AGNPH Stories

Eye of the Storm by kyoferai


Seeking Shelter

Well, first attempt at anything close to adult in nature, and I'm happy with the result even if it is fairly short.
It is a work in progress and I would love feedback on it.
So, without further slacking off, may I present the first chapter: Seeking Shelter

Amidst a torrent of falling drops of water and regular flashes of lightning, a small pink creature weaved through the stormy air. Her bright blue eyes squinted against the rain as she shot above the treetops, cursing her luck as she went. Flying through a storm was tricky enough at the best of times but, with her concentration weakened as it was, it was just too dangerous for something that wasn't even an essential trip. Satisfying the burning that seemed to come from every nerve in her body was not worth the risk of finding an even worse sort of burning, she reasoned as she gave a mental sigh before shooting down towards the ground once more.

The moment she dropped below the treeline, there was a giant crash and a blue bolt of electricity slammed into the tree she would have been flying over had she not changed her course.
"Score one for common sense," Mew muttered with a frown as she weaved her way past the, now-burning, oak with her long tail trailing along behind her. The trees also sheltered her partially from the rain, although she was so utterly soaked that she didn't really notice the difference. It felt as though it would take days before she dried out fully, weeks even. She winced at the thought of what state her usually perfect fur would be in, all bedraggled and stringy.

Another bolt, this one even closer, forced her to come to a halt as it slammed into the tree she had been about to float around. She hovered a few feet above the sodden earth, her motionless state meaning that she could feel the drops forming on the tips of her ears and her tail. Her movement started again as her head snapped up, her eyes blinded by the rain but her ears detecting the cracking sound. She shot a foot or so to the left, just barely avoiding a massive tree branch that fell to the earth with an almighty crash. She panted slightly, the sudden adrenaline rush causing a spike in her body heat which seemed to focus itself around her lower stomach.

"No, focus!" She ordered herself, her distracted mind causing the psychic energy that allowed her flight to slacken and for her to slowly descend closer to the floor. Mew growled to herself, deciding that even her low and slower flight through the forest was getting too dangerous due to her distractions, "over a thousand years old and it has to be during a storm that this damn problem decides to kick in. Better find somewhere to wait out the storm." She dropped all the way to the floor, her large footpaws clutching at a massive thick root as she sent out a psychic pulse. It was too dark and dangerous to attempt to find shelter manually; searching the forest floor with a pulse of psychic power was slightly safer.

The pulse returned and Mew concentrated as hard as she could to make sense of it, a map of sorts imprinting itself in her mind. She scanned over it, instantly spotting a promising looking spot and smirking to herself. But that brief moment had allowed her self control to slip and her tail slowly moved closer to the center of the burning. Another crash of thunder shocked her back to life, her tail flicking back behind her with water droplets flying, and she shook her head to clear it of the hazy feeling that was overtaking it. "Stupid body, stupid heat, stupid storm!"

She was panting again, heavier than before, trying to clear her mind so she could remember the direction of the shelter from the elements. She turned away and her feet left the root, arcing back into the air as she moved off. She'd barely gone more than twenty feet when the storm struck the tree that the root belonged to, startling her and causing her mind to blank at the sudden fear.
"Damnit, I swear that storm is aiming for me," she grumbled, continuing on her away as the fire caused by the lightning strike was quickly doused by the rain storm.

It didn't take the small psychic long to realise that she had gone in the wrong direction; she had travelled further than she had sent out the pulse with still no sign of the tree that held shelter underneath. She smirked to herself, knowing her luck then the tree would burn down if she'd found it anyway, before frowning. It was definitely not the time to be thinking up wisecracks, especially those at her own expense. The rain seemed to be getting heavier and seeing more than a few feet was now all but impossible, even for Mew's unnaturally good vision. Things were not looking good, there was no other sign of life apart from the drowning plants that surrounded her and it was starting to give her the creeps.

Normally she wasn't the most sociable of Pokemon but, right at that moment, she just wanted a nice strong male to cuddle up to and for him to tell her that she was alright. Now that she thought about it, she could almost feel his fur brushing up against hers as his paws hugged her close. She could almost sense the warmth of his body, sheltering her from the storm above as one of those magical paws slowly sifted its way down her back and around her hips before moving closer to that one spot between her legs as she purred into his chest and her own paws starting to move down for her prize...

Mew was snapped, rather rudely, out of her daydream as she collided with a large bank of earth. She'd been concentrating so much on the imaginary male that she'd forgotten to pay attention to where she was going and her face was now coated with thick and slimy mud. The cold muck contrasted sharply with the heated blush that had taken over her cheeks. But the mud was quickly forgotten as, out of the corner of her eye, Mew spotted a patch of earth on the large bank that wasn't coated in grass and goo.

