Here it is, Chapter 5. This was quite easily the HARDEST chapter I've done. When I started writing this chapter I already had everything in Project D planned out, it would be kind of long but still simple... and full of sex! But after talking with a friend I decided to add his character and before I knew it I had to change everything to do it... and it was for the better! Suddenly I had drama and a more interesting story altogether. Plus two more characters to mess around with. I was also going through some emotional stuff while I was writing this and it kept coming through with Jake and I didn't want it to interfere with the story. So yeah, this was rough to do AND it's actually twice as long as what you are reading. I never actually stopped working on this chapter so it's huge...Too huge, I had to chop it down. Anyway hope you enjoy and sorry for taking too long guys. I'm back now and you can expect to see more of this on the way. The Next chapter is already almost done!
Leah and Cass were asleep. During the ride they had figured out that there was a radio on the helicopter... but they didn't know any stations. Eventually they found a news channel and listened to it before falling asleep. Nothing was going on but they were interested in hearing what had happen since they were shut off from the world for 6 years. It was nighttime again now, the gentle humming of the engines and the propellers, plus the exhaustion they were feeling had lulled them asleep hours ago. The clock on one of the screens read 10:47 pm and it showed. It was another cloudless night; the moon was out again, casting a pale glow on the land below them. They had long left the desert and were now over a mountainous area. If one of them were awake they would see that even that was thinning out. The mountains were getting smaller, replaced by thick trees. It wasn't until 1:34am that buildings could be seen in the distance, lights from a city dimming the stars. An alarm somewhere in the helicopter dinged loudly, waking the two scientists with a start. Leah yawned and looked out the window blearily while Cass rubbed her eyes. The scene was actually very pretty outside but they could hardly appreciate it in their condition. On the radio random news information was spewing out, barely heard by them as they focused on their own problems.
Leah was thinking of what they would do when they got to Palm City. According the timer they were only twenty minutes from their destination. She dimly heard the news broadcast -plosion heard from miles around. Police are investigating the cause and are already suggesting that it was not part of a larger organization. Cass had nothing better to do so she started listening The house was completely destroyed early today at approximately 1:23pm. Witnesses say they saw a tall dark skinned man in a red shirt and khaki pants fleeing the scene after the explosion. One woman says that she noticed him looking through the Mathews' mailbox one hour prior to the event. A older woman's voice could then be heard talking "He looked around for a few moments and took something out and walked of as if everything was normal. I know Mr. Mathews wouldn't have put up with that." Now Leah was paying attention to the broadcast.
"Hey Cass, wasn't there a Mathews in your group?"
Cass frowned, there was a Mathews... but this couldn't possible be the same one. He should still be on the base with his wife Doretta. "There's know way that could be them, Besides, the never mentioned who the house belonged to."
Leah was starting to get worried regardless "Could they be attacking the scientist already? We don't know where the Mathews actually lived, they could have been really close."
"Yeah but then who was that guy at their mailbox? He was also seen running away too."
"Who knows... but this is just too suspicious. Cass, we have got to find Jake and Dee. I think I still remember where they live but there's no way we can do anything tonight. We need rest, I can barely think as it is and they don't know that he's involved."
Cass was silent, she was tired as well. The radio was still going on about the incident -ppeared into the park area. Authorities searched the area but could not locate him. Leah and Cass listened intently, each hoping to prove the other wrong . A female cop's voice came on a few seconds later "We are still searching but he seems to have evaded us. We don't know yet what connection he might have with Mr. or Mrs. Mathews but investigations are on the way. So far no bodies have been found which suggest that they might not have been home... But the house was completely destroyed and there might no be any remains."
The news report ended after that and went on to other robberies. Leah and Cass sighed in unison, all the report did was raise more questions. Leah looked at Cass but she merely shook her head and looked out the window again. Within minutes they landed on a building not to far from town. It looked plain, consisting of a mass of gray bricks. It was out of place considering they were surrounded by trees. The landing was smooth, the ride itself was easy but they needed some place a little more comfortable to rest. Leah walked down some stairs at the end of the building and Cass followed close behind. Once they were on they ground they walked towards the front and gazed on the structure again. There was nothing remarkable about it, it looked new. Tinted windows adorned it and the paint on the doors was still intact.
"Probably a secret landing pad or something, let's just get out of here Cass."
Cass nodded and they were off, walking towards the city at a brisk pace. All the hotels were closed and they had almost no money so they went to a poke center and rested there after having a quick shower. It was 2:32am when they finally went to sleep, using some of the pajamas provided by the nurse staff. They woke up again at around 9 am. They had breakfast and walked out of the center, refreshed and clear headed. They had already discussed their plan, they would find Jake and Dee and take Dee with them to somewhere where they could figure out what they could do with her. It was a lousy plan but it was the best they had at the moment. Before the started they bought new clothes, the lab coats they had making them stand out horribly. Leah purchased a plain blue shirt and khaki pants while Cass got a red one and blue jeans. They didn't have a car so they had to walk to Jake's house, hoping that he was still there.
The sun was bright and hot and the sky was dotted with wispy clouds. Everything seemed brighter and crisp to Jake's small eyes. He covered them with one of his paws to shield his eyes, squinting in the bright light. "Ugh, why is it so bright out here?"
Luna laughed and stood in front of him, blocking out the sun for a moment "Well if you didn't spend so much time indoors you wouldn't be having so much trouble."
Dee walked around Luna giving her a confused look. "Who are these friends that you wanted us to see Luna? You do realize that Jake should not let his real identity be known to others."
"He'll be fine Dee, he needs to meet more people. Perhaps you need to loosen up too..."
"I do not require this 'loosen up'. I believe that you are acting very nonchalant considering the situation."
"What situation? Yeah Jake is... different but he should to make the best of it."
Jake rolled his eyes and watched wordlessly as Luna and Dee went back and forth, both forgetting he was even there. He shook his head and left them, walking around and looked around. His mother had made a flower bed on both sides of the house, each one covered by dozens of different types of colorful plants. Most of the time he just ignored them but now he couldn't help inspecting his mom's flower's. Until now he never noticed how vibrant they looked, they even smelled nice I've never even noticed that they had a smell. He also noticed that everything looked much bigger. The flowers were huge now that he was probably a fifth of his real size. All kinds of places that he couldn't fit in before were accessible now, like behind his mom's flower patch...
"Look, whatever. My friends are perfectly fine. They know about Jake but I didn't tell them that he's human."
Dee still didn't see this as a good idea "What did you tell them then, and who are they exactly?"
