AGNPH Stories

M.E.N.T.A.L. by xchainxxreactionx


A New Friend

At a moment, I was nervous. I dropped off Serenity in my apartment and started for the club. The cold air rushing past my face made me feel good and yet, I felt sick. I stumbled around as I lost control of my body for a moment. Soon I found myself laying on the ground. I was terrified for I could not move a muscle. I knew no one was around to help me for I was in the alleyway of the Apartment building. My vision went blurry, I made one last attempt to get up, I failed.

"How long was I unconscious?" was the first thing I asked myself when I woke up, "Hey, are you okay?" asked someone, voice receding from my still regaining my hearing, "Hey buddy, wake up, please" said the person. I finally realized I had control of my body again, I pushed myself up to see a person kneeling down next to me, a caucasian man, very tall even if I couldn't see it since he was kneeling, he wore blue jeans and a black shirt and he had very long blonde hair and a small peach fuzz, "Ah, good, you are alright" said the person, he began to shiver, his eyes looked from side to side. My head was throbbing in pain, the rest of my body felt numb, "Hello" I replied, hand on my head, "I kind of thought you were dead there, got me worried man" he said, putting his hand on my shoulder, "I don't know what happened to me" I said, grabbing his arm and taking it off my shoulder, "No need to worry man, we are all friends" he said, "Could you please leave me alone?" I asked, "Sorry man, just wanted to know if you were okay" he replied, his head sank.

I felt a bit guilty about what I said too him, "I'm sorry, I'm just concerned about my safety" I said, "What's the problem?" asked the person raising his head, "I'm in a fight club, apparently when my opponent was disqualified for pulling out a gun on me, he was arrested and sent his boys to kill me" I said, "That's awful" said the person, "Oh, by the way, my name is Jason" he said, "Nice to meet you, I am James" I responded, shaking his hand, "That's bad, how are you gonna get out of this" said Jason, "I'm not really sure actually, the only thing that came too my mind is win the upcoming championship at the club, winner gets 1 million dollars" I said, " are going to buy a new house somewhere far from here?" said Jason finishing what I was going to say, "Exactly" I said, "Were you heading too the club now?" asked Jason, "Yep" I responded

I walked out of the alleyway with Jason following me, "Are you actually a good fighter?" asked Jason, "Well, I can tell you I don't fight like Pokemon" I said, "Uh, and how would THAT make sense?" asked Jason, he laughed a bit, "I don't know" I responded, felling kind of stupid, "I like you man, I can tell we'll be a great team, I'll help you in any way to get that money" said Jason raising his arm, "Thank you, I appreciate it" I said, giving him a high-five, "Awesome" He responded. By the way he said that, I could tell he was a loner.

As we walked across the cold street, Jason began to stumble around, "Are you alright?" I asked him, feeling a little concerned about this unusual walking pattern, "Oh, it's nothing, my legs just aren't shaped correctly for me too walk like a normal person" said Jason. I looked at his leg and to my suprisement, his left leg was bent a little to the right, I stared at it for a while, "Uh, what are you looking at?" asked Jason, "Oh, nothing" I said directing my attention in front of me, "I know, it's weird, I don't like people staring at it" said Jason, "My bad" I said, almost directing my eyes at his leg again. As we walking inside the club entrance, hidden from most eyes, the smell of marijuana became overwhelming even after the first few seconds of being inside, "Aw man, I need to get out of here, I am a recovering smoker" said Jason, "Don't worry about it, smelling smoke can't force you back into smoking it" I said, "I know, it is just not, well, it just makes me uncomfortable, "It is alright" I said again. Jason kept quiet after that.

As we walked into the "Fight manger's" office, a group of guys walked behind us, "Hey, it's M.E.N.T.A.L." said one of them. They began to laugh uproariously, "M.E.N.T.A.L.?" whispered Jason, "It is kind of like an annoying nickname for me" I said, "Do you actually have mental problems though?" asked Jason, "I am schizophrenic" I said, "Ooh, that's awful" said Jason. A weird feeling came across me, no one in a long time actually cared about my problems, even Christina in all of her sweetness never even cared about my problems, only problems that occured in the club, "You hear voices, huh, isn't that disturbing?" asked Jason. The people in the background continued going too their destination, "Well, it is like another person inside of me with his own personality" I said, "That is creepy, how do you live like that?" asked Jason, "I'm used to it, it can get scary and sometimes even annoying" I said, "I'm sure lucky, I never want to live with a voice in my head for all eternity" said Jason. I did not reply and walked into the office, "Hello people, what can I do for you?" asked a person smoking a cigar.

