AGNPH Stories

Pokemorph World by shadowtiger



This is a story of my own pokemorph world. and here are just some basic BG info for this world. This file will be subject to change and constant update without warning. Also I have no issue with freelance artists wanting to draw pictures of scenes for my comics, just besure to tell me about them so I can make a picture link file for them, and if I figure out how to I'll even including them into my stories at the right points. I'll also be including more and more data on interesting detales. As for my stories if some one wants to see a particular pokemorph let me know.

Pokemorphs in the wild are little more then feral animals, it's when they are captured and training begins. a Chemical process takes place in the pokemorph's brain as humans give off a form of psychic energy, this Energy is what causes the changes in their brains to take place. But for unknown reasons, a pokemorph MUST have a trainer, something about just being around humans is not enough to cause the change.

A pokemorph takes time to go from Feral status to Tame depending on what evolved form they are captured in. As most (all) pokemorphs have three evolutional forms, the younger the form, the faster it is tamed. A stage one pokemorph can be tamed in as little as 2 or 3 weeks. A stage 2 pokemorph might take 4 - 6 weeks, and a stage 3 pokemorph, 8 - 12 weeks. As a result most trainers desire to capture Stage 1 or 2 pokemorphs. Most fully tamed pokemorphs have a mind set of a 16-18 year old human, this naturally matures as they remain with their trainer.

Tame Pokemorphs learn very quickly learning to read, write, and do basic math in a matter of days. Most of this drawing on the link they have from their trainer, them drawing on their trainer's experience and learning through them. All Trainers are eighteen years of age. That is the Youngest age for trainers to be world wide. Pokemorphs when captured can be in a variety of human age ranges. Most on their own are of legal age for capture. Those captured will continue to age at a normal rate until they reach sexual maturity. League regulations require all pokemorphs to be of reproductive age for capture. Those captured too young will remain in a feral state until they are of basic reproductive age. The hormones used to trigger sexual maturity are required to allow the brain to evolve, without these hormones taming can not take place.

Laws basically give tamed pokemorphs the same rights as humans when fully tamed, but their 'owner' have to have special training and follow special rules. Hence the training league.

If they lose their trainer, they will begin to regress back into wild animals. Most 99% pokemorphs detest this and will seek out trainers, or pokecenters for help and quick placement. Pokeballs have the ability to severely reduce this progressing. Outside a ball and the loss of their trainer the loss of intelligence is normally double the time it takes to train them. Inside a pokeball it could take years, maybe decades before any measurable loss of intelligence occurs. Faced with loss intelligence, some morphs might even go as far as suicide to prevent losing their identities. Those who have spent most their lives with a trainer and their trainer dies of old age, it's not uncommon for their pokemorphs to soon die after a broken heart.

Legendaries on the other hand do not have that dependency however, and they are as smart and wise as they are old. And while they do not require a trainer they can and do draw on the energy humans give off, and absorb various forms of lifeforce.

A feral pokemorph has a life span of about 10 - 20 years depending on their type, Tame pokemorphs have a general human life span, normally living as long as 100 years or more. Legendaries are one of a kind, and immortal. If slain their spirit will reform into a new body some number of years later. All legendaries are not equal, there are 4 levels of power, 0 being the lowest or quasi legendary. These pokemorphs have one or two attributes like attack, special attack, defense, speed, ect that is very very high, but their other stats average in some way. The known pokemorphs that fall into this area are dragon types.

The true legendaries are more powerful, much more then even those few quasi-legendaries. The known level 1 legendary pokemorphs are the Trio groups. Those pokemorphs which are in threes such as Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Regice, Regirock, Registeel, and Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf. Of all legendary pokemorphs these are the most active often working through stronger more powerful Legendary pokemorphs, and the few who might for a short time to them serve a selected trainer who meets their standards. battling, and fighting at their command. They will never willingly submit to a mean, evil hearted trainer or master.