Luna sat on her haunches, getting comfortable before answering "Well there's Donna the glameow, she's the first person I met here. Her owner is a professional pokemon contest competitor and she rich because of it. Donna act's a little self-centered sometimes but she's really nice. Then there's Darleen, the delcatty. Her owner's rich too but she's a bit nicer than Donna. She's also a contest pokemon but she doesn't go onto shows that often now. Sereth's fine too, he's a zangoose. He keeps to himself most of the time and doesn't talk as much as the other's, he reminds me a lot of Jake when he get's all down like that. Donna tends to get lonely sometimes so we usually meet at her place although lately we've been hanging out down at the plaza. The spring festival is going to be starting soon and things get way more interesting when all of the people are running around and getting things together."
Dee blinked, attempting to remember all of what Luna said for future reference "Jake is depressed and lonely?" she asked, looking around "He seemed perfectly normal to me, although he seems more... casual than most other people I should think."
"You haven't seen him when he thinks no one's around." She replied looking around herself. For a while they couldn't locate him so Luna searched with her mind, quickly finding him behind his mom's bushes. She walked around the bushes and came to him from the side with Dee following her. Jake was sitting in the back, leaning against the wall with his eyes closed. When they got closer he opened one of them "Hey guys, what's up? I've never been able to get back here before..."
Luna smiled and sat next to him "Having fun dear?"
Jake chuckled "I guess, everything seems so different now. It's an experience that's for sure...something wrong Dee?"
Dee had a puzzled look on her as she walked right up to Jake and sat in front of him "Jake, Luna said you're lonely and depressed, I happen to know that these feelings are degenerative for anyone. Leah told me that when someone's feeling bad that talking usually helps, do you want to talk? Perhaps you should explain why you try to hide it so much."
Jake was taken back at the sudden change of the subject "Ummmm...heh, I wouldn't say depressed but I get lonely, that's true" he laughed, "Luna why are you saying I'm depressed?"
"Because it's true Jake, I'm not going to lie to you. I've seen you when your by yourself, you look miserable .Dee's with us now and she's right, talking will help. Go on and tell her why you're upset sometimes."
Jake looked at the both of them and sighed. Both of them looked as if they weren't going anywhere and they were right. "Well...I guess it's because I don't get out much, all of my friends left to go to better colleges and they were the main people I hanged out with. I have younger siblings but they're too young to really do anything with. My mom is the best friend I've got but she's busy with children and her own life. My dad and I don't really get along, he' all about discipline and planning for the future." He stopped talking for a moment, looking at his blue paws with a small frown "I don't want to think about the future. Eventually my brother will be taking my room and I'll have to move out and find my own place to live. So... the only person I can really be with is Luna here, but she has her own things too. Lately I've just been surfing the internet after school then going to work."
Dee was silent while he was talking, seeming to try to grasp something. "Why have you not told anyone this before?"
"Because I'm a guy, I'm supposed to be tough and stuff. How would I sound telling people that I want to see my mom more, I would sound like a kid" he said disgustedly he let his body sag and slide on the ground until he was flat on his back, having a hard time at first thanks to his new tail. He felt bad and he knew the others knew it as well. He hated himself for it though, he didn't like seeming weak in front of others but there was nothing he could do about it at the moment.
Dee still seemed to be confused. She was feeling another emotion she wasn't familiar with but didn't fight it, curious as to what it would make her do. She kneeled next to him and hugged him tightly, nuzzling him like she saw Luna do "Leah told me that when someone feels bad, a hug will sometimes fix it... Is this helping Jake? No... Don't answer that, I need you to listen to what I've concluded from your story."
Jake tensed up when he found Dee's arms wrapped around him, she felt warm and the nuzzles were nice. He almost protested but decided what Dee had seen that he hadn't seen before. The only person who seemed upset was Luna. Somehow, seeing Dee all over him like that was annoying but she wanted to see would say next.
Dee noticed that Jake had relaxed and went on "Jake... I believe the problem is that you feel neglected. Your friends left and you expected your mother to be there, but she was already caught up with children, and the relationship with your dad is not strong. I believe the best solution is for you to make new friends for the time being."
"Neglected? You think that's wrong with me?"
"Yes," she replied "I think that is the main problem. You must realize that these feelings are least that is what I gathered from Leah. I think that making more friends would be the best answer. Also, you must not forget who you have now. Your mom will always be there and your father and siblings do care about you despite what you might believe. Luna is here as well and she cares about you very much. I doubt that acting depressed is making things better for you or her. Luna and I were talking and she mentioned that she has some friends that she would like for you to see, am I correct Luna?"
Luna was still having trouble seeing Dee all over Jake and not being jealous. She almost wished she was a plusle so she could do that...She quickly pushed these thoughts out of her mind when Dee addressed her "Yeah, they would love to see you Jake and I don't think they're too far from here" she replied, nibbling Jake's ear.
Jake purred, blushing again not just from all of the attention he was getting but because it was feeling really good. His eyes shot open after a few moments and he squirmed under them, starting to feel uncomfortable all of a sudden. "Guys thanks, that really means a lot... But could you please get of me? I'm feeling a lot better now if you're worried." He said all of this breathlessly, trying to resist a sudden urge to hug Dee back what the heck is wrong with me? She's a pokemon! When they didn't respond he started to move under them a bit more franticly "Guys please, I honestly feel great. Can we just see Luna's friends now?"
Luna giggled and pulled off of him, smiling at how awkward he was feeling. Dee got off soon afterward as well, sure that Jake was indeed better. They both watched him lie there for a few moments before he sighed and sat up, dusting himself off and walking out of the bushes. Dee and Luna just looked at each other, not certain of what was going on. Jake soon popped his head back in, smiling warmly at them "Hey Luna, I can't meet your friends if you don't show where they are"
Luna laughed and walked by him "Alright then, I'll lead the way. They should be at the plaza now."
"The plaza? That a little far off... Getting over there could take hours." Jake replied, frowning somewhat.
Dee folded her arms and walked by him "Well then, I suggest we should start now, especially if you want to go to work later today" she said matter of factly before leaving the bushes. Luna was soon in the middle of the front lawn, looking back at them over her shoulder. Dee caught up quickly and stood next to her, both of them waiting for Jake to follow.
For a few moments all Jake did was stare at them, he seemed as if he was having a hard time making up his mind over something important. All around him everything looked strange as if he had never seen anything before. Yet, it was still his neighborhood, he was still in his front lawn, but he wasn't himself anymore. He sighed and walked over to them on his hind legs, looking at his paws as if he still didn't believe they were real. When he reached the he looked up and smiled "Thanks guys... for everything. Now let's see these friends of yours"
Luna giggled and turned around again and walked towards the sidewalk "Alright then, let's go." Dee nodded and followed on all fours with Jake close behind. They were only gone for a few moments when suddenly Jake stopped and started looking back towards the house.
"Jake? What is wrong? Have you forgotten something?" Dee asked him, padding over to his side
Jake laughed "Actually yes, I forgot my cell phone.... I um... Never leave home without it."
Luna seemed completely awestruck "Wow...Jake, your a minun. Minuns don't use cell phones"
"But what if I get an important call?"
