AGNPH Stories

Equals At The Least by wara


Story Notes:

This story is effectively a serial, and will contain sex at various points.My last update was years ago. I hope I can get back into writing..

We're On The Road...

He wasn't sure how, but the walk to Professor Oak's lab seemed to Matt to be the longest walk in his life. Had they taken a wrong turn somehow? The road had never seemed this lengthy before. Regardless, with the rising sun shining in their eyes, Matt and Dratini reached in sight of the lab in due time. The sun behind it made it halfway to being a silhouette, and a sharp-edged shadow covered the road in front of it. Matt checked his watch: Unless it was wrong for the first time ever, the trip had taken no longer than usual. How was that possible?
Matt looked up with a start as someone called his name. Leo, one of the few new friends that he had made in the last three years, and Tida, a young girl who had moved to Pallet from somewhere called 'Sinnoh', were approaching them from a side road, eyes wide and smiles splitting their faces.
As was usual, Matt kept walking, and they feel in alongside him as the lab slowly got closer. Tida, who only came up to the bottom of Matt's chest, bounced around excitedly. "Hello Matt! Hi Dratini!"
Matt raised a hand in acknowledgement to her, and Dratini rubbed her head against Tida's hip. Tida squealed in delight, hopping from foot to foot, and Matt rolled his eyes. Despite seeing her nearly every day for the last fortnight, Tida continued to jump around estatically whenever she encountered the dragon. Matt pulled his eyes away from the short jumping figure, and saw no less than what he expected from Leo, who was staring wide-eyed at Matt, then at Dratini, who was in turn watching the bouncing Tida.
Matt waved a hand in front of his friend's goofy expression. "Earth to Leonardo. Come in please."
Leo blinked, but continued to grin idiotically. "Sorry! I'm so excited! I've been waiting for weeks, and we're finally going to leave on our Pokemon journey!"
Matt wiped his forehead. For some unexplainable reason, these two were among his best friends, despite them being three years younger than him, or four, in Tida's case. "Yes, we are. I was so wrapped up this morning I nearly forgot you were leaving too. So which starter are you choosing? Did you decide?"
"Squirtle!" declared Leo without hesitation. "I finally decided for certain yesterday!"
Matt shrugged. A quick glance to his other side showed that Tida had finally run out of puff, and was settling down to walk normally alongside them. Dratini was snaking ahead of them, eyes fixed forward on the lab. The small crowd gathered outside had noticed them now, and was waving and cheering enthusiastically. Matt grinned, his sense of pride increasing.
A sudden thought struck him, and he checked the time again. "Wait a minute, you're all out early, aren't you? I was expecting the place to be deserted!"
Tida answered this time. "Everyone knew you would arrive early to try to miss the crowd, so we all got ready early as well! Everyone wanted to see you."
"'See Dratini', you mean." Matt frowned, but at something else. Was he that predictable? At least the crowd was still tiny compared to what it would be when the throng arrived. "Fair enough, I suppose. I'm assuming there's a third trainer coming too?"
Leo shrugged. "I guess so. Not sure who it is, though. I'm not very good with people's names."
"Hey, that's my line!" Matt grinned as they approached the lab.
Tida piped up suddenly. "I'm gonna go watch from over there. Good luck!"
Before either of them could respond, she darted away towards the crowd. Matt blinked momentarily at Tida's back as Dratini returned to his side, and they approached the staircase together. Matt gave a quick thought as to who and where the third trainer was, but it was quickly wiped from his mind.
As they reached the base of the stairs, they stopped in unison. Matt looked up, a lump in his throat, and exhaled slowly as he stared at the wide double doors above. He listened to the crowd behind him, and shivered. He forced his foot to move, placing it on the first step, and Leo immediately copied him. Remembering a vow he had made to himself a long time ago, Matt quickly raised his other foot, and began to climb the stairs confidently. He started taking them two at a time, and Leo began to struggle to keep up. Dratini darted up the stairs with ease, sitting at the top and watching the two humans dash up after her.
