AGNPH Stories

Thunder and Rain by eragon


[Part 1, Chapter 1]

This chapter is clean.

One calm morning in the year 2019. Vincent a pokemon trainer was walking home in the morning with his Ninetails by his side after he had defeated five gym leaders and their pokemon. Vincent was on his way home, to tell his mother the good news of his travels and show her his five shinny new badges he had won from the five. Also he wanted to return home just so he could be at his favorite great festival that he loved at the beginning of every New Year in New Ocean View Town. He arrived finally at noon time on the 2nd day before New Years. Vincent headed with his Ninetail to his mom's house that sat on the beach and he knocked on the front door; he didn't hear an answer. Vincent looked around on the front of his porch trying to find the key his mom usually hid for him to get into the house when he was still going to school. Vincent shook his head and sighed not finding the key yet. He turned his head down and looking at his Ninetails, just watching him with a smile on his muzzle. Vincent said to him "Will you please help me already. This would go much faster if you help me find the key."
Being his usual stubborn self, his Ninetails stared at him with green eyes and tilt his head as he looked at Vincent like what do you want me to do?
Vincent smiled replying to Ninetails "Just sniff around."
Ninetails smiled slightly at his master and shook his head. HA, haven't heard that one before Ninetail thought sarcastically. One of his tails came up from behind him over his back and held in the curled-up tip was the key.
Vincent gasped at his Ninetails and saw the key being held in his curled up tail that he was holding up to him. "How long have you had that?" Vincent swiped the key away from his Ninetails.
Nintails replied with a smirk and sat down on the front porch behind Vincent as Vincent unlocked the door and opened it. Ninetails thought again sarcastically Oh wouldn't you like to know.
The trainer looked at his Ninetails again shaking his head and grabbed for the pokeball with a small flame sticker on the front that was his Ninetail's. He pressed the button on the front making the ball the size of his fist; he directed the front of the pokeball at his Ninetails and called him back inside. A red beam shot out the front of the ball from the button and surrounded Ninetails in the red light of the return beam and it pulled the Ninetails into it. Vincent shank the ball back to the size of a quarter by pressing the front button with his thumb again an reattached the one ball to his belt clip, next to another ball with a wing sticker on the front that stood for flying. That is his Dragonite's pokeball.
Vincent walked inside; the door closed behind him by its self, "Mom?" He asked out wondering if she just didn't hear his knock because she could be asleep. Still not hearing an answer he walked to the stairs and climbed up to the second floor of his house. He walked down the hall and to his mom's room. He opened the door and didn't see any one inside. Shrugging his shoulders, Vincent walked back down the hall, stopped by his room and the door was open wide. The room was mostly clean except for his desk that was always messy. Every time he came home he put something on top of it. Vincent looked at his bed and missed how soft and warm it was to sleep in it. The sleeping bag that he had been using was now too short because he had grown four inches taller since the last time his mom saw him and bought the sleeping bag for him. Vincent turned around going back down the stairs to the kitchen. He walked over to the fridge, opened it, and took a jug of milk. He turned around, opened a cupboard, and grabbed a cup. He poured some milk into the cup and drank. Vincent put the jug back in the fridge, picked up the glass of milk again, and walked back up the stairs into his room. He walked out onto his balcony that looked out over the peaceful beach and the ocean waves. He took a deep breath in and let in back out. The smell of fresh ocean air. He thought... Oh how I missed it. Swallowing the rest of his milk, Vincent walked back inside, setting his empty glass on his desk. At the edge of his bed, fell down tiredly on top. Vincent closed his eyes and went sleep.