"From who?"
"Hey, you never know. This might be that one day when I should have had my phone and I end up missing the call of a lifetime."
"Yeah right! Jake I've been with you for years and I know for a fact you spent more time playing Tetris on that thing and-"
"What!? Do not! What if mom needs me for something?"
"Um... I think your mom is still busy with your father..."
"Jake," Dee suddenly piped up " I can not think of a good reason for you to bring it... However I also can not think of it being any harm to us. Where exactly is it?"
"It's near the lap top to the left, you can't miss it, and it's kind of rectangular shaped."
As Dee turned around and rushed off Luna yelled out to her before she got to far, "Bring the laptop to Dee! I have some stuff to do later!"
Jake gave her a funny look, "What work? You can't use my computer... you don't even know how to read" he said incredulously.
Luna walked in front of him and sat down, looking him straight in the eyes "Jake... now that your one of "us"... I think that there's a few things about me that I need to tell you about. I didn't want to tell because I wasn't sure how you would take it but now that we're likely going to spend a lot more time together... there's no avoiding it."
"Luna, what's going on? Have you been hiding something from me? I thought we could talk about anything, you said so yourself."
"I'm sorry Jake but I just didn't want to hurt our relationship."
None of them said anything, just staring into each other. Luna seemed nervous while Jake's confusion was mounting "Luna... What is it, and what does this have to do with my laptop?"
Dee made it into Jake's room without any trouble. His laptop was right where he said it would be, but there were also some other things attached to it as well. She followed one of the wires leading from it and discovered Jake's pda. It was actually plain looking from the outside but it was attached to the laptop so it had to be important. Next to it was Jake's cell phone, right where Jake said it would be. Going back to the laptop she followed the other wires. One she found went to a moue while the other was plugged into the wall. She unplugged everything and put it all into a pile before something dawned on her. She looked on the floor and found her pokedex easily. She added it to the pile and set to work.
Around 4 or 5 minutes later she walked out from under the door, satisfied that she had gotten everything she needed. She ran down the side walk, turning left around the mailbox and running again towards where she left Jake and Luna. She could see both of them in the distance, and sighed. Luna was on top of Jake again and he seemed to struggling. His words could barely be heard in the distance but as she got closer she started to make them out "You could have told me earlier!" She had slowed down when she saw them but sped up again when she heard Jake's voice. He seemed upset about something. As she got closer she noticed that Luna wasn't actually on him but was pinning him down with her paws and giving him an apologetic look. Jake was squirming under her and kicking his legs. Dee ran right up to him, not sure if Jake was being attacked again " Luna, what is wrong with Jake?"
"Oh hi Dee. Jake is having a hard time cooping with the fact that most pokemon don't just sit at the door all day after their owners leave"
Jake seemed beside himself and thrashed even harder " YOU HAVE A FREAKING INTERNET ACCOUNT! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME EARLIER!?!"
"Because most humans pitch a fit like you Jake" she replied mildly.
"But I thought things like the computer were meant just for humans. Does anyone else know you can do this?"Dee asked, she was actually surprised, Leah never mentioned other pokemon using human items.
"Well I go on chat rooms sometimes and so far no one noticed anything different about me. I have met one person through a private chat. He said he was actually a flaffy in Jhoto, but not to tell anyone. He's quite nice and pretends to be 21 on that chat rooms. He said that his owner didn't mind him being on the computer and were actually impressed by it." She emphasized her last sentence by pressing harder on Jake's back. She was hoping that Jake wouldn't be upset but her hopes were dashed as soon as they left her lips. Jake was shocked that Luna never told him earlier and tried to go after Dee to tell her not to bring the laptop but She pinned him down and tried to reason with him. She could tell he was hurt but until now she didn't have the courage to tell him.
Jake took a deep breath and let it out slowly "I'm not angry Luna, I just wish I knew before now... Mind getting off of me now? I promise I won't bite you or anything." He had stopped moving under her and just looked depressed again.
Luna got up wordlessly and walked over towards Dee before sitting next to her. Dee was silent as well, watching everything and remaining separate from it at the same time. She still didn't know Jake and Luna that well and was still trying to get an idea of what they were like. She watched as Jake slowly sat up, keeping her face impassive as usual when he looked in their direction
"Alright, I'll admit it. It is kind of cool that you can surf the web, in fact, I am impressed. But Luna, you know I wouldn't have minded if you told me. I bet you're the reason that the TV is on sometimes when I get home and the reason that my laptop is on too... When did you learn how to read?"
"It wasn't hard Jake, I just watched some of the kid shows with your baby brother and sister, then started reading their books. Then one day you left your computer on so I... experimented. I think I first started reading their books two years ago and I started getting on your computer last year. I hope this isn't too much for you to take in for one day Jake"
"Oh no, don't mind me. I've just woken up as a porygon, turned into a minun, and now I find out that my espeon not only can read, but chats online with humans...and has a flaffy pen pal too. Is there anything else I should know? Boyfriends... children I don't know about..."
"Jake please, you know I would have told you if I thought it was important. But must pokemon just don't tell their trainers and I figured you would be upset." She started shifting her forepaws around, lowering her ears slightly "I didn't want you to think less of me. You started treating me different when I started talking to you in your mind. I was afraid you wouldn't like me the same way because I'm not the cute innocent eevee I used to be. I've heard stories," tears started to form in her eyes now. She was visibly shaken at how Jake had reacted and started speaking faster as she went on "I've heard how some humans would stop loving their pokemon after they evolved because they weren't cute anymore or they were too big. You haven't told me you loved me since I evolved Jake, you said you liked me but I could see you still wanted me to be an umbreon and I'm really sor-"
"LUNA! Please, you're going to make me start crying. Look...No, that's not right. Luna, I'm really sorry for not treating you the same." He walked over to her and put both of his paws on either side of her face and looked straight into her eyes "Now you listen here. You're right, after you evolved into an espeon I was a bit upset because it wasn't what I expected but I was being stupid. Luna you are so smart it's almost intimidating. You've grown up a lot and after 6 years of putting up with me you still want to be with me... That means a lot. You've been a better friend to me than a lot of the guys I met and I care about you a lot. You're smart and a very pretty espeon and I never want you to think I'm not proud of you." He hugged her, nuzzling into her neck like she used to do to him when he was feeling down. This was probably the hardest speech he had given in his life, but he felt better as he went on "Luna I love you, I love you so much. I'm sorry if I ever made you think I didn't. You know what? I think it's great that you can do all of that stuff. That just means you're even smarter than I thought. Do you forgive me for being silly for all these years?" He was trying to be serious but he still couldn't tell what she was thinking. He suddenly felt silly with what he was doing to her, he couldn't remember seeing other pokemon hugging each other.
