AGNPH Stories

Particular heaven or hell... How you like it. by uros


Hard as reality must be


Well, chapter two, expect a lot of talking here and fighting, also blood and gore, mostly it is about story, showing you the characters background a bit... Well, what are YOU waiting for? Read the story dam it X3.

And by the way... possibly a few grammatical errors, but what do you want? Try to write something in Spanish and then you can critique me XD Constructive criticism only, that or you can send me something this long in Spanish :p


"Where, where, have you been if for you I must seek? Come; run, because the hunt has begun. If you show yourself my lips as red wings you will met"

Zen has been hearing that for almost two hours, more or less, in his head, he was asleep and then this little voice begun speaking, it was something boring and also awful to hear, because the voice sounded like coming from an angel, and then it changed to a devilish tone and also what it said, but he didn't want to remember it, not now at least...

"What do you mean by that?!" A voice asked, Zen knew it was Uros "We have lived here for how much? Twenty years?! This is not fair!" It sounded really angry, something had happened and Zen didn't know what it was.

So Zen got up and walked towards the voice, it was in the entrance of the house, there was a lot of pokemorphs, one of them was a big female Kangaskhan, she seemed to be important "I am sorry Uros... But the son of the Phoenix team has come and asks for you and your wife to go... or he will stop defending us..."

Uros changed the color of his body to red in what seemed pure fire, hate and fury "That dick! And you think I will take orders of that fucker?! Kaiser is no defender of the people; he is only a worthless piece of shit"

"But he is the son of our leader, Uros, we can't deny what he says or this place will be filled with humans in no time, and you know what that means..." She approached Uros and jugged him "I am sorry but you must go, understand it please..."

"I do... I do Gina" He jugged her back "But I am going to the tournament this year, promise me that you will wait in your old dojo, in the Sabana hill"

She gasped, and almost instantaneously all the people leaved the house as fast as they could "The last time you entered with a mix group... And you know we lost two friends there... You still want the three of them and try that?" Uros nodded to her "Ok, I will wait you, but you have to bring our friends too... And this time, try to have a back up plan... I don't want to lose anyone and you know I am not making you responsible"

"I know... But you do think that everyone will join us again?" Uros said, looking back almost seeing Zen spying, Gina didn't saw him at all "I mean, it has been almost eight years and most of them hated me for take them there after two years of training and then fucked it up"

"You know" Gina said, placing her hands in his shoulders "No one hates you, not now at least, back then it was mostly because you didn't want to admit it, that you had your part of fault I mean" Uros then looked at her with sad eyes, he had really bad memories for what happened "But stop talking about the past, I suggest you go to Armored City, Marta will surely join you if you hit her head hard enough"

"Thanks Gina, she is a good start, I will take Sidis and Nina, and then we can go to the dojo... But first, do you think I have to take Zen and Adrian with me? This may very well be dangerous"

"Of course it is going to be dangerous you silly head!" She said and took away her hands "But take them or Kaiser will kill them if he finds out who they are, now I must go, take care and come to Sabana in one piece and with our friends"

She then leaved closing the door wile Uros was looking at nothing, he looked sad and possibly he was. Then Zen tried to escape like nothing had happened, but behind him he found something really big, with the color, he already knew who was there "Hello Sidis... It is going to hurt?"

"Truly" She took him and then lifted him to face her "Spying isn't good, and it is worse if you don't understand what is going on" She then walked across the entrance and hugged Uros with Zen still in her arms "Guess who was hearing"

***After waking up Adrian and Nina, and also waiting for Uros to calm down...***

"Well" Uros said, his skin a bit black, as Sidis had explained Adrian and Zen, it shows his status, usually the mental status but also his health, anything black usually means something bad "As Zen had heard, I want to go to a tournament, it is called the Midnight Punch, because a story, and I have no time to talk about it"

Then Sidis spoke, continuing what Uros was splaying "This tournament is about everything in this land, the winner is granted one to three things, almost anything he or she wants, and then, the tournament is over for a year and the next one, another tournament, and so on"

"It is the only time we are in peace, but also the only time the teams kill each other in serious battle" He stopped for a moment and continued "Usually the teams send two or three groups, everyone with a max of ten fighters fighting one round each one, then they acquire points with victories or draws, a death or lose in the team means less points and less fighters"

Adrian asked then "Why are "we" fighting then? Three things anyone wishes aren't enough to put our lives in danger in a tournament that perfectly could be Mortal Kombat, if I can be a bit of a geek; this isn't precisely the moment for a fatality"

Uros laughed "Fatality? Here you aren't the player using a fictional character" He got up and walked until he was in front of Adrian "Here if you fuck up, you are D-E-A-D, and we are going for the same reason I had go so long ago" He then walked outside the room and a door was opened "To make the war stop"

***Two hours after the talk, in the fluvial port***

The village of Green Scales where they had been for the past day (Called like that because the stones here are like green giant scales) had a river near Uros's house, hidden thanks to the nearby forest.

