AGNPH Stories

Over the Hills and Far Away by megadeth425


Over the Hills and Far Away

I started playing Emerald again, and I remembered Caeser_Pallace7's Pink Pokemon. I wanted to do a R/S/E fic like it. But, because I didn't just want it doesn't like a Pink Pokemon rip-off, I decided to send off twin sisters, Jennifer and Heather, instead of just one trainer. Heather will narrate the series. Title credits for the series and this chapter go to Zeppelin. Also special thanks to Caseser_Pallace7 for Pink Pokemon.
Over the Hills and Far Away
(Heather/Birch/Jennifer Birch/Heather Torchic/Jennifer Treecko/Heather)

Since we were kids, me and Jennifer had always dreamed of being trainers. We used to have pretend battles in the backyard when we were five, brag about how great we'd be, and our father would sometimes take us out to Route 101 so we could watch him train his Noctowl. We were Pokemon fanatics, to say the least. At 15, we'd gathered an immense collection of stuffed Pokemon, posters, and the like. We waited so long to legally become trainers, and our sixteenth birthday was only a day away.

Me and Jen were twins, though you wouldn't guess it from looking at us. Jen was fairly tomboyish, almost never wearing skirts or dresses, preferring jeans and t-shirts. She kept her dirty blond hair up in a ponytail that poked through her baseball cap. She was slim, with a perky B-cup and slender hips. She was spunky and had an attitude. I had more of my mother's form, with round, scrumptious double Cs, and fairly wider hips. My auburn hair flowed past my shoulders, and I often wore tank tops and loose skirts. I was more of a timid, down-to-earth girl. Still, despite our different styles and forms, we were as close as siblings could be. We shared an obsession with Pokemon, listened to the same music, and did the same things. We were truly inseparable.

Which is why we decided to go on our journeys together. We heard of siblings and friends who'd challenge trainers in two-on-two matches, and we figured we'd be less lonely if we stuck together. So, we even decided to go down to Professor Birch's place together the next day.

That night, we lay on our beds, unable to sleep, full of joy, wondering what Pokemon we'd get, what adventures we'd have. Jen nodded off a while before me, but I couldn't get myself to sleep. There was so much to look forward to, so many places to see, people to meet, and Pokemon to train. I also looked forward to what our parents decidedly tried to keep from us for obvious reasons. Pokemon, both wild and trained, are often attracted to humans, especially women. Pokemon also sometimes give of hormones that cause an attraction from humans, though me and Jen needed no hormones. We'd both gladly 'get to know' our Pokemon better.

So, I lay there for hours, not wanting to look at the clock or out the window, just staring up at my stucco ceiling, wondering. I don't know how long I wondered, and I don't remember exactly what thoughts came through my head, and I certainly don't know when I fell asleep...

"Heather! Heather, wake up!" I heard calling to me. Then I felt a soft hand shake my shoulder, and I looked up to see Jen, already dressed, almost sweating anticipation. It took me a few seconds to know what was going on, but when I did, I lunged out of bed. We both cheered and hugged before I slipped out of my nightie and put on a white tank top and a matching pleated skirt. Mom and Dad came in to help us pack spare clothes and give us our birthday gifts. Two pokegear, a good amount of cash, and the money to give Professor Birch for our Pokemon.

Mom, already worrying, tried to cram some last-minute warnings as we walked down the stairs and towards the door. "Remember, girls, not to talk to any strange men, and-"

"Emily," Dad said, much to our relief, "They'll be fine. Girls, just call your mother once a day to tell her you're okay."

"Okay, Dad," we said together before kissing he and Mom goodbye. Waving, we slung our backpacks over our shoulders and walked toward his lab. We waved to several friends and neighbors before finally reaching Birch's lab. We too in a deep breath and walked in.

We hadn't expected what we saw. Scientists and breeders worked together, compiling information and reading reports. Computers ran through all the info and printed out long rolls of information. All that separated us from all the science was a secretary's desk, as we guessed they didn't have the money for a large enough building to separate everything. The receptionist, a clearly bored twenty one year-old who spent the entire time on the phone with her boyfriend, just shrugged us toward Professor Birch's office. We walked in, closing the door behind us and sitting down.

"Jennifer, Heather!" the professor greeted us. "Please, come in and sit." He pushed his papers aside. "Happy birthday to the both of you," he said.

We thanked him and took our seats. I looked around, and saw all kinds of posters and evolution diagrams. It was all so overwhelming, and I could feel my heart pounding in agony and impatience. Birch, a strong, fit researcher who preferred observing Pokemon naturally to reading from a book, was the go-to guy for a first Pokemon. He sold locally-caught Pokemon to young trainers-to-be that he saw worthy so they could go on their adventures.

