AGNPH Stories

Pokemorph World by shadowtiger


Pokemorph Colosseum 2: First Blood

Pokemorph Colosseum
Chapter 2
First Blood

Jessie and James watched as the twerp and his crew stood ready to lend support to the stranger and his morphs. Their eye on Static they also watched the Umbreon and Espeon pair as well as the Machamp and Salamance morphs. The ideas of stealing them firmly in their heads. The pair smiled and scratched the ears of Stalker their Meowth morph who licked his lips at Static more wanting the rodent for his dinner. For now they kept back to watch the entire battle unfold.

Russell on the other hand smirked at the double pair as as the battle was just about ready unfold, this wasn't a legal match so there would have been no issue with ash and his friends pulling out all their morphs and just pounding these two into total submission. And as the battle was just about to start, there came a scream from some where as a dark blue and black shadow had jumped out from the city and landed dead center between the four combatants as the female Lucario morph landed right in the middle of the combat. The Salamance, and Machamp recoiled as the blue eyed female looked at Russell as every one was taken back and with a single command from Russell the battle began.

"Sapphire Ice Punch Salamance! Phantom, Psychic Champ! Katana clean up." he yelled out pointing his fingers at the two morphs who were in shock. The Lucario morph spun around as her right fist glowed a light blue as she lunched at the Salamance. With a screeching yell she covered the distance in a near blink of an eye, as she punched the Salamance right in the face as her blue aura from her fist was discharged right into Salamance. The dragoness recoiled as she roared out as the ice cold aura was channeled directly into her brain stunning her as she was knocked back.

Phantom yelled out as he lashed out and threw how his hand as a wave of telekinetic force swept through the air to blast the Machamp back into the wall of the city gates. Both taken by total surprise by this third morph allowed them to take direct hits as the sheer strength of the attacks over powered the Machamp and Salamance. Katana's Eyes lit up to a bring blue as his own psychic energy filled the area as he was able to finish off the attacking pair. The waves of his confusion attack swept through the area as it finished off both the Machamp and the Salamance. Both grabbed their heads and fell back to the ground quivering.

Clearly out classed Folly and Trudly stumbled back as Folly recalled his Team, "Let's get out of here!" and the pair ran head long into the desert with out thinking. The group had been about to set their morphs free to capture the pair as Russell said, "Don't bother they'll be back soon trust me."

Turning his attention as a crowd came over to find out what was going on as the Lucario morph Cried out, "Master!" and she ran up to jump into Russell's arms as he laughed out catching his old friend, as people came over to help the girl in the bag. Russell also came up as Sapphire remained close to him. As the bag was finally cut open a young woman came out as she Stood up she Growled out, "Ok where are those creeps!"

Ash and his entire group heard that familiar voice as Ash blushed deeply, "Misty?" and as she turned around to see Ash she chuckled, "Some how I knew you'd be involved with my rescue."

"We aren't the one's who rescued you." Ash said blushing. The two had long been lovers before they went their separate ways to pursue their own dreams. "Uh this is Russell he's the one who battled those creeps." he said.

"And fought them with a skilled hand, I might say." Professor Oak said proudly.

With a flash of light appeared three figures appeared a female Salamance and a female Gardivor and a human trainer. "Here she is Rick." and they stood up almost ready for a fight when they saw Sapphire with her trainer and they gave a collected sigh of relief, "Sapphire you gave us a scare running off like that. Damn Russell it's good to see you."

"I'm glad to see you too Rick." Rick was in causal dress basically blue jeans and a denim shirt. His hard was dark brown and reached well below his shoulders. His Jade green eyes shined well as he came up to hug Russell tightly as the two friends greeted each other as he asked "What happened out here I heard Sapphire fighting?"

"A couple of guys kidnapped me cause I was seeing these weird pokemorphs." Misty said "And thank you for rescuing me from them."

"No problem, And what do you mean weird pokemorphs?"

Misty sighed as she said "I was in the next town over and some of the pokemorphs people was using had this weird Black aura around them." she was also holding her arm which seemed to be bruised badly...

