AGNPH Stories

Mew's First Time by shadowsasuke


A New Frontier

"Ack! Why is it so hard to find someone decent to mate with?" Mew yelled as she fended yet another wave of Mightyena, drawn by her being in heat. The small, pink cat Pokemon sighed as she lay down on the cold, hard ground. She tried to imagine how it would feel to have someone shove into her tailhole, their dick pressing deep into her, her gasping loudly with pleasure....
"Goddammit, what am I doing?" Mew hastily threw the stick she'd been unconsiously shoving into her love canal into a bush, then recoiled as she heard the Weedle and Caterpie fighting over it, since it had her scent all over it.
Mew then heard a loud banging sound, as if someone was kicking a tree out of anger. She was bored, so she decided to go see who it was. "Well, at least I can use Psychic again to knock them out," Mew thought not kindly as she crashed through the brush, flying at ground level.
As she got to the scene of the disturbance, Mew saw a tall boy that appeared to be about 13 or 14 years old, dressed in back attempting to run up a tree without using his hands. His hair was black and spiky, and he wore an expression of disbelief. As he attempted the feat yet again, he got almost halfway up the tree. As he fell down, he slashed the bark with a short knife, marking the place he'd gotten to.
"This IS harder than it looks. If you use too much Chakra, then the tree pushes you off. If you use too little, you fall down..." he said in a slightly surprised voice.
Mew had no idea what this "Chakra" was, but she decided to go see what the matter was with this apparently mentally ill child.

Mew sneaked up behind the boy as he ran up the tree, but got a painful shock when he fell down unexpectedly. Right on top of her.
'Ouch. Well, I'd better get going back to.... what the hell are you?" The boy said as he got up and saw Mew under him.
Mew got up, dusted herself off, hovered at eye level, and said, "I am Mew. Who are you, and why are you trying to run up a tree without using your hands?"
He replied, "I'm Sasuke Uchiha, and I'm trying to practice Chakra control. I just want to know: are you an alien, or some weird mutated species?"
Mew said, "No, I'm a Pokemon. You should know that if you're from around here. And why would I be a mutated species?"
"I'm not from around here. Wherever here is. And I asked if you were a mutated species because I know the Flood are active right now, and I heard the Covenant are performing genetic experiments on captured Marines, so..." Sasuke frowned.
"Okay, I won't ask what the heck those things are, because I probably don't want to know." Mew looked him up and down, noticing the various cuts and bruises. "Why are you out here all alone?"
Sasuke said, "If I told you, you wouldn't believe me. It's so bizzare, even I don't believe it half the time."
Mew smiled and said, "All right." Almost unconsiously, she began to look into his past. She saw his whole family be destroyed by his brother. She saw him living alone, trying to cope. She saw how he'd been physically abused by everyone he met. That was why he was out here: to train. Mew felt a particularly large pang of sadness tear through her at the images.

Sasuke looked at Mew strangely. "Are you all right?"
Mew said softly, "Yes. I know that you're not, though. Having your whole family killed by your brother... I feel so sorry for you..."
Sasuke got very angry at this. He almost yelled, "How d'you know that?"
Mew said, "I can see your past. I'm a Psychic-type after all. But enough about me. Tell me something: are you a virgin?"
Sasuke got uncomfortable at this. He noticed her scent for the first time. He said, "yes, I am. Why do you ask?"

Mew drew close to him. She said softly, "So that I know that the one I lost my virginity to was a virgin also."
This told Sasuke two things: Mew was a virgin also, and she wanted to mate with him.
Sasuke drew back, saying, "Wh-what are you going-" He was interrupted by Mew's lips pressing tightly against his own. He froze for a second, then kissed her gently back, drawing her close to him.
Mew was delighted. She said breathlessly into his ear, "Oh, you are so wonderful. I know now that you're the one I've been looking for."
She used a Psychic attack to pull down his pants, revealing his rock-hard dick.

Sasuke said, "Mew, we don't have to-..." He stopped mid-sentence and began moaning with pleasure as Mew took his shaft in her mouth and began sucking it.
As Sasuke groaned, Mew released his member and lay on her stomach, revealing her tailhole. She gasped out, "Please... please make me into the slutbunny I know you want me to be."

Sasuke was torn. He wanted to yiff her, but on the other hand, what if it was a trap? "Ahh, to hell with it. She asked me, so I will." He thought. He bent over her and began to shove into her, hearing her gasp with pleasure. His dick pushed harder and harder into her as his hormones took over. He felt Mew's tight body beneath him, her moaning in happiness. She began to tighten even more so, making him even more horny.
Mew was in heaven. She'd waited her whole life for this, and now she'd gotten it. She felt Sasuke's member pressing deeper and deeper into her, then pulling out, then pushing in again. She felt herself come closer and closer to her first climax. Finally, she had it. She howled as the white liquid gushed out of her. Sasuke screamed her name as he orgasmed as well, white tendrils of life flowing out of him and into her ass. When they finally stopped, they were both gasping for breath but both extremely happy.
Sasuke said, "Mew, that was.... that was so..." He couldn't find the words to express the feeling, so Mew supplied one. "Amazing?" She asked. Sasuke nodded.

Mew said, "I know you want this as much as I want you to shove into it, so go ahead..." She turned onto her back, revealing herself to him.
Sasuke gasped, then slowly nodded. He began to rub her stomach, feeling the tight muscles. He then worked his way up, until he reached her breasts. They were decent-sized and well-rounded. He softly caressed them, and simultaniously began to give her little love kisses up her neck and press his dripping member deep into her love canal.
Mew inhaled sharply as she felt him press into her. When he stopped, she knew what he had to do. He said, "This will hurt." Mew nodded and clenched her teeth. As Sasuke broke her hymen, she yelped and grabbed his hand to steady herself, The pain seemed to dissipate as she felt him deep inside her most sacred possession. As he continued to rub her softly, he got closer and closer to his second orgasm. When Mew climaxed shortly after, he let loose with all he had.

Mew felt her body fill with Sasuke's warm seed. They finally pulled apart after a full minute of climaxing. Mew looked at Sasuke, laying beside her. As they both fell asleep, exhausted by exploring new frontiers, Mew said softly, "Good night, my love." Sasuke replied, "Good night, Mew."


(c) 2007 ShadowSasuke. I hope you all enjoyed my first, hacked-together fanfic. Thanks for reading! ^v^

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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