Matt reached the top quickly, and Leo a few seconds after. Matt smiled to himself, considering his vow accomplished. Looking down at the eager crowd below, which was slowly growing as more people started to trickle in, he held his breath and spun to face the doors, which opened smoothly as they approached. Matt turned to Dratini, who was watching them with a considering look. Matt smiled. "Stay here and wait for us. We'll only be about 20 minutes, tops."
Dratini nodded and curled up in a large loop, watching them disappear into the lab with alert but patient eyes.

The inside of the famous lab was surprisingly roomy, and looked very comfortable. It took Matt a few seconds to remember that this was because it was also Professor Oak's home. Leo and Matt looked around at the assortment of high-quality machines, lined up in rows or with their own personal space. After following the only obvious path, they went through another large set of sliding doors, and both grinned openly as they looked inside.
Professor Oak was standing near the centre of the room casually, a cup of coffee in his hand. Next to him was a podium like-device with a hemi-spherical glass top, three Poke Balls arranged in a triangle inside.
Leo and Matt stood still for a few seconds, grins slowly fading, unsure what to do. Professor Oak took a sip of coffee, appearing to burn his tongue, before smiling at them. "Welcome. You're early today. I'm assuming you're the new trainers?" The pair nodded awkwardly, and the professor gestured them forward, placing the coffee on a small table away from the podium. Matt noticed a large cloth on the same table, lumpy with items concealed beneath.
"Well, then," Professor Oak smiled. "I guess you know what you must do. Select your Pokemon, if you would."
Nervousness written on every part of their bodies, Matt and Leo stepped up to the machine. Oak pressed some buttons on a keypad attached to its side, and the glass top curled away, sliding away inside of the machine. They leaned in almost automatically to look closer at the Poke Balls. The one at the back had a tiny fire emblem emblazed on its front, the left had a water droplet, and the right, a leaf. Grinning eagerly, Matt slowly reached for the ball on the right. Leo hesitated, and reached over Matt's arm for the one on the left.
Matt grasped the ball he had chosen, and lifted it out of its socket, pulling it close and hugging it softly to his chest. "Bulbasaur for me..."
Leo watched what he had done, and lifted up his Pokeball somewhat eagerly, staring at it. "I'll take Squirtle."
Professor Oak nodded with a tiny smile. "Excellent. Are you sure those are the Pokemon you wish to have?" They both nodded immediately. "Very well then!" Reaching to the small table again, he carefully removed the cloth. Underneath were a small stack of tiny Pokeballs, and three red devices that Matt recognised immediately as Pokedexes. A quick glance at Leo's expression made it obvious that he knew what they were too.
Professor Oak picked up two of the Pokedexes, turned, and presented them forward in his hands. "Here."
Glancing at Leo, Matt slowly raised his hand and took one. His friend waited until he had done so, and then took the other with shaking fingers. He muttered a small 'Thank you'.
Professor Oak nodded. "You're welcome. And..." He picked up a large handful of Poke Balls, and started counting them out in his hands. He extended his hands again, five balls each hand. " Your Poke Balls."
Matt took them with a smile, confident now. "Thank you, Professor." He glanced at the table once more, and noticed some long, belt-like objects that had been camouflaged by the brown colour of the cloth. "Um...What are those, if I may ask?"
Professor Oak turned, and chuckled. "Oops! Of course, I apologize. These are the belts for carrying your Poke Balls." He picked up two of the belts, and raised them towards the new trainers. Matt and Leo each took one, muttering quiet thanks.
"You're welcome." Professor Oak repeated. "Now, is there a third person coming?"
Leo and Matt looked at each other, and shrugged. Matt coughed and said "I guess so, but I don't like to assume."
"Fair enough. Then let us not deprive the crowd a chance to fawn over your new Pokemon."
Gesturing politely to the exit, Oak started to follow them outside. Matt took a quick look at the belt in his hands as the professor guided him out. Six notches, and a seventh placed further away for an extra Poke Ball. Matt slid the belt around his waist as he walked slowly along, and snapped the tiny Poke Balls into the notches, except for one, which he held tight in his hands...
He raised Bulbasaur's Poke Ball, smiling at the tiny leaf emblem, and felt his chest rising, like a great weight had been lifted from it. He hugged the ball to his chest again as the double-doors slid open, and they stepped into the sunlight.