"Well, let's see..." He began typing and running through what he had. "Oh, this is bad..."

"What?" Jen asked. We looked at each other, both fearing the worst. We wouldn't have to wait, would we? We couldn't! Age restrictions went from ten to sixteen a week before our tenth birthday, and we didn't to have it put off again.

"I'm sorry girls, but I don't have any Pokemon left that you could afford. I just have three Pokemon who were recently born, but they're far out of your price range..."

Me and Jen looked at each other again and out heads sunk. There went our dreams once again. Mom and Dad wanted us to get our first Pokemon from Birch because they thought trying to catch one without any protection would be way too dangerous. And now, we couldn't even have that.

"Aw, I'm a sucker for sad girls. Here's what I'll do. Since I didn't buy them, I can sell you the Pokemon at the regular price, so long as you give me something in return."

"What?" we asked. We'd do anything to get Pokemon, and if they were that expensive, at least we'd have different ones from everyone else.

"Well, I have a fetish for teenage girls, so if you two agree to do some quick sexual favors, you can take them. Hell, if you're that good, I'll give you them for free!"

"Jen, do you want to do this?" I asked. I'd do whatever I had to, but Jen stuck to her values; I just didn't know what they'd be for a situation like this.

"If you are," she said, preparing to unzip her jeans. "Do you?"

"Oh yeah," I said. We both stood up. "Where should we start?"

The professor slid down his slacks and pulled out his meaty seven-incher. He slid back in his chair. "A blowjob would be nice."

Me and Jen both approached him with haphazard courage. They say twins are mentally connected, and when we got on our knees in front of the well-built forty year-old, we knew it was true. Our tongues slid around his thick member like small Ekanses, writhing and sliding slowly. Our tongues touched several times, and soon his girthy manhood was drenched in our saliva. We slid our tongues in synch down his shaft, running them down and along his ball sack before coming back. We then wrestled our tongues all over his dick, all the while his hands on our heads, lightly grabbing our hair as he moaned our names. He clearly had it for young girls, but hey, we weren't complaining.

We continued the double blow job for about three minutes before he told us to step back and open our mouths wide. His hand came down and jacked him off for a few seconds before his dick twitched and the lonely researcher unloaded his cum on our faces. He let out a groan as he blasted our young, cute faces with his cream. Some flew into our mouths, but most of it hit our face and a bit on our neck and tops. We turned, and decided to give him a show by kissing, then licking his cum off our faces. I liked the taste. It was kinda salty, but I like salty foods. Plus, it made me feel dirty, which, despite my usually timid nature, was a major turn-on.

"Oh, girls...that was amazing. Now, I just want one more thing, and if you do it as well as you did the blowjob, I'll give you the Pokemon for free."

"What is it?" Jen asked, cradling his ball sack in her hand.

"I wanna fuck Heather. Jen, feel free to touch yourself if you want, but this one's all Heather."

"Alright, she said, a little disappointed. She went back to hear seat and opened up her pants. She stuck a hand in her panties and watched to see what they two would do.

"Just bend over on the desk," he said, pulling his swivel chair back.

I obeyed, standing up and then leaning over on his desk, my face about two feet from Jen's. I wondered if I could take him, but then again I'd masturbated with some fairly large dildos. The perverted doctor flipped my skirt up and pulled my lace panties down to my ankles, grasping my hips as he eased my pelvis onto his crotch. I felt his thick, saliva-coated head slide into my folds with little resistance. Still, he went slow, as no dildo could prepare my young cunt for him. My insides felt much warmer than when I used a dildo, and I felt a feeling that no dildo could ever provide. The experience professor, once up as deep as he could go, began to slide in and out slowly, pumping me up and down to accentuate his rhythm.

Jen sat in the chair, her legs on the desk, vigorously violating herself. Jen was a major screamer, and even a minute into it, she was already crying in excruciating pleasure. I wondered if she was faking, but I knew this wasn't the loudest she got. Her hand continued to ravage her pussy and clit fervidly; she liked it rough. She switched hands ever minute or so, sucking on the fingers of the other hand. You could tell she had a major fetish for things like that, because she looked like she was in a euphoric state whenever a new finger went into her mouth.

By now, Birch was going at a very good speed, thrusting in and out of me wildly. His thick shaft continued to probe my virgin pussy, pushing me further and further off the edge. Between my and Jen's double blow-job, his cum splashed on my face, and now his dick sliding into me, I wondered how much longer I'd be able to hold on. Bent over for a man almost three times my age, with my breasts pressed against a desk, my panties at my ankles, my face covered in saliva and traces of cum, and my sister fingered herself just a few feet away from me, I was a completely different person than who I thought I was. I was naughty; I was...a sex fiend. I was timid on the outside, sure, but a dick could open the door to my inner fetishes. I was just as dirty as my sister, was.

