AGNPH Stories

Aschu Season by chase



Ash awaited his fourteenth birthday along with the anniversary of the day that he met pikachu when his career as a poke'mon trainer first began. Since then, Ash competed in various competitions, captured poke'mon from different regions, and recently aided the police force in disbanding Team Rocket permanently. Many people also recognized Ash as the boy who saved the world from peril on multiple occasions and pikachu shared a portion of that fame. Yes, Ash's past few years brought him fame as the world recognized him as a true poke'mon master. However, Ash refused all of the sponsorship offers he received due to his fame because he explained to the media that true poke'mon training was an experience that people simply could not buy with money.

Currently, both Ash and Pikachu traveled along a dirt road situated in the center of a rather large meadow of tall grass, various flowers, and occasional trees. The sky looked full of darkening clouds as Ash suspected rain to occur at any moment because the surrounding air felt lukewarm and he detected a scent of rain within the surrounding moist air. Fortunately, Ash kept a raincoat in his backpack and decided to wear it only after he felt the first drop of rain fall from the sky and hit him. Meanwhile, rather than his current position on Ash's shoulder, Pikachu walked on all fours on the dirt path inches in front of Ash, looking rather depressed.

Pikachu almost always sat atop Ash's shoulder while walking and usually appeared content except during one time of the year. Ash noticed and recognized Pikachu's strange behavior as a need to mate and Ash hardly knew the pleasures that sex brought a male because he only knew how to masturbate since he was far too young for sex. Ash failed to understand the mating habits of poke'mon completely, but Ash promised Pikachu earlier to find him a mate. Unfortunately, even with the promise, Pikachu always seemed very depressed whenever his mating season arrived.

Ash allowed Pikachu a mate every year since his eleventh birthday when Brock explained to him about poke'mon mating as well as human sex. However, Pikachu wanted more than simple sexual pleasure, he wanted a lifelong mate. Sadly enough, none of the previous compatible poke'mon Pikachu mated with felt interested in committing themselves to him. As Pikachu's best friend Ash wanted to help fulfill Pikachu's desire for a lifelong mate and knew that he could probably purchase another pikachu for Pikachu, but that meant breaking the law. Besides, Ash knew that buying Pikachu a mate hardly differed from paying a prostitute to fuck him and that buying pikachu a mate would only result in a meaningless and unhappy relationship for Pikachu.

"Don't worry buddy, we will definitely find you a loving mate this year, that's a promise!" Ash exclaimed in assurance and pikachu turned to face him before smiling.

"Hey, Ash!" Someone suddenly shouted from behind and Ash recognized the name as it belonged to one of his friends. "I knew it was you!" Richie shouted and Ash turned around to face him as Richie ran forward with Sparky, Richie's pikachu.

Richie and Sparky eventually caught up to Ash and Pikachu as Pikachu turned around to face the other poke'mon trainer and Sparky. Almost immediately afterward, the suddenly excited pikachus began exchanging words with each other as Ash and Richie decided to have a conversation of their own. "Hey Richie, it's been awhile," Ash said.

"Yeah, it's been at least a year since we last saw each other, but it feels like you are everywhere with you being famous and all," Richie replied.

"You are famous too," Ash pointed out. "You just need to be at the right place at the right time to save the world from near-assured destruction a few times to become as famous as I am." Ash said jokingly and both he and Richie laughed for a few seconds. "So, what are you up to?" Ash asked.

"Sparky needs a mate badly and no matter how many times I've tried, I cannot find a permanent mate for him," Richie truthfully admitted.

"You too huh?" Ash sated.

"What do you mean?" Richie asked.

"Isn't it obvious?" Ash rhetorically asked. "Pikachu hasn't been able to find a lifelong mate either and I doubt he would enjoy a relationship with Sparky since they are both males and neither of them are gay," Ash said. "I am heading to Pallet Town and I am keeping my eyes open for any female pikachus, wild or tame," Ash explained.

"Hey, I am going to Pallet Town too because Brock promised to meet me there and help Sparky with his mating problem," Richie announced.