He sighed and managed to get the words "Luna I-" before he felt moister fall on his shoulder and travel down his back. He felt her shudder and rub the back of his head with her chin and soon afterward her tail wrapped around him and pulled him to her "I love you too Jake, I always have. I'm not angry with you, I was just frightened that you just didn't like me the same way after I evolved. I forgive you for everything too, I'm just glad that you really aren't upset with me." It actually didn't come out that smoothly, she was fighting back more tears and her words were broken but her intent was clear. Her tail tickled his nose and she laughed "So you think I am cool?"
Jake squirmed a bit, feeling awkward again but he relaxed. It was just Luna, they had done stuff like this before but he realized that after she evolved it had been less often. "Yeah, you're the coolest espeon out there. So... have you been hurting every since you evolved because you thought I didn't like you the same?"
Luna responded by placing her tail tips on his lips and licking the base of his right ear "Just forget about all of that Jake, it's behind us now. I love you and you love me and that's all that's important. Even if you're a minun now...with a funny looking tail I might add."
"Hey! Be nice, I didn't ask for this... It doesn't really look that bad does it? Yours is much cooler..."
Luna released him and licked his nose "What's that? You like my tail? You know if you weren't half human I'd say you were hitting on me"
"Whoa, that's not what I meant at all. I was just sa-"
Dee had watched the entire episode as if it was nothing. She didn't want to interrupt, she was learning a great deal about them by watching how they interacted with each other. She could tell Luna was more than just love sick, there was genuine affection in her eyes as she continued to tease an increasingly embarrassed Jake while he tried to convince her his last sentence came out wrong. Jake on the other hand was still a mystery, humans were o complex, emotions drove them and she knew there was know way she could comprehend everything they did. It wasn't too bad though, she was able to notice things they didn't like how many people were giving them odd looks as they drove by... "Excuse me, but people are becoming curious of what is taking place here."
Luna had Jake pinned again and was tickling him again. She responded to Dee by licking on one spot on Jake's neck she knew he liked. She kept it up until she got Jake to squeal out "Luna please! My sides hurt!" and started to wiggle harder under her. He was starting to release small sparks and she quickly got off of him before he shocked her. He lay on the ground and spent a few moments to catch his breath before getting up slowly on his hind legs. "Well, now that we got all of that off our chest, let's see you're friends Luna."
Luna beamed "Yay! let's go! They're at the plaza near the mall." Without waiting for an answer she trotted off in front of them, leading the way. Jake grinned and followed behind. He was getting that surreal feeling again. There's no way this could possibly be real kept circling around in his mind over and over. He was afraid that if he blinked, he would wake up in his bed and everything would be back to normal. Dee was behind both of them, walking behind them silently and remembering the route they where taking for future reference. She remained silent as Luna began to spout out information about her friends.
"So I go to Donna's house all the time when there's nothing to do. She loves company you know. They'll be so happy to see you, I've told them all about you Jake and..." She suddenly stopped dead in her tracks "Uh oh..."
Jake had gotten lost in thought while she was talking. His head was low and the only thing he noticed was Luna's tail swaying in front of him while she was walking along. When she stopped he bumped into her rear, causing Luna to spin around immediately "Jake, watch where you're going!"
He jumped, shocked out of his thoughts "I'm not the one who stopped for no reason, what's wrong?"
"I told them about you, but I didn't tell them that you were human." She sat down and looked at him meaningfully but Jake didn't get what she was saying. He sat down as well and scratched his ear, waiting for her to continue "... and? What exactly did you tell them?"
Luna seemed even more flustered "That we spend a lot of time together, and we play around a lot, and we're really close too. That's about it."
"So...what? That's all true right?"
"They think the two of you are mates then?" Dee finally spoke up, seeing what Luna had been trying to say easily.
"Maybe not mates exactly, but they all think that Jake's a very fine espeon, but I told them that you were always away with your trainer so they wouldn't get their hopes up trying to see him. How was I supposed to know he would become a pokemon? I'm really sorry Jake, I don't know what to do."
Jake actually looked amused "I'm fine, but I don't see how I can help you. I need to scan an espeon first with my pokedex before I could be an espeon. I could just scan you, but the only problem is that I'd be a girl... and I don't think they would take that too well"
"I could alter the data and make you a male espeon Jake, would that help?" Dee had already gotten the pokedex out from a grid she formed and was handing it to him "I could even make a program to help, it would solve your problem I believe.
Jake took the pokedex from her and opened it "Yeah, that's good. Now hold still Luna" Jake managed to tilt it at Luna but his small size and lack of fingers made things a little tough. He was so busy trying to aim the lens on the front he didn't notice the shocked expression on Luna's face. She sat where she was obediently but gave Jake an odd look "You would be an espeon for me? Jake, they think we're practically lovers, are you sure you want to do this?"
"Yeah why not?" With Dee's help he got the pokedex aimed perfectly and with a press of a button Luna's image appeared on the screen, followed along with all of her stats and vital signs "We already like each other so it won't be hard, just try not to get to carried away alright?" He laughed.
"Of course" she responded but her voice wavered as she said it. Jake was going to be an Espeon... She shook her head, trying not to go too far with that train of thought. We're just friends she repeated in her head Just friends, nothing more... She had repeated these words in her mind before when she felt like she was getting too close to Jake in the past, pokemon weren't meant to fall in love with humans the way she was. Now however, they seemed empty, Jake was a pokemon now, maybe there was a chance...
"Annnnd done! There you go Dee, see if fix this for me." Jake closed the lid and handed (actually tilted would be a better word) the pokedex back to her. "Can't believe all of this is real though and now I'm going to be and espeon, weird huh Luna?" Luna just nodded as the pokedex was passed off, lost in thought.
Dee look unperturbed as usual as she took the pokedex "I will work on the data while we head towards the plaza, I should be done in a few minutes" The pokedex disappeared, stored inside her for later use and she was silent again, waiting for them to start moving. Luna turned around and led the way again, keeping silent and walking through the neighborhood at an easy pace. It was around noon now but there was a healthy breeze blowing inland from the beach. Jake wasn't the only one who felt like this was all a dream. Luna was almost ashamed of how excited she was when she found out that Jake was a pokemon, it was like a dream come true. And now her true fantasy was about to happen, Jake was going to be an espeon! She knew Jake was going through a rough time now, but she also knew that he wasn't really that bothered, he was the type that constantly wondered what it would be like to be someone else. Walking in front of them and not acting too excited had never been so hard.
They had passed two blocks and the city could just be seen below them when Dee stopped them. " I believe I am ready now Jake, we should do this in the bush over there, there will be less chance of us being seen." Looking around just be prudent she walked into the bush and Jake followed close behind.
