she doesn't deserve whatever they have planned for her".
"She? What she?"
"Huh? Oh! Ummm...nothing..."
Cass stood up and walked over towards Leah, looking her straight in the eye "You've always been a lousy liar Leah. Why did you call the porygon a she just now?"
"No reason"
Cass looked at her for a moment before going to the door and opening it. Without even looking back she walked down the hall.
Leah ran and caught up to her, touching her on her shoulder, "Wait! Where are you going?"
"I just want to check on the project one last time before we go. I have spent the last 6 years of my life on it; I think I deserve one last look before we leave don't you?" Cass said, turning around and looking at her innocently.
Leah struggled to keep her voice calm, she planned to have told her everything in her room but Cass was reacting differently from what she had expected .She followed behind, attempting to come up with some way to persuade Cass to change her mind but her friend pretended that she didn't hear her a kept on. She walked right up to the lab doors and after orally entering her information went into the darkened room, with Leah stumbling behind her
"See Cass? Nothing to worry about now. So let's just go back into the lunch room and forget what I said earlier.
Cass took a few steps into the room before turning around "Leah, I've known you were up to something for ages. And you know what? I didn't say anything because I figured you would have told me about whatever it was eventually but you never did. Now, is there anything that you wanted to tell me Leah?" As she as saying this, her hand inched towards the light switch, practically on it. Her face was stern expressionless mask that made reading her face very difficult. She kept her face completely calm as Leah walked towards her, her own face grim. They stared each other for a few seconds before Leah sighed and reach for the light switch and flipped it, the room instantly lighting up "See for yourself"
Cassandra scanned the room. At first glance nothing seemed wrong, all the computers were in place and nothing was broken. The only thing missing was...
"The project! Leah! Where's the project?!" Cass ran towards the transparent contained that used to hold their 6 years worth of work. There was no crack, hole, or anything. Even the power running through the system was still working. "Leah...How...How did this happen?" She was horrified, she thought that Leah had just tampered with it but set it free? She fell on her knees, staring blankly at the empty container.
Leah was still at the wall next to the light switch. She stayed silent, not exactly sure of what to say. Taking a deep breath she walked slowly towards Cass and touched her shoulder "Cass...I'm sorry. But I had to do it. There was n-"
Cass stood up quickly, her face contorted with a mixture of rage and disbelief "Are you insane?! We spent 6 years working on this project and you just let it go? Do you have any idea ho much money this cost the people we're working under?" she hissed. She couldn't believe this happening. Leah had always been logical one but this made no sense, there was no reason for this.
"Cass I-"
Cass cut her off, putting her hand up and closing her eyes "No, you listen to me. You have just wasted 6 years of all the lives of everyone here. Wasted millions of dollars and probably destroyed the project in the process. Now please, give me one reason why I shouldn't just turn you in, and don't give me that 'we're friends' things, this is serious." Her fists were clenched but she didn't make any advances. She continued her icy glare however, silently wishing this was just a bad dream.
Leah didn't know what to say, any excuse she came up with would just sound childish. Sighing she decided to just stick with the truth. She told Cass everything. All of the conversations they had, how Dee talked to her, how Dee decided to indentify herself as female... everything. While she was talking Cass' face softened into a thoughtful expression, and at some points looking shocked and downright amazed.
"And you sent it to Jake?"
"Well, I told her to go to Jake. She's probably already made contact with him. So no, I didn't destroy the project."
"And you want her to gain emotions? Why? What use does she have for it and how will she do it in the first place?"
Leah smiled, glad that Cass glad calmed down "Well, it actually isn't as hard as you think; she just needs to extract the data from a source. As for why I wanted her to gain emotions sh-"
Cass shushed her with her hand, looking towards the door. Outside someone could be heard talking. The voice was muffled because of the door but the footsteps were loud, making a loud clacking sound. The door had automatically shut behind them earlier but there was a small window. Leah turned off the lights and Cass motioned for her on to the side of the door, herself crouching low so she couldn't be seen. The footsteps got louder and finally someone's her walked by. All Cass could see was red hair but Leah saw more of her body. Her outfit recognizable almost instantly to her but she wasn't sure if Cass knew. She was about to tell her who it was but Cass motioned for her to be quite again. She stood up and looked out the window and waited for the woman to round the corner before opening the door slowly. Stepping lightly she waved for Leah to follow her and walked silently to the corner the woman had just passed and looked around the edge. The woman had dark blood red hair and pale skin. Her suit covered most of her body and her large shades made guessing her age impossible. From what she could tell the woman had flawless skin and had to at least be in her 40's. Now that they were closer her words could be heard without any trouble.
