AGNPH Stories

M.E.N.T.A.L. by xchainxxreactionx


Sense of Insecurity

I awoke in the same place from last night, my head down on my table. I lifted my head and drool strings exited my mouth. I wiped it off and went into Serenity's room.
I had nothing to worry about, she was still asleep. Most of the time I fear the worst, like my opponents I have beaten in my past may have had some kind of grudge against me and kidnap my daughter. I walked into the kitchen, the squeakiness of my shoes began to annoy me as I walked over the tile floor. I put some apples in a bowl and grabbed my knife from the cupboard. I sliced the apples small enough so Serenity could eat it. I set the bowl down and left it there until Serenity would wake up. I grabbed the remote sitting on my blue couch and turned on the T.V.

The news was on, "Today on MSNBC. Top story tonight: Local club hosts illegal fights for money retrieval. Witnesses say that last night, a man pulled out a Desert Eagle and threatened to kill his opponent. He was arrested shortley after he was transported to the hospital for a broken arm..."
I began to feel nervous, I knew that the competition was illegal, but I did not know if the people who attended in this deed would be arrested. I opened the door of the refridgerator and pulled out some milk. Then I reached into my cabinet that was already open because I forgot to close it last night, and pulled out some cereal. I poured the cereal first then pourd the milk, I just pulled out an unwashed spoon and began to eat the cereal. I took the bowl to the table in front of the T.V.

I heard a knock at the door, I groaned and got up to answer it. When I got near the door, I heard a clicking noise. I stopped in my tracks, I was very suspicious, plus very scared and confused. The knocking continued, more louder. I walked slowly to the door and looked out glass hole in the door, I saw a pistol in front of my eyes, "Oh shit" I whispered to myself, "Is he even here?" said a person sitting out the door, "If he doesn't answer, he is probably hiding, knock one more time" said another person. I ran into Serenity's room and picked her up, "Daddy?..." she said, "Don't worry Serenity, we are going out for a little while" I said. I ran to the window and looked for the key, "Mother fucker! Where did I leave the key!?" I whispered to myself, "Ooh, daddy you swore" said Serenity, "Sorry baby, I'm just in a hurry" I said looking around nervously. I fell too the floor and looked under the couch, "Thank God" I whispered as I pulled out the key. My fingers were shaking furiously as I tried to put the key in the key hole, "He's hiding most likely, break the damn door down" said a person outside. I finally put in the key and twisted it. I lifted up the window and jumped out, "Come on Umex, come here girl" I said waving my arms. Umex walked over to me and jumped over the window as well. I began to go down the ladder, but I forgot an open window is kind of suspicious. I closed the window, then I heaerd a loud banging at the door.

I jumped down the ladder and slid down with Serenity holding on to my back and me holding on to Umex, I was pretty crammed right there. We finally hit the ground, I let go of Umex and began to run with her following me, "Daddy, where are we going?" asked Serenity still holding on to my back, "We are going to Christina's house" I said trying not to sound nervous, "Yay" she cried. She always loved going to Christina's house to play with her 11 year old son, Albert.

I stopped running after a block or so, just walked normally with Serenity on my back until we got to Christina's house.

I rang the doorbell and waited for her to answer, "Why, hello James" she said, "Aww, look how much Serenity has grown" said Christina picking up Serenity, "I am now 5" said Serenity holding 5 fingers, "That's wonderful, come in, come in" said Christina. Umex did not hesitate, she walked in. Christina was always too nice, sometimes people would take advantage of her, she never seems to mind though, "I hope it is okay for me and Serenity to stay here for a while" I asked, "Sure, sure" said Christina. I walked in, she was very lucky to have a big house like this, I wished I lived like her. Serenity ran into Albert's room once Christina let her down, "I swear, one day she is going to marry Albert" I said. Christina began to laugh. She walked into the kitchen and opened a cupboard, "Want anything to eat?" she asked, "No thanks" I replied, "So...What's wrong?" she asked, "What? What are you talking about?" I asked, "Well, everytime you have to "Stay for a while" something is wrong, tell me" she forcibly said, "Okay, I'm in HUGE trouble" I said, "Sit down" said Christina pointing at her white couch.

I took off my shoes and sat down, "So, how are you in trouble?" asked Christina as she sat down as well, "Well, last night at the fight club..." "Oh, you STILL fight there? That's not good" said Christina interrupting me, "It's the only way to get by, I just got fired from being a pizza boy" I said. Christina made a small coughing noise, I could tell right there she was trying her best to not laugh, "Well, the person I fought last night got arrested for pulling out a gun on me and..." "He pulled a gun on you? Are you okay?" asked Christina interrupting me again, "Yes, anyways, I think he got his boys to look after me for revenge" I said, "Are you sure they don't know where you are?" asked Christina, nervous about this, "I don't think they even know I could stay here anyways" I said, "Do they have any type of Pokemon with them?" asked Christina, "No, I don't think people from this neighborhood use Pokemon to do their own bidding" I said, "Wait, how strong is your Umbreon?" asked Christina, "Well, I don't really use her for protection" I said, "I remember the last time I had my little friend, a Torchic, he was so cute and friendly.