"Why don't we get you to the Pokemon center and have that arm checked out..." Rick said...

"Hey uncle Richard how's it Going?" Ash said aloud when Rick turned his head he chuckled and shook his head saying, "Well seems today is full of surprises. First my old friend shows up and with my Nephew to boot, why don't we all get to know each other in the pokecenter while we let Misty be taken care of."

While Misty's arm had been bandaged up by the nurses for the sprained elbow she had managed the explain why she had been kidnapped. Apparently in Pyrite town she was seeing this black aura around some of the pokemorphs. Those same pokemorphs also were extremely savage in their battles more like with animals pumped up on rabies. Professor Oak, Rick and Russell as did the others were very interested. Misty was glad to be back with her friends and grateful for the rescue by Russell.

Rick was glad to finally see his nephew ash having finally been able to meet the young man. Introductions aside everyone had been a bit shocked to learn that Russell was in fact a champion in several regions. Holding the title of Kanto, Johto, and The Orre region. But that had been years ago, at 28 he had vanished at the height of his career some 2 years ago. They wanted to know where he had been all that time. Russell had been closed lipped, claiming he had under taken a dangerous journey and would say nothing more.

They also learned that Sapphire had been injured so badly she couldn't under take this journey with him and had been left in the care of Rick. She was clearly glad to be back in the care of her master. Given how she was pressed against his body nuzzling his cheeks and more or less just staying close to him. Bewul was a bit put off by her closeness, and was a tad jealous of her. But he carried it well resting beside. Bewul, Russell had apparently had rescued from an abusive trainer and he didn't want to talk about it.

"Well perhaps we should talk with the Mayor, I'm sure Es'Carde should be able to help." Rick said as the group nodded.

"If you guys don't mind I'm gonna stay here and spend a little time with Sapphire, Katana, Phantom."

They looked to their master as Phantom said, "Yes master." He was the more dominate of the two, being that his dark attacks where stronger against Katana, and Katana's psychic attacks wouldn't effect Phantom.

"Go with Misty and keep her safe. If those goons show back up take care of them."

"Of course master. Have fun." they said with a smirk as Russell held Bewul's arm as he had begun to move away.

"Stay Bewul." and he stood up as he let Sapphire stand up as he walked up to the counter to get a room for the next few hours while the group left the nurse directed him to the hall way where the bedrooms where kept. As Ash and his crew left to visit the mayor.


Russell, Sapphire and Bewul got into the room, moment later when the door was closed Sapphire pounced her master and pushed him to the wall pressing her lips firmly to his lips as his arms reached around to hold her body as he opened his mouth to allow her tongue to slide into his mouth and he pushed back with his into her mouth. Bewul gasped out as he saw the display of affection. He had known his master had owned another morph, and he took a seat as his hips squirmed some as he watched the display. Their hands ran up and down the other as sapphire worked to get her master undressed in a hurry.

"Oh gods master I missed you so badly." and as she got his pants to drop she growled out and once more forced her muzzle to his lips as she lifted up her leg and his erect cock strained as her hand wrapped around it. Russell gave a deep throated moan as they focused entirely on each other allowing their passion to grow. Sapphire grabbed hold of Russell's head and harshly pulled his face into her cleavage, thankfully she did not have the chest spike male's had.

Reaching up Russell took hold of her large D-cup breasts and gave them a nice hard squeeze. This forced Sapphire to lift her head and cry out in pure pleasure. She missed his touch, two years was too long. Her loins ached for his cock and she gasped out when he lifted his head and bit her right nipple hard and began to force her to the bed. Pulling off her nipple he held her breasts and then with a hard shove he pushed her to the bed. She panted out as Bewul moved out of the way as Russell finished undressing as she panted out as he asked,

"Is my little slut eager for her master's cock?" he asked as she stared at his eight inch long and nearly 3 inch thick cock as she nodded, "Oh yes master, Yes I need your cock, I need it so badly." and she turned onto her belly and began to rest on her knees and elbows. She parted her legs and lifted her tail up high to expose her soaking wet sex, and her tight puckered tail hole. She moaned out as she could feel him come up behind her as he pressed his fingers into her wet sex and began to finger fuck her.