"Yes, as I've said before the project will be delivered to you soon and everything will be in place for the boss... What? ... Yes, the scientists will be taken care of as planned" At this point she turned to the side. Cass ducked behind the corner but not before she saw the cruel smile on the woman's lips "Yes, I'll make sure they will get a very warm welcome when they get home. Everything will go perfectly, you have my word."
They could hear what had to be the woman's cell phone closing and more footsteps. A few seconds later there was a ding and faint humming sound before everything was quite again. Cass was breathing hard while Leah looked as pale as the woman they just saw. It took a while for Cass' breathing to return to normal but once it did she gave Leah a worried look. Leah closed her eyes and sighed before getting of the wall and walking down the hallway. Cass looked shocked but followed her without a word, too shaken by what she had heard. The halls were empty, all of the people either eating or in their rooms. The emptiness only added to the sense of them being alone. After walking for a few minutes and rounding a corner they saw an elevator and pressed the button. Before long it dinged and the doors opened, humming into life. The got in without looking at each other, Leah pressing the button to go to the top floor almost automatically. The doors shut and they were on their way, both looking at the ground, lost in their respective thoughts. Leah knew that Jane was trouble and wasn't as surprised to hear what she said. Cass on the other hand was terrified. Her whole body felt numb and now that she was standing still she started to shiver uncontrollably. Leah noticed this and put he hands on her shoulder comfortingly. "Cass...I don't know what to say...But we need to get out of here. We might be able to sneak into one of the helicopters and leave. I figured that with the release date being so close security might be lax."
Cass only nodded her head and continued looking down at her shoes. The elevator shook slightly and the doors opened. They were on the roof now and the helicopters were all lined up in a row. On the opposite side one of them was active. The large propellers were a blur, lifting it up smoothly. Leah scanned the area to see if anyone was around. Security was already pretty low at the lab, not many guards were needed since they were in the middle of the desert. A few could be seen on the other side with helicopter that was leaving. Checking once more Leah walked to the nearest one and started strapping herself inside, Cass following right behind her. Once they were secured Cass finally spoke, "Leah, how are we going to do this? We don't know how to fly this thing. And what about the others? We can't leave them."
Leah didn't answer at first. In front of her was a mass of buttons and readouts that she couldn't understand. In the center of it was a computer screen but It was off. She started looking around, searching for something but not seeming to have any luck. "Cass, I remember overhearing the guards talk about an autopilot button. It supposed to be here somewhere but I can't find it, help me locate it and then we can talk."
Cass nodded and looked as well. It was almost impossible to find but eventually Leah noticed it near the bottom. It was a small green button with an A on it. Leah pressed it and the screen lit up. A menu could be seen with a couple of town names on it. After scrolling through it she found Palm City and selected it. The helicopter immediately came to life, more lights turning on and the propellers rotating slowly. On the screen various data was being displayed, one of which being the estimated time till arrival. Unfortunately Leah and Cass didn't get a chance to look at it very long. Once the propellers started their motion the guards on the other side knew immediately that something was up. Cass was the first one to notice that something was wrong. "Leah! We've been spotted! Do something!" She yelled.
Leah saw the guards now, her eyes widening once she counted all of them "Oh no...There has to be at least eight of them...But there's nothing I can do. The helicopter's already started." She watched in horror as they got closer. She could see one of them reaching into his dark jacket. Without warning she put her hand on Cass' head and pushed down. A bullet hit the window and cracked it, more bullets whizzing by and hitting random parts of the helicopter on the outside but none of them actually stopping it. Leah was grinding her teeth, silently praying that the doors of the helicopter were thick enough while Cass was whimpering next to her, cringing each time a bullet hit. The helicopter lifted higher and swerved to the left, the exact opposite direction of the Jane. After a while they couldn't hear the gunshots and no more bullets seemed to be hitting them. Neither dared to sit up though, not wanting to take any chances. After about half an hour later Leah finally gathered enough courage to look out the window on the door. She could barely make out the Lab anymore; it was just a small dot on the horizon. The helicopter they were in was moving faster than she originally thought. She had forgotten how quickly she had gotten here the first time. She continued staring out at the lab, not wanting to believe they had escaped but nothing else made sense."Cass...I think we're safe."