Luna and moved further down the sidewalk and waited somewhat patiently. This was actually the last house in the neighborhood. They were on a hill and about a two hour's walk away was the city, and in the middle, surrounded by the mall was the plaza. She couldn't think about such frivolous details though, Jake was about to be in espeon. She giggled and had a big smile on her face; it was so hard to act mature while this was happening. Sighing she forced herself to think about something more serious to calm herself down... but it was no use, this was just too exciting. Instead she started thinking of what Jake would look like. Who cares what he looks like, he's still Jake... I do hope he looks handsome though... Her eyes closed as she started fantasizing about her dream Jake. She blushed as she could see him walking toward her with his well toned body, bringing his maw to her neck and nibbling there. Before things got too naughty she could hear some noise behind her, a loud rustling sound was being made. She turned round and watched Dee jump out of the bushes. Dee spotted her and walked over slowly. "All is finished, Jake should be appearing shortly."
If Luna heard anything she didn't show it. As Dee was talking a Jake's nose poked out from behind the leaves, soon followed by a pinkish face and lavender eyes. He came out, slowly placing one paw in front of the other, espeons were a bit larger then minuns so he had to get used to moving around again. He wasn't the well toned espeon of her dreams but he was still attractive. Jake as an espeon was a little larger then her dream one, his ears were a bit longer and as the rest of his body came out she noticed his tail was longer then normal as well. All in all though, he looked great. Maybe now he won't be stuck in his room so much. This has to be way more interesting the goofing of on the computer. She padded over to his side and sat down next to him when he came out, leaning against him with her eyes soon closing. Her face was buried in his neck and smiled, he still smelled like her Jake but he didn't feel like him anymore, fur was much more fun to rub against then khakis. She purred while nuzzling him, enjoying the new Jake "You look wonderful ..."
Jake smiled at her and pressed his nose against her cheek, resisting a sudden urge to lick her "Hey, I know this is probably like, your wildest dream," he joked "but shouldn't we be seeing your friends?"
Luna almost said her friends could wait but she did say that she would take them. Sighing almost regretfully she got up and led them down the hill. It wasn't until they had left the hill and were only a few minutes away from the city that something occurred to Jake. "Hey Luna, how do I pick up stuff with my mind?"
Luna turned around and looked thoughtful "I could teach you, but you have to realize that you can't pick up everything. You're new so it might even be harder for you. Not everyone is suited to be physic." They were still on the sidewalk but on their right was a bunch of trees. "I can show you a little but most of it you'll just have to find out by yourself. Come on, let's practice a bit."
Dee watched them go behind some trees and disappear from sight. It wasn't that she didn't feel invited, but she had a lot on her mind. Not to mention she was still feeling emotions that she had never experienced before. She sat on the sidewalk and looked into the sky. Above her the sky was a crisp blue, with clouds lazily floating past. She could even make out a shape in the horizon. The shape drew nearer and after a few minutes she could tell it was a black helicopter. She thought she could make out a reddish letter but it swerved in another direction and was soon gone from sight again. She sighed, and then sighed again afterwards even louder. She knew she was breathing but being a porygon, breathing wasn't necessary and she couldn't feel it either. Closing her eyes she formed a grid around herself and changed into a real plusle. Immediately she could feel the wind blowing on her. The hot sun was warming her nicely, it was all really good. It was nothing like when Jake scratched her though. She smiled but didn't notice it. It felt very nice... but that wasn't why she was here. She opened her eyes and stood up, peering through the trees behind her to locate Jake and Luna.
"Concentrate Jake, you have to focus on it."
Jake was glaring at a pebble in front of him more intently then he had ever glared before. "Luna, this is making my head hurt... Is there an easier way to do this?" His whole body was rigid as he bent all of his will, fighting to make the pebble show some kind of moment... but so far the pebble was winning. Jake growled and finally gave up. He had been starring at the rock for longer than he could remember "I give up, my brain apparently is no match... for the mighty pebble" he said dramatically.
Luna was confused but instead of saying anything she padded over to Jake, putting her face right up to his. Soon the small gems on their foreheads were touching and she looked deep into his eyes. Jake's confusion was obvious but as she looked deeper she could sense other feelings as well. Her connection with him allowed her to feel more from him than anyone else and she was soon overwhelmed by them. She yelped and pulled away from him quickly, shaking her head as if trying to get his thoughts out.
Jake ran to her side quickly, concern written all over his face "Luna, what happened?" He couldn't see anything visibly wrong with her, but her pained expression unmistakable.
Luna had tears in her eyes, her head was throbbing but she could already feel the discomfort going away "Jake no wonder you can't do it, your head's full of too many thoughts, most of them dealing with you being upset" she shook her head again, feeling much better "Now, the answer is just to relax. You've seen me meditate before right? I usually did it on the back porch and you keep trying to bother me..."
"Oh yeah... so if I meditate I'll be able to lift things?"
"That's only part of it Jake, you need to find out what's bothering you and deal with it so it wont hold you back. We psychics have to keep our minds focused, dwelling on everything and constantly thinking about things will make it harder for us to use our mind. The most dangerous thing one could do is hold emotions in instead of taking care of it."
"Is Jake having trouble?" Dee walked in on them, frowning "It just occurred to me that we porygons also posses some psychic abilities as well."
"Jake can't use any abilities because he's too caught up with too many thoughts." She responded, turning to Dee "There's nothing really to worry about though, it will come in time, you just need to focus and clear your mind Jake" She was looking back at him, her expression suddenly serious "You can't bottle up emotions and be a psychic, you will only end up hurting yourself. Bad emotions have a way of coming out in a nasty way with us."
Jake sighed and shrugged "Whatever, although I think I'm doing good considering I got turned into a porygon, then a minun, and now I'm an espeon that can't use his powers because I think too much" He frowned and just to make himself feel better, hit the pebble with a paw. He watched it roll away with some satisfaction before standing up "I'll figure it out later, lets meet these friends of yours Luna." After stretching the way he had seen Luna do before he was soon smiling again "Staring at rocks gets old pretty quick."
"Not yet there's more, like I said earlier you can't hide your emotions as an espeon because it will just come out later, good or bad. So don't be surprised if you act over affectionate or just start acting more 'loose' than you normally would, it's natural. Also, and this is the most important thing, as a psychic type pokemon you might not be able to read peoples mind but you still can feel what people are feeling. You'll learn how to protect yourself eventually but for now I'll handle it, just don't go to far from me okay?"
"Sure, so when can I start reading peoples minds and things like that?"
"After you learn how to lift rocks" she laughed and turned around, leading the way into the city. Jake only sighed and followed behind again, lost in thought with Dee trailing behind again.
Sarah was already in the city near the docks. At the moment she was at a small cafe sitting with her cell phone out. She was text messaging her boyfriend, her pokemon were already out. Her boyfriend's skitty was playing with her furret that she had caught a long time ago. The cafe was old fashioned with wooden chairs. The table was wooden with red painted wooden floors under her. A fan was twirling slowly over her but there was a strong breeze coming from the ocean so it wasn't necessary. A few other people where there talking amongst themselves and drinking coffee. The furret was on his back and the skitty was on his belly, licking at his neck playfully and trying to tickle him.
