AGNPH Stories

Aschu Season by chase



The pikachus' predictions proved correct as everyone searched for the book for only thirty minutes before Ash felt it strike her. Since it was her first experience, Ash remained completely unprepared for the overwhelming sensations that surged through her body. Ash stopped moving in a patch of tall grass as she whimpered a bit in discomfort and slowly rested in the grass on her back, she looked up only once to examine her swelling slit. It became obvious to her that her discomfort emanated from her opening and she felt compelled to satisfy herself. "Maybe if I just finger myself it will go away and I won't have to worry about mating with Pikachu and Sparky," Ash said to herself.

Ash made sure that the others walked elsewhere to find the book as she hoped neither pikachu would come near her due to her scent. When she felt convinced that no one watched her, Ash brought her right forepaw down toward her slit and slowly inserted into her entrance. Ash moaned a little from her own arousal as she decided to continue pawing herself, slowly at first, wanting to make it last for some reason. When Ash rubbed a little deeper, she lightly tapped her g-spot and moaned much louder than she wanted to, but no one seemed to notice. Therefore, instead of stopping, Ash decided to play with her soft fleshy spot a little more.

Ash felt her opening contract as she breathed and moaned loudly in ecstasy, no longer caring if anyone saw her during that moment. Ash continued to rub her paw through her folds, feeling her insides tightening while becoming wet, lubricating her paw with her own juices. Ash eventually pulled out with her right forepaw and began using her left one on her opening instead. Meanwhile, Ash brought her soaked left forepaw to her mouth and began licking the juices off of it, moaning as she enjoyed the sensations she induced upon her own body. Ash managed a steady pace, causing her juices to leak out of her opening and onto her surrounding belly fur. She enjoyed the pleasure she inflicted upon herself while savoring the taste of her own sexual juices until she licked her right forepaw mostly clean.

During that moment, Ash decided to alternate paws and used the saliva evenly spread across her right forepaw as additional lubrication to penetrate her own hole before causing her paw to dance around her own vaginal walls for pleasure. Ash then stuffed her left forepaw into her mouth or at least some of it and lapped up a moderate amount of cum that dripped from her own paw. Soon afterward, Ash became excited and quickened her own movements, moaning much louder than before as she pumped her right paw through her hole quickly and heavily while continuing to feast off the fluids from her other paw.

During the process, lightning streaked across the sky before thunder roared throughout the area and within seconds, it began raining heavily with hardly any warning. Ash actually welcomed the rain with a smile through her paw-filed mouth and allowed the rain to soak her form. Ash's entire fur coat quickly became wet as she kept pumping into herself quickly and heavily without any interest in slowing down or even stopping. Ash switched paws again when she stopped tasting her own sweet nectar from her left paw. Her saliva coated left penetrated her folds with ease while she snacked off her right one after its fur absorbed enough of her liquid.

Ash's moaning became loud enough that even the roaring downpour of rain failed to drown it out as she came close to a self-induced orgasm. Ash decided to stop, not wanting to experience it through a paw as she removed her paw and allowed her body to calm down a little to preserve the length of the enjoyable experience. Ash then bent her head forward, aimed it toward her folds, and found the task painless and rather easy. Soon her oral lips connected with her vaginal lips as she eagerly burrowed into herself and began eating out of her own cunt. She felt the comforting warmth of her own breath blast through her own opening, which caused her to moan. Her moaning only sent vibrations through her opening, which continued to increase her pleasure as her tongue danced happily against her walls while her own flavor and scent sent maddening pleasure erupting through her system.

Ash readily drank down any fluids that splashed into her mouth, feeling that she could not hold back much longer and needed to release. Ash quickened her oral movements and began snarling, growling, moaning, and howling from the electrifying experience (no pun intended). Inevitably, Ash's insides spewed a healthy amount of cum into her accepting mouth while some of it simply splashed onto other areas of Ash's face. Ash accepted the cum on her own fur rather happily as she drank most of the fluids down and after her orgasm. Ash then collapsed on her back and breathed heavily before she stuck her tongue out and licked at the fur surrounding her mouth contently.

Unfortunately, after relaxing for a few minutes on the grass after her first orgasm, Ash felt no different from earlier before, in fact, Ash felt much worse than before. "Wow Ash, that was really hot," Sparky commented as he and Pikachu suddenly appeared in front of Ash.