The port was small; it had only a few boats for fishing and a pair of ships for the transport. The river was big and thus, the ship were small for a safe and fast trip, but they seemed armored... strange.

But almost none of the two brothers wanted to ask, they where there because they needed to, and it was better to not ask questions. Also, the brothers were now looking at themselves and their companions, for some reason, they were too nervous and wanted every bit of information, maybe it would help? They didn't know, but they wanted to be sure about everything and everyone.

Zen was dressed with shorts and without anything else except sandals, this was the only clothes they had for him and he would never change it if the purpose wasn't for him to wash them.

Adrian had his military outfit, camouflage pants and shirt, also a pair of combat boots, he needed nothing more and he had a lot of these things with him.

Nina had her clothes, enough to cover her privates and nothing more. Uros was wearing only a pair of combat shorts and sandals, he didn't want anything else. And finally Sidis, she had long trousers, heavy iron boots, a black shirt with the yin yang and a black coat.

"I didn't know the village had a river, we didn't saw anything when we arrived" Said Zen helping Nina with her bags.

"Don't matter; we have to board the only ship that goes through the river towards Armored city, the Ray Sun" Uros said picking everything, the ship was almost there "And here it is, take everything, we are in a hurry"

The ship then arrived, it was like the other ships in the port, but bigger and with even more armor, also, it has a lot of pieces that look older and really though with what you can call "war scars" and new pieces, added after the older ones had been destroyed, possibly.

"This ship looks like one made for combat, why is it one for passengers?" Asked Adrian when they were boarding the ship.

"Because we are always in danger, remember?" Said Nina, now running, she wanted to get a cold shower, being a greater part of water than anyone else in the group, she needed that "And because in our travels, something always happens, this is an adventure after all no?"

Few minutes after that, everyone had their room in the ship, a big one nonetheless, for the five of them, and still they had one or two beds more. Then, after preparing the room, Uros asked everyone except Sidis to go and explore the ship, leaving them alone of course, no one asked questions about why.

When they arrived at the restaurant of the ship, Adrian walked towards the deck with Nina wile Zen wanted to go wandering inside the ship "It is strange, you know" Said Adrian to Nina "Few days ago I was training, going out with girls (Please I don't want to offend you Nina), with my friends and being only a bit geeky wanting to make my brother angry and then make fun of him..."

Nina smiled walking until they reached the fore of the ship "You don't know how the life can change in a few days, hours, minutes... You are really lucky if you think about it"

"Lucky?" Adrian walked until he was at her side "Have you seen me? I was human two days ago, then yesterday I changed to a blue charmander, you bitted my head, almost chopping it of and now I have to fight in a tournament. This is like playing a game with only one opportunity and betting your hands, or being in the war..."

"He..." Nina wanted to laugh about that "You don't know how fucked your live can be, don't push it too far, because I have had worse things in my live than you, and my parents even more than me"

"Talking about that" Adrian faced her "Care to explain this a bit? I mean, the tournament, how it is and such, and then, explain to me what happened to your father eight years ago"

"The first thing is ok, the other isn't, I can't tell you, I hope it is ok with you..." She said looking at him and showing her powerful teeth, he only nodded "Well, the tournament is about one to one fights, usually at least, there can be two to two or more, but we can begun with the basic. One to one, everyone with their fighting stile, for example, my dad uses his own stile using all his body and his ice as a weapon, my mom is more about boxing with his venomous element and I am better with capoeira and water"

"So it is hand to hand combat like normal Pokemon? If it is the same here or your father has explained it to you" He said wanting to know more.

"More or less, but the normal Pokemon usually aren't harm as they use the attacks, not much anyhow, but in the fights in the tournament, death is something natural. About that, there are two kinds of fights: Hand to hand, unarmed, or with weapon. Everyone has a weapon within them" She then closed her eyes and berated slowly, making her breath flow with water, slowly forming two fans that seemed to be made out of water.

"Whoa!" He said looking at them, it was impossible, but there they were "Well... errs... it is incredible, I don't know what to say..."