"Wow, I didn't know Brock was visiting Pallet Town too," Ash replied, "I wonder how he's doing these days, I haven't seen him in months," Ash stated.

"Yeah, it should be fun," Richie commented. "Hey, since we are going the same way, do you mind if Sparky and I join you and Pikachu?" Richie asked.

"I don't mind, in fact it sounds like fun," Ash replied. "What do you think Pikachu?"

"Pi-Pikachu!" Pikachu stated happily.

"Pikachu certainly likes the idea of having company," Ash said and after they agreed to travel as a group, Ash and Richie resumed their journey together with their pikachus, exchanging words along the way.


Nearly an hour passed since the two trainers decided to travel together and their conversation suddenly stopped when they heard the loud horn of an oncoming truck coming from behind. The two trainers and their pikachus moved to one side of the road and continued walking forward, stopping for nothing, including vehicles. When they moved away from the road, the engine of the truck roared as the vehicle accelerated and quickly caught up with the trainers. Instead of slowing down and stopping to offer the trainers a ride, the truck sped past them. The truck was an old pickup with nearly its entire body covered in rust rather than paint.

Various boxes and chests overfilled the back of the truck and it seemed miraculous that nothing threatened to tip overboard. As the truck passed by, Ash, Richie, Sparky, and Pikachu saw only a single person inside the truck and it was a shadowed figure sitting in the passenger seat. No one appeared operating the vehicle, but the three of them dismissed it as their imagination, not wanting to ask the others if they saw the same thing for fear of sounding idiotic or insane. Meanwhile, the resulting exhaust from the truck caused Ash, Richie, Sparky, and Pikachu to cough heavily during the seconds that followed after accidentally inhaling the toxins. "That was rude," Ash commented.

"Pika-pi," Pikachu said in agreement.

Before the truck traveled out of visual range, it hit a large bump in the road ahead, causing a small object to fall from the back and crash into the ground. Apparently, the driver failed to notice the loss of their item as they continued driving forward, but Ash and Richie saw it and decided to run forward with Pikachu and Sparky in an attempt to return the fallen item to its owner. However, the truck continued speeding along and the trainers and their pikachus failed to catch up with the truck. Even still, Ash managed to reach the fallen item first and bent down to look at, noticing that it was a book no bigger than one of his hands. Ash curiously bent down and picked up the book, realizing that black leather covered the back, spine, and cover of the small book.

"Ash, what was that thing that fell out of that truck just now?" Richie suddenly asked when he caught up with Ash.

"It's a book," Ash answered and looked at the gold-lettered title on the cover, "The title reads 'Poke'mon Magic for Desperate Measures', that's weird." Ash said.

"Poke'mon magic?" Richie repeated, "Is there anything interesting in it?" Richie asked.

"Hold on," Ash said before opening the book to a random page and read some of the words. "Wow, this is cool, I am not sure if this is true or not, but I opened it to a page that describes a spell that sends ghost poke'mon to the spirit world permanently if they grow too powerful during their stay here in the physical world." Ash informed Richie before turning the page. "Here is another one that supposedly lets you summon Mew to your location and if you convince it to, Mew will serve you for twenty-four hours," Ash said and turned the page again. "And here is another one that lets you turn a fossil into the creature it once was, but it only works on poke'mon fossils," Ash stated and turned the page once more and suddenly stopped before he began to laugh.

"Who wrote that nonsense?" Richie wanted to ask, but Ash already became too interested in the "spell book" to hear him. "What's so funny now?" Richie asked upon hearing Ash's laughter.

"The page I just turned to says that if you say a certain incantation, the mating needs of the caster's closest poke'mon will be fulfilled," Ash said before laughing again.

"That's just plain stupid, throw that garbage away," Richie said.

"Alright fine, just let me see if this will actually work and if it doesn't, I will get rid of it, but if it does, then we are keeping it," Ash told Richie.

"Fine, I will agree to that since I know it will not work anyway," Richie told Ash.