Jason covered his nose and I said, "Well, I would like to sign up for the upcoming tournament" I said, "You? Well, you don't look like the kind of guy who would even think about surviving in the ring with some of the freakiest people this world has ever known" said the manager, "Yes, but I actually have a reason to win that $1,000,000, I want a good life for my baby daughter" I said, "You think all these fighter only want the money? You're wrong, people like "Spear, Bandage, and Looter" all have reasons, the biggest reason though is Spear, he fights for that money so his son can get an operation" said the manager, "Even so, sign me up" I said, "Fine, your choice, I'll just need you to sign a contract, concluding that no responsibilities will be made by this club" said the manager as he pulled out a contract.

I signed it in a heart beat, "Okay, your first fight is with bandage, tomorrow at 7:00pm, but let me be the first to tell you, this guy is crazy. Literally he lives to torture, this is one crazy mother fucker, I can tell you that" said the manager, "I accept this fight" I said boldly, "Okay, okay, just make sure you are not late" said the manager, "Okay" I said, walking out the door with Jason following me, "Are you really going to go through with this?" asked Jason, "I have to, all I want is for my daughter to live a nice, comfortable life in a good private school, I wish her the life I never had" I said, "That is a great cause if you ask me" said Jason, "Thank you for your support" I said, "No problem, we're a team now, right?" he asked, "Sure are" I said, putting my hand on his shoulder, "And just so we can stay in touch, my number is 909 484-5488" I said(Still my current number).

When I reached my apartment, Jason was still following me, "Well, see ya tomorrow" I said. Jason did not move, his eyes were looking directly at the floor, "What's wrong?" I asked. He looked up at me, his eyes a bit watery, "I don't have a home" He said, "Oh man, that's horrible" I said. Jason began to walk down the stairs, "Wait Jason" I said. His head turned slowly, "Um, well, you can stay with me" I said, almost regreting it, "Really!?" asked Jason, his eyes lit up and his hands came together, I nodded, "Yes" Jason ran up and hugged me, "Oh man, you are the greatest!" He yelled. I felt a little weird at first, but I hugged him back.

As he walked in, his eyes were moving in all directions, looking at my apartment, "Nice place you got here" said Jason, "Daddy, daddy!" yelled Serenity as she ran towards me and hugged my leg, "Hey baby" I said as I ducked and hugged her, "Aw, ain't that sweet" said Jason looking at the both of us, "Hello" said Serenity, "Hi" said Jason, a little embarassed, "My friend is gonna stay with us for a while Serenity" I said. I looked up at Jason and smiled, Jason smiled back. I got up and Umex can down the hallway and rubbed her back against my leg, once again indicating she was hungry. I went into the kitchen and fixed her up some food, "Serenity, want some apples?" I asked, pushing the old bowl of apples that were now rotten from earlier, "Yes daddy" she said, "You got a very well behaved daughter, there" said Jason, "Yeah, I know, people keep telling me" I said. Jason began to laugh and so did I.

As I handed Serenity and Umex's dinners to them, I realized I gave Serenity Umex's dinner and Umex Serenity's dinner. Before they began to eat, I switched it up, "Okay, you can sleep in my bed" I said, "Are you sure?" asked Jason, "Yeah, just take a shower and I'll give you some of my clothes, they'll most likely fit" I said, "Bless you, man" said Jason as he walked into my bathroom. I went into my room and opened my cabinet, I pulled out some dark blue jeans, a white shirt and a black wind-breaker. I opened the bathroom door slightly and put in the clothes, "Okay Serenity, time for bed" I said, clapping my hands, "Aw, just a few more minutes?" asked Serenity, "Are you going to make me tickle-fight you to get in the bed?" I asked, "Yes" said Serenity, she laughed and backed up. I moved quickly to her and began to tickle her, she laughed and tried to attempt to run away, but I was to fast for her.

I just kept doing the same thing until she ran into her room. I picked her up and put her in her crib, "Daddy, aren't I too old for a crib?" asked Serenity, "I know baby, but daddy can't afford another bed right now" I said, "Okay..." said Serenity, "Go to sleep" I said, I gave her a kiss. I walked over to the door, turned off the light, and walked out. As I walked into the kitchen, I felt really dizzy again. I felt a bit concerned. I heard Jason turn on the shower as I sat down on my couch. My eyes felt heavy once more, I layed down on the couch, the T.V. still on and dozed off...

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