AGNPH Stories

The Stories of Xavier and Darius by xavier_blaze


Learning and Interacting

Darius walked through the door into his family's apartment. He slammed the door behind him, took off his shoes, and dropped his things on the couch. "Mom!!" yelled the teenage Arcanine. "I'm home from school!" He waited for a voice, but no answer. He went into the kitchen to check to see if his mother was there and to get a bite to eat. When he got into the kitchen, he didn't see his mother. He shrugged and went to the fridge. There was a note on the door. He pulled it off and read it:

Dear Darius and Xavier,
I'm out with the girls to shop and have some fun. So, take care of yourselves and don't mess up the house. I'll be back around Six o'clock. Take care -Mom

Darius chuckled. He looked back at the clock. It was three-fifteen. Xavier, his younger Growlithe brother, would be home from middle school, by four o' clock. "Well since no one's here," he said, "maybe I can get a little release." He ran up the steps and dashed into his room that he and his brother shared. He slammed the door and turned on his T.V./DVD Player. He lifted his mattress and withdrew a porno that he kept hidden from his parents. He inserted the disc and pressed play. As the porno began it should a female Ninetales giving a lap dance to a male Arcanine. Darius put himself into that position. He imagined Ninetales' tails tickling his clothed sheath.

His cock started to peak out of his sheath. He soon began to feel uncomfortable. He looked at the clock. "Three-thirty," he panted. "better hurry up." He flung of his shirt, his started to rub his furry yellow mane. He could feel the ridges of his abs. He became aroused even more. He knew his cock needed attention. He pulled off his jeans and threw them in the corner. His cock stood in attention inside of his boxers. He slowly pulled of his last covering and threw that in the corner as well. His canine cock was half way out of his sheath. He wrapped his paw around his semi-hard dick and began to go up and down. He growled in pleasure. His tongue flopped out of his muzzle. He began to pant softly.

In his blissful state, Darius was unaware of his brother, Xavier, entrance into the house. Xavier took off his shoes and laid his knapsack on the floor. He looked on the couch and saw his Darius' things. Xavier was a little pranksters, he loved pull gags on his family and friends. He planned to surprise Darius and make him jump. Xavier thought his brother was upstairs probably role-playing on the internet. "What a dork!" he thought. The young growlithe slowly tip-toed up the steps; he edged closer to the door. Xavier giggle like he was being tickled. He turn the knob and busted into the room. "RAWR!" He yelled.

Darius' pleasurable was interrupted by his brother. He turned and looked at him dead in his eyes. "OH SHIT!" He yelled. He yanked his sheets off his bed and covered himself. A wet spot soon developed near his crotch. The fur around his cheeks began to turn red. "Oh.H-hey X-Xavier!!" he greeted nervously. "What are you doing?!" Xavier replied. He too was blushing. He had never seen his brother naked before. He looked at the TV and could see the Ninetales giving a blowjob to the Arcanine. Xavier's pants soon began tent. "Where you pawing off?!" he asked. Darius blushed even more. Xavier turned off the TV and sat on the bed.

"Um...Xavier?" he said.
"What?" Darius said nervously.
"Could you teach me how know." Xavier did a pawing off gesture.
"Dude, your like thirteen, should you have learned how to do that by now?" Darius teased.

"Ha ha." Xavier commented.
"Alright I'll show you, on one condition!" Darius said.
"What is it?" Xavier asked.
"Don't tell mom about what happened, or about my hidden stash of porn!" Darius replied.
"Deal!" Xavier agreed.

"Alright, take off your clothes!" Darius commented. Xavier blushed a bit. "A-Alright" He said. He began to take off his shirt. His white furry mane was thinner and smaller than his older brother's. He soon to off his pant and boxers; his cock was hidden inside his sheath. "Let bring the little bugger out shall we!" Darius said. He started to tickle Xaiver's sheath. His cock started to poke out his sheath. "There we go!" Darius said. "Now, wrap you paw around you cock, then began to move up and down." Xavier did as he was instructed. Pleasure soon spread throughout Xavier's body. He growled in excitement. His cock came out of its sheath even further. Xavier closed his eyes from the pleasure he was giving himself. Darius eyed it to be around 5 inches. Xavier was surely bigger than he was when he was a growlithe. Darius himself was getting aroused from his brother's masturbation. Soon his cocked to at full attention, all seven inches.

Xavier opened his eyes and saw his brother's archood. He remembered what he saw on the porno and wondered what it would feel and taste like. He still would like girls of course; he himself had a steady girlfriend at school. She was a beautiful Poochyena. He heart started to pound more and more from thinking about her. But curiosity and temptation soon edged him on to ask Darius. "Hey Darius.." He said shyly. "What?" He replied. "Can I um." He said. He didn't want to say it, but his arousal made blurt it out. "Give you a blowjob?" Xavier covered his muzzle with his paw. Darius was amazed and even more aroused by the question. He began to lie down on the bed; he flashed his archood toward his brother.