"You think we're safe? Leah that was awful. Why were they shooting at us?" Cass sat up slowly, half fearing more gunfire. Leah turned to her and helped her to her seat "Cass, I'm so sorry, I didn't think all of this would happen... But I was right; this is bigger than I thought. I guess I don't have to tell you that that was Jane right?"
Cass shuddered and strapped herself in again, "NO, I've heard enough about her to figure out who she was. But what now? What about the others?"
Leah looked out the window one last time and sighed "We're headed for Palm City to meet Jake, as for the others... I honestly don't know. I just hope they won't be blamed for this."
Jane of course knew exactly what was going on, she had told the guards herself not to chase them down once they called her helicopter. All of the helicopters had tracking devices on them so they knew where they were at all times. She couldn't tell where they were going to but that didn't bother her. The descriptions the guards gave her weren't too good either but she was sure that one of them was that scientist she had met earlier. "Leah..."
The guard that was steering looked at her "Ma'am?"
She shook her head and smiled "Nothing Mathew, just take me where we need to go, I'll take care of those other two." Her cell phone rang and she looked at the numbers on the front, it was the head guard at the lab. She brushed her fingers through her hair while absent mindedly opening it "What?"
The reception wasn't too good but she could still make out what he was saying "Miss Jane, what do we tell the others? They're bound to get suspicious."
Jane actually hadn't thought of that yet "Well...just tell them that I wanted to talk to Leah personally and her friend wasn't feeling well or something. Use your imagination Derrick."
The head guard nodded automatically and could be heard barking out orders to some other people "It will be done within the hour. Is there anything you need done?"
"Yes, find out who left with Leah and search their rooms for anything suspicious. And have someone check on the pro-" She gasped, a horrible thought suddenly occurring to her "Drop everything your doing and check on the project, now!" She waited, drumming her nails on the armrest on the chair she was in. It took about 10 minutes before she finally got a response.
"Umm... The project isn't in the room ma'am. We believe that one of the scientists took it with them in the helicopter.
Jane swore loudly, this was what she was afraid of. "WHAT ARE WE PAYING YOU FOR!? THE BOSS IS GOING TO BE FURIOUS AND IT WON'T BE MY FAULT! HOW COULD YOU LET TWO OF OUR SCIENTIST GET AWAY!?" Once her boss heard about this she was going to be in deep trouble. She started to sweat, trying to think of a way out of this. Nothing came up however, she would have to tell him what happened but there was a way to hold it off. "Mathew, turn this thing around, I want you to follow the other helicopter but I don't want them to know."
Mathew nodded, turning the helicopter around and beginning the pursuit.

Far away someone was making their own discoveries. Jake woke up before anyone else, His whole room was lit up thanks to his windows facing where the sun rose each morning. He tried yawning but found that he couldn't for some reason. He was too groggy to pay attention to such small details yet and satisfied himself with just scratching his head... but for some reason he couldn't feel his arms. Huh? What's going on? he thought, looking around his room. Dee was asleep or "off" on the ground. What was odd was that she was in her porygon form, and he didn't remember telling her to do that. He frowned and tried to remember what happened last night but it was too hazy. He also noticed that she seemed closer to him than normal, or did he just shrink? He got of the bed, expecting to short stuff out later after washing up but suddenly realized that he still couldn't feel his hands, and his feet didn't seem to be working either. Without warning he toppled out of bed, landing flat on his beak. He beeped, but it didn't actually hurt, in fact, he didn't really feel anything. The fall woke him up though. He was laying head first on the ground with his bottom half on the edge of the bed, almost as if someone just propped him there. Then something dawned on him, he didn't have a beak, and since when did he make beeping noises.
He crossed his eyes, looking at where his nose should be and sure enough, he seemed to have a blue beak like appendage. Fear gripped him now, all drowsiness vanishing as he realized that something was horribly wrong. He turned his head to look at the rest of his body, the movement causing him to upset his balance and make the rest of his body fall down, forcing him on his side. He was facing Dee, who still seemed asleep when he noticed something else. She had a blue beak also...and no legs or arms, just two large feet on the bottom of her. This new discovery was so amazing that he was speechless. But... No, I can't possibly be... Oh no... What's happened? "Dee? Dee!? DEE!!!" he yelled out as loud as he could. He tried pushing himself up again, forgetting in his panic that he didn't have arms. None of it was reaching her though; she was still asleep and oblivious to all the things going on around her. All of this was too much for Jake, He wanted to believe this was all just a weird dream, but it was all so real "LUNA! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!"