"Fassal, are ships big?"
Fassal looked at her and sighed, happy that he had a small moment of peace since she was talking "Oi! You asked me that twenty times already. All the ones I've seen are huge" he answered with some exasperation.
The little skitty giggled and hopped off of him. She turned around hitting him teasingly on his nose with her tail "How does it float?"
This time Fassal actually sat up and rolled on all fours before standing up and rubbing her head with a forepaw "No idea, maybe we'll found out someday. I think you need to be more worried about what I will do to you next time you decide to sneak off and play in the rain Bri" He said the last sentence lightly but it was obvious he wasn't joking.
She just stuck her tongue at him and went over to Sarah and rubbed up against her leg. Sarah absentmindedly picked up the skitty and placed her in her lap, and quickly went back to texting. After a few minutes she sighed and got up, giving Bri enough time to hop off her lap. "Alright guys, Fred said he would be waiting for us at Hoen when the cruise is over. Let's go get a good look at the ships, come on Binet. You too George" she said, directing her attention to Fassal. He shuddered, he hated the name Sarah gave him but there was nothing he could do about it, he couldn't communicate with her. Binet jumped into Sarah's arms and Fassal walked behind her, keeping his eyes open for any interesting he could find on the ground. Before long they were truly at the docks, boats and other vassals floated past in front of her. She inhaled deeply, enjoying the stronger smell of the sea. Sailing was what she liked and it was great that she was able to make this trip here, despite the fight the other day. She blinked and reached into her purse on her left side and took out her cell phone. Searching through her contacts she Found Jake's name and after a few more button pushes started her message
Hey Jake!
Going 2 the docks. Meet me here if u can. Would like 2 thank u again before I go : )
She sent it to him and put her phone back into her purse. Binet was already on the ground, marveling at the ships. She was in a pokeball on the way to Palm City, being ill most of the way as well. The only time she was out was in Sarah's room so she didn't experience much. Fassal himself was mildly interested, boats didn't interest him much. He preferred solid ground. Sarah went to a waiting are with a few other people, some with their pokemon out as well, and sat down. Her boat was already there but preparations were still being made so she had a little more time. Now she had only to wait for the boat to come...
Before long Jake and the others had made their way to the outer stores by going under the archway that was actually part of the mall and the unofficial city limit. It was a few minutes before they saw anyone. Most of the people in Palm City didn't bother with the stores on the outskirts of town, focusing more on the ones near the beach and the mall. They got a few stares and Jake even recognized of few of the people, but they didn't know it was him. It was an odd experience for Jake to be around so many people at one time. The crowds grew larger as they got closer to the center. More and more shops and buildings were appearing, all looking progressively better as they traveled onward. There were also less and less spaces to walk; people were constantly walking to and fro, going about on their busy schedules to their next destination. Jake was having a blast; everything seemed different now, probably because he was seeing it at a new angle. It was noisy and crowded as they pushed on through the thick traffic . They even had to cross a few streets, the trio getting more stares as they patiently waited for the lights to change color. Before long they had finally made it to the center. The mall was technically surrounding them now and it was obvious that this was the busiest place in the city. There were people everywhere and pokemon too. Some were flying overhead; others were walking with their owners, with just a few of them actually travelling alone. In the center was the fountain, a huge constructer of pink and black marble shooting shimmering jets of water high into the sky before it cascaded down in a sparkling shower to be collected into its bowl-like shape at the base. The outer rim of it was thick and stretched far from where the water landed and was low enough to the ground for people to sit on it, despite the fact that benches were already place on the outer edges. It had been a long time since Jake had been here. Most of his free time was spent in his room, and with his friends gone he didn't have any reason to travel out. Needless to say seeing everything again, especially as an espeon was breathtaking. Luna had stopped, sitting and grinning at Jake, pleased at his reaction "It's been a while hasn't it Jake?" she asked but said it more like a statement. He nodded and padded over to the edge, hopping onto it and peering over into the water. His reflection peered back at him and he almost gasped. He wasn't used to seeing himself as an espeon just yet. It was hard to get a perfect view of his body with the water constantly moving but he was without a doubt, an espeon.
"Luna darling, is that you?!"
"Huh? Wha-" Jake spun around, trying to find whoever was talking to him. On his right a glameow was slowly making her way towards him on the fountain, followed by a delcatty and a zangoose. The glameow ran right up to Jake "Luna what... Oh my, you're not Luna. I'm dreadfully sorry"
Luna jumped up behind Jake and stood next to him "Hi Donna, I'm over here"
"Luna what took ya? We where starting to get worried" The delcatty sat next to Donna, smiling at Luna before she noticed Jake. "Oh, and who are you? Are you a friend of Luna?" She got up again, padding slowly towards him, flicking her tail behind her as she neared him. Soon she was by his side opposite of Luna. Her muzzle was just inches from his ear "Hello handsome." She purred, her voice almost a whisper.
Jakes mind was in shambles as soon as she asked him for his name. She was a very pretty delcatty. Even though his mind was telling him that he wasn't a pokemon his body found nothing wrong with this situation. The fact that she called him handsome only made thinking even harder. "I'm uh...uhhhh...herrr..."
Luna growled, not sure whether biting Darleen or clawing her would feel better after seeing her flirting with Jake. Donna clapped her paws together, sudden realization hitting her "Oh! You must be Jake!" she shouted, saving Darleen from what would have been a very painful confrontation.
Darleen actually squeaked and backed off from Jake quickly. "Ohmigosh, I'm so sorry Luna. Why didn't you tell us he was coming today?"
"Oh this is wonderful! I wish I knew he was coming, I thought you said he would probably never make it here?" Donna seemed beside herself with excitement. "Tell me Jake, are you coming to stay?"
"It was surprise visit Donna. As for me staying..." he grinned at Luna who had sat down and was leaning against Jake "I think you'll be seeing me a bit more often. I also brought a friend, this is Dee. She...Helped me out earlier and now she's tagging along. Say hi Dee."
Dee wasn't really paying attention to them. They had been getting looks since they got into the city... but now she noticed that at least three people were constantly staring at them when they thought they weren't paying attention. Also, she could feel that Jake got a text message since the phone was technically part of her. It was all much more important than the current conversation and she replied with a brief "Hello" when Jake addressed her before wondering what was going on, ignoring the cell phone for now. It seemed that more and more people were staring and there were less people walking through. She looked around her, ignoring Jake and the others. She did see Jake and Sereth walk off to the other side of the fountain while the girls started conversing with each other, looking over at Jake and Sereth and giggling at random moments. She edged closer to Luna, staying close to her while keeping an eye on the others. The plaza had stores surrounding the center so there were only two exits out with various places to shop around them
"So you're not staying with us? Are you sure Jake is the one you want to do that with?" Donna was leaning towards Luna as she was talking, disbelief and excitement all over her face.