Ouside, the crowd had expanded to beyond what Matt had previously considered the population of the town. The cheer as they exited the lab was incredible. Leo stared down at the mass of people, gaping, but still looking somewhat excited. Matt simply grinned at the attention. Professor Oak was blinking with wide eyes at Dratini, who had slithered to Matt's side as soon as they exited the lab.
Matt stepped slowly down the stairs, and Leo followed after a few seconds' hesitation. The walk down the stairs seemed as tense as the walk up had been, except much louder.
As they approached the bottom of the stairs, the crowd started to split into groups as it commonly did. Matt stepped straight ahead to the group that contained his friends and family, plus a whole host of other people whom he didn't know. Leo moved to the side, where his group, significantly smaller, eagerly waited.
Matt looked at the Poke Ball still clutched in his hands. His gut wrenched. He would have liked to of met Bulbasaur in privacy first, but there was no getting out of it now. He turned the ball around to face the group, slipped his fingers around the side, and popped it open. There was a long stream of white light, like a glowing, gravity-defying river flowing from the ball, and the figure of Bulbasaur formed on the ground next to him.
The crowd went estatic, clapping and cheering so loudly that Matt started to move his hands to cover his ears. He forced himself to resist for politeness' sake, and looked over his new partner instead.
Matt was taller than he was three years ago, but apart from the relative height difference, he could see no immediate difference between this Bulbasaur and the ones that had been happily taken by new trainers every previous year. The bulb on its back looked like a part of its body, to the point that it was literally impossible to tell where animal ended and plant began. It was looking with wide, curious eyes at the people in the crowd.
Unsure of what to do, Matt knelt down to the Pokemon, smiling to it as it turned to face him. It smiled back, sitting like a contented puppy in front of him. Not for the first time in living memory, Matt had to stop himself from laughing.
Dratini, predictably receiving a mass of stares from the surrounding throng, slithered slowly up next to Bulbasaur, and sang a short, perfect note. Bulbasaur turned to it, and muttered "Bulba?" curiously. Within seconds Matt realised that they were introducing themselves to each other, and he straightened, turning back to the mass of people. His mother stepped forward from the front of the crowd.
"Have you got everything you need?" she asked, looking concerned.
Matt nodded. He had already gone over his list of items multiple times at her insistence, and he had everything he needed in the bag slung over his shoulder. It fit so well he had forgotten it was there.
"That's good. Be careful, won't you?"
Matt smiled. He was glad she wasn't making a scene, but she was still obviously going to act like a normal mother. He decided to stop her from getting too worked up, unable to withstand the embarrassment. "I intend to be. We'll be fine. We're going to leave right away, though. Give Dane a call and tell him we've left, would you?"
His mother smiled wider. "Okay, honey. Good luck. I love you."
Matt exhaled uncomfortably, hoping the crowd wasn't laughing at him out of view. "Me too, Mum. Bye." Without another word, he smiled and turned slowly away. He looked down to Dratini and Bulbasaur, who had finished introducing each other and were now staring eagerly up at him. "Would you prefer to walk, or go in the Poke Balls?"
Both of them immediately gestured to the road, and Matt nodded. "Alright. Let's go then." He started walking slowly up the road, turning and waving to the crowd. As he turned back again, a voice suddenly yelled his name. "Wait up, Matt!"
Matt looked over his shoulder. Leo was jogging up behind him, Squirtle running on all fours after him. Matt was amazed the turtle Pokemon could run as fast as its trainer. It looked very strange dashing forward so fast, but it did give a good idea of the muscles that powered its short limbs.
Leo caught up to them quickly, panting slightly despite the extremely short distance. "Don't forget me!"
Matt looked back at the crowd again. Some people were still waving. "Sorry about that. So, Viridian City, then?"
Leo grinned. "I actually had a better idea."
Matt rolled his eyes. He already knew what the idea was. "Battle, right?"
Leo nodded enthusiastically. "Yeah! To, you know, mark the start of our adventure!"
Scratching the side of his head, Matt considered it. "I wasn't originally intending to battle so soon, but I think I'll leave it to Bulbasaur." He looked down at the Pokemon, who was gazing alertly at Squirtle. "What do you think? Battle or no battle?"
