AGNPH Stories

M.E.N.T.A.L. by xchainxxreactionx


A Crazy Opponent

I was beginning to run out of breath. I finally realized if this continued, I would surely die. I struggled so much, trying to kick around and get myself free.

Bandage's eyes reflected one of a maniac's, then I asked myself a question, a question that just came to me, "Why was this guy released from the mental institude? Or was he ever in there?" The crowd began to panic, I heard some yell and some boo. Bandage let go of me, the sudden rush of air going through my throat began to choke me. I coughed violently, tears came out of my eyes and the referee began to count down from 10.

I looked up at Bandage, he didn't boast or anything, just stared at me. I could tell he was waiting for me to get up. I pushed myself up and prepared myself for what he might do. He did not attack, nor falter. I could sense he was not stupid, he was a very tactical man. He just waited for me to make the wrong move.

At this moment I realized, "If this is my first challenge, how much more tactical and brutal are the opponents yet to come if I succeed in defeating Bandage?" His appearance was still making me falter, I just couldn't stop staring at his purplish skin.

So horrible that I almost vomited. I moved slowly towards Bandage, he waited, patiently like a stalker at mid-night, waiting to strike on an unexpecting person.

His eyes drew more attention than his bands, skin, and teeth combined. His eyes were horrible, I just cannot explain the horror you can see through his eyes. He was a maniac, I had to leave it at that, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" yelled the audience for no contact was occuring at the moment, "They are rushing you to your own death..." said a voice, this one not Michael, occasionally I hear someone else, he has the voice of a grandparent, but even so, his voice was a bit more menacing than Michael's.

I recalled when he attacked me, his eyes showed no regret what-so-ever. No emotion for causing me unbelievable pain in these past few minutes. It was like he has done it all before, like he kills for a living or kills to live.

I finally pulled together whatever willpower I had left in my feeble childish mind and attacked. Before I had a chance to do anything, Bandage kicked me in the stomach. Blood and spit exited my mouth and splashed on certain areas of Bandage's face. He did not care, I was so sure at that moment he enjoyed the blood on his face, the pained expression on my face. Apparently he thinks his reason to live is to cause pain and suffering, I could be wrong, but I am most certain that is what I saw in his eyes, craziness, horror, and murderer. All these types of problems crammed into one person.

My knees hit the ground, spit strings stuck on my hoody and face, tears covered most of my face. My teeth grinned together in pain, it was all so terrible. I got back up, "To...get...up after...a constant...beating shows you have...the willpower...of a warrior" said Bandage, there was something wrong with his voice, he trailed off mostly and he talked slowly. His voice sounded like a demon's, like one that most stories would describe to be the devil's voice.

I proceeded, not giving up, "Whoa, Chain Reaction is showing a lot of stamina!" yelled the host. I wobbled around, my face and stomach ached, my right eye was bleeding, I couldn't even see from it. I slowly charged Bandage again, limping over to him. He tackled me and began to kick me on the ground. I kicked him off of me and jumped up. I ran over too Bandage while he was still getting up and landed a critical blow to his face. I saw that one of his small amount of total teeth has fallen out, since they were greenish-yellow, which pretty much indicates they were rotten that probably would've happened sooner or later.

He made this un-human like screech when he hit the ground. Again he jumped up before the referee could even start counting. At this moment, I could tell Bandage was furious, he looked at me with those menacing eyes and I looked back at his. He sensed fear in me, it was written all over his face, he grinned, showing his 2 teeth that remained. Blood dripped from his chin and onto the ground. We both stood there, staring at each other like we were playing the staring game. The audience became impatient. They began to boo and hiss.

I decided if this match really was to continue even though I was not in his clutches, I would surely die or get a concusion, this guy had way too much stamina for me. I had to drain that stamina from him, but how?

I charged him again, this time he charged too, I paniced and swung my fist vertically. I had too thank my reflexes there because I hit him again. Once he hit the ground, he grabbed my legs and pulled me down with him. My head had that weird feeling I cannot describe when it hit the ground. I grabbed my head and yelped. Bandage got up instantly again. The referee began to count-down for me. I got up at 5(I think, I don't remember that well)

Before I knew it, Bandage was charging me, this surprised me so I pretty much just stuck out my foot and he ran into it. His disgusting chemical-like spit flew and splashed all over me. I knew that I had more to worry about than spit, so I waited for Bandage to get up so I can make another move on him.
He got up slower this time, that must have really hurt him. Bandage growled at me and charged again, I don't think his tactical plans are working anymore. I attempted to vertically punch him when he came near me, but he slid under it, almost identical to limbo. I did not see what he did behind me, but all I know is that I lost control of my legs and fell flat on the ground. I got up quickly, only to be knocked senseless by a huge varietly of quick jabs. I twirled around and hit the ground again.

I was beginning to feel helpless for every time I attempted to get back up, he would attack me and send me on the ground again. Blood dripping from almost every corner on my face, I did not give up, I was running on pure willpower.

Finally I managed to stop Bandage from attacking me constantly, I kicked his knee cap and he went down, apparently I should've seen that he would come back up. He charged me once more, but this time I was ready again, I stuck out my foot at the last second and he rammed right into it. His face literally smacked against mine, leaving spit on it. I groaned in disgust as he fell, wiping the spit off my face. I prepared for him to get up as the referee counted. I put up my fists, but he wasn't moving. I was surpised he did not even try.

Everyone waited anxiously for Bandage to get up, the referee called the number, "6" He was down for 4 seconds, I was beginning to wonder if this was the end of the match, if I actually pulled up against all odds and beat a crazy man. Would that be a reality? Or will this turn out for the worse? "4" called the referee.

Knowing Bandage for this long, I was expecting him to come up enraged, with more power than before, his stamina was so remarkable I expected this from him, all I could do now was watch...

By James Williams
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