"I agree; I don't think it satisfied you though, but perhaps we can," Pikachu said.

As it continued to rain heavily, Ash stood up, backed away from the male pikachus in fear, and felt uncertain about the two of them as she began developing a physical attraction toward them. Ash tried denying it in her head, but she actually felt sexually aroused by the male forms of the two pikachus in front of her. Ash even lost any fear or disgust she once felt toward the male pikachus from nearly forty-five minutes earlier when they first informed her of what her transformation might bring. However, Ash continued feeling uncertain and nervous, as she detested the idea of rushing into anything simply because her body compelled her.

"I don't think we should do anything too quickly," Ash told the two pikachus before she felt her vaginal regions throbbing, causing her to moan in discomfort.

Sparky nearly walked toward Ash, but Pikachu signaled for him to stop as though he intended to take care of the situation. "Ash, don't feel afraid; just relax and let us take care of this; we know what we are doing; we aren't virgins you know." Pikachu told his transformed trainer in an assuring voice, but Ash hardly cared about their experience, she simply feared the possible consequences of mating with Pikachu and Sparky.

Ash felt very uncertain and rather uncomfortable about her situation, especially since her transformation occurred less than an hour ago and prior to her transformation, Ash was a virgin human male. "If you honestly don't want this then let us know and we won't force you into anything," Pikachu said in a gentle tone as he slowly inched his way toward Ash. "I only ask that you look down at my crotch just once and then tell me whether you want it or not," Pikachu requested.

Ash failed to understand Pikachu's reasoning for wanting her to look at his crotch, but Ash stared down in curiosity. The moment Ash looked down; she saw an extension of red flesh bulging out from the mouse poke'mon's yellow shaft and above his testicles. Pikachu's rod appeared two inches in length and half an inch in width at the base, a healthy size for a pikachu. The penis included a knot that bulged with red veins, the knot itself appeared three-quarters of an inch long with the same width. Staring at Pikachu's member gave Ash a strong undeniable desire to drive the penis into her opening and thrust into it repeatedly until she experienced another orgasm even if it meant risking impregnation.

Ash then decided to look at Sparky out of curiosity and noticed that he also possessed an erection that appeared identical to Pikachu's in size, shape, and color including the knot. "I'm pretty sure I want this, but I am a little nervous, this is very sudden," Ash said in response to Pikachu's previous comment.

Pikachu walked closer to Ash, wrapped his forepaws around her head, and brought their faces in close as Ash opened her eyes wide in shock. Soon afterward, Pikachu's lips connected with Ash's mouth and while Ash looked very surprised at her friend's actions, she relaxed and accepted the kiss. Ash opened her mouth along with Pikachu as their warm breath invaded each other's mouths and their tongues extended forward, lapping against one another. Pikachu and Ash began moving their heads about, pressing their lips deeply into one another as their tongues continued dancing within their mouths.

During the kiss, Pikachu's penis gently rubbed across Ash's belly between her tits and Ash moaned softly from the strange touch. Ash wanted more from the kiss, but Pikachu eventually broke the link and stared back into Ash's eyes, as their bodies appeared soaked from the continuous downpour of rain. "Just relax and let us take care of everything Ash," Pikachu said, referring to himself and Sparky when he said "us". "Start by lying down on your left or right side; either side is fine, just take your pick," Pikachu instructed his friend.

"I'm still not sure about this, but my body won't let me say no," Ash told her friend.

Pikachu placed his left forepaw to Ash's lips in order to silence her, "Shhhh, it's okay Ash, I sort of understand the way you feel," Pikachu replied. "Please trust me, if you feel like you don't want it, then we won't do it," Pikachu said, "This is your decision Ash and while I want to mate with you very badly; we are your friends and won't do anything to you that you don't want," Pikachu assured.

"It would really be a pain if you said no," Sparky said from behind Pikachu, but Pikachu stared back at him almost angrily as though to tell him to shut the hell up without ruining the moment. "Sorry, I shouldn't have said that because Pikachu's right Ash; we'll let you call the shots," Sparky quickly added.

"Alright, let's try it, but remember that if I say stop or no at any moment; you listen to me because I still consider myself a trainer in this form," Ash told Pikachu and Sparky after pondering her decision.

