AGNPH Stories

Eye of the Storm by kyoferai


Settling In

Really don't have much to add from the last chapter. I'm amazed at how well this fiction seems to be going, although I've only had the one review Still, I guess that doesn't matter so much as long as you all enjoy this. And I hope this chapter doesn't fall flat.


Mew sat almost completely still, the only movement being that of her tail flicking back and forth, as she stared into the warm white glow of the moon stone. If you could call it a moon stone, it was more of a boulder or even a Graveler in size. Mew had never seen one so large before, she'd never even heard of them being bigger than she was tall. Trent's home was almost as unusual as he was, she mused with a small smirk as she wrenched her gaze away from the glowing rock to take a deeper look around.

The entire cavern was solid rock, not just dug into normal earth like she expected from a Nidoran, with several off shooting tunnels. She assumed they all led into different chambers that were used as larders and various other things. The place seemed so big for just one Nidoran and she had to wonder if it really was just him living in this place. The stone floor itself was so smooth, barely a dent in the ancient rocks. And the few dents that did exist allowed the light of the moon stone to be reflected back towards the center of the cavern, creating a warm light show that Mew was sitting in the middle of. She noticed, with a small smile, that her damp fur was glinting in the light and making her pink colour even more vibrant than before.

The drying out was causing her short pink fur to become fluffy, especially around her stomach, and she sighed to herself as she started brushing it down with her paws. It took a little bit of pressure but eventually the fur around her upper torso relented and allowed itself to be flattened back into place, Mew moving onto her lower stomach. Her tail that had been lazily flicking through the air suddenly tensed up and a tiny moan sounded out of her throat as her paws dipped against the sweet spot between her legs. Her eyes closed half way as she started to purr, moving to rub firmly against the source of the sudden heat and tingling pleasure that shot through her.

The fur between her legs, which had dried off, was starting to become wet as her rubbing and touching came harder and faster. Her purrs also became louder, mixed in with the occasional muffled moan that echoed around the cavern. It was then that her eyes shot open and she wrenched her paws away, the sound finally allowing her to realise what she had been doing.
"Now is really not the time for that... Trent will be back soon," she thought to herself, convincing herself to stop even as her body ached for the treatment to continue. Mew's paws slowly started to move back down towards the waiting opening but she yanked them back; she was a psychic type, after all, and her will was tougher then that. She could almost hear her heat cursing her, warning that it'd have its chance later. "When I'm not risking being walked in on, maybe."

She shook her head to clear it again, the lusty haze had been taking over again with those promises to herself and she'd need her concentration to talk to Trent that required it gone. He might know about the weather, how long it'd last and how long she'd be trapped here with her current problem. She really wanted to be on the move again, and this was more than just her species normal feelings of wanderlust. She had a place to go, and she was late enough as it was without anymore delays. On the Plusle side, at least her inherent arousal had waned slightly with her inner debate.

But, as she noticed that and started thinking about it again, it started to come back. She shook her head even harder, trying to think of some way to distract herself from her body. The distraction came as the large moon stone's glowing became more intense for a second, even adopting a green tint, before fading back to its original state. Mew stared at it, she certainly had never heard of moon stones doing that. She got up and stepped closer, her tail arcing over her shoulder and prodding it slightly, trying to see if the stone would do it again. Nothing, it was dormant once more.

"Weird..." She muttered to herself, looking up and down the glowing stone as she examined it for any sign of what the pulsing glow meant. Her body's problem all but forgotten, Mew continued her examination as she leant down to look at the bottom of the stone. Her eyes widened at the sight, she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. "It's attached to the floor!" Her tail arced up and over her head again, helping her as she pushed on the stone. Not even a wobble, even as she put enough force into it to stop a Donphan's charge.

Trent, however, picked the perfect time to reappear. His mouth was clamped around a thick vine, the other end of which was attacked to a small bark sled. Upon that lay a fairly large; very large considering what it was being carried on, pile of roots, mushrooms and a few carrots. Not much of a meal but, seeing as the season for growing food wasn't for a few more months; it was the best he could do. He hoped that Mew wasn't too fussy as he dragged the sled behind him, the smooth bark and stone allowing him to move swiftly even with the hefty pile. He slowed as he approached the main cavern of the den, taking a brief moment to compose himself as he didn't wish to appear rushed or overeager to his guest.