After two years apart from his first and oldest pet, he took a hold of her hips with on hand and with his wet fingers held his cock and pressed it right to her slick sex pushing in deeply. And as his fat cock pressed into her slit when he took hold of her hips. They both issued a moan out in pure passion, one so loud that it could have pasted through the sound proof room, naturally they were beyond caring. Russell pushed into Sapphire grabbing hold of her hips and he pulled out and plunged deep and hard into her vice like sex.

Russell was in heaven, Sapphire's sex was like a hand as it rippled hard and fast. Being a Fighting/Steel her muscles were extremely strong and her slick pussy gripped his cock like a velvet vice. She eagerly pushed back onto her master as she felt his hands reach around to take hold of her large breasts. Russell's fingers took hold of her nipples nice and hard and began to twist and turn them hard and savagely just as she liked. She arched her back as she lifted up as Russell pulled her up by her nipples making her cry out.

Russell could feel her soft fur on his body as her body rubbed against his form and as he pounded deeply into her sex he grunted out as their passion peaked and as his balls contracted Sapphire came unable to resist the over powering pleasure as her body was racked with an orgasm of such strength she had not experienced before. As her pussy contracted and pulled his cock into her sex as Russell's shaft expanded and with his cock head pressed right at her cervix. As they orgasmed Sapphire gave a deep throated howl so loud it shook the room as Russell gave a cry of passion as he continued to hump and thrust into Sapphire through out her orgasm.

The pounding was savage as Bewul watched the entire scene unfold as they cam together and then as their passion abated he watched them sink onto the bed as he bit his lip and wiggled his hips feeling the arousal in his pants. As Sapphire panted out madly Russell started to bit and lightly chew at her ears as they collected themselves. She opened her eyes and Smiled at Bewul and looked at his crotch and said softly, "Come over here and let me take care of that." she said as Bewul's blushed deepened, but he nodded and came over to the bed as he allowed Sapphire to pull down his shorts and expose his throbbing erection. The cock was nice, large, thick and red as she took a gentle hold of his balls and moved her mouth to his cock.

Russell stopped trying to nibble off Sapphire's ears as he watched her at first sniff his cock before extending her tongue to allow it's tender caress over his cock. After running the very tip of her tongue over his cock collecting his precum she finally took his cock into her muzzle and start a gentle bobbing of her head and sucking gently on the Vee cock. Her tongue ran under his cock as she could feel his 7 inch long cock pulsing madly. Bewul had loved the passion and it didn't take much to get him ready to orgasm. When Sapphire's hand left his balls and then a finger shoved up into his bottom nice and hard he did cum, he gave a powerful cry and held onto Sapphire's head as his balls contracted and started to spray his sweet cum up inside her mouth.

Sapphire was in heaven as she got the hot shot of cum into her muzzle and gave a contented whine of pleasure as Bewul collapsed onto the bed as the three recovered from the pleasure.


Two hours later when the trio was fully sated, Russell and the group had finished their shower and clean up. Russell had changed his clothes, from the black set to a white set of clothes as he knew he'd be doing major traveling in the coming weeks, After all he was the one who blew the Team Snagem base to kingdom come, stole the snag machine which he was now strapping to his clothes. He knew a few things, one Team Snagem was working with some other organization and the Stolen pokemorphs were given to them. Two, Knew this group was doing something terrible to them. He'd identified some of the Pokemorphs that had been brought in from the various attack videos. Two years ago some unknown attackers had tried to take Sapphire, Katana, and Phantom from him which resulted on Sapphire's terrible injuries.