"It says that after each line I am supposed to say the name of the poke'mon needing to mate," Ash said softly to himself. "Desire, Passion, Love, and Lust, Pikachu," Ash began. "To renewed body and mind these I entrust, Pikachu," Ash continued. "I must fulfill nature's demands to the end, Pikachu," Ash stated the third line as the others became a little worried and embarrassed by Ash's actions. "To create new life as mates intend, Pikachu." Ash finished the incantation and then looked down at Pikachu to see if anything happened.

Pikachu only stared back at Ash while blushing a little as though his trainer performed one of the most idiotic and embarrassing things that a trainer could. Ash blushed back and looked at Richie completely humiliated, "Alright, I guess since nothing happened, I will get rid of the book now," Ash told Richie, but his human friend only looked at Ash a little worried. "What's wrong? I said I will get rid of it." Ash assured Richie and even threw the book in a random direction to prove his point.

"Ash, why are you talking like a pikachu? Haven't you had enough fun already?" Richie asked Ash, both questions surprised Ash as he simply laughed at Richie. "Ash, I'm serious, cut it out!" Richie shouted at Ash.

"Hey Ash, how come you can talk like us now?" Ash heard a voice from beow and stared down at his own pikachu in surprise.

"That's weird, usually when humans try copying us, they don't make any sense," Sparky suddenly spoke and Ash completely understood him. "They just keep saying our names over and over again like it's the only thing we ever say," Sparky added.

"Wait a minute, I can understand you two and talk like you?" Ash asked the two pikachus.

"It certainly seems that way Ash," Pikachu said.

"I should test it out, hey Ash, shout the word thunder as loudly as you can," Sparky suggested.

"What? Why?" Ash asked.

"Just try it," Pikachu said.

"Alright fine, but I feel a little silly for doing this," Ash said before he took a deep breath and yelled out, "THUNDER!"

"Hey Ash, I love your pikachu impression, but please stop it, it is starting to creep me out," Richie requested.

"That was definitely a pikachu's battle cry," Sparky commented.

"Hey Ash, you almost sounded exactly like me," Pikachu stated.

Before anyone exchanged additional words, Ash felt a burning pain in his skull and immediately clasped his hands over the sides of his head in response to the pain. Unfortunately, the pain only increased for Ash as he screamed out and fell to the ground on his knees, not knowing where the pain suddenly came from. Rather than relieving itself, the pain only continued increasing, sending Ash crashing forward into the grass as he squeezed his own head tightly with his own hands. Ash used his hands to cover up most of his head, which managed to keep his hat secured to his scalp, but Ash cared little about that during that moment. Ash only wanted relief from what felt like a migraine multiplied by ten times and it lasted for the entire minute that followed.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Pikachu asked first.

"What's happening to your trainer?" Sparky asked.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Richie repeated Pikachu as he and the two pikachus rushed over to help Ash.

Ash eventually stopped screaming and instead breathed heavily while loosening his hands from his head. Richie and the pikachus stepped back a few feet while Ash rolled over onto his back, slowly sat up, and brought his left hand to his head to scratch a sudden itch he felt. Meanwhile, Richie and the pikachus stared at Ash in astonishment while Ash looked confused, obviously not knowing why they stared at him in such a manner. Ash's hand then hit a long piece of fuzzy flesh and he felt around it until he reached its tip. From the way it felt, Ash guessed that it was his ear and he was correct as the others stared at two long ears planted in Ash's head on either side of his hat that looked like they belonged to a pikachu with their yellow fur and black tips.

Before anyone received a chance to comment on Ash's sudden change, every inch of Ash's skin felt to him like it suddenly caught on fire and he began screaming in pain again. The others backed away as Ash violently writhed in agony, finding himself incapable of comforting every portion of his skin with his hands, especially since his hands felt like they caught on fire too. Even Ash's scalp burned painfully except for his ears, his transformed ears seemed like the only part of his body that received no pain during that moment or the ones that followed. Ash continued screaming though as the pikachus and Richie looked at their friend worriedly, unsure of how to help him. Within a minute, Ash's hair turned a shade of yellow while his skin sprouted a thick coat of identical fur all along his body, including his hands and feet.