We were the best of friends until he died in a Pokemon battle" said Christina, "He died?" I asked, "Yeah, apparently the other trainer's Mightyena took the battle too seriously" said Christina. She covered her mouth with 2 of her fingers, "That is rare for something like that to happen" I said. Christina got up and turned on the T.V., "Albert, come here and get some breakfast" said Christina, there was a little choke in her voice. I lowered my head for I was dreadfully shy when people were being kind to me, it was like my own personal way of being grateful. Albert walked into the room with Serenity behind him. Christina walked out of the kitchen with a bowl of cereal in her hands, "Don't spill it" she said, "Don't worry mom" said Albert, "Serenity, would you like something to eat?" asked Christina, "Yes, please" said Serenity. I guess my long hours of teaching Serenity proper behavioral manners paid off. Christina went back in the kitchen, a few minutes later she came out with another bowl and the same type of cereal and handed it to Serenity. Albert and Serenity both went back into the room, "James, I just wanted to check on how you are holding out..." said Christina, "I miss her very much, but I need to move on" I said, "That is good, don't live in the past, eventually it will catch up to you" said Christina, I was lying, I still was living in the past, I just did not want to show it.

"Well, I heard that you like to draw Pokemon, James" said Christina as she sat down once more, "Where did you hear that?" I asked, somewhat embarassed, "Steven told me" she responded, "Steven..." I said under my breath, "So, what species do you like to draw?" asked Christina, "I'm usually fond of Umbreons and Espeons" I said, "Is it true you like to draw them mating?" asked Christina, she began to laugh a bit, "Well, yeah" I said. Christina began to laugh louder, "That is so cute, how long have you been doing this?" asked Christina, "Well, I don't draw porn often, but I usually draw just Pokemon doing some type of pose" I said, "Do you have any reason for this?" asked Christina, "Not really" I said, "Well, enough of that, let's watch some T.V." said Christina directing her attention to the screen.

Later on, Christina was washing dishes, Serenity and Albert were still in the room, "I hope they aren't doing something they shouldn't be doing" said a voice in my mind. That really disgusted me, disgusted me enough to check up on them. Albert was just playing "Halo" on his Xbox. I remembered when Albert forced me to play Halo, it made no sense to me. Just some guy with a gun killing purple aliens and whatnot. Apparently I just kept getting stuck against the walls and the aliens would kill me every time.

I walked into the kitchen, "Do you need any help with those dishes?" I asked, "Aw, how sweet, can you put these dishes on the dish rack, please?" asked Christina, "You help someone that is not Serenity? How pathetic..." said a voice in my mind. She handed me a plate and I put it on the dish rack, then she handed me a glass cup and I put it on the dish rack, and so on and so forth.

After a few minutes, there was a knock at the door. A grave feeling went through my head, "I'll get it" said Christina. I was frozen, I almost told her not to open the door, but I couldn't talk for some reason. I walked over to the door when she opened it, there stood 2 men. One pulled out a gun and pointed it at Christina's head, "Where is James" said the man with the gun.

Christina began to panic and hyperventalate, "Lady, if you tell us where he is, I wont decide to blow your fucking brains out right now" said the man with the gun. She slowly reached her hand into a cupboard near the door and pulled out a revolver, "Holy shit!" I yelled as she pointed it at the man's head, "Lady, put the fucking gun down!" yelled the guy without the gun as he, himself pulled out a pistol, Christina began to cry, "You guys want me" I said, raising both my arms up, "Theres the hiding pussy" said the guy on the left, "Christina, put the gun down" I said.

She looked at me with her watery eyes and obeyed, "Okay, come with us" said the man to the right. I hesitated, I slowly touched my right pocket, "I still have it" I said in my mind. Quickly I pulled out my gun, "What the fuck?" yelled the guy to the right. Both of them pointed their guns at me, "Kill them" said a voice in my head, "No..." I replied in my mind, "Kill him, he threatens you" said the voice, "No, I was given the name M.E.N.T.A.L. for a reason, My Ecstacy NEARLY Takes Another Life" I yelled in my mind, "Close your eyes, Christina" I whispered, "What?" whispered Christina, "Close your eyes" I repeated. She obeyed.

I then looked up at the 2 men. They had a confused look in their face. My lips began to move up, forming a smile, "Oh jeez" yelled the man to the right. I pulled up my gun and fired, hit the guy on the right's leg. He screamed and fell to the ground. I quickly moved behind the wall. The other guy fired and hit the wall. I ran out and fired, hitting that guys legs as well. Christina looked up at me, panting furiously. I dropped my gun, "Well done..." said the voice in my mind. My knees hit the floor, "Oh my God" I said to myself. Christina ran into Albert's room to check on them while I dialed 911.

"We are glad you did not kill these trespassers" said a cop, "Don't worry about this, we'll be treating their medical needs, but they are arrested, we are not letting them out for a long time" said another cop. I listened to them without response, "Thank you so much, you saved my life" said Christina, "Yeah, but I am the reason they came here in the first place, I am afraid I am endangering you life, I must leave" I said, "But you have nowhere else to go" said Christina, "Yes I do, but I must change my apartment building, I just know there are more of them" I said, "You don't have too..." "Stop trying to convince me, I am leaving, end of story" I said. Christina's head sank in disappointment, "Okay" she said, "They know where you live now I am afraid, if anything happens, just call me" I said as I picked up Serenity, "Good-bye" I said, "Bye" replied Christina as I walked out of the door with Umex following me.

Outside, my cellphone rang, "Hey man, I got some back news for you" said Steven on the phone, "Get your things and come to my place, they are all looking for you, it is not safe for you out here" said Steven, "No, I am not endangering you too, if I really must, I need to get a different apartment to stay at" I said, "Good choice" said Steven. I hung up on him, "Where am I going to get the money?" I asked myself while looking at Serenity, "I can't endanger all of my friends"

It took me a while to decide, "I need to sign up for the Tournament on Sunday, but I have to beat 10 people to get to the championships. It's all too tempting, if I win the championship, I will win $1,000,000. It will buy happiness for Serenity, I had to do it...

By, James Williams
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