AGNPH Stories

The Sum of All Fears by shadowsasuke


The Sum of All Fears

"Kill them all." The harsh reply came from Master Greevil and ended up in the mind of Shadow Lugia, hovering above Lilycove City.
"What? What am I doing here? Why is this happening all over again?" The small voice of reason echoing in the evil reaches of Shadow Lugia's mind was quickly drowned by an intense need to obey Greevil's orders. That was how he forced his Shadow Pokemon to obey: he used technology to fill them with such a need that they felt as if they would shatter if they disobeyed. He felt his body began charging up for a Shadow Blast attack. Lugia couldn't stop himself, so he knew that something very bad was going to happen. Usually he had some type of control, but this time it was if his mind and his body were seperate. He fought as hard as he could, but he released the terrible blast anyway. The entire town seemed to literally melt in black flames as wave after wave of buildings crumbled and people died. In the blink of an eye, Lilycove City had been wiped off the face of the Earth. Lugia flew around, surveying the death and destruction. He felt physically sick at all of the dead bodies lying haphazardly in the streets. Suddenly, out of the corner of his piercing red eye, he saw a flash of movement. Someone had survived? Impossible. Neverthless, Lugia flew to where the Contest Hall had once been standing. Amid all of the innocent dead spectators, Articuno stood alone, her soft blue eyes awash with tears at the gruesome sight. She turned and saw Lugia standing there, his mouth curled in a twisted smile. Through her sobs she managed to gasp out, "You-you monster! How could you do this? These people were all innocent, you lunatic! What coukd possibly make you-" Articuno froze at the shock and tears that was flowing out of Lugia at her words. Inside his head, Lugia was shocked and confused. How could Articuno be here? What would Greevil force him to do to the one creature on this desolate planet that truely loved him? He didn't have to wait long. He felt a new need rise inside him: the need to brutally kill Articuno. Lugia fought as hard as he could, but he couldn't stop himself from flying at her, his claws out, his mouth smiling horribly at the terrible deed, licking his lips in anticipation of a new meal...
Three thousand miles away, in a secluded cave in Johto, the real Lugia woke with a head-splitting scream and began thrashing around wildly on the cold stone floor.

"Lugia! What's the matter?" Articuno was there in an instant, quickly but gently forcing him onto his back and holding him there in case he did something really stupid and dangerous.
"Articuno! You- Lilycove- shadows- blood everywhere- me- killing- Greevil- claws- " The words flew out of Lugia's mouth as he struggled to make sense out of what had apparently been a very realistic and frightning dream. "Calm down! Tell me what happened, and please don't talk so fast, okay? Articuno released him and sat down next to him, noticing the sweat and tears on his face.
"I had a really bad dream. I was Shadow Lugia again, and Greevil made me destroy Lilycove again, and then he was going to make me kill you-" He stopped, aware of the fact that he sounded like a 3-year old after he eats too much pizza before bed.
Articuno didn't seem to think so. She looked alarmed. "But didn't you say that after a Shadow Pokemon is purified, they lose all their memories of being one?" Lugia replied, "That's right. And that's why I don't understand this dream: it was more like a vision then a dream-" He was interrupted by Articuno's lips pressing hard against his own, her body pressing against his. She finally broke away and said, "We can worry about that later. Right now, how about he have some fun?" Lugia thought, That's my Cuno, always wanting to get laid. He slowly pushed her down and lay on her stomach, feeling her hard nipples rubbing against his muscled chest. She gasped, "Come on, you big bird. Shove yourself into me like you love to do." He complied, his member sliding out of his sheath and between her lips and into her tight love canal. She began breathing harder and shifted a little bit so that she could get more of his massive dick inside her. He began to thrust inside her, their jiuces mixing and lubricating her so that Lugia could push even harder into her. Articuno felt herself grow closer and closer to climaxing. As Lugia began to tense up, his thrusts were harder and faster. They finally came, their cream and shouts of pleasure mixing together. The caphony of their writhing bodies and shouting mouths lasted for a good two minutes. When they finally finished, their legs were both covered with cream and they were throughly exhausted. "Ohh, Lugia, I don't think that I can do that again tonight, I'm so tired..." Articuno sadly closed her eyes before Lugia kissed her again and said, "It's okay, Cuno. I understand." With that final exchange, they cleaned up and prepared to go back to sleep.
It's amazing how wrong a Legendary Pokemon can be when it comes to picking a safe hiding spot.

"Did the message go through?" Greevil recieved a nod in reply. "Yessir, XD001 has recieved the message and now we know where to find him."
"Good. I want the Shadow Stone brought with me on my private chopper. We're going to get our Shadow Lugia back- no matter what it takes." The man then climbed into the black helicopter as the Shadow Stone was placed in it. The Shadow Stone contained the pure essence of Shadow power and had been used to create Shadow Lugia. Greevil started up the chopper and was off to the cave where Lugia and Articuno were saying their goodnights.
"Good night, my little icy devil."
"Good night, Lug- wait a minute, do you hear that?" Lugia listened and sure enough, there was the sound of a helicopter coming towards them.
"Oh, my God, he knows- we have to get out of here!" Articuno began to drag Lugia towards the cave exit. Lugia wouldn't budge. He said, "No. I'm gonna teach that little bastard a lesson he'll never forget."

As Greevil entered the cave where the two Legendary Birds stood in wait for him, he smiled cruelly and slipped a hand into his pocket, cupping the Shadow Stone in his hand. As he walked up to Lugia, Lugia snarled, "How dare you come back here and confront us, you insane midget!" Greevil laughed and said, "Now how could I miss seeing my two experiments: XD001 and XD002?" His face formed into a scowl. "The very same experiments that wrecked my Shadow Pokemon plan!"
Lugia said coldly, "That was no plan. It was mass murder."
Greevil smiled and said, "Maybe this will convince you otherwise!" He pulled out the Shadow Stone and held in in from of Lugia.
Lugia felt the shadows begin to take over him yet again. He screamed in agony as his flesh split down the middle and instantly the flesh of Shadow Lugia grew over it. He felt his mind become plunged into darkness. He was Shadow Lugia again. The dream was no dream, it was a vision of the future. He would be forced to obey Greevil for the rest of eternity,

Greevil laughed evilly at the look of horror and shock on Articuno's face. He said, "Hmm, you may be useful... but you must likely will be a liability to me in the end." He turned to Shadow Lugia. "Kill her right here and now. In a very painful way." As Lugia heard these words and his body instantly began to hover above Articuno, he fought like he had never fought before. He battled the evil in his heart as hard as he could. Neverthless, he began flying down at Articuno, his claws out just like in his vision. He slammed into her, his teeth tearing into her neck, his claws ripping her chest open and exposing her ribcage. She screamed as her blood gushed in torrents over Lugia's wings. Lugia laughed at the sight of her helpless body gushing blood, and in one swift move he tore through her neck with his teeth and her stomach with his claws. As Articuno shuddered and died in Lugia's wings, he felt that one final rational part of him get ripped from himself at the sight of his lifeless mate's remains in his wings.
Greevil looked at Shadow Lugia and said, "Now, get ready to fly to Kanto. When we're through there, Mew will look ten times worse then this."
Together, Shadow Lugia and Master Greevil laughed.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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