Luna yawned, something woke her up, it was the strangest sound and she couldn't quite place it. She was on the sofa and was thinking about going back to sleep, before dismissing the idea. "Now that I'm awake I might as well check on Jake and his new 'pet'". She stretched and yawned again, arching her back high and reaching out with her front paws as far as she could when she hard it "LUNA! HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!". He eyes shot wide open, she had never heard a sound like that before. It was a bunch of beeps and yet she could understand it. The fact that she could understand it and it knew her name got her out of the sofa running towards Jake's room at top speed "Jake?" The door was shut but she opened it easily and gasped. Jake wasn't anywhere to be found, and there where two...things in his room, one had it's eyes closed while the other appeared to had toppled over and was thrashing about madly. She started blankly at first before coming back to her senses. "Where's Jake!?" she demanded, fearing that the two things had done something.
Jake froze, "Luna? Is that you? Please help me, Dee did something to me. I think she turned me into one of her or something." He felt silly saying that or even thinking it but it was the only thing that made sense at the moment. How else would I get a beak?
Luna didn't move at first, having a hard time soaking all of this in "Jake? Is that... No... something is wrong." She shook her head and walked over to his face looking into his eye. She frowned at him, not wanting to accept all of this "Jake?"
"Luna, please believe me, I don't know what happened. Everything has been confusing since yesterday. It's really me; please you have to believe me." He was still trying to get up but it was no use, he had no idea how to control this new body.
Luna backed away, "No.... you're not Jake. This can't be right." She bumped into Dee, turning around quickly and yelped. Her breathing quickened and she felt she was loosing it. She whipped around, and looked Jake in the eye again "I know you're not Jake and I can prove it. When did we first meet? Only Jake would know that."
Jake almost laughed, but he didn't actually know how to do that now "I found you in a dumpster as an Eevee in the back of an ally. You were dirty, hungry, and frightened and I took you home with me. I wanted you to be an Umbreon, which was why I named you Luna, but you evolved in the morning because that's when I saw you the most. You're my best friend and I learned to love you as an Espeon because we could talk with you being psychic and all."
Luna didn't say anything. Her eyes glowed blue and Jake noticed he was being lifted up and put back down again. Once he was right side up she walked to him and touched him with her forepaw. His "skin" was hard and cool to the touch. He also seemed to be humming...but very faintly. Even with her good hearing she could barely pick it up, but it seemed to be connected to how his body was vibrating faintly as well. "Jake... what happened to you?"
Jake only looked back at her. With his new face it was impossible to tell just how he was feeling, his emotions impossible to judge from the outside. On the inside however he was confused and scared. There was no way he could see his mom like this, and to make matters worse, he still had to get to work later in the evening. He had to get back to his original form but Dee was out of it. He knew Dee did this but he couldn't figure out "Why?"
Luna seemed confused "What do you mean?"
"Why? Why would Dee do this to me? It doesn't make any sense at all. She didn't seem like the type to do this kinda thing... Oh!" Jake beeped loudly, moving toward Dee somehow. His legs didn't actually move but he seemed to move over the ground or glide over it when he thought about it, it all happened automatically. "Could she have done this to get emotions? I wonder..." He moved closer to her, getting just inches away from her before stopping. "Luna... I don't know what to do. I luckily don't have to go anywhere until later today but I can't stay like this."
Luna growled "I knew she was nothing but trouble Jake. But... If she changed you maybe she could change you back. We need to wake her up. Does she have an 'on button' like your television?" Luna was upset; she couldn't believe anyone would do this Jake. The only thing keeping her from waking Dee up forcefully was the fact that Jake was typically nonviolent. He hated fighting and they actually had never gotten into a pokemon battle. This had been a problem for Luna, she was afraid that one day something would happen and she wouldn't be able to protect him. It seemed as though it had all come back to haunt her now. She had no idea how to help and was starting to feel awful because of it but she didn't want it to show "She didn't tell you anything that might help?"