Russell had also suffered injuries, mainly to the head. In the hospital Russell had explained to Rick, they he needed to get to the bottom of the group and would leave Sapphire in his care until he returned. Russell pretended his head wound had seriously altered his personalty and used his middle name Seth, calling himself Seth Carter. He'd managed to find Team Snagem and join them but despite various dark loyalty tests when he made then pay for in the blast, he knew little else. At this point directly confronting these dark pokemorphs, and taking them from trainers who had them seemed the best way to get the main group's attention.

Misty now as he thought, she could help him, she could help him find them all and then outright take only those poor pokemorphs from the trainers who had them. As he finished checking his things, Pokeballs and such, he secured the Masterballs and prayed he wouldn't need them. The main question on his mind was how to convince Misty to help him with out revealing the full truth. Offering to help find out about these black aura pokemorphs seemed like the best way. He was sure she was able to detect them.

Sapphire and Bewul perfectly groomed and clean followed him as he held a box in his hand for Rick. It held nearly 50 gender stones. Stones that would reverse a pokemorph's gender. As he stepped out into the hallway Sapphire and Bewul followed close behind their master. When they got into the main lobby Russell smiled as he nodded to the group..."So what did the mayor have to say guys?"

"Mayor was in a meeting with some one from Realgam tower and it would be a while before he was finished." Misty said as she chewed on an Apple slice. Katana and Phantom and the other pokemorphs all out in a special rec area as those two came in. Static was by Ash as normal.

"I see, well Rick Thanks again for caring for Sapphire." he said and laid on the table a box. "Found these out in the wilderness. Thought you could put them to good use." he said placing the case on the table for Rick and he opened it up as the purple stones glowed in the light.

"You had gender stones! And didn't tell us?" Katana said as He and Phantom reached in to each grab one of them as the purple glow covered them both and their bodies changed from their energy as they turned from male to female. When the glow abated they stood their ground and checked themselves out. Where as before they had been male, Now the two stood there with semi long hair, and large D-cup breasts as they spoke and Sighed in relief. "Finally back to normal."

Each one held a large amount of physical beauty and retained a muscle tone with out sacrificing any feminine beauty. "Don't get us wrong master, being male was fun, but after 2 and a half years, it wore a bit thin." Phantom said as they both hugged their master tightly and he them in return. as they held each other Misty's dex went off, and when she answered it.

"Misty the mayor will see you now." his secretary said as the group stood up as they got ready to head out.

"Hey Misty mind if tag along, I've got an interest in what's going on around here. I came back when I heard of these reports of savage pokemorphs." Russell said with a little white lie. As the group stood looking at Phantom and Katana they smiled as Max said, "I thought your Eon duo had been females." he said blushing at them. Russell held up his pokeballs and recalled the pair as Sapphire smiled said hugging Bewul.

"Master I think this would be a good time for us all to get to know each other after a long time apart. And I would like to get to know this cutie better." Sapphire said with a wink and a girlish giggle Holding onto Bewul. Russell gave a laugh as he pulled out Bewul's and Sapphire's pokeballs and recalled them he placed them on his belt as the group started to head out to the mayor's house and office.

"Oy, I've not seen Sapphire that happy in a very long time." Rick said as Ash looked on with a bit of disapproval.

"So you make your Pokemorphs call you master I noted." he said, as Rick sighed

"Ash I told you about that. All trainers have their own style. And I told you he loves and cares for his Morphs every bit as much as you do."

"Then why does he make them call him master instead of his name." Ash said in a challenging tone.

"Ash you haven't changed a bit." Misty said, shaking her head.

"Ash if you want to challenge me just say so and we'll meet in the Colosseum, for a battle if you'd like." Russell said

"Your on." Ash said as Rick shook his head some as they got to the Mayor's house. As they stood on the terrace the door opened up Russell was up front with Misty and Ash when out came a very tall man. He was dressed in a combination of Black and purple as he smiled looking at Ash then turned to directly face Russell. "Hello there. I assume you and your group are traveling trainers yes? Well in a few weeks maybe a month the Realgam tower should be open, I hope you will all part take in the opening battles." he said with a smile. His eyes held behind his Glasses as his wild gray hair stood out in the Breeze.