"Thank you Ash," Pikachu said sincerely before he and Ash embraced each other and kissed deeply into each other's mouths a second time for the seconds that followed. "You are really hot right now," Pikachu told Ash after they broke the kiss and stared at each other compassionately.

"You look rather hot yourself Pikachu even if that is just my body talking," Ash told Pikachu.

"Ahem," Sparky called out as Ash and Pikachu stared at him while he tapped his right hind paw impatiently, "Forgetting someone?" He asked.

"Sparky, you should thank Ash for what he is doing for us," Pikachu said to Sparky.

"I am thankful, but I want Ash too and you seem to be taking him all to yourself," Sparky complained.

"Don't worry Sparky, I plan on letting you both have some fun with me," Ash said.

Sparky smiled at Ash's words and rushed over toward Pikachu and Ash, "Alright, but how are we going to do this?" Sparky asked anxiously. "Are we just going to take turns? I cannot wait much longer to mate with Ash and it would be a real pain if we had to take turns," Sparky said.

"Just trust me, I have everything figured out," Pikachu assured Sparky before turning to face Ash again. "Ash, if you really want this and you are ready then position yourself as I instructed," Pikachu passively ordered.

Ash hesitated for a few seconds, having a few last second thoughts about her decision, but she already made up her mind and decided against going back on what she told her best friend and Sparky. Therefore, she stepped back from Pikachu to place a small amount of space between herself and her soon-to-be mates in order to assume her position. Rain continued pelting her body and moistened the soil beneath her feet into a slick layer of mud; a layer of mud that Ash nearly slipped on. After stepping back far enough, Ash slowly and carefully lowered herself on the muddy earth onto her right side while continuing to face both Pikachu and Sparky.

Ash's hat remained on her head, which acted as her only remaining identifying mark, while her long right ear dipped a little onto the muddy ground. Ash felt the cold and slick mud cling onto her fur, but she failed to care about it because she actually wanted to get a little messy. Ash stared up into Pikachu's eyes and smiled a little; Pikachu certainly appeared as the hottest thing that the female pikachu ever saw in her life including during most of her life she spent as a human. "Alright Pikachu, I did what you asked me to do," Ash announced. "I am putting all of my trust in you, so what do I need to do next?" Ash asked.

Pikachu giggled and then whispered something to Sparky, keeping Ash out of the plan or at least during that moment. Sparky smiled and moved around Ash, but before Ash could turn around to look at Sparky, Pikachu already moved toward Ash. In an instant, Pikachu was already lying down on the ground on his side les than an inch away from Ash and faced her directly. The action only displayed a sample of the speed that Pikachu gained from Ash's training. Meanwhile, Sparky placed himself directly behind Ash, lying down on his right side in the mud. Sparky placed his body so close that his soaked body crushed Ash's tail into her back, but she felt no pain in the experience as the tail of a pikachu was more flexible than it appeared.

Ash felt something else as the two male pikachus positioned themselves; she felt Pikachu's penis pressing gently against his folds. Meanwhile, Sparky's penis tapped lightly against Ash's tail-hole, causing her to fear the intentions of the pikachus only a little. Ash only wanted to mate normally, she possessed no desire for anal sex, but seconds after feeling threatened by it, Ash actually found the thought arousing. Ash soon began trying to turn her head to face Sparky, but Pikachu brought his wet forepaws upon Ash's cheeks and caused her to face him. Ash looked back toward Pikachu who silently requested Ash to kiss him through his oral actions alone. Ash understood and moved her head toward Pikachu's face and slowly opened her mouth, allowing Pikachu to invade her mouth again with his warm breath and wet tongue.

During the kiss, Sparky firmly placed his forepaws over Ash's thighs while Pikachu placed his forepaws over Ash's shoulders; together, the male pikachus held Ash securely in place. As their tongues lapped into each other's mouths, Ash felt both pikachus heaving upward, which caused the tips of their rain-lubricated members to press against both of her entrances. Ash sighed heavily in arousal with half closed eyes, which gave her the temporary appearance of a drunken female. Pikachu moved through Ash's folds slowly with his soaked cock, sending small amounts of pleasure surging through her body during the slow insertion while Sparky pushed onto Ash's tail-hole rather aggressively.