____________Dreaming [Or is he?]

Vincent began to hear a voice in his head, one that sounded different to him. One that... wasn't his voice.
"One mind, one voice, one soul, one heart."
This voice sounded soft and gentle. It sounded like... a girl's voice. He heard the girl continue to say "one mind, one voice, one soul, one heart" over and over again, sounding like a broken record. And then she changed the chant of her thoughts.
"Two minds, two voices, two souls, two hearts."
He didn't hear the girl chanting anymore and then he quickly saw images playing before his eyes. Was it what the girl is seeing? Her vision began to clear up and focus on what was around her. He could see what she's seeing. She's stuck in a white room with no windows in that room and... he was beginning to wonder why her vision had a green hue. Could it be him maybe? The girl then spoke into his mind as he slept on his bed still seeing what she was seeing.
She asked him "Please... can you lend me your strength?"
This caught Vincent off guard when she asked this of him "How?" He then started to not be able to see what she was looking at. He felt his strength getting drained somehow and his voice got softer as he tried to talk to her again, but no answer...

______________End Dream

Vincent gasped, lifting up his head, and woke up in his sweaty clothes. He looked over to a clock on the table next to his bed. It read 6:26 PM. He groaned as he got up and tried to stand on his legs, but just dropped to the floor and groaned from the amount of energy loss. He picked up his head from the carpet, got onto his arms and crawled (crawling is the only energy he had left) into the hall outside of his room. Crawling to the stairs, Vincent groaned when he looked down the steps. The stairs went from the first to the second levels of his mom's house with no stops in between. He turned his body around and crawled down the stairs backwards, He soon made it to the first floor, and felt the hard floor with his hands--it was cold. Vincent crawled to the kitchen and lifted himself up with the help of a chair. He was now standing on his legs, but still feeling rather weak. Quickly thinking of some way to get help, he grabbed the pokeball on his belt that had a wing sticker on the front, and called out his Dragonite.
The ball opened up and a light formed into the Dragonite, who stood there with a smile, happy to see his master and friend. But, his smile quickly faded when he saw Vincent weakly standing up with his eyes half closed. Dragonite had never seen him like this before, he cried out to his master, "Hold on." (Dragonite said in pokemon language. Humans can't understand pokemon language.) Dragonite quickly moved a nearby cup on the counter and washed out what was still in it. He went to the fridge and grabbed a pitcher of raspberry tea, poured it into a cup and gave it to Vincent. Which he took it greedily and chugged the tea down his throat until the cup was empty and he already began to feel much better. He set the cup down on the counter top and smiled at his Dragonite. Dragonite smiled back happily at his master and filled the cup with more raspberry tea. His master drank some more tea and soon was smiling again.
"Thank you so much Dragonite."
Dragonite nodded and continued to smile at his happy master.
Vincent then tried to explain what had happened to him. He couldn't really begin to describe it because it was complicated enough for himself to understand.
â�"A lightning bolt lit up the sky and it made the room that Vincent and his Dragonite stood in flash in brightness.â�" Vincent put down the cup on the counter and turned his head quickly to look out into the backyard through the sliding glass door. He slid the door open and walked outside onto the back porch, his Dragonite close behind him making sure that what had happened to Vince wouldn't happen again. The sky was dark black from the thunder clouds. Another flash of lightning ripped down from the cloud and this one hit the beach just on the other side of the fence. Vincent jumped back in shock as he heard the loud thunder that came after the bolt of lightning. He got scared at the fact that the lightning bolt was so close to his house, just on the other side of the wooden fence. He looked up at the thunder head that was right over the beach as it began to clear up suddenly. Vincent not understanding this, looked at his Dragonite who shrugged his shoulders. Vincent looked at the place where the lightning bolt had come down behind the fence. Vincent called Dragonite back into his ball before Dragonite could protest. Vincent walked back inside the house for a second and came back out with his coat. He ran to a gate leading onto a short side street along the side of his house to the beach. At the beach, he looked around for anything that the lightning could have hit and killed.
