AGNPH Stories

Tales of Nine 2 - The Symbol unlocked by arkangel001


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*shimmer* well here we go. The mysterious visitor
Yes is it friend or foe, am I just stalling will you find out
*shimmer* oh no you are not going to have this chapter on someone else
Well it as going to be about you, but since you seem un-wanting
*shimmer* no you can do it on me
To bad so sad you were too late

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I feared my family was dead, killed more horribly and slowly, I had to find them or learn their fate, cause if someone did kill any of them, my vengeance would be worse than anything the planet had ever suffered before, but for now I fell to the ground and cried, mourning of Golduck.

But then a voice came form behind me "angel" and slowly I turned with a morning face, who ever it is, they better leave because till I find my family I travel alone. I looked back with blood over my fur, now dried and hard. As my head turned I growled, the anger in my voice is very apparent but as my eyes lay on the stranger behind me I just looked emotionless. Before me were eight Ninetales looking grief stricken like me. "Angel, we know what happened with Golduck. Were sorry he had to die" the Ninetales closest to me started to talk. His voice took me out of my trance and I glared at them all, my sorrow swelled into anger. "Shut up. Ok you all shut up and listen" I stand growling at them. "You all will answer my questions, straight forward you got it! Because if you don't ill give my symbol to Celebi!" I snarled and yelled at them. This quickly got there attention, a few clearing there throats, the Ninetales closest to me was about to speak, but I gave him a glare that quickly shut him up. "I am fed up with all the pain you put me through, people try to kill me or my family, bad luck follows me because of you all! Now tell me why my symbol is so important to protect, why it must be me" I yell again and the Ninetales at the back of the group spoke up in a sheepish voice. He started to explain the origins of the power, why in the Ninetales form the powers are weakened, why we must protect them but he never told me why it had to be me with this burden. [Authors Note: If you want the actual story read chapter 2 again]. I sat down though my look didn't soften so the Ninetales closest to me spoke up "the reason you must have the gift" he begun to say though I growled at him for choosing to call it a gift. "Is because only a blood relative of the original holder may wield your symbol" he explained. I erupted in a cold laughter "you idiots, I am not a blood relative, I was a human" I say as if I found the perfect reason to take the symbol off me and free me of its curse but they looked at each other. "A secret well kept was the original holder had a son, that never became a Vulpix or Ninetales and you are his descendent" one of them explained.

I sat there shocked for hours. I couldn't believe that I had some greater significance, that my life had a greater purpose in the scheme of everything my mind raced trying to comprehend it, then finally I started to speak. "But Shimmer also has my blood, why not keep her as a guardian" I asked with a stunned tone. "Were sorry but it's been the practice that if we can have a male, the male will hold the symbol, but there's a greater reason why we choose to make you a Ninetales" The front Ninetales explained and I made a mental note he must be the leader of the group. My eyes snapped at him "I told you to tell me the truth" I say unhappy they are still only feeding me portions at a time. "were sorry but were giving you time to digest all this, but you see Shimmers blood line is very thin, we were afraid her offspring or there children would not be able to accept the symbol, its why we allowed you to become a Nintales, to breed with your love and strengthen your blood line, that's all of it, we needed you to carry the symbol for the sake of our traditions and to strengthen your blood lines ability to take the symbol, we should have told you sooner but we did not. Though if you wish we will give the symbol and its responsibilities to Shimmer" The Ninetales said. I looked shocked then smiled again. At long last joy was in me "Shimmers alive, can you take me to her. How are my kids and the others" It felt like all my pain and suffering had been taken away when I learnt Shimmer was alright, something I needed to know for a long time.

The eight Ninetales smiled "she is fine, your family is healthy, we chose to help protect them in troubled times because of all you have done for us" they say also cheering up. Suddenly I started to cry "can I see them. Please, take me" I started to beg "ill keep the symbol for a thousand years, as long as there with my love and family" I continued to plead. The head Ninetales nodded and smiled "we can't take you to her, but we will tell you where she is. Shimmers near Petalburg City" he started to tell me but couldn't finish since I lunged at him with a hug. "Thank you so much, for everything" I repeated, to him again and again. Finally I know what is going on and why I need to protect the symbol, as well as where Shimmer is. I instantly head off to find my bearing and then Petalburg City with a happy spring in my step. This good news put my soul to ease I no longer felt pain, anger and loneliness, but now relief and joy. I just wish they told me sooner. But as I walked I noticed the other eight are walking with me, they had been waiting for me to notice since I was lost in though over everything that had happened and what I been told. "Um hi, how long you been following me?" I asked puzzled. They all laughed and the lead Ninetales answered "the entire time, you just never noticed" he said as we all laughed. "thanks for keeping me company, sorry I got so mad, not everything that's happened to me is your fault, half of it I walked into head first" I said. they all smiled but I thought back about Roxanne. For the rest of the day we just walked in silence, and past a few trainers who looked very confused to see nine Ninetales casually walking along fields of grass, but they didn't bother us so we didn't bother them, and then the sun was setting so it was time to rest.