Ash felt the pressure on her own tail-hole from Sparky's rain-soaked erection, but found it impossible to grimace because she continued kissing Pikachu while Pikachu inserted himself into Ash's body from the front. Ash's tail-hole refused entry for a few seconds, but Sparky eventually broke through, allowing him to dive himself deeper into Ash. Ash moaned a little in pain and pleasure while feeling Sparky's thickness squeezing through her tight insides, which caused Sparky to sigh in pleasure as well. As Ash felt slight pain induced upon her small form from Sparky's actions, she felt another sensation different from any other she experienced.

Just as Sparky breached Ash's anal entrance, Pikachu reached his own obstruction within Ash's body as Ash felt a thin strip of flesh within her vaginal entrance expand with Pikachu's penis. Pikachu dove in deeper and the additional pressure inevitably caused Ash's hymen to tear, enabling Pikachu to shove himself farther into Ash's body. Pikachu finally pulled his face back from Ash and looked at her with a smile that Ash quickly returned despite how tired and sore her mouth felt. "Guess who just lost her virginity?" Pikachu said teasingly as he continued pushing into his mate.

Ash blushed a little, not realizing that the tearing within her body meant she lost her virginity, but she did not mind even as her insides leaked a little blood. Ash only cared about mating with her friend and satisfying herself, Pikachu, and Sparky, which seemed like an easy task as Pikachu's meat slid through Ash's walls. Eventually, Pikachu came close to penetrating Ash's cunt with his knot and decided against trying to force himself any deeper into Ash's body. Instead, he pulled back and began thrusting steadily into Ash, but not too quickly or roughly. Each of Pikachu's thrusts inflicted incredible sexual sensations upon Ash's body.

It was easier for Pikachu to navigate his way in and out of Ash's opening than Sparky could push his rod into Ash's tail-hole. By the time Pikachu pushed into Ash's body a third time, Sparky finally managed to cause his knot to hit Ash's tail-hole. The combined pressure from both penises within Ash's insides filled her with a combination of pain and pleasure, but due to her magnificent arousal, whatever pain she felt only augmented his pleasure. Both pikachus pulled back as they sighed in pleasure, obviously enjoying the tightness that their mate provided them.

Pikachu quickened his pace after a few additional insertions while Sparky eventually found it easier to grind his way through Ash's tail-hole. Pikachu thrust much faster into Ash and provided her with exceptionally greater pleasure than Sparky's struggles to force his way into his mate. However, Ash's tail-hole squeezed around Sparky's penis with greater pressure and out of the two male pikachus, Sparky received slightly greater pleasure due to the additional tightness within Ash's ass. All three pikachus moaned and breathed heavily and loudly from their shared pleasure as the two males continued dominating their lopsided mate in the mud and rain.

Within less than the first minute of constant thrusts from both pikachus, the three of them managed to slide several inches across the ground. Their actions caused their fur to collect mud as their rain soaked fur made their bodies slick, which increased the smoothness of their movements as a group. Ash's juices already began spilling out, providing both her and Pikachu with additional lubrication while her vaginal walls stiffened for increased pleasure for both of the pikachus. Meanwhile, Ash's tail-hole managed to widen during Sparky's constant thrusts, thereby accommodating Sparky's penis much better during the exchange. Ash's recent pain disappeared as her body adapted to the anal invasions induced upon her by Sparky and while her pain dissipated, Ash's pleasure continued to rise, the same applied to her two mates.

Throughout the entire experience, both male pikachus felt their penises pressing against each other with only a small wall of flesh within Ash's body separating them. Ash especially noticed the limited room between cocks since she was the female pikachu being fucked. It required well executed coordination between the two male pikachus to avoid impeding each other's movements since only a small amount of skin separated Ash's two entrances. That left little room for the males to work their mate simultaneously, but they somehow managed; obviously, neither of them were novices in regards to mating. Even with their experience, they found it impossible to avoid clashing testicles, but they simply ignored the sensations as the heterosexual males continued mating with their chosen female.

While the three pikachus became loud during the action, after the first two minutes, they all began releasing sparks of electricity. The bodies of the electric poke'mon naturally shared the electrical discharges and the power contained with the sparks was not enough to cause them any pain or bring them any serious harm. Instead, the sparks became steady and bright while varying in color and movement, creating something of a choreographic light show on the muddy ground beneath the dark storm. However, the pikachus, including Ash, ignored the dancing sparks of electricity and only concentrated on relieving themselves in a three-way orgasm.