Jake thought about it before trying to snap his fingers "Man I hate not having hands... Luna, look on top of my laptop, the pokedex should be on it. Maybe I could make her wake up that way." He moved towards his desk while Luna hopped onto his chair and looked around. His desk was a complete mess but his laptop was in the middle of all of it, with his black pokedex resting on the top of it just like he said it would be. Focusing she lifted it with her mind, floating it to Jake and leaving it on the ground in front of him. Jake looked at it for a moment. Without hands he had no idea how to open it. He did notice that there was a button on the bottom half of and tapped it with his beak, watching as it opened and came on by itself. A menu popped of with the usual selections but none of them said anything about waking here up.
Luna had seen pokedex's before but this one was different. If Jake hadn't of pointed out that it was on top of his laptop she probably would have overlooked it. "Jake, is that how you control her?"
He paused and looked up at her "Yes it is. You seem to be taking this very well. You didn't even know she was a porygon. Aren't you surprised by any of this?"
"Well," she hopped of his chair and landed on his bed so she could see the screen as well. "I've seen a lot more than you have, despite you being technically older than me. I was surprised but for some reason I felt like something like this would happen. I had a bad feeling about her but she didn't seem to want to hurt anyone so I ignored it. Now because of me you look like this." She couldn't hide it anymore, she felt as if this was all her fault. I'm going to make her pay for this when she wakes up.
Usually when she got like this Jake tried to pet her and make her feel better. But once again he was reminded of how he couldn't do that anymore. "Luna, it's not your fault. Please don't blame yourself for this. Besides, you're helping now. You're thinking a lot clearer than I am. I just wish I could figure out how to wake her up." With that he looked back at the screen, still trying to figure out what he was missing. All he could see was the Project transformations command, The Objectives list, and the Command menu. Come to think of it, she never pointed this one out to me.
Luna cheered up a little. Jake always made her feel special when she wasn't feeling well. Eager to help out some more she studied the screen. "Perhaps you can 'command' her to wake up"
"Oh wow, that's a great idea" He tried scrolling through he menus but his beak was too large. He couldn't even use the arrow keys.
Luna knew this was a hard time for Jake and that this was all very serious but she was having a hard time trying not to laugh now, Jake looked so ridiculous pecking at the pokedex like that. When he started moving his beak around to use the arrow keys she snorted.
Jake of course heard this and glanced at her "and just what is so funny? I guess you think it's amusing to see me reducing to pecking this thing don't you?"
Luna nodded her head, not trusting herself enough to open her mouth. When he went back to tapping the dex she tried to keep a straight face but it was impossible. She eventually cracked up and started giggling. It was just too funny.
Jake beeped angrily "What the heck! Why are you laughing at me? Weren't you just upset earlier? This is so stupid." He glared at the pokedex, too frustrated to think rationally. "Darn it! I'm made of freaking data and I can't work my own pokedex!" Now he was looking at the screen again, but nothing stood out that could really help him. "ARGH! WHY WON'T YOU WORK!? MAKE DEE WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!!"
Luna sobered up, mentally kicking herself for not realizing how bad Jake was feeling right now.
Jake was about to give up all hope when the Command menu was suddenly highlighted and selected itself. The screen went black and the words "Dee: wake up" showed up. Did I do that? He wondered to himself. Watching the words disappear and the pokedex take itself back to the main menu again.
Dee was suddenly awake and she immediately took in everything she saw. Jake was on the ground with the pokedex opened and Luna was on the bed looking over his shoulder. She felt odd but she couldn't explain why however. This was the first time she felt any emotion as a porygon and it was making her confused. She quickly analyzed how she was feeling, but just wasn't able to figure it out. It seemed that she needed help recognizing how she was feeling. She did notice that the feeling got stronger when she looked a Jake.
Jake noticed some movement to his left and saw Dee staring at him. For a while he didn't say anything. He was too shocked to do anything but stare back.
Dee finally broke eye contact; she was unable to look at him any longer. Something was telling her that it was wrong. She looked down, still trying to understand what was happening. "Jake, I feel... strange. I don't want to look at you for some reason."
Jake tried to respond but Luna cut him off "Guilt, shame, feeling like your lower than dirt, take your pick. If it weren't for Jake you have know idea what I would be doing to you right now." Luna jumped off the bed and walked towards Dee as she said this.
Dee normally wouldn't be fazed by this but now she felt even worse. "Jake...I ... I think I regret what I did. No, I know I wouldn't do that to you again willingly. I am... sorry." Then she turned towards Luna, unable to look her in the eye as well. "Luna, I'm also sorry for saying those things to you. I realize now that you didn't deserve that from me. You were only doing what you thought was in Jake's best interest."