Jen, by the way, was still going strong, screaming shrilly at the top of her lungs as she continued to pleasure herself. Her breathing was labored and rapid, and each time she pulled her hand from her slick folds, it would be even wetter than last time. I wondered why no one had come in, and I guessed the scientists didn't bother paying attention to Birch's fetish for young girls. Finally, she let out an almost deafening scream as she felt her orgasm hit like a brick wall. She continued to rub her clit and finger herself furiously, taking it for all it was worth.

I was near the edge too, screaming my partner's name as his dick began to twitch slightly. I felt a sudden rush of euphoria as I threw my head back and let out a scream that my sister easily drowned out. My pussy clenched tightly onto his manhood, milking his cum out of him, forcing it into me. I felt it settle into my womb, and suddenly the worry of having Birch's, or even a Pokemon's baby, hit me. But right that moment, I didn't care, and shoved it from my mind. My breathing regulated as the doctor pulled out of me. All three of us sat, exhausted, in a sex-driven delirium. Birch, the more experienced one, recovered first, and went into a back room. I joined Jen in the seat next to her, pulling my panties up and fixing my skirt.

"That was..." Jen started, but couldn't even find the words.

"I know," was all I could muster. We sat; breathing deeply, for a moment before Professor Birch came back holding two red and white balls. "I have a Torchic, a Mudkip, and a Treecko. You can each pick one, and I'll give the other to my grandchild. And for what you did, I'll give them free."

We sat, wondering hard which one we should take. We both reached at the same time, me plucking the Treecko and Jennifer taking the Torchic. We high-fived each other before turning back and thanking the Pokemon professor.

"No problem, girls. Just promise that if you're back in town any time soon, you'll come visit. Oh, and here," he said, handing us each a sheer red blackberry-looking thing. "It's a pokedex. It'll record what Pokemon you see and catch. It's great for keeping track of stuff."

We thanked him once again before setting off.

We were about ten minutes into our trek through Route 101, and we were disappointed to find there were no wild Pokemon anywhere.

"This is disappointing," Jen said. "I expected to run into one every few steps. Instead, ten minutes of nothing."

'Then how about we battle?" I asked. "What better start than to see who's the better girl?" I grabbed my pokeball from the small belt I wore just under my skirt.

"You're on," Jen smirked, taking out her own pokeball. "Go, Pyre!" Pyre was her nickname for him.

"C'mon, Tree!" Yeah, I know it was a bad nickname, but I didn't have any better ideas.

Our Pokemon came out of their pokeballs. They stared at each other, with the same look of friendly competition I gave my sister. Then, they looked at us, and instantly they got other ideas. I now fully understood why Mom and Dad didn't want us knowing what Pokemon were really like; they didn't even want to fight! Our respective Pokemon advanced on us, and we had no intention on refusing. I slid my skirt and panties down, then took off my tank top, throwing both aside so I stood only in my bra, socks, and shoes. Tree ran to me, charging at me and knocking me softly to the ground. He jumped on me and planted a surprising, deep kiss on my lips. Its dick slowly slipped from its sheath. I knew he was too small for me to get anything out of normal sex, so I turned over slightly so I could unclip my bra, and then struggled to pull it off without knocking him onto the ground.

Jen, her jeans at her ankles, licked her Torchic's small dick softly as it wrapped its wing around it and pumped it hard. She winked at me as the small fire bird squealed his name and continued to slide his small wing over his smaller dick, motivated by her soft, agile tongue.

Tree now lay on my chest, with his three inch dick in between my luscious breasts. I squeezed them together, moving them back and forth slightly as my Pokemon did the rest of the work, bucking back an forth. The same naughty feelings I had when I was fucking Professor Birch came back to me, and I loved it. I wish I could spend the rest of my life on the grass with a Pokemon's dick between my tits. "Oh, Tree!" I cried as he sped up, moving recklessly, desperate to get off. "Treecko!" he shouted, blasting his syrup-like cum on my breasts, neck, and face. I scooped some up with a finger and moaned at the taste. It would go great on waffles, but that was for another time.

Jen and Pyre were finished up as well, the Torchic crying out in pleasure as my twin's tongue continued to dart delicately over his small, pink head. Finally, letting out a moan almost as shrill and Jen's, he shot his BBQ-like cum on her face.

"Call it a draw?" Jen asked with a smile, licking some of Pyre's cum off her face.

"For now," I moaned, still licking Tree's cum off my finger.

Well, that's it for the first chapter. If you want them to meet a certain pokemon/trainer, or have a certain pairing, contact me at [email protected], or leave a review if you're reading this on AFF or AGNPH. I'll consider it, just try and make it within two badges of current chapter so I don't plan too far ahead. Until the next chapter, keep rocking.
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