"Go ahead!" Darius said.

The young growlithe crawled toward his brother and put his face near Darius' cock. The scent of male musk filled his nose. He could see his brother's cock throbbing. He opened his maw and slid the archood down his muzzle. The flesh tasted so good on his tongue. He then had an idea. He began to make his tongue dance on his the head of the penis. Darius moaned in pleasure. Xavier could tell his brother liked it. He could taste his brother's precum and Xavier loved it. Darius grabbed the fur of his brother's head and began to push him closer to his crotch. Xavier could feel the cock go further into his mouth. Xavier smiled and deepthroated his brother, and tried not to gag. Soon, Darius knot developed inside of Xavier's mouth. Xavier put force on the mouth with his tongue, which made Darius moan even louder.

"Xavier...*moan*..." He said. "I'm....*moan* cum!" Darius soon howled into the air. His seed flew down his brother's throat. Xavier tired not to gag, the white salty liquid tasted bitter, but still sweet. Cum flooded the sides of his muzzle. Xavier soon released his oral grip on Darius. Darius' cock slowly retreated back into its protective furry covering. "Oh my god," he exclaimed. "That felt better than any paw off I had!!" Xavier began to laugh. Darius' could see his brother's cock still hard and throbbing.."Xavier, let's do something else." He suggested. "Like what?" he answered.

Darius got up and put got on all fours showing his virgin tailhole. "Lift my tail up and put in your cock." He said. Xavier was too aroused to deny. He got up quickly. He was about to mount his brother until Darius protested. "Wait!!" Darius exclaimed. He reached for his dresser and tossed Xavier the lube. "Rub it on your dick, then finger it up my ass" He explained. Xavier rubbed the lube on his younr growlithe cock, and then stuck two digits up Darius' tailhole. Darius growled in delight as the fingers poked his prostate. Darius loved the feeling, even though he was straight.

After Darius and Xavier were well lubed, Xavier poked his dick near the arcanine's tailhole. Darius growled in pleasure. "Go ahead and do it." He said, begging for more. Xavier slowly pushed his cock into Darius. The warm feeling of his anus felt so good. Xavier growled in pleasure along with his brother. He started to pump in and out of his brother's tailhole. Darius soon was aroused again and his cock began to sneak out of his sheath. Xavier saw the red member and began to rub it. Darius' tongue flopped to the side of his muzzle. "Oh god...Keep going Xavier...harder....HARDER!" He yelled.

Xavier began to furiously pound his brother's ass and rub his dick in rhythm. His sack slapped against Darius'. He shoved his cock all the way up Darius' ass. Darius winced in pain and growled in pleasure. Xavier's knot began to develop. It popped in and out of the tailhole. It soon got too big to pull out and Xavier just started to pump inward further and further. Xavier couldn't hold it anymore. He pumped in one last time and seed splashed against his brother's anal walls. Darius felt the hot spooge released, he had it. He released his second orgasm all over his sheets. They both plopped on the bed; they were pant from the work they'd done. The smell of musk, sweat, and cum filled the air.

Xavier tried to pull himself out of Darius, but his knot had tied them together. "Meh, that's a little advantage, we canine Pokémon have." He explained. "After we mate, we tie to our partner, to make sure we fertilize them."

Xavier looked at the clock, five-thirty. He began to panic. "What if mom catches us like this!" he yelled frantically. "Don't worry," Darius explained. Darius got up, lifted his brother, and walked to the door. He opened it and placed on sign on the doorknob. "Let lying dogs sleep." it said. He soon shut and locked the door. Darius hoped back it his bed.

"We'll go to sleep," He said. "By the time we wake up, we'll be untied."

Xavier looked at the door. "Do you really think that will work?" Xavier asked with a tone of annoyance.

"Trust me," Darius replied. "It always does." Xavier was to tired to argue. He soon drifted off to sleep, he brother followed suit.
Around 6:15, they're mother entered the house. He threw her purse and keys on the table. She saw her children's stuff and walked up the steps. Luckily, the scent of male seed and sweat had died in the room, so she couldn't smell it. She started for the doorknob, but she then saw the sign. She went to her room, she need sleep aswell. She closed and locked her bedroom door.

As they slept, Xavier's cock retreated back to its shealth. They were sleeping in a loving brotherly embrace. They felt warm in each other grasp. They slept for the rest of the day.

I hope you like my first story. More will come soon. XD

Chapter End Notes:

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended, and is applicable for all consecutive chapters that follow.

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