The following, Lugia, Ho-oh, Mewtwo, Regigigas, Latias, Latios, Groudon, Kyorge, And Deoxys are considered to be level 2. Powers known to them are at the very least reincarnation. (subject to later up date)

Level 3 legendary pokemorphs are vitual Gods, with powers and senses beyond those of which mortals can dream. They include Mew, Celebi, Jurichi, Palkia, Dialga, And Rayquaza. Of these six some sages view Rayquaza as being more powerful then it's counter parts and researchers view it more as a level 4 pokemorph. Of all the legendaries the only times when Rayquaza involves it's self in the affairs of the world are in some form of extreme danger Such as when two or more legendary pokemorphs are fighting with their powers unrestrained. And threaten the world. Such as in Hoen when Groudon and Kyorge, had been both awakened and fought their terrible battles unrestrained. Or when an asteroid threatened to impact the earth wiping out all life did Rayquaza fly into deep space and vaporize it.

Pokemorphs because of their unstable genetics have multiple genders, 95% of the time it is the normal male female ratio. The Rest of the time they might be Hermaphrodites, She-males, He-female (females who look like males). Internal organs can also vary from the normal such as she-males able to get pregnant and give birth via the Anus. Nearly all Pokemorphs are bi-sexual, preferring the Gender of their trainer.

Interbreeding with humans is possible but 90% of the time it will end in a still born, or miscarriage. Only male humans can reproduce with pokemorphs. The rest of the time it produces a child with mostly human features with some pokemorph features. Like pokemorph ears, hair color, tail and such. These children are always Sterile yet have some affinity to learn some weak pokemorph attacks.

As such most trainers do have romantic relationships with their trainers, and this can be as loving or as wild as the trainer desires, Pokemorphs slowly aquire the desires of their trainers to some extent. Those who for example enjoy BDSM and play as dominate masters will find their pokemorphs taking on a submissive role towards their master.

Pokemorphs can learn up to 10 attacks both Offensive and defensive moves. Legendaries on the other hand have no practical limit for their known moves, Some even have powers that can only be described as God like. A pokemorph can also survive attacks that would normally prove instantly fatal to a human even if it instantly Ko's them.

Legendary pokemorphs Are less restricted in terms of form or gender. Most (all?) can shift their gender to being Sexless, to any type of gender from male, female, Herm, He-females, Shemales, And from morphic to non morphic At will.

Pokeballs are the normal way pokemorphs are captured after weakening them. All Pokeballs contain a VR chip that generates a environment within the ball to allow them to have a comfortable environment to rest in. A trainers Belt contains a power cell that is rechargeable, and has a link system that allows all pokeballs to link with other Active pokeballs. A trainer can enter this environment at any time with special VR head set that completely places him or her into the environment. A Belt can hold up to 18 balls, three teams of 6 each. A trainer can have no more then 18 pokemorphs to their career. This forces trainers to think carefully about which pokemorphs they desire to capture.

The default environment is a meadow, with a lake, and some Sandy rocky areas, with a large aerial expanses for flying and some trees. Other environments can be bought in the form of Chips. These chips can be of any conceivable environment, from deep sea, to outer space (without the hazards) to more personal places like bedrooms, to sensuous playrooms with various erotic themes.

Pokedex is one of the most powerful hand held computers in the world, About the Size of a Nintendo DS (not the lite version those it is available) that has the HD capacity of a 1000 gigabyte, Intel Pentium 6 Computer. With a voice recognition system or vocal input, and hook ups for a keyboard, and monitor.

The world in which this takes place has pokemorphs, and normal Real Life animals which are used for food. Pokemorphs are not used as food, save the most twisted and black hearted villains but does happen. Most feral pokemorphs do not consider humans as food, though there are some rare exceptions among them, Some of which that are known are of the reptile, and poison types.

This is just a very, very basic over view of my pokemorph story world. Other things may be added in time or as needed. Most other things will be explained during stories or such. The General content of the over all stories will range from G-XXX and will vary due to my mood irl.

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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