AGNPH Stories

Particular heaven or hell... How you like it. by uros


Fall Back (Retreat of the soul?)

Hello felas! Here I come! Uros is here again! XD Well, mostly, because I am Uros, but this time I come here like myself, Joel Gonzalez Fernandez :3 *bows* and with this new history, because, beloved friends, nothing is like AGNPH :3. So I am going to do this history, this time with comedy, with drama, with action, BUT WITHOUT SEX! *Some shadows appear surrounding him* I WAS ONLY KIDDING X3, MAYBE I can put sex... somewhere... I let you decide, but it is going to be less than in my first story, so everyone who replies, be warned, because this history is to make you laugh, cry or be really fucking hurt and wanting a fight XD So sex, ok, but not a lot (I lie awfully bad...) now, enjoy.

Oh, and I forgot, I am gona be here XD I can't help it XD, but I am gona put something I really like... Herms ^^, and maybe a few characters more than I have planed... but well, that is another history, now read, dam it X3.

Copyrights: Pokemon isn't mine, the characters ARE mine, they cannot be used without permission.

Legal: You know the legal crap, if you are under 18 blablabla... I am Spanish, fuck, we are perverted little things X3 we are human and don't like it too much, so enjoy this, do whatever you please, but don't say I didn't warn you with the things I had say up there *Points to the big speech upon "copyrights"*

Author's note: For everyone who remembers me, (something Dificult I think) I left a long time ago because I had a lot of hatemail and it depressed me... But now I don't care for the hatemail I receive, back in the time I was younger, it hurt me, so I don't care if you want to send it, but believe me when I say I can hurt anyone who send me hatemail with his/hers own weapons and rules, thanks to all for hear me.

Now, the story:


Zen woke up after having the worst nightmare ever, his internet connection was cut! Well, now what he saw was even worse... All forest! Not even a fucking cell pone... He was horrified, petrified, simply paralyzed... Well, you know what happen to this kind of person don't you? Well, that is all... But who is Zen?

Zen is a French guy, loves the web and all that has relation to it, also, is an otaku of pokemon, Digimon and dragon ball (also Rocket Man and super Mario, but he isn't going to admit it never).

Physically, he is thin, fourteen, one meter and half (Shorta), black hair in the left of his head and white to the right, with eyes of the same color, showing his personality as much as his... rarity.

But, oh, surprise, he wasn't alone at all, at his side was someone who he really know, his brother, Adrian.

Adrian was, or Zen thinks so, because they two almost never talk, a physical man, trained to be in the army, he loved weapons and hand to hand combat more than his brother could imagine.

Physically talking, he is big in all the meanings of the word, two meters, more or less, twenty years, dark brown hair, and red eyes like blood, a guy better formed than his brother, and with some aspects that his brother didn't have, mostly because he lives with his father at Spain half of the year, and in USA the other half... I didn't say it no? Well, Zen and Adrian's parents are divorced.

Now, after showing you all how they are and who they are, we need to focus in the important part... Zen was, and still is, in shock, his brother is unconscious... And mostly Zen (Because Adrian was KO) asked himself the question "Where the fuck I am?"

Before Zen know, the time passed and it was already night and he was searching for food wile his bro was still unconscious, in a place that he didn't know, at night, and with fear of what could happen to them both... Mostly, with fear of the night and the dark, but he gathered all the things he could need, and his brother too, like wood for a fire.

The last time he returned, a few meters away of the campfire, he saw his brother standing up how he could in that moment, he ran to help his bro and make him lean in the soft grass of the forest.

***Few moments after that...***

"So bro..." Begun Adrian "We are pretty well... fucked isn't?"

"As much as I want to say something logical about that words" Answered Zen "We are in a deep, black, fucking, hole... We are without internet, without any chances of any contact (Surely), and without mom or dad to help us".

"Bro..." Adrian comforted his brother with a warm hand... seconds before hitting his head with the other fist playfully "You are to cantered in the technology and that things, I am sure we can manage to reach a city or something, it must be one, or at least a village to go somewhere nearby"

"And how you are so sure?" Zen replied touching the spot where his brother hit him.