Now Dee was paying attention "Do what?" she asked innocently
Luna and Donna looked embarrassed but Darleen spoke up for them. "Well mating season is coming soon. When it does Luna and I would go to Donna's house and hang out together. Luna just joined us recently and it helps out a lot, not having any males makes this time a year rough. Now it looks like our Luna won't be joining us this year because Jake is staying. What about you, have you found anyone interesting?"
Dee blinked, mating was the last thing on her mind but there was one person she found 'interesting' "Yes, I believe I have found someone 'interesting'...but that is all. Luna, are you saying that you want to mate with Jake? I'm not sure if that is wise. He hardly seems like the person to agree with that behavior..."
"Why wouldn't she? I think he's cute, but he's not my type. I would take him now if I were you Luna before some other female does, he seems like the type to get stolen by other girls."
Luna was starting to get nervous, the thought of someone else getting Jake alarming her. "I don't think that's too much of a problem, Jake isn't interested in anyone else right now."
"He seemed pretty interested in me. It's just a warning Luna, just make sure you keep an eye on him."
"So what's your trainer like?"
Sereth and Jake had walked a little distance away after being shooed away by the girls earlier. Sereth had actually been interested in meeting Jake for a little while to see if he was as great a guy as Luna said he was. So far he seemed nice...when he could get Jake's attention. "Hey! I'm talking to you!"
Jake blinked and looked at Sereth sheepishly. It was hard not to get distracted by everything he saw. Like Dee he also noticed they were getting some stares but didn't pay attention to them, too caught up in enjoying how fresh everything seemed to him now. "Huh? What's up?"
Sereth extended a claw and jabbed it right at Jake's nose "You're not going to get very far in life if you can't stay focused on what's in front of you. Now what's you're trainer like? Or is there just something you don't want to tell me?"
Jake hesitated for a moment. Pretending to be Luna's boyfriend was easy since he already liked her, but coming up with a story would be tough. "She's... nice...She travels a lot with me but she doesn't stay in one place long enough to make any friends. We've been together since I was a younger and she's really all I know. She has other pokemon with her to but they don't have the bond we have together." As he talked it started to become easier to keep it up, the story started to take a life of its own. Before he continued Sereth cut in "All you know? What about your parents?"
Jake put on his must depressed face he could muster "They didn't really like me. I was their 'accident' so I wasn't treated very well. A lot of times they tried to leave me behind somewhere but I would always find them, I was too young to know any better. One day though I didn't find them. I tried asking around, following their scent... but it was no use. It was really all my fathers fault. He was a complete jerk who never appreciated me. Nothing I ever did was good enough for him and he never showed me any affection. My mom was okay at first and did try to comfort me for while but he was the real one in control."
Sereth was actually surprised, Luna never mentioned any of this to him "They just left you? Why? What did you dad do that kept her from just running away with you?"
"He convinced her that I was no good, and like I said, I was an accident. So he kept reminding her that I was just a burden to them, an extra mouth to feed. Plus, I was smaller than normal when I was born. That changed later after I evolved though but it just made his arguments even stronger, saying how raising me was pointless since I was to puny" Jake was starting to get upset for real now. Without realizing it he was identifying with this other espeon that he had just made up. He started tearing up as he went on "I don't know why he never liked me... I thought I did everything I could to make him proud. I fought all I could to get stronger just for him but he just kept calling me weak."
"Jake isn't your real name is it? What were you called back then?"
Sereth's innocent question broke the spell. Jake blinked, tears actually rolled down his cheek and he whipped them away quickly Oh wow, where did that come from? Maybe Luna was right about that "loose" thing... "What?"
"Your name Jake, if I'm not prying" Sereth looked concerned, Jake's story catching him off guard. This was not what he had expected when Luna described him. According to her Jake was supposed to be strong and confident, but this Jake seemed confused and hurt.
"It's... Sechi, yeah, my name was Sechi. It's fine Sereth." Jake's usually jolly mood was gone. His relationship with his real dad was bothering him more than he thought, but he ignored it. "So...any other questions?" he asked innocently.
"How did you meet your trainer Sechi?"
"Well, after training as hard as I could I eventually evolved. My dad was an umbreon and my mom was a espeon. I evolved into an espeon as well. I was really excited to, I thought 'now that I'm stronger dad will love me' but I was wrong." Jake's mood worsened, as he went on "He took one look at me and laughed because I was as espeon, I didn't look tough at all. I evolved early so I was smaller then and I was still young at the time when it happened. I couldn't believe what I heard, I had worked so hard to make myself better but all he did was laugh. By now my mom was starting to listen to what he was saying. I didn't know any attacks with my new body so I couldn't do much of anything. That night when I went to sleep they left me. I guess I shouldn't be upset, I was old enough to take care of myself but she was all I had" Jake was growling, the air around the seemed heavier. Sereth was starting to feel uncomfortable; he could actually feel the hurt that Jake was feeling. "Sechi calm down!"
Jake jumped, he had done it again, fallen completely into his own story Crap! What is wrong with me? He hadn't noticed anything that was happening but he noticed Sereth was giving him a wary look. "Whoops, sorry about that. Ummm...anyway... I looked for them for a while and gave up...Then uh... Sarah, my trainer met me and we bonded. After that we went here one year and I met Luna and she was nice, and now I might be here to stay." He rushed the last part, afraid that he would get in too deep again into Sechi's life.
Sereth relaxed, the feelings were gone now "Does Luna know about any of this Sechi... you don't mind if I call you that do you?"
"No, never came up. I don't like talking about my past. I'm glad I finally did though, I needed to get that off my chest." Jake smiled good naturedly at the zangoose but he wasn't sure if he was really in a good mood anymore. Talking about his "dad" made him feel bad for some reason.
Sereth nodded and looked away; Donna and the girls were coming towards them. Luna reached them first, parking herself right next to Jake. While the other's started talking again Luna leaned over to Jake and whispered "Jake what happened? I felt something odd coming from here, was that you?"
Jake hadn't noticed anything strange happening and shook his head slightly "Sereth asked me about my past, I told him my real name is Sechi and I had issues with my father causing my mother to leave me as a child"
"Sechi? Wait, you just made all of that up, I'm impressed. Well, thanks for helping me out with everything. They all love you...hey, have you been crying?"
Jake started whipping his eyes again "No of course not. I'm glad they like me, wouldn't want my favorite espeon looking bad in front of her friends, you owe me though hun" he said teasingly. Luna giggled softly and licked his cheek affectionately. Jake pulled away, chuckling "Hey, I was just joking about the boyfriend thing"
" two make a cute couple." Darleen had been watching them out of the corner of her eye. Sereth was watching Jake too, his gaze hard again. Jake laughed and nuzzled Luna back "We're in love, what can I say?"