He spotted something lying on the beach. Vincent thought that it was just kelp. He squinted his eyes at the kelp and noticed, it wasn't kelp at all. But something lying on its side getting washed up by each wave from the ocean. He was very tired but ran some more to see the figure on the beach. When he got up close to it, he kneeled down in front of it. The figure wasn't a human, and it didn't look like it could be a pokemon ether. {He looks over the form's body. Thin, light blue color, and with brown color fur. Gentle eye lines of her eyes as they were closed.} Vincent placed his left hand on her forehead and felt her cold, wet fur under his finger tips. Vincent looked around for anyone, but saw no one. He wanted to help out this creator. Not just leave her here alone by herself where she could die from being frozen. Vincent, not knowing what else to do with her, he decided to help this poor helpless creature. He took off the blue coat he wore and looked over the creature carefully looking at differences, that made her look not like a pokemon. She looked mostly like an Eevee with some Vaporeon female characteristics as well, and she was lying on the beach on her side. Vincent laid his coat over her body and gently curled her up. Vincent slid his arms under her body slowly picking her up. He grunted as she felt heavy to him.
Vincent began to walk back home. Half her body was in his coat while her fin hung down the side of his right arm as he carried her very carefully to his house. When he got to the backyard gate he used his teeth to pull on a string that hung through a hole in the fence that unlocks the fence from the inside of the yard. He turned around to have his back push open the gate, it closed behind him. He walked up the stairs and got to the sliding grass door that thankfully he left unlocked. He used his right foot to slide it open easily. Vincent walked over to the couch and carefully set her down upon the soft cushions. Pulling his arms out again from under her carefully not wanting to wake her if she does happen to wake up. Vincent got back up onto his feet and walked over to the fireplace and opened a propane valve with a turn of a handle. He pressed a red button and heard a click of the igniter trying to start the gas fire place. A sudden whoosh was heard when a flame quickly sprung out from under a fake log. He began to feel the warmth immediately and had to step back from standing so close to the heat. Vincent walked back over to the odd looking female and sat down next to her on the floor. He placed his right hand in his coat behind her and felt with his finger tips her dorsal fin while she was still curled up mostly in his coat, the female's tail still hanging out of his coat.
The female moved her tail.
When Vincent saw that, he pulled his hand away from her dorsal fin as she was curling her tail up inside of the coat touching it to her forehead. The female Vaporeon like Eevee's body was now all curled up inside of his coat.
The female moved a little more as she was beginning to feel warm and that something was restricting her from moving a certain way. She opened her eyes wide as she was panicking. She started crying out loudly jumping out of Vincent's coat and landing on the floor with her four paws.
Vincent tried to calm her down by letting her sniff at his right hand like what most pokemon will do when they meet someone new if they don't run away or attack that person.
The pokemon saw his hand being held in front of her nose. Without sniffing his hand she raised her upper lips showing Vince her K-9 like teeth and growled at him before she bit his hand.
"Ouch!" Vince cried back in pain pulling his hand away from her nose and sharp teeth that pierced through his skin. His palm dripped blood freely from the center of his palm and left a small hole that she had made with just one of her teeth. "Boy, was that a stupid thing for me to do." He closed his hand and held pressure in his palm [keeping blood from rushing out of open wounds] making his hand into a fist.
The pokemon stopped growling and tilt her head as she realized that this human's voice is familiar to her. She remembers quickly that this is the voice of the one that had spoken to her while she was chanting in her mind. Realizing this, she didn't feel afraid any more and looked up, at his blue eyes watching him over her shoulder. She turned, facing toward him and walked up to the human sitting down in front of him just inches away from his legs kneeling painfully on the smooth wooden floor. She then reached out with her mind and touched his own mind with her thoughts connecting her to him psychically, mind-to-mind. Your voice... it sounds... familiar.
Vince cradles his hurt hand clenching tight his wound. Vince looked up from his hand and saw her now sitting before him and heard a voice that was traveling through his mind. After that, he realized it sounded familiar. That dream, he said in his head, but he didn't know that he said that to her as well.
Dream? Said the pokemon a little surprised. You thought you were dreaming?