Luna stopped. This wasn't what she expected Dee to do. She stared at her and then lifted her head up with her paw, looking deep into her eyes. After a few moments her expression softened a bit. "You are sorry. Well, I guess I can accept your apology, but I think you owe both of us an explanation."
Dee felt a lot better for some reason. She assumed it was because she had been forgiven and made a mental note to remember how she felt so she could recognize it later. "I am relieved that you have forgiven me. You are right; I do owe the both of you an explanation. Luna, you weren't there to hear most of this so I think I'll just tell you what I told Jake earlier. She started describing her day yesterday from the beginning, telling them how she navigated her way around the city and found where Jake was working. She filled Luna in on the fight that Jake got into, and then skipped to when she and Jake left the house. After that she explained everything about herself. Letting them know about all of her abilities and why she did what she did to Jake. When she was finished Luna seemed satisfied but Jake was still confused about something
"So if you can do all of that then can you turn me back to normal?" Dee's story was fascinating but all he could think about was being human again.
"Well, yes and no. If I was at full strength I could change you back to a human. But I spent much of it changing you into data. Even if I did make you human again you would still be part porygon. You are now an exact copy of me, jut with your own personalities and memories. At least you are to the best of my knowledge. You should be able to transform yourself into a human by yourself, you have the capability now Jake. However, I wouldn't suggest trying it until you are ready for it. Instead you should alter the program dictating what your current form is, thus appearing human. To the naked eye you would seem normal"
"Really? That's awesome! But if I did just alter my programming what would make me different from being a real person?"
"You would still be a porygon. You might be able to emulate things such as the clothes you wear or how soft or firm something is but you would still be data. One of the more noticeable things would be that you give off almost no heat. If anyone were to touch you would seem cool to the touch. Also if you made yourself look like a human or any type of pokemon you would still be a normal type and you wouldn't have any of their natural abilities, such as extra strength or increased speed, or others such as levitation. For that you would actually have to make yourself the real version of the pokemon. At the moment you don't know how to do any of this so I will transfer the data to you. Afterwards I would assume a digital human form for now and try not to touch anyone."
Jake couldn't believe what he was hearing. This was all so strange to him. He felt like at any moment he would wake up and find himself in his bed as a regular person again. After thinking about it he realized that there was no way he could dream this all up. The more he thought about it the more being a porygon started to sound interesting. He was in a much better mood once he realized all of the possibilities open to him. He turned towards her surprising himself by the fact that he was starting to get excited "So, how long until I can be a real person then?"
"It all depends of many factors. The most important being how rested you are. There are other things about us that you will learn about later but for now, please try to keep to many thoughts running through your mind; the process will be faster if you do."
Without giving him a chance to respond she leaned forward and touched beaks with him. Jake could instantly feel something traveling through him, it felt as if small shocks were coming from where Dee was touching him and spreading to the rest of his body. The whole process was over in a matter of seconds and oddly there weren't and flashes of light or explosions, which Jake found almost disappointing. Instead, he found that he suddenly knew how to alter his size and shape. He even knew exactly how to be real again. "Oh wow... your right. There's no way I can do that just yet. But how did you do it in the first place? The amount of energy to do this is huge."
"Because Jake, when I met you I was fully charged. I would need plenty of time to be able to get all of my power back. You on the other hand are closer than it than me because you were changed by me. You did not have to use any of your own strength at all. Becoming flesh and blood at the moment is impossible but, you can still alter your shape as I've said before. However, you will only be able to change into whatever is programmed into you. I've already passed over the data for a minun and in order for more options to be available you will have to scan something so I can pass it on from there."
"Okay... but why not just become a virtual human now? I can do it now if I wanted to."
"You need to get used to it first. We are more than data, we are living data. The program in you that allows you to transform will be altered by you without you even realizing it. It will constantly be edited and revised to run smoother and more efficiently, it is how we are naturally. Also, minun are not as complicated as humans. Other than being larger there are other things humans have that make them more difficult. Surely you can think of one."
Jake actually had no idea, all of this was going over his head What could humans have that pokemon don't? Luna had already figured out one of them. She giggled before answering "Clothes?"