"Because I am taller, stronger, and older than you, and you need to be smarter than me at least" He joked... and after that, he began to snore, like this was normal.

"Now I remember why the hell we usually don't talk" Zen stated, and copied his brother, getting some sleep how he could.

***The next morning after a few fruits for breakfast***

"To the North little bro, always to the North, you surely know that don't you?" Stated Adrian going happy and with a good speed between the threes.

"I know that bro" Said Zen "But I am the kind of person who *pant* thinks... not *pant* runs... and *pant*... I am tired..." So he falls to the ground... not to much endurance for a geek.

"Bro... We are awake for... *He takes a peek at his clock* One hour and you are already tired? Military march isn't THAT tiring (if you had trained enough hehehe)"

"That is it!" Zen said abruptly "Every time you get near me, you try to throw the house out of the window! WITH ME INSIDE!"

"Hey! Bro, calm yourself, you don't have any rights to be angry in this day and for what I said"

"What!? I have all the fucking rights! All my friends are in their rooms with their computers trying to talk with me and have some fun with hour games and our things... And every time you come to the scene, you cut the energy to my room, make me train for some military and familiar time, getting me stressed and tired to death and with my friends thinking that my connection was cut permanently! And I don't care if this is not your fault, because I feel better now" He shouted with only one, large, and fast phrase without taking any air... but that was not the reason his brother had to be silent.

"Bro..." Adrian was afraid of what he was seeing.

"What now? Are you gona try and make me forget all this?" Said Zen making fun of his brother doing a few things with his hands... But they weren't normal as he saw after his clothes were simply shreds in the grass of the forest.

His hands changed to a black color with one ring in each, a silver ring in his right hand... or paw... well, them both, and a onyx black in his left "paw", also, dark hair was appearing in his arms, and expanding through his body and face, changing him. He felt his ears changing their sides and going up, extending themselves and with a pointed ending , he also could see (Somehow) how them became white with onyx rings in each of them wile his face also grew two rings, but two silver rings this time, the dark hair and a cat like face, also his butt was burning like hell when the fur reached that place creating two more silver rings, the burning felling suddenly exploded when a tail erupted from that part and break his trousers, a white long tail with onyx rings in it.

"Bro... what happened to me?!" Shout Zen looking at his new self.

"Well little bro... You appear to look like an Umbreon to me (a strange one nonetheless)".

Zen looked at his brother curious now, more curious than afraid of what happened to him (Or happy, he was shocked for now...) "And how the hell does, my dear brother who dislikes this things, know about the pokemon AND how they look like?"

"Well... I... Err... Isn't a bit hot around here?" Adrian replied looking at himself, Zen though that is was something to deny his "geek gene", but it end in a whole different reason.

Adrian grew a pale blue skin in his front neck, growing at a great speed and changing his as his clothes suffered the same destine as the clothes of his bro. His chest became pale blue as his hands, his netter regions and part of his arms and legs. The rest formed in a dark blue tone before his tail erupted of his back. He lay in his knees looking at himself... His hands and feet now were like paws and with claws, the last thing he looked at, was his tail, like a reptile tail, of two colors, dark blue up and a paler blue in the lower side... It was more or less normal until in the end of it appeared a blue flame.

After seeing his changes, Adrian touched his head and his back... He seems to don't find what he was searching for, but he still had his hair, so Zen asked again "Bro, how do you know how the pokemons look like... And do you know what you are?"

"I know it because I took a few of you mangas and doujins... And after that I became a dam otaku of pokemon, and, I am a fucking Charmander... Why can't I be like a Charizard or something like that?"

"Now I know where the fuck went half of my pokemon collection (and porn)..." Zen said... and remains silent for a few seconds until he opened his eyes like he saw a fucking phantom "BRO!" He shouted "We are fucking pokemorphs! We surely are in the universe of pokemon! I am so dam happy!" He was cheerful now... This kid IS weird.