It was quite nice being with the others, since three went off to hunt for a meal that I sorely needed and I was allowed to groom and just get to know the rest, but eventually the lead Ninetales had to talk seriously. "About Celebi, don't worry, she can't track you or your friends, the power of our symbols shield us from her ability to find us, and your family all our families actually" he said with a smile that I returned "that's good, cause I think she'd be madder that I escaped" I said with a cheerful laugh. We all were so comfortable talking on this no tension was in the air so I made sure not to add any on purpose. "Is there any way to stop her, you know just in case" and the others looked down. "If you ever meet her again, you run got it. She's a legendary and as one her powers are very significant" The Ninetales watching the setting sun as he lay on his back said. And I looked pretty disappointed "to bad we're not humans, our power could then combat it" I really said out loud rather than think. The lead just sighs "well we're not and the world's better for it, now time to smile Angel. Foods here" he said easily changing the topic of discussion. We all ate hardily and for the first time in my Ninetales life I felt like I truly belonged with them. After eating a very satisfying meal we all just sat around silently watching the sun set, all thinking of different things, though my mind was on Shimmer and my family. "Hey Angel, sorry to do this but tomorrow we need to head off, you'll be travelling alone. But if you need us we'll come running" he told me and for the first time he spoke to me not out of intimidation or as if I was a lesser than him, he spoke to me as a friend and equal. I smile and nod, then let off a big toothy yawn and curl up to sleep

It was well in the afternoon when I awoke under a bush and smiled, they moved to out of sight and sun and for that I got a good nights rest, I felt completely recharged so I went off on my way to Petalburg City knowing Shimmer was around there somewhere. But I didn't run, I wanted to but I didn't. Because ever since the forest was burnt down I had spent my time running from risk after risk, and kept getting hurt or put in harms way. So this time I chose to walk, take in the scenery and enjoy life. Though after ten minuets of walking I could feel the excitement build up inside me, so I jogged at a leisurely pace. It took me two weeks to get to Petalburg City and for some reason I saw fit to go into the city, which got me a lot of weird stares, but I knew if I kept my head up and looked around with no fear everyone would assume I have a pokemon, and luckily since I use to be a human that was quiet easy to do. As I looked about the city I saw that from where I came to the other side of the city a tunnel was there, and I thought hard. I new on the other side was a very big and untravelled field so I ran with vigour. I ran through the tunnel trying not to disturb the Zubat so they wouldn't try to suck my blood and not trip over Whismur, which is quite hard to do since they tend to stop in front of you and scream. But I did get out of the cave with no Zubat and only triping over four Whismur. My nose twitched and sniffed like mad to pick up any scent, and I did, but none of them what I wanted. I walked into the thick foliage sniffing around for any trace till my nose got a tingle of a Bayleef. My head pivoted to find the direction of the scent and I instantly travel in that direction, the scent was faint and I was not sure if it was Viney but I was going to find out. "Come on Angel. Your close boy you can feel it in your bones" I hop onto a rock and scan the area, and nearly fainted in joy. It was Viney, I pounced and shouted "buddy" he turned around to face me, but before he was even half way I latched onto his neck hugging, his vines lashed out wrapping around my waste and prying me off. "Who are..." Viney started to say but then there was a silence as he looked at me, then pulled me into his Bayleef crushing hug. I was so happy I found my old friend and he should at least have a lead on Shimmer. "Buddy, choking, not breathing" I chough out and had the grip on me loosened. "It's great to see you Angel, I thought you were dead. The girls will be crying in joy, lets go" Viney said almost crying himself as he carried me off, though in the look in his eyes I could still see he was trying to comprehend how I lived, and I was trying to comprehend who he meant by the girls, I hoped he didn't just mean Cindy Mindy and Lindy, though id love to see them.

*shimmer* how could I not be in it
You were referred to a lot
*shimmer* but not in it, how long another week two
Maybe not even in this book
*shimmer* but how. Oh you love suspense
Don't forget drama. As well as getting email feed back, which can be done by emailing me at [email protected]
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