For a second no one said anything after that. "What? Be serious, that can't possibly be it" Jake retorted, frowning at her. Behind him Dee transformed into a minun herself. "She's right Jake. Clothes are more complex than you think." she said, with a more masculine voice, the by product of the minun that they scanned earlier being male. Walking over she stopped right next to him "do you know how many fibers are in your clothes? What about those beads that were on your arm yesterday, do you remember how many were there? If not than your not ready to try changing your self into your human form at all. Have no fear though, it will come in time but at the present moment you can't. Now, before you ask any more questions you should try changing into a minun, not a real one yet though."
Jake couldn't believe how much was involved in all of this, he figured he could just change and just not worry about anything. Now it didn't sound as fun anymore. Sighing he executed the program and jumped when a grid similar to Dee's formed around him instantly. He didn't feel as much as he could see his body shrinking. His beak slowly shrank into a muzzle and two ears sprouted out of his head. A pair of arms and legs soon followed by a tail also appeared. His body glowed brightly throughout the process but before long everything faded away, leaving a minun completely identical to the other. Jake blinked after he was finished changing. He was a minun... almost. He had fur all over his body but when he brushed his paw over it he still couldn't feel anything.
Luna got off the bed and walked to him, touching his cheek with hers "She's right, you're cool to the touch Jake"
Jake was mildly surprised but without his sense of touch it just didn't seem real "Dee this is weird, I can't feel anything at all. "
Dee got right next to him and looked him over "I know Jake. It might take some getting used to. But before we can do anything we need to make sure that the program I sent you is working effectively. Luna, with the program I gave him we should look exactly alike. Would you check for us?
She nodded and circled around them, inspecting every last detail. She honestly couldn't find anything different about them. "You both like just alike"
"Perfect," Dee replied turning and facing Jake "You expressed interest in being able to feel things... I can not help you with becoming a real human but since minuns are less complex, perhaps you can be happy as pokemon for now on until then. It might not be the same but you will be able to feel again. I am sorry about this Jake but in time you will be able to go back to your true form."
Jake was speechless. He had wondered what it would be like to be a pokemon but had never actually considered being one seriously. He looked at Dee and then at Luna who had an odd expression on her face. She snapped out of it quickly and smiled at him "Go on Jake, you get to be a real pokemon instead of a virtual one. This isn't something that happens all the time you know."
He felt a little better after hearing that but was still awestruck by what he was about to do. The confusion and fear he was feeling earlier had gone and been replaced with excitement and nervousness. Dee had already transformed back into a plusle and was waiting form him to change as well. Both were looking at him expectantly, waiting for him to change as well. I... can't believe I'm about to do this. He closed his eyes and executed the program and was soon surrounded by a grid like before. Just like when Dee touched him earlier he could feel something happening but it was more intense this time. His entire body felt as if it was tingling and it was all that he could do to keep from falling over. There was a bright light emanating from him like last time as well, but with more strength. The tingling was getting stronger and more uncomfortable, the sensation almost becoming pain. Before it went too far everything faded away, leaving him blinking. His legs felt weak and he fell on his rump with a dazed expression on his face that quickly turned to shock. He felt himself falling! "Yes! I can feel stuff again. I don't know how you can live like that Dee." Dee only stared at Jake while he was patting himself down. Now he could feel the fur on him, it was really soft on his belly and very short. Then he started examining the rest of himself. Everything was so surreal when he was a porygon, without his sense of touch he felt detached from everything but now it was as if he was experiencing it for the first time. He felt around his head where his ears used to be, forgetting that now they were on the top of his head. Once he found them he pulled them down marveling at what he was seeing. Then a sudden thought struck him and he looked over his shoulder, gazing at his minus sign shaped tail. This was something that he defiantly wasn't used to. He tried waging it or something, almost scaring himself when he saw it move.
Luna was trying hard not to laugh at him. She thought he looked adorable checking himself out like that. However this wasn't the only thing on her mind. She had always liked Jake but the fact that he was human made expressing her feelings impossible, but now he was a pokemon. She wrestled with the idea of telling him about it in her mind and eventually decided that it would defiantly be something she would do far in the future. She wasn't sure if Jake was ready for any more surprises just yet.
Jake was so into his new tail that he forgot he was being watched. He looked forward again, noticing the odd look Luna was giving him. "What? What am I doing now?"
Luna took a deep breath and let it out before walking over to Jake and nuzzeling his cheek "You're just so cute like this. You'll have to forgive me, it's not often that one's human friend is turned into a pokemon."