Luna seemed really pleased with herself. It's just a matter of time... she thought to herself with a smile but something bothered her. She thought she tasted something when she licked Jake's cheek. Before she could think to far on it Dee walked up and started poking Jake on his arm. Jake leaned over, sobering once he saw Dee's face "Something wrong?"
Dee looked around, there were more people looking at them now. Not only that, they seemed to be waiting for something to happen. "Jake, I do not think it is safe to be here any longer. Something is wrong and I believe we are being watched. I suggest tha-" She didn't finish her sentence. A woman with black hair walked out but that wasn't what distracted her, following close behind was another woman with spiky hair and earrings in each ear. Dee gasped and forgot what she was saying. She stared in disbelief at Leah but there was no doubt it was her. Leah looked exhausted and her partner didn't look any better. "Jake it is her! Leah is here" she said excitedly. "Come, we must explain what has happened to you." She was grabbing his paw and pulling him towards the scientist. She was relieved and she knew it. Leah's safety had actually been in the back of her mind since the day started.
"Wait, what? Leah's here? Now?" Jake looked around and sure enough, there was Leah and some other woman. They looked beyond burned-out as they came out but other than that they looked fine. Dee ran right up to them, dragging Jake behind her. Luna followed and the others watched where they were with mild interest. Leah didn't notice them at first. It wasn't until Dee was right next to her when she paid attention. She looked confused at first, gazing without comprehension for a few moments before gasping out "Dee?! Is that you?" She looked around as if worried someone was watching and kneeled down "It is you isn't it? Where's Jake, is he okay? Why aren't you with him?"
Dee started talking but soon stopped, Leah couldn't understand a word she was saying. "Luna, I think I may require your assistance."
Luna nodded, sitting next to her "Just talk slowly, I'm not used to Leah's mind."
"Tell her that... Jake is fine and that I have succeeded in gaining emotions. However Jake has been altered in the process and he is still coping with his changes." Luna relayed it quickly to Leah who almost asked how Luna was until she heard "altered" "Dee what happened? How did Jake become altered?"
Leah was looking towards her a she talked and Jake was actually one the other side of Luna staring at Leah and her friend. He had never seen her before but they both looked as if they had been on the move with out any rest. It wasn't that their clothes looked dirty, it was on their faces they were drawn and worried. He couldn't imagine what was wrong but he was slowly starting to become troubled himself. Dee's talking cut into his thoughts and he listened to what she was saying. Dee seemed worried as well, feeling a familiar emotion again Is this guilt? She pushed it out her mind and continued where she left off earlier. "I extracted the data for emotions from him after converting him to data. However I was not able to convert him back into a human, I lacked the strength so..."
"YOU DID WHAT?! WHERE IS HE?!" She was standing again, her eyes wide and staring. She was looking around the, half-expecting and deformed Jake hiding somewhere but he was nowhere o be found. "Is he at home? Is he okay? Where is he now?" She looked at Dee, then Luna, the stopped to look at the espeon on the other side of Luna. She frowned, kneeling down and staring right at Jake "Jake? Tell me that isn't you..." She reached out a hand and brushed it between Jake's ears "You're an espeon now?"
Jake didn't know what to do so he leaned towards the offered hand "Well, not exactly." Leah didn't understand but Dee kept talking and Luna translated "No, I fear it is more serious than that. I did not posses the strength to make him flesh and blood so I made him into a porygon like myself. As I said he is fine but he is still coping with his changes."
Leah nodded standing up again shakily. She hadn't seen this coming but she should have known. How else would she he gotten emotion? Cass had been excluded from the dialog and looked extremely confused "What is it? What happened to Jake?"
Leah actually laughed, she had to. If she didn't she would probably be crying. "She made Jake a porygon too... Now there are two of them. I don't know what to do anymore. Look at him, he's an espeon now... the one on the right."
Cass kneeled down, frowning at Jake "But that's impossible. Dee wasn't designed to make copies of her, the security in her programming should have made that impossible, and of course she was released early... This isn't good, we don't know anything about him at all. A conversion like this would leave him flawed in some way because not all of the data of him could have made it through the transfer. He shouldn't even be alive now." She got even closer to Jake who had frozen where he was I'm flawed? was the only thought running through his mind. She reached with both of her hands and pulled Jake's head towards her gently, looking into his eyes. "Well there doesn't seem to be anything wrong externally. I'd loved to examine you a little better but there's no way I can do that now." She got back up and dusted her pants of before remarking coolly "Well Leah, now what?"
Leah brought her hands up to her hair and toyed with it nervously. "I don't know, I honestly don't now Cass. We can't hide them forever, not with Jane and whoever she works for after us. We can't destroy them either, especially not now Jake's involved. Crap, I should have thought this out better. What we need is some time to make a plan."
Dee formed a grid in front of her and the pokedex appeared in it. She started saying more things to Luna and she translated "We've kept the pokedex safe. So far an espeon and minun's data have been added to it."
While Leah was reaching for it feminine laughter could be heard coming from the person sitting in a bench in front of one of the stores on the other side of the fountain, opposite of them behind a newspaper. All that could be seen before were black boots but as she got up more of her was revealed. Blood red hair almost veiled her face, actually covering one eye, hidden by black square shades. She was wearing all black, the color contrasting with her pale skin. "Did I hear my name Leah? Oh please don't act surprise dear, I should have known you would try to pull something as soon as I talked to you. Now if it's a plan you're looking for maybe I can help you..."
As if on cue all around them the suspicious people who were watching assembled. Some of them still in their disguises while other where in uniform. Five rockets immediately circled Leah and Cass with five more surrounding Donna and her group. "Congratulations Leah, I was worried that the boss would be upset that you managed to slip away from me, but now that I have his program and an extra one I'll be welcomed back with open arms for sure." Some of the rocket members threw out pokeballs. Soon four houndooms and three murkrows were visible, all glaring at them ruthlessly. Jane reached into her pocket and pulled out her own pokeball. She threw it to the ground, revealing her pokemon of choice, a mawile. "Beadell, I need the male espeon and that plusle taken in. Don't hurt them too bad but feel free to do whatever you feel like with that other espeon."
Beadell walked menacingly to Jake and his group while Jane looked straight into Leah's eyes "Miss me? I just can't wait to here everything you really know about this project, congratulations on getting your friend in this as well"
Chapter End Notes:
And here it is, what I've been working on for so long. And this is only Half of it XD
Even though I was missing in action I never stopped thinking about this thing. I even role played as some of my characters (Jake is such a sub) but now that the story is more clear to me instead of what I was doing before I can start working a bit faster. The original plan wasn't very defined and i was just writing stuff really. Hope you enjoy. And please leave a comment, that's how I know if I'm doing good or not ^^;. Comments is what let's me know if it's worth continuing the story her