Bulbasaur jumped forward, giving a loud, deep cry. It turned partially on its side in an obvious battle position. Leo pumped his arms happily, and gestured Squirtle forward, who rose to the occasion with as much enthusiasm as his opponent. Dratini looked up at Matt, who smiled down. "Just a one-on-one. I already know you could win." Dratini nodded, and the pair stepped away to provide plenty of room for the battlers.
People in the crowd were jumping excitedly and advancing forward, realising a battle was about to start. A flurry of thoughts whized through Matt's mind all at once; Would Bulbasaur be able to win? Would he be too tired afterwards to start the trip? Would the crowd be impressed by a fight between two Pokemon so new?
He had no time to try to think of the answers. He needed a plan of attack. He stepped quickly forward and leaned down, whispering. "I'm confident you can win. Play defensively, try to dodge instead of standing through his attacks. If he withdraws inside his shell, get to the side of him before attacking any further. Be an opportunitist, he looks tough." Bulbasaur nodded in acknowledgement, and Matt darted back hurriedly.
Leo grinned as Matt retreated back, and took several steps backwards himself. The crowd had moved to them, surrounding them. Matt felt slightly intimidated by being hemmed in, but he threw the feeling off as Leo raised a hand. "Okay, let's go! Battle!" He dropped the hand like a checkered flag, and Squirtle rushed forward, intent on ramming his opponent. Matt inhaled sharply: Before he was even sure this was a good idea, it had begun.
Bulbasaur was more confident, fortunately. He appeared to have been expecting the charge, and playing on Matt's previous words, ran to the side. Squirtle skidded past where Bulbasaur had been, its momentum carrying it forward. Bulbasaur spun and began a charge itself, headbutting Squirtle in the back.
The crowd gasped in unison. Squirtle flew into the air with a cry, and crashed painfully to the ground at Matt's feet. Matt stepped back instinctively as it stood up and turned, a determined look set into its face. Matt bit his lip, hoping his new Pokemon would pull off another such stunning attack.
Squirtle didn't charge this time, approaching Bulbasaur slowly and warily instead. Bulbasaur stepped slowly back, unsure what to do, apparently suffering from a slight headache from bashing Squirtle so hard. Matt stared silently between the two, too nervous to give any orders, wondering who would dare to move first. He glanced at Leo, who was chewing his fingernails, with an expression mirroring his own.
Suddenly, without warning, Bulbasaur charged again. Squirtle had no time to think before it received another powerful headbutt, and for a second time went sailing through the air. It landed on its back with a surprisingly loud crash, and the crowd, unusually quiet to this point, began to cheer with deafening volume. Leo was hopping back and forth, calling to Squirtle over the noise and telling him to get back up.
Squirtle needed no encouragement. Rolling back onto its feet, it withdrew inside his shell, peering out the front hole at its foe, who was crouched like a cat ready to pounce. Matt looked between the two Pokemon, stepping to the side to get a better view. Squirtle was showing few signs of giving up, and Bulbasaur looked even more determined than before. Matt had no idea how long the battle might last before someone surrendered.
He got his answer fast. Once again acting on Matt's words, Bulbasaur moved to Squirtle's side, out of its view. He charged once again, and the shell went sliding across the ground, causing yells among people in the crowd as it shot towards them. Squirtle popped out and skidded to a halt, and turned to face its opponent again...only to once again be headbutted high into the air.
Matt couldn't help but cheer as Squirtle sailed through the air, landing hard on the ground on its front. Panting, the turtle laid there with half-shut eyes, no fight apparently left in him. Matt flinched as a sudden red beam of light struck the tired Pokemon, and the weary figure disappeared, fading back into the Poke Ball clutched in Leo's extended palm. Matt stood still for several seconds, listening with pride to the crowd's cheers. Finally, he stepped slowly up to Leo and smiled awkwardly. "That's that, then."
Leo nodded sadly. "That was a rather bad start to the trip."
Matt shoke his head dismissively. "Not true. It was a good experience for all of us, and one of us had to lose, didn't he? Besides, the crowd enjoyed it!"