Jake couldn't help smiling "I knew you were enjoying this, you like seeing me as a minun don't you?" He said teasingly
"I would never wish for something bad to happen to you Jake, and I know this isn't what you wanted to happen at firs." she replied with a serious tone before giving him a mischievous grin and pushing him flat on his back and standing over him "However, Not that your smaller than me I can do this!" She immediately started licking his check and growling playfully.
Jake was used to Luna showing him this kind of affection but it was different now that he was smaller and she was actually on to of him. It all felt way more intimate "Luna, what are you doing? Get off of me!" He squirmed, tryingly to get the frisky espeon off but she was having too much fun and it didn't really bother him too much. Dee on other hand had no idea what was going on and ran to them, "Luna, what are you doing to Jake?"
She got off him and helped him get back up "I'm just playing with him, and... I've been wanting to do that for ages but he was always too big for me."
"Playing? He didn't seem to enjoy it." She said with a slight frown.
"Aww, he's probably just didn't know what to do since that was probably the first time he ever had a woman on him."
"WHOA! That's not true... okay that is true. I can safely say that I've never had a female on top of me, but I've never seen you this energetic. What's got you so hyper?"
"It's just that... You're a pokemon now. That doesn't excite you? I think it's wonderful. Plus you can go back to your regular self later on so you're not stuck like this. I know you've wondered what it was like to be one of us and now you have the chance to finally experience it. I think you need to loosen up some Jake. You know what we should do? We should go for a walk, that way you can get used to being like this and meet some of my friends. And besides, it's not like you can't just take the day off of work." She was grinning widely as she was saying all of this, obviously thrilled with the idea of being with the new Jake. "I bet you haven't even noticed that you can talk to me normally yet."
Jake actually didn't notice. Everything seemed to be happening so fast that he was having a hard time keeping up "Oh wow, I didn't. Well this is way easier than the other way. Wait! I'm a pokemon now! I can talk to other pokemon too! This is awesome! You know what, I think a walk is an excellent idea. I guess they won't mind me being a little late coming to work." Jake ran towards the door but only got a few steps before falling flat on his face. His body was still new to him and it seemed that he needed this walk more than he thought. He struggled to get on his hind legs again before Luna pressed him back down on his forepaws with her nose "Jake, most minuns run on all fours, you should probably practice doing that from now on."
Jake stood there for a moment. He had forgotten that he was supposed to act like a minun now and suddenly, walking seemed more complicated. "How does this work again?"
Luna giggled and started prancing around Jake "Just do what I do, I'm surprised that you've never noticed this before."
"Well I didn't expect being a minun part of my future." he replied before trying to follow her. It was actually easier than he thought it would be and he had it down in no time. He even took it a step further and started running, mastering that in a short while too. "Okay, now I'm ready. Let's go meet these friends of yours, coming Dee?"
Dee almost didn't hear him. When she was watching Jake and Luna playing together she had gotten a peculiar feeling. She couldn't place it but it made her want to join in, despite having now idea what to do. It keep growing the longer they kept at it and it was starting to make her feel strange what new emotion could this be? These feeling are giving me nothing but trouble, I wonder why Leah wanted me to have them so bad. When Jake called her she oddly felt better, but she didn't know why. Putting the matter aside she nodded and followed close to Jake with Luna walking next to him on the right. When they came to the door, Luna walked through the small entrance on the door without looking behind her. Dee walked passed him and went through it as well, also not bothering to look behind her, leaving Jake in the house all by himself. He stood up and stared at it as if this were the first time he noticed it existed. No matter how hard he tried he couldn't get his legs to carry himself through it. It was almost as if by doing so he was leaving behind his normal life. He didn't want to admit it but he was feeling nervous again, the enormity of everything crashing down on him. Luna poked her head through, smiling at him "Oh you poor thing, you probably don't know how to use these little doors. Would you like me to help you?" she said in her most innocent voice. Outside he could hear Dee shouting out to him "Are you in need of assistance Jake?"
Jake got back on all fours and walked towards the door with a big grin on his face "I think I can handle it girls". He waited for Luna to move out of the way and walked out to the bright outdoors, wondering how things could get stranger.

Yay! I did it! Now on to Chapter 5! I feel so much better now that I'm working on this thing again. If you thought that was interesting wait until I actually get the action started. There's going to be some things going on in the next chapter for sure and I'm going to enjoy writing it. Comments and criticisms are welcome of course (you guys have no idea how much we need those. I don't consider my work a success if no one comments on it)

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