"Bro... You look like a fucking schoolgirl who has just arrived to the cheerleader team" Adrian said getting up with his underpants (the last thing they two had for clothing), making his brother look at him angry and blushing "But you, (maybe, and with all the luck of the world in your side) are right, that, or that we are fucking dreaming, more possible if you ask me, so we are going to continue walking until we find a village, city, town, whatever OR awake".

And so they began walking away of that special spot where they changed... even if they didn't go alone... But now they had other things to worry about, like the things they were thinking, for example, Zen.

*Oh men! I do hope I can find pokemon or pokemorphs! And hot chicks! Better than the fucking college and porn!* He was thinking like a good otaku and teenager, wile his brother...

*This surely is because of Zen, I am going to hit him so hard when we met again after wake up, and even the true pokemons are going to feel the pain of him... I seriously hope for it, because I want to wake up... This tail is troublesome to walk with" Even with that thoughts, and with a lot of other things in mind... he feel something close to him, and it wasn't his brother "Bro... do you... feel, smell or see something?".

"Nope bro, if anything is nearby is your ego, your tail, and your beautiful coloration" Zen said teasing his brother.

"Ok little brat" Adrian said pissed turning and facing his brother "You are a fucking bag of... Oh dam it!"

Zen didn't know why he was putting now a strange face, with his eyes fully open and was stood like a statue, until he heard something coming "Cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuteeeeeeeeeeee!" And a big blue jaw clamped in his brother is head, almost engulfing it all.

Zen looked at the blue jaw... it was a Totodile morph, a normal one except for its back, it was empty, so yes, it didn't have anything there (No red scales, it was plain), something strange for a Totodile... But after that, he returned his sight to his brother (and his head) that was desperate to get rid of the little crocodile and its enormous teeth... He couldn't help it and fall to the ground laughing like mad.

Adrian was (And with reason) really pissed now, so he picked the small Totodile, opened its mouth and throw it in the shrubs (A miracle if you want my opinion), then he fell in his knees, almost suffocated by that "kiss", and swear to not be near something with THAT haws again in his dam life.

"Is that the proper way to treat a lady?!" Said a voice in the shrubs where the small Totodile was, a female voice for what I could tell.

Adrian regained his breath and stood up, then like it was normal, clouds appeared upon the two brothers and the rain begun, and then the Totodile returned from the bushes "You know, you didn't need to be so dam harsh with me... I only "kissed" you" She said and the guys now looked at her with attention.

She was dressed like a normal woman, they didn't know where she had the clothes, but neither of them could say the clothes were normal, only a bra and a skirt, but looked like old, or at least, in bad shape, aside of that, the Totodile looked gorgeous, young, good breasts, slender body and good muscles, also, her eyes weren't blue, but white.

"Well..." Said Adrian "I don't want to mean anything wrong... But I couldn't breathe, he, he... *Sigh* Sorry" He said feeling rater bad about what he had done before, Zen looked at him almost laughing, he knew how his brother was around women, human or not...

"Hmm..." The Totodile approached Adrian wile the raining was making her nipples go hard "Ok, if you are sorry... But around here in undies is not precisely going to do any good to any of us, your home is nearby?"

Both brothers thought how to tell her, and mostly, what to tell her, because, how could someone believe in their story? "You don't have a home, don't you?" She asked now, not surprised, they nodded "Well, come with me then, I am sure my parents wont mind having two guests"

So the Totodile walked and the two brothers fallowed her, it was like that for a few minutes, but Zen was curious "Can I ask you a question, Mrs....?"

"No Mrs. or shit, I am Nina, ok?" She replied fast and blunt.

"Ok Nina, who are your parents?" He asked again, now a bit more relaxed knowing her name, but cautious, because if he made her mad, it was going to hurt.

"My mother is Sidis Irian Laina, she is from the third city of Hardrock, in the middle of the island... my father, well, you are going to know him when we arrive, ok? And talking about that..."

The woods ended, and in front of them was a village, it was pretty and rural. Shops in the town center with a lot of houses surrounding them, also, a few houses where far away from the town center, they looked special.