This was an understatement. The throng around them was billowing with applause, for both the winners and losers. Leo looked up to the mass of people surrounding them and grinned. "Yeah, no kidding. Anyway, good battle." He held out his hand, and Matt took it, shaking it firmly.
Bulbasaur walked up to them, panting, the very definition of pride worn on its face. "That was fantastic! He didn't get a single hit on you!" He patted the bulb on the Pokemon's back. "It was a flawless victory! That could hardly have gone better!"
Bulbasaur rubbed against Matt's leg affectionately, releasing what sounded like a deep purr. The Pokemon suddenly glanced to the side. Matt followed his gaze, and saw Dratini curled calmly in a loop in the same spot she had spent the entire duration of the fight. She had watched intently and silently throughout the match, though had simply coiled up and observed Bulbasaur and Matt after it ended.
Matt gestured her to come over, and she uncoiled, slithering silently up to them. A tilt of her snout indicated a large smile, and Matt grinned as the two Pokemon started to engage in conversation. Deciding to let them talk, he straightened, and turned back to Leo, who was starting to look a little more cheerful.
"I reckon they like each other," commented Leo, unconsciously touching the shrunken ball on his belt, the water insignia clear.
Matt nodded in agreement. "So anyways, where to now? Do you still want to head out to Viridian City, or do you want to give Squirtle some time to regain his energy?"
Leo scratched his head dejectedly. "...Neither. I want you to head out without me. I don't want to slow you down. After all, you won, and you shouldn't have to wait for me because of that."
Matt blinked. "Well, if you insist, we'll leave. But I'll see you at the Pokemon Centre in Viridian, okay?"
Leo nodded slowly, sighing. "Okay." He suddenly grinned, still staring at the ground. "I'll win next time. This was a one-time occurence."
"If you say so."
Matt looked back at the lab, where Professor Oak was no longer standing. "Anyway, goodbye for now." Leo returned the fairwell, and Matt turned and slowly started walking back up the street. Bulbasaur and Dratini followed, still discussing whatever it was they were discussing. The crowd parted to let them through, still cheering. Matt was amazed that they had yet to yell themselves hoarse.
Matt waved over his shoulder at Leo as the distance between them grew. Leo gave a small smile and waved back, then started to turn away himself. A huge cry from the crowd indicated that the final new trainer had finally arrived, though the mass of people prevented Matt from seeing who it was.
Matt grinned to himself, and looked down again at Bulbasaur and Dratini. The conversation between them was fading, and Bulbasaur looked much more exhausted from the battle than he had previously shown. Matt clicked the leaf-emblazed Poke Ball from his belt, and held it in view.
"Would you like to go back in now?" Bulbasaur nodded with a smile, and Matt chuckled. "Okay then. Bulbasaur, return." A red beam fired from the ball as it inflated, and Bulbasaur faded inside. Matt carefully clicked the ball back onto the belt as Dratini drew level with him.
Matt grinned down. "That went really well, I think. What do you think of Bulbasaur? Like him?" Dratini nodded. "That's good to know."
They walked along the road for a short distance in silence. Matt clicked a second ball out of the belt, and presented it in its shrunken view in the palm of his hand. "Would you like to go inside a Poke Ball yourself?" Dratini gazed at the ball, considering, and finally nodded again.
"Alright then." He enlarged the ball and let it roll out of his palm, striking Dratini softly on the head. It clicked open, and she faded inside, the ball emitting a soft 'ping' as it closed.
Matt looked around as he reattached the ball, suddenly feeling more alone. He tapped a finger to the belt as he walked along, and smiled as he realised that he would never be truly alone. He kept walking along the road, the rising sun casting artistic shadows on the ground ahead. Viridian City wasn't far, and the day was young. Today was destined to become even greater than it already was. So much had happened already today, yet the sun was only just rising. And Poke Balls, what were they? Just a method of saving some of the Pokemons' energy. He was going to let his Pokemon see what he saw. In fact, he was already considering when would be the best time to release his Pokemon from their balls again.
Matt listened to a distant cheer from the lab, and puffed out his chest. Viridian City, and every other place he should decide to go, was to be his for the taking.
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