She let out a cheer-cross-purr as, on closer inspection, it proved not to be earth at all but a hole instead. A tunnel that led out of the storm, a deep passageway to somewhere dry. Finally, things were starting to look up. She poked her head inside, her vision finally proving to be useful again now there was no rain to blur everything up. The tunnel was fairly thin and steep, not that mattered to someone capable of levitation, carven into solid rock. It seemed to curve away after a few feet down, vanishing out of Mew's view.

Normally; she would have sent down another psychic pulse to see what was around that corner but her distraction had proven itself to bothersome to get a decent map and she just wanted to get out of the rain. She gave a small sigh as she pulled herself into the tunnel, slowly floating her way down the narrow passageway and touching down on flat stone. It was warm against her rain chilled paws and the psychic glowed a faint pink for second, water flying off of her body as she used her power to dry herself slightly. Now that she wasn't dripping everywhere, merely slightly damp, Mew felt ready enough to venture on into the unknown. Even the sounds of the storm had neigh but vanished, allowing her ears to strain to hear anything up ahead.

She was hoping there wouldn't be a fight; she hated fighting even though she was easily powerful enough to beat most things. But, in such tight quarters, power didn't factor so much. It was more a case of speed, and her reaction time was a lot slower now that her heat had kicked in. Well, she didn't have to go any further as the sound of scrabbling came from above and the feline Legendary turned just in time to be hit by a falling blue creature and the two Pokemon were sent rolling along the passage way.

They came to a stop fairly swiftly, Mew ending up on top of her assailant who seemed to be stunned by the sudden collision. She used the moment to take a quick look around; they had landed in the opening of the tunnel. Before her was a large underground cavern, complete with a white-glowing moon stone in the center for a light with a pile of moss and grasses in one corner serving as a bed for the occupant. Said occupant must have been the Pokemon that had hit her, she thought and she turned her gaze downwards to meet dazed yellow eyes.

Their owner, a bright blue furred rabbit with large ears and a fairly small horn, blinked several times as it tried to focus on the face above it.
"Who are you?" Came the soft, confused words from the Nidoran's muzzle, causing Mew's own eyes to widen at a sudden realisation. The voice wasn't female, the Nidoran was male. And, considering that males of the species were normally a pink similar to hers that meant he was one of the very rare cases of the 'shiny' gene. Then a second realisation came, she was straddling this male and his stomach fur was starting to tickle.
"Oh, I'm so sorry!" Mew insisted, pushing herself off and stepping backwards. It was a good thing her face was still slightly muddy, it hid the blush that had taken over her face.
"It's okay, I was the one who hit you after all," he replied, rolling back onto his front and turning to face her before sitting down on his haunches before the Legendary.

Now the blush on her face deepened slightly as she felt her eyes drawn downwards from the unusually small horn on his head to the sheathed one between his legs, the burning in her own crotch strengthening slightly, definitely a male.
"You know, you are quite welcome to stay untill the storm ends," the Nidoran continued speaking, tilting his head to the side as her view shot back up to his face, "but you still haven't told me who you are."
"I'm..." Mew stammered, trying to get her thoughts in order as she fought to keep her eyes on the male's face, "I'm Mew."
"Trent," the Nidoran gave a polite bow, "it is nice to have some company during such a violent storm. Although I am quite suprised that said company is named after the ancestor of all Pokemon."
"That's our race, I won't get a name of my own for a while," Mew said sadly, "there is a ritual involved that I have yet to complete."
"Well, I must admit that I am rather shocked. When I was told the old Mew legends by my parents, I pictured something much different."
"I get that a lot," she sighed again; it was always the same whenever someone saw her. They always expected something much bigger and stronger looking, not a small and bright pink kitten. In one case, she had even gotten a description of what the Pokemon had pictured which was eerily similar to that of Mewtwo.

Trent gave another small bow and got to his feet before speaking up again, "no matter. In all honestly, I prefer the real thing over the mental image anyway. Much more noble and elegant."
"Eh?!" Mew was stunned by the words; she'd never been called noble and elegant before and wasn't sure how to react, especially to the suddenness of it.
"Forgive me if that was rude," Trent seemed to be a little worried now and Mew rapidly raised her forepaws slightly.
"No, no, it's okay! Really, you just sorta caught me off guard," she insisted, finally starting to blush at the compliment.
"I seem to be skilled at doing that," he chuckled, relaxing slightly and Mew was finally able to do the same, "please do come in. Sit over by the moon stone; it'll dry you out faster, while I go to the food store."
"Okay," she nodded, slowly stepping over towards the large glowing rock and sitting herself down on a smooth normal stone as Trent wandered over to a side cavern. "I wonder how long the storm will hold out..."
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