She giggled and the fans disappeared "It is nothing especial, but only the fighters can do this, the 95% of the people on this world only can fight with normal weapons, and only 40% of the pokemons or pokemorphs learn attacks or are strong enough to fight"

"So you mean most of the people around here are normal people and they can be soldiers as much?" She nodded "Well, I don't think it can be that easy"

"And it isn't, like in the normal pokemon world, we have to win in the dojos to acquire Worth, more specifically, what we need from the dojos (Or gyms if you want to call them as usual) are the keys" She said, explaining it to him, but he looked confused "See, the arena where the tournament is going to be made has ten locks, we need ten different keys to enter the arena and fight, and we cant have any key repeated, because there are guards and we have to show them the keys"

"Making it short, we have to fight a frigin lot to get our hands in ten keys in this island to get going in a suicidal fight with other teams, and if that wasn't enough, for what I know about this, we are going to be chased for any of the other teams or factions, so simply" He said taking a moment for regain his breath "There is going to be blood, death and drama"

"Possibly, yes, there is going to be" She said joking, if Adrian knew her better, he could have seen that she had fear inside of her, but he saw something else, and Nina too "What is that thing over there?..."


Zen wanted to leave that two alone, he knew his brother didn't want to try anything with her, but only for now, he wasn't stupid enough to see that Adrian wanted to flirt with Nina, even if that would cost him dearly, but well, he needed to learn somehow that wanting someone with him always could be dangerous... And no one was better for that than Nina.

He thought that wile looking at everything inside the ship, mostly the people, there was a lot of pokemorph, a few pokemons and some humans (It was rare, but he found a few kids) and even as strange as it sound, he found a few digimons; they walked away in a few seconds with other pokemorphs and he didn't saw them clearly, but they were a Veemon and a Gabumon.

He would ask Uros about that in the future, but now he was lost, for his luck, there was a map in the wall nearby. He took a look and saw that he was in the second sub floor, he could see under the river, it was beautiful, so many fishes here and there, the blue water.

Now he also remembered what Uros said, he said he had lived here for twenty years, and the Uros he knew had only nineteen and here this could have forty? Maybe more... This place was weird and probably dangerous, and what was he doing? He was looking at the river, because it was pure, because he even knew that something bad was going to happen, but he didn't care, this place was perfect, a new home, out of the way of his parents.

Now that he thought about them... He remembered how they fought everyday on the phone, each of them wanting their sons, not for true love, even if they loved him or Adrian, but because they hated each other, only a matter of power, that was what they two were, nothing more.

"Excuse me" Said a cute voice behind him when he had already too much things in his mind "Do you know where Uros is?" Then he turned and what he saw let him socked, another digimon! This time it was a female Renamon.

As any other otaku, Zen likes Renamon and can give him a raging hard on, so it means that him, seeing one in front of him with her tits only covered with a little bit of clot and her fur wasn't helping in any way "Err..." He tried to hide his bonner "Well, yes, but why are you asking? And who are you?"

The female Renamon made a reverence "I am Yuni, a member of the Omen clan, I was a witness of the fight between Uros's team of friends in the finals eight years ago, my clan is one of the five greater clans, or teams, in this world. We..." She was looking now at the river "Oh my god..."

Zen looked at the river now; there it was a ship under the surface charging at the ship!


The ship stopped when the other ship hit it, but no harm was don't because it hit in the stronger part of the armor, not that it would matter because in a few seconds a great group of people begun to board the ship, they looked like soldiers with weapons in hand and military suits, ready for combat.

Then a guy in a black, he had like a amour, shiny and black and looking futuristic, but also a look of evilness, then the guy saw Adrian and Nina and as fast as he got to the deck he charged at them, the guy had a black mask with a strange crystal covering his face because it didn't let any of them to see his face, but apparently, he could see them.

"Nina! Long time no see!" He said graving her by the neck and punching Adrian in the belly, then kicking him in the head "I thought I could find him some of your father's friends, but look! What luck I have!" He then punched her in the belly a few times with strength enough to hear a bone break.

"Enough Ray!" In that moment Uros, Sidis, Zen and Yuni were coming from the entrance to the first sub floor "You want a piece of me? Then here I am"

"Oh, Uros! The great father and friend come to save his children! As he tried to save his friends" The guy, Ray, throw Nina out of the ship and onto the water then "You know I missed killing your friends, or beating you in the tournament, but I can change that now"

"You owe me Ray, you killed one of my friends, the Omen clan and the referee told you to stop, but you killed him, it is unforgivable" Uros took a combat position, it was a simple pose with his feet ready to strike or make a fast move as were his fist and tail.