Minutes passed as both males fucked their the female rodent relentlessly as the electrical sparks generated by their bodies grew in brilliance. All three pikachus moaned, gasped, and shouted in ecstasy during the final seconds of the three-way sexual exchange. It was obvious to each of them that they were all nearing their own individual orgasm nearly at the exact same moment. Their pleasure eventually reached its peak in one final thrust from each of the male pikachus, but unlike the other thrusts, both males decided to force their entire members into Ash's holes. During Pikachu's thrust, Ash released a large load of her female juices that splashed onto Pikachu's penis and flooded Ash's vaginal walls.

Ash cried out in pure pleasure unlike any other she ever experienced and displayed her pleasure by releasing a bolt of electricity from her body into the dark sky above. The sheer brilliance of Ash's attack washed the land in a blinding white light for several hundred meters and the pikachus were positioned at its origin. The two males joined Ash by releasing two beams of electricity that contributed to the size and radiance of the thunderbolt that Ash released. During the release of energy, Ash felt pain from both her vagina and her anus as the two males forced their knots through her entrances. "Pikachu, what are you doing?" Ash cried out after her orgasm.

Ash probably could have handled one knot without pain, but the thought of both of her entrances being breached by a separate knot seemed ridiculous. However, that is what occurred as Pikachu shoved his penis into Ash deeply enough that it not only accepted the knot, but she felt Pikachu penetrating a narrow passageway within her body. Ash did not know what Pikachu struck, but Pikachu knew that he penetrated his trainer's cervix. With the painful penetration, Pikachu released a healthy amount of semen into his mate's body, most likely causing impregnation as his knot refused any semen from spilling out. Ash felt Pikachu's warm seed wash through her insides and gladly accepted it as a way to end her heat or at least she hoped.

Meanwhile, during the release of the magnificent electrical attack into the stormy sky above, Sparky also drove himself deeply within Ash. However, it required additional effort on Sparky's behalf because Ash's anal entrance was not as accepting as her vaginal entrance. Sparky managed to force his entire penis through with a pop and after his knot slid completely within Ash's hole, the female's tail-hole closed tightly around the base of Sparky's extension. Immediately after the painful and forceful entry, Sparky unleashed his load of semen into Ash's intestines. Ash felt the warm liquid flood through her body while grimacing a little from the combined pain of both knots forcing their entry into her.

Their electrical attack disappeared into the raining sky above as the male pikachus' testicles rested against one another for as long as their knots remained trapped within Ash. After they shared their orgasm, they all breathed heavily, especially Ash who released a few tears from her eyes from the pain of the forceful double knot penetration. None of the three pikachus felt capable of keeping their eyes fully open through their exhaustion as both Ash and Pikachu stared at each other with half-closed eyes. "I certainly didn't want this," Ash began, referring to the male pikachus tying themselves with her. "However, it was enjoyable, thanks Pikachu and Sparky," She said with a yawn.

Sparky already fell asleep with a smile on his face while Pikachu barely managed to remain conscious during the seconds that followed. "Sorry about that, we lost control somewhere along the way," Pikachu admitted.

"Don't worry abut it," Ash said, "It actually feels kind of nice now that most of the pain is gone," She added before leaning toward Pikachu's face for a kiss.

Pikachu gladly accepted the offer as their mouths connected for a weak and short-lived peck on the mouth before Pikachu fell asleep. It continued raining as Ash and the two males remained locked in their original position from when they first began mating. Additionally, they remained situated in a puddle of mud while their fur collected a vast amount of mud throughout their sexual experience. "Sleep well my friend," Ash said to Pikachu before she too fell asleep.


Ash awoke an hour after she and the two male pikachus finished mating with each other and as consciousness returned to her, she felt rather warm. The rain already stopped as the sunlight warmed Ash's body; her fur managed to dry up, but something else made her feel warm as she opened up her eyes. Ash quickly found herself staring directly into Richie's eyes and realized that Richie was carrying her in his right arm with Ash's backpack in his left hand. After remembering what occurred right before she fell asleep, Ash's eyes went wide in horror, realizing that Richie most likely knew about her mating with the male pikachus.

Ash looked down at her own body to confirm that what happened between her and the male pikachus actually happened. Ash saw that more than half of her fur appeared caked with sun-dried mud from the mating experience and she blushed heavily in humility for giving into her body's demands. Richie suddenly looked down and noticed that Ash awoke from her little nap and smiled a little at his friend, though there was something about Richie's smile that Ash did not like. "Well, it looks like you couldn't help yourself," Richie commented as Ash blushed again, "You certainly made Sparky and Pikachu happy," Richie said before laughing a little.