"As for you, I have a feeling You and I will meet again in the future." he said coldly to Russell as he turned to leave out the western town exit for his vehicle.

"Who was that guy, his voice was so cold and heartless." May said

"That's Nascour, he's the guy running the construction of Realgam Tower May. He's worked very closely with the Mayor, It brought a lot of Jobs into the city. But I don't like him for some reason. Could just be cause he likes using poison and dark types. It's why he dresses like that."

Russell narrowed his eyes the face to him was unknown, but his voice was a clear memory. He has heard Gonzap talking to that voice many a time. And Now he knew who might be responsible for all these problems in the Orre region. The group turned their attention to the mayor's house and they slowly walked in to the place. As they came in Russell looked to the portly mayor who seemed very cheerful and happy as he said, "The Professor Oak, What a pleasure it is to see you. My name is Es'Cade Please tell me what brings you to our fair town." he said getting up to come over and greet the entire group.

"Greetings Mister Es'cade. I came out here to investigate the rumors of these savage Pokemorphs and their attacks on people." Professor Oak said.

"Oh My that is a terrible thought, more so if it was true." He said maintaining a Jolly nature.

"It's true mister Mayor. I was in Pyrite Town, I saw pokemorphs nearly out of Control. One even attacked their own trainer. They were like fighting machines, surrounded in a Black aura. In fact a couple of creeps ambushed me and kidnapped me cause I could see that Aura. Thankfully my own pokemorphs are at my grandparent's house."

"Oh My I'll Order an investigation of this issue at once. We can't let criminals do what they want I'll have some one Check out Pyrite Town at once. Miss. Now if there is anything else I can do for you. I have a lot of work tending to this young ladies troubles."

Everyone shook their head as they shook the Mayor's hand, "Why don't you all go check out the Colosseum and part take in a few matches or watch them while I make some calls." he said

"Thanks again mister Mayor."

The mayor nodded as the group left the building as Rick Said. "Well if you guys will follow me I can show you to the Colosseum."

"Sure thing." Ash said looking at Russell planning to put him into his place. The walk to Phennac Colosseum walked around a large Fountain in the center of town as it added a cooling spray to the entire area. Walking up the Steps and into the place Russell and everyone could hear the sound of battle as the Receptionist smiled "Hello there."

Ash was the first one up as he said, "We'd like to join in for a battle." he said pointing his thumb at Russell as the man smiled.

"I'm sorry a match is already under way. It's a 16 round battle. You'll need to come back later to register then. Sorry for your inconvenience."

Ash hung his head as Russell was eager to give Ash a thrashing to put him in place. "You know Rick might let us use his Gym for our match."

Rick shrugged his shoulder, "Don't see why not, Let's Go. You'll need to forgive Ash, He's very passionate about How pokemorphs are treated. Any thought of them being slaves turns him mad."

"I understand, Rick I do."

The group had just left an walked down the stairs when some woman shouted out and it caught the attention of every one as three brutish guys had just knocked a woman down as they snarled out, "There he is!"

And they began to approach The group looking directly at Russell. Rick swallowed hard, "They're from Team Snagem." That put everyone on guard as they noticed these three were staring directly at Russell who was checking his watch.

"You guys are late I expected you an Hour and a half ago." Russell quipped smugly.

"You won't be making jokes when Gonzap makes you pay for blowing up our base, and Stealing the portable Snag Machine!" the middle one said. Their comments shocked everyone when they looked at Russell who just Replyed,

"And blowing up the main snag machine and stealing the three Master balls from the Vault as well." he smiled.

"Now come along quietly Seth or we can do this the hard way like we want." he said as they each got out two pokeballs each while Russell reached for his and Rick stepped up beside him holding three of his own balls.

"Let's see you jerks try and take them from him, and me." Rick said as the place was cleared for a battle. Rick was pretty much one of the only law enforces in this small desert towns.

Next chapter
Truths and Secrets
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