AGNPH Stories

Pokemorph World by shadowtiger


Pokemorph Colloseum

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Pokemorph Colloseum
Chapter 1 Beginnings
By ShadowTiger

Professor Oak got out of the van as he looked around at the stop, the place was not muck to look at. The Outskirt Stand wasn't much to look at. A broken down, hollowed out train engine and nothing more. After Oak got out so followed, Ash followed by his ever present Pikachu morph, Brock, Max, and May. Professor Oak had found those four heading into the Orre region drawn by the same rumors, and reports that had gotten him out here. Reports of nearly Feral Pokemorphs, barely controlled by their trainers, and willing to attack almost anything that moved. Wild and dangerous trainers, who used them, and worse still reports of a group called, Team Snagem said to out right steal Pokemorphs from their trainers in mid battle, and escape. This place had a few fuel pumps, And some a large motor bike outside with a side car attached. Beside it were two pokemorphs, Eeveelutions. An Espeon and an Umbreon, chatting away. Each one looking like they were enjoying the sweltering desert heat, and drinking on some ice cold drinks.

"What a dump." Ash said as he looked over to Oak. He was about 23, 30 years Oak's Junior.

While Ash's comment drew the attention of the other morphs they paid him little interest as Static his Pikachu said "No arguments from me Ash."

"Well we needed to ask for directions and I figured we could grab a bite to eat or at least something to drink." Oak said.

"Do you really expect them to have any decent food here?" may said always a bit picky about what she ate.

"Only the best this side of Phennec city." The Espeon said. The Espeon was dressed in Battle Attire. Tight fitting, snug clothes that allowed total freedom of movement, The groin areas bulged with the protective cup in his pants. They where colored with a silver and gold design. The Umbreon wore a similar outfit, but was gold and black, all in an intricate design.

"Oh yes non better." the Umbreon said smiling.

"Um ok thanks for the tip." Max said he was the youngest of them being barely 17.

"Hey guys look out there smoke."

Looking out across the desert landscape and to some hills in the distance every one's attention turned to the black smoke could as Ash asked, "what happened out there?" he said as the thick black smoke rose high into the air as the Espeon said.

"Oh before the owner asked me and Phantom here to step out side, we saw a report on the TV about that was Team Snagem's hideout, someone blew the place sky high, last I heard, It was all over the news."

The group left the Eeveelutional duo as they entered the stop. After parting the doors and began walking down to the main area, the cool air was wonderful. The place was fairly empty. Save for two runners who were talking to each other. The cooks behind the counter, and one other person. One who stood out in sharp contrast. A young man maybe late teens early twenties. He was holding a silver and gold male eevee who was leaning lovingly against his master. The large screen TV, was set to a news station which had a reporter giving a report."

"As stated earlier the large explosion in Elco Canyon was the result of a bomb exploding inside Team Snagem's Base. Reports are confirmed that one of the member's of Team Snagem was responsible. According to officials the blast was in the Lab where Snag balls were made. Utterly destroying the snag machine. However we have unconfirmed reports that a smaller portable unit is missing from the wreckage. This unit can reportedly instantly convert normal Pokeballs into Snag balls. Authorities are searching for this unit as we speak. This is Cindy Larson, Reporting."

"And we came here to help deal with them." Ash said, as the screen went black to a regular news cast.

"Well I guess who ever did it wasn't happy with the pay he was getting." a voice said with a smile. They turned their attention to the trainer holding the Eevee morph. He was dressed in a Black biker's outfit with A professional trainer's computer on his left arm. The silver computer was a sharp contract to his solid black outfit.

The computer on his arm ran up from his left wrist over his back if his arm. The large area over his hand held a number of Grooves and rivets.. A reinforced tube ran up his arm secured to his shirt and to a pauldron on his left shoulder. A number of straps held it in place and the cords ran down into his shirt to the main computer processor. With a smile he waved to the group to join him as the Two eeveelutions came in. Ash and his crew came over as did the Umbreon and Espeon.

"Name's Russell, This here is Bewul," he said hugging the eevee tightly and rubbing his ears getting a nice soft murr out of him. "My Espeon Katana, and Umbreon Phantom." the two smiled as Ash's Group introduced themselves Russell was pleased to meet the famous Professor Oak, and Ash's Crew. "Pleasure is mine to meet you, I have heard a lot about you Ash, about how you constantly keep foiling the plots of Team Rocket and such. So where you guys heading in this dull and desolate place region of Orre?"