One of the four houses was made in white stone and even as far as they were, they could see someone in t he ceiling, looking at the horizon. The second one was clearly the hospital and the third was the school. But the fourth was made out of metal, even with the rain they could see the reflections, then Nina walked towards that direction, with the two brothers fallowing her. They didn't stop until they arrived to the house, strange sounds coming from inside.

"I think we haven chose the better time to come... Get out of the way" Zen was in front of the door and Adrian was behind him, but when they head *Mega punch!* They walked away really dam fast, just in time because someone was throw out of the house, only opening the door, landing few meters away from them "That is my dad"

The guy got up and walked straight to them like nothing had happened "Hello sweetie" He said to Nina, her father was a bit strange, like a Vaporeon in most parts, but the end of his tail was different, instead of a fin, he had a mace made of rock and his skin was paler, almost white "Who are those two? They don't look like they are from here" He said, now looking to them.

"Oh, sorry sir, I am Adrian, and this is my little bro, Zen, we are... Err... how to say it..." Well, at least he had said their names, but it was almost impossible to believe the story he was about to tell...

"Let me guess... you are from Earth" Both brothers dropped their haws when he said it like it was the most common thing on the world "Uros �"sium Tókker at your service"

***Half an hour after the meting...***

The four of them where in the kitchen, Nina and Adrian were looking at Uros and Zen, because they were talking since Zen heard the name of Nina's father, Uros, and after almost half an hour of talk, they were finishing.

"I can't believe it; you had told me almost everything I knew about him... Err... You, when you put your stories in AGNPH and then stopped, also, you had told me a lot of things we talked about when I was in the other world, still, you say you aren't fully Uros?" Zen was amazed, he had talked with Uros in the past when he was in his world, and this guy, this Uros, was like the one he had knew, except this was a pokemorph hybrid.

"I had told you, I am not him, but I am him... Do you want me to put it simple?" Zen nodded, Nina and Adrian were also there, so they were putting attention to the two of them.

"Well, it is simple, look" He took then took a book "Think about you writing a story, you are in that story, think about... Kingdom Hearts, Digimon or something like that, but also think about this, everything you do, is created, a new realm in that world, in that universe, is created because you, your power, your imagination had created it, and also, a part of you had settled there forever" He then let the book where it was "This is the part of me who settled here, but I am not the one who wrote the stories you read, and neither I was the one you talked to"

"This is still a bit confusing I must say... But well, this isn't that bad, I am happy here and I have everything I need with me, also I have my bro" He said smiling at his brother making him a bit angry "But you don't have told us how you and your wife could have this child" He looked now at Nina.

"Well, it is easy" Uros's wife, Sidis, entered the room, a tall, about two meters and half, really tall if you look at her and Uros, she had almost seventy centimeters more than Uros, but they loved each other even with that difference. Also, she had the white scales in her front, but instead of having blue in her armored body, she had it red in his arms and legs and crimson like blood in the rest of her body.

"We are not in the realm of pokemon you know, this one is dangerous and have only five isles, this one is big and has three continents (parts of the island controlled by one or other race), and usually there are fights, wars and kills. Nina is almost twenty, she already know we are not her fathers, we only found her when she was still an egg"

Nina then stood up and walked away, going to the stairs that lend to the second floor, Adrian wanted to go with her, but Uros told him to stay "She discovered it four years ago, she took it really good, but she don't want to talk about it... Now, will you sleep here today? We have important matters to discus tomorrow"

Adrian stood up now, walking towards the salon "I don't mind, I am tired and want to sleep a bit, also, I want to talk to you tomorrow" Then he left.

Zen waited a bit, then talked "Tell me, Uros, why are we here?"

"Hard to answer that... Sleep now, tomorrow we shall see..."


End of the first chapter.

Nothing really special to say now, except if you want or don't want sex in the story, I warn you, you have seen the first herm in this story but you don't know it, if some of you want sex, I am going to put it, if not... hell, I am going to put it anyway XD But I would prefer for you to decide :3 Now, until the next time
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