Unlike the transformation of Ash's ears, the pain failed to subside momentarily as it instead relocated and concentrated itself onto his cheeks. Ash's yellow-fur-covered cheeks began sparking visibly and sent jolts of electricity throughout Ash's entire body as he fell back toward the ground on his back paralyzed. Ash continued screaming as the color within the fur surrounding and covering his cheeks turned completely red and the flesh within his cheeks expanded. Richie accurately guessed that Ash's body was transforming into a pikachu. Richie additionally knew that a pikachu's cheeks acted as conductive pockets for storing additional and concentrated amounts of electrical energy, which explained why Ash's cheeks increased in size.

Richie and the pikachus only felt capable of watching as Ash's body continued the transformation by reducing the human's overall size to less than one-fifth of its original size. As his body shrunk, Ash felt unable to fit through most of his clothing as they all slipped from his body and fell to the ground excluding his hat. Meanwhile, Ash continued screaming in pain as his bones began reshaping themselves during the size reduction, which drastically altered the shape of his arms, hands, legs, and feet. Even Ash's nose and mouth altered in appearance while his teeth morphed into teeth that belonged to a rodent rather than a primate. Ash's eyes changed as well as they shrank and became two reflective black beads in his skull.

While Ash's transformation remained incomplete, his body closely resembled a pikachu during that moment. Even Ash's member shrank down into a mammalian sheath that his body created for him, hiding it from view to give him some sense of decency. "I hate to admit it, but this has something to do with that spell Ash said, we need to find that book and figure out a way to undo this." Richie suddenly stated, appearing severely serious and worried while obviously trying to figure things out and discover a solution. "Ash, where did you toss that book?" Richie asked with a strong hint of panic in his tone before quickly adding, "If you can't tell me then just point."

Unfortunately, Ash continued experiencing pain as he eventually rolled over onto his stomach when he regained mobility while his tailbone suddenly sprouted a yellow-fur-covered lightning-bolt-shaped tail. Ash breathed heavily afterward and assumed that the agonizing experience finally ended, not ready to deal with the fact that he suddenly changed into a pikachu. However, Ash felt the transformation continue, but no longer painfully as his sheath and its contents shriveled inward until it no longer resembled a male mammal's sheath. Instead, a slit of red flesh replaced it within seconds that Ash failed to recognize as a vagina because "she" failed to understand what it felt like to possess one.

Following the formation of the slit, Ash's belly grew eight small protrusions within seconds and when she looked at them curiously, she realized that they were tits. This conclusion caused Ash to realize that "her" newly acquired slit was indeed a vagina. Ash instantly sat up on her tail-hole and placed her newly formed hands over her folds to cover "herself" after realizing she was nude. "Wow Ash, even though this is very sudden and serious, you look hot for a pikachu," Pikachu commented.

"I'm afraid I must agree with Pikachu on that one and with this being mating season, it shouldn't be long before you feel the need," Sparky informed Ash. "Unless you find that book and somehow turn yourself back to normal, you are going to beg us to fuck you within the hour and I am not one to say no to a lady," Sparky said before chuckling.

"What, what do you mean by me wanting to fuck you guys?" Ash asked worriedly.

"Ash, for some unknown reason, you are a female pikachu now and with mating season upon us, you are bound to experience your very first heat," Pikachu explained. "I don't know what it feels like personally, but it turns the most sensible females of our species into practical sluts as you humans say it," He added.

"Yep, and unless we find that book that turned you into a pikachu, we will most likely enjoy a threesome," Sparky said. "The aroma of a female's heat turns the most sensible males of our species into practical perverts driven only by the desire to mate," Sparky explained.

"He's correct and I'm bound to fall for it since we have been friends for years now, which is the closest thing I have ever received to a genuine mate," Pikachu sadly admitted. "Sorry if that sounds weird and gross," Pikachu added.

"No! I can't! We have to find that book!" Ash said as she began panicking.

"Come on you three, we need to find that book and somehow change Ash back to normal," Richie stated. "If that spell was meant to solve pikachu's mating problem then that means that Ash is most likely bound to mate with him if we don't undo it in time." Richie added, figuring out the situation rather well on his own. "This is so messed up!" Richie said rather loudly as he starting looking for the book around the immediate area surrounding him.
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