Richie looked down to the ground and Ash followed his gaze until she saw Pikachu and Sparky walking along the ground. They soon noticed Ash staring at them as they glanced back toward her and smiled, but Ash simply blushed again and looked away. Ash felt deeply ashamed and confused about her decision to mate with both Pikachu and Sparky, but for some reason, she did not feel disgusted even though Ash was originally a human male. "Good morning Ash; well, more like good afternoon," Pikachu said to Ash. "I appreciate what you did for us and I am very sorry if you regret what happened," He added with a smile.

"It wasn't as great as I would have hoped, but the facts that she was a virgin when we mated, we did it in the mud during a storm, and I was able to fuck her up the ass all made it especially hot." Sparky commented to Pikachu. "So yeah, thanks a lot Ash, I hope we can do it again soon," Sparky quickly added with a smile similar to Pikachu's current expression.

After thinking about it for a few seconds, Ash finally decided that since she found no disgust in her recent decision, she had no reason to feel ashamed for her actions. Of course, the fact that Richie knew about what occurred brought severe embarrassment to Ash, but her overwhelming arousal from earlier caused her not to care about the consequences. Ash knew that even if Richie or any of her other friends for that matter watched from only a short distance away, Ash would have done it again amidst their presence if her heat ever compelled her body to mate again.

Even though Ash nearly feared pregnancy, she felt assured about her return to normal as long as Richie possessed the spell book. "Don't worry about it Pikachu, I enjoyed myself and it was my decision after all," Ash said. "You two are very welcome though," She quickly added.

Richie suddenly bent down a little with both Ash and her backpack in his hands before Ash and Richie looked at each other. "Hey Ash, now that you are awake, I would like it if you walked on your own; my arm is starting to hurt," Richie explained to Ash. "I'll keep carrying your things for you, but I don't think I can carry you, your stuff, and my stuff for much longer," Richie stated.

"Alright Richie, I understand," Ash said in response before she jumped out of Richie's arms and landed on all four paws onto the dirt path below in between the two male pikachus. However, Richie only heard "Pika pika, pi pikachu" when Ash spoke to him.

Richie stood back up and rolled his arm a little bit to relax it before he stood up and looked back at Ash with a serious expression that contained the same elements that Ash disliked about his smile from moments ago. "As much better as that feels, I have something important to tell you Ash," Richie said. "While you and our pikachus were know...I combed every inch of the meadow within a hundred feet of where you first tossed it. Unfortunately, I couldn't find it no matter how hard I searched for it. While I wanted to continue looking for it, I knew I already went farther than you could possibly throw a book like that," Richie informed.

Ash looked extremely frightened during that moment, as she feared remaining in her pikachu form for life if they failed to find a way to change her back. Ash's eyes went wide in horror, which provided her with the appearance of a wild and dangerous poke'mon. "No! We have to go back and find it!" Ash shouted as she ran behind Richie and began running on all fours toward the site where she discovered the book.

"Ash, stop!" Pikachu shouted at Ash and she stopped suddenly after only a few steps at the sound of her friend's voice.

"Ash, we can go back if you want to try finding the book again, but I think we should go see Professor Oak for a solution," Richie suggested. "We don't know where that book is, someone or something could have taken it and ran off or its owner could have returned to take it back. Hell, after seeing what it did to you, the book could have magically disappeared for all we know," Richie tried reasoning with Ash. "While we have no idea where the book is, we do know where Professor Oak is and if anyone can change you back, it's most definitely him," Richie pointed out and his words seemed to calm Ash down a little.

Ash slowly turned around as she looked a little relaxed and no longer like a wild and dangerous creature while she slowly moved toward Richie and the two male pikachus. "Alright," Ash told the others in agreement, as she began walking forward. She no longer wanted to wait for a solution to her current problem as she placed all of her hope in Richie's theory. "Let's go see Professor Oak!" Ash exclaimed when she placed herself at the front of the group before the others began following.

"Ah, but I like you this way," Sparky teased Ash and while Ash refused to admit it, she began questioning if living the rest of her life as a female pikachu was actually as bad as she originally thought.
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