"I thought I was, but now, I guess not," said Vince looking around for where that sweet and gentle voice was coming from, till he realized again that the voice was in his head. He talked now in thought wondering if the voice could hear him. "Am I going crazy?" He watched the pokemon that had bit him seeing her starting to smile at him.
The pokemon shook her head with a smile. No, your not going crazy or you are crazy already.
Vince, not knowing what to think, started to feel a little frightened. "Ok, who are you? Where are you?" He asked himself looking around him again for anyone or anything.
The pokemon continued to smile at him as she answered his second question first I'm right in front of you.
Vince looked down at the pokemon in front of him, seeing her tail fin wagging slowly and she gave him a wink with her left eye. "No way," he said, not wanting to believe it. "How is that possible?"
I don't know how, I can just read minds.
He asked her testing her by saying, So... you're a psychic pokemon? in his head while looking into her green eyes. He started to feel his palm sting reminding him that his wound was still open and continued to drip a little bit out of his hand and onto the floor.
The pokemon saw the drop of rusty colored liquid fall from the hand Vince was cradling and said, Oh, I'm sorry about that. I thought that you were perhaps like the other humans that kept me in that tank. Please allow me to help you heal that.
"You aren't going to bite me again, are you?" Vince held out his palm to her, opening it slowly showing her the open wound that slowly continued to stream out, but less then before.
She giggled before replying, I won't bite you from now on. I give you my word. She moved her head close to his palm, opening her mouth. She lapped her tongue over his wound licking off most of the blood that had escape from the wound.
Vince's body stiffened up when he felt the tingle in his wounded hand build till it started to feel like a pinch on his palm. Vince gasped in air at the pain "ow!" pulling his hand back away from her muzzle, Vince just held his right wrist in his left hand and looked down at it seeing the wound healed. Some how, she had helped him. He looked back down at her, "You lived in a tank?"
Yes. I was born in a tank.
Vincent listened to the pokemon.
I'm a new pokemon called a Wolphin. My creators and their evil team called Second Life gave me the name XR-56. I heard them talking about the number 56 when they were going over analyst charts of my body and they said that I was the 56th Wolphin they had created, but only the first they successfully made. She dropped her head, looking down at the floor under her paws and gave a slight smile for a second. I never met my sisters or brothers, or even my mother and father that they took my DNA from.
"XR-56? Can I call you by another name? Not Wolphin, because that name doesn't sound to welcoming." Vincent gave a crooked smile and was now trying to cheer her up. He was about to give her forehead a rub with his hand that she had healed. He didn't give her soft furry head a rub in case she might attack him again.
XR-56 looked up at him for a second, but she didn't smile. She then laid down on her belly, she felt the cold floor up against the skin of her belly. She didn't get up from the cold or turn to her side. But she was feeling the warmth of the fire against her fur and her tail.
"I know... can I call you Rain?" He asked, happily closing his eyes trying to cover up some happy tears that were starting to fill his eyes. "I think it suits you well."
Rain raised her head off the floor and looked at Vincent. Call me what you want. I don't think I'm going to stay here for very long.
"Oh... and why not?" He asked
I don't belong here.
"You don't belong out there ether." He protested.
I know that. But what can I do, I'm not a pokemon? She looked down at the wooden floor again.
"Yes you are. You have the same abilities of a psychic pokemon, and that means you must be a pokemon to use those abilities. You said, you're a Wolphin and that you're even a new type of pokemon."
That is what Second Life said. she said.
"And you don't believe them? They created you with a purpose in mind. I'm sure of it." He reaches behind her head and gave her a gentle rub at the back of her neck. "Please... why don't you stay with me?" he said.
Rain thought about his offer for a moment as she looked through the sliding glass door to the back yard and back up at him.
Vincent smiled down at Rain softly when she looked up at his blue eyes with her own green eyes. "Please Rain?" He asked again with the soft and gentle smile.
She looked back and forth between Vincent and the clear sliding glass door and sighed. Ok... I'll stay with you.

To be continued...

[Sorry about gramer problems. I'm getting them fixed.]
Please after you have read, tell me of what your thoughts are on it so far and thank you for your time.
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