Ray was only on standing there, almost ignoring him when a black figure appeared "Combat between Uros Osium Tokker and Ray Sainur Hardwall, stipulate the kind of fight"

Uros laughed "Hand to hand, to death" Ray nodded.

"Then it is decided, Uros versus Ray, hand to hand to death until one of you surrender or you fail to kill your opponent (Knock out), FIGHT!"

No one saw hi, but Ray kicked Uros's face throwing him backwards a bit, Uros looked at him, a bit surprised, but smiled and took Ray's legs with his tail, throwing Ray on the air, jumping and then taking his legs again smashing him on the deck of the ship.

Ray stood up few seconds later, like new, nothing had changed except the hit on the deck, but Ray seemed angry, because he ran towards Uros, a few meters of distance of him.

Uros saw him coming and jumped again throwing his tail against Ray, but he dodged it taking Uros's tail with his hands and then smashing him on the hard deck a few times until he throw him away, knocking him on the ground with full force.

Ray slowly walked towards Uros, he had stood up, but was a bit groggy, the blow had hit his head really hard and he couldn't see properly thus he couldn't take any action when Ray shouted "Impact kick!" And then a powerful blow was dealt to Uros's head, knocking him to the ground and leaving him without air, he almost passed out for it.

"Everyone look at the o mighty Uros" Said Ray with sarcasm and hatred, kicking him on the stomach "You tried so hard eight years ago and ended like now, in the ground, heavily injured and about to die, but lucky you, you escaped!" Ray then stepped on Uros's head "And luckily it only cost you a friend who took your place on t he battlefield, even with the Omen clan or the referee asking for me to stop and for him to retreat, it was simply so much fun..."

Ray kicked him again and again, making a sound of bones breaking as the other could only look at it, and not only Adrian, now better from t he hits, or Nina, now in the deck again, also counting on Zen, Sidis and Yuni, but also the crew and passengers of the ship, because no one had forgotten about the soldiers, and if Ray wanted something else after killing Uros, he could easily take it.

"You know you are a shit Uros" He said kicking him in the head again "You let your friend die at my hands, you let Sofia die! And I enjoyed it! And now think about it, because I am going to kill everyone here in the name of humanity. This is going to be the place it should, human and pokemon, your kind is a blasphemy to us all, beginning with your friends, your daughter and that monster you call your wife" He then spited at Uros.

Broken and hurt in will and body, he didn't want to fight anymore, he remembered his friends and how they died, it was his fault, he felt guilty and deserving a hell in life or death... But when Ray said that *your friends, your daughter and that monster you call your wife* another monster awoke.

Ray kicked him again with his right, this time in the stomach, or so he intended to do, but Uros blocked him and grabbed his leg and with a ferocious movement he broke it, throwing Ray to the ground.

Then Uros got up, standing with bruises, cuts and other wounds, he looked awfully bad but with red color, he resembled the hate he had for this kind of guy "So you were going to kill me hu?" He stomped Ray's left leg, breaking it like the other "So you wanted to kill my friends and my daughter?!" He took Ray's arms and with a powerful blow he broke them both.

Ray didn't seem to cry out in pain, not he was making any sound, and this wasn't enough to kill him or knock him out for the damage, but then he spoke "And even if you kill me, I will, because you fool, I can be resurrected, this was what I asked for when it was my turn, a machine to make myself "immortal" I will kill you, don't matter if you take me out once or twice, I will return and kill you, I will!..." He tried to speak more but Uros took a grip on his neck.

Uros lifted Ray wile waving his tail and dropping pieces of ice on the deck "You know what? The more times I kill you, the merrier, and another thing... You talk too much!" Then his tail changed, it was first like a mace but now with the ice it was like a giant sword, so he throw Ray into the air and when he fell a flash of light was seen; a moment after that Ray's body was cut in half in the deck, as gruesome as it would seem, everyone thought he had what he deserved, and also, his thugs and the ship were gone.

Then Uros felled and everyone ran towards him, in fear that he was too beat to stand conscious, or alive, Sidis examined him and looked scared, but she smiled "He is going to be fine... this is not the first time he do something like this, go to the room, for today we have had enough"

***End of chapter 2***

Well, it is it, end of chapter two, a lot of talking, blablabla, surely you wanted to go directly to the fight or you wanted to see some sex, well, WAIT! The third chapter is going to HAVE sex, a bit, not much, what is better is the story so please, read it, because I have seen a lot of people seeking only the sex or fights, I myself have done that a few times T_T Oh, and something new if you dont look at my user info: [email protected] for feedback or watever, send hatemail and it is only going to en in the trash to make beawtifull bits XD
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