"Well we came out here to investigate these reports of Pokemorph thefts and these reports of nearly insane pokemorphs." Professor Oak said as they sat down at the table as Ash ordered some Drinks for everyone. "Sadly we got lost on our way to Phennec City." May picked up.

Smiling Russell said "Well your in luck, if you'll wait maybe twenty thirty minutes I'll take you there my self. Waiting on my Bike to cool down and fuel up is all."

"Ok Thanks." Brock Said as they relaxed. They began speaking of Ash's travels in the Shinnoh Region when the news caster came back on.

"Breaking news on the Team Snagem Story. Reports are in of Three Missing Master Balls from the vault of Team Snagem. It is believed, the former member of Team Snagem, who not only took the smaller Snag Machine, Also took these three Master Balls as well. All Trainers are urged to be extremely careful with whom they battle. Master balls are know to be able to capture any pokemorph without fail. This is Cindy Larson, Reporting."

Everyone in the place was nervous, Save Russell and his morphs as a beeping went off, "Well looks like my Bike is cooled down and refueled Shall we head off to Phennec then?" Ash nodded as Static was clearly scared now.

"Ash I'm a bit worried, I don't want to be taken from you."

"Don't worry Static I won't let anything happen to you, have I ever let ya down?" he asked....

"Hey don't worry, Static." Bewul said standing up "My master is the best battler in the Region, and he won't let anyone take you from Ash." He said proudly as everyone stood up. Of everyone in the place only Professor Oak, and Russell and his pokemorphs were calm and collected, like they had nothing to worry about. Everyone else was nervous at the last report. This fact was not lost on Professor Oak.

The group slowly went outside as Russell pulled down his black shades and smiled "There is something ya need to know, In the Orre region as a rule battles are done two on two, for the most part. It's rare when people do a one on one here." and they nodded to Russel as he pulled out his Pokeballs and Recalled Phantom and Katana. Bewul on the other hand climbed into the side cart as Russell went about getting his helmet on.

Ash and the crew climbed into the van as they started it. Russell's motor roared to life with a great purr and a slight back fire as he revved it up and smiled. Looking back he saw the van pull up behind him as Russell plugged a jack into his helmet which held a HUD display from his arm computer, to help direct him. Finally with a final revving Russell took off across the desert. He would have preferred tearing across it at top speed but his bike would have left the van behind him in the dust.

The sun was close to setting as it set the desert afire in Red's, Oranges, and bright Yellows. The rocky out cropping made Ash and his friends gasped at the sheer beauty. The shadows, and the light would make all but the most heartless take pleasure from this.

It took only forty-five minutes for them to pull up to the outside of Phennec City gates. Outside there was a broken down truck smoking from the over heated Engine. Beside it was two men who where grappling with a bag of some sort.

Russell kicked off his engine and pulled off his helmet. Bewul jumped out of the cart as the van found it's parking spot and after turning off. Ash and his group began to get out. Being a mechanic Russell started to head over to the pair.

Ash's crew also began to come over as one of the pair, said, "Get a grip on it."

"I'm trying but it won't stop wiggling Folly."

Moments later a loud sound came from the bag as some one from inside yelled out, "Help, HELP! I'm being Kidnapped!" as the voice was that of a young woman.

"Oh shit that gag came. Hey They over heard Us." and they dropped the bag hard as Russell already had Katana's and Phantoms Balls in his hand ready to set them free.

One of the two smirked and said to Russell and Ash's group who already had their selected Pokemorph balls out "Consider it your own bad luck we gotta pound you guys into submission." There was Still over 40 feet between the groups as Ash's group was about to let out their morphs Russell held up one hand and said, "I'll take care of these losers." and as he pressed the release stud, out came Phantom and Katana who stood their ground already knowing what was about to happen. Ready to fight and battle.

Each one glared at the abductors. As one said, "Trudly I'll take care of him." And he held out one ball in each had as a Machamp, came out and pounding it's chest gave a mighty roar followed by a Salamance morph who extended her wings and hissed at Russell and his morphs as the group looked at each other at this point sizing the other's up.

Next Chapter
Chapter 2
First Blood
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