That composure vanished the moment he reached the entrance of the cavern. Right in front of him was Mew, bent over as she pressed the large moon stone. With her tail up as it was, pressing the stone above her head, Trent found himself presented with a view of her rear. The fur hadn't turned fluffy thanks to the pressure presented by her sitting down, meaning the curves were perfectly visible. His eyes widened slightly as the rump wiggled slightly as the pink feline innocently kept on her examination of the stone. His mind blanked at the sight, forgetting to check where he was walking with the result of him ripping over his own paws and falling onto his front with a very undignified squeak.

Mew snapped back upright at the high pitched, yet still soft, squeak and spun around to see Trent laying on the floor. She raised an eyebrow at the sight of him scrabbling to pick up the vine that he'd dropped; his cheeks were almost as pink as her fur.
"I'm sorry, I should have been watching where I was going," Trent muttered as he finally managed to pin down the vine before picking it back up with his jaws and dragging the sled the last few feet into the cave.
"Why are you apologising for just tripping up?" Mew tilted her head to one said, slightly confused as to the Nidoran's sudden embarrassment.

Trent tripped over again, this time it was because he was concentrating so hard on not looking directly at her that he wasn't paying attention to his feet again. This time, however, he stayed down. He felt too tired to get back up, it'd been a long day. Mew, full of concern about her host's sudden collapse, rushed over and placed her paws on his forehead, just below the tiny horn.
"You're still soaking!" She gasped at the cold feeling of rainwater, she hadn't noticed before thanks to her own dampness and the Nidoran's incredibly short fur.
"Well, I was out in the storm too. I'll be fine, really," Trent insisted but Mew was having none of it. Her helpful nature had kicked in as her body took on a bright pink glow that outshone the large moon stone, her psychic powers being used to comb the water out of the Nidoran's fur.

Trent's eyes widened as invisible hands ran over his entire body, seemingly absorbing the water that still coated him. He had to fight back a gasp as they moved onto his underside and another one as all of the water that she had drained hovered in front of his face as a floating sphere of liquid. He was pretty certain that she'd dried him out, yet the rubbing seemed to continue. It was weird yet strangely soothing and they stayed that way right up untill a particularly vibrant green-tinted flash from the moon stone cut off Mew's concentration. The massage stopped and the water bubble was flung over the cavern before bursting on the wall with a loud splash.

"What was that?" Mew asked as Trent slowly started to push himself back up, before deciding to stay down as a certain part of him hadn't found the rubbing to be relaxing. His cheeks took on that pink tinge again as he tried to focus on the question and not the slight throbbing coming from underneath him. It was slightly uncomfortable, laying as he was on the stone but it was a lot better than the alternative of his guest finding out just what had happened.
"The moon stone flashes occasionally when people are nearby, the colours and length of the flash mean different things," he explained as he felt his body begin to settle back down.
"So what does light green mean then?" Mew asked, hoping that it wasn't bad. Like that they were going to die or something. Instead it was just mildly upsetting.
"That the storm is in full swing, they usually a few days," Trent answered in a deadpan voice, before adding at the sight of her frown, "Green ones have never gone on longer than three nights, not in my experience."

"So you can read this thing?" Mew muttered, intrigued now. Not only was the home made of solid rock but the giant attached moon stone could tell about the weather, it was turning out to be quite the journey even if the delay was infuriating. "Three days stuck in a cavern in this state, fantastic... at least the company isn't a dolt like I usually end up stuck with."
"I just know what it is telling me, it's odd and I've never really figured it out myself," Trent admitted with slight embarrassment, he wasn't used to being on the spot.
"Well it's new to me. I never knew moon stones came this big and attached to the floor."
"It's always been like that, I don't know much about it but this rock that the cavern is made of fell from the sky around a hundred years ago. The moon stone has always been here, as has the cavern itself. It's just been expanded over the generations."

Mew stayed silent, thinking. The entire cavern was a meteor; she figured it must have been a pretty big one to survive impact after entering the atmosphere. The forest itself must have just kept on growing, earth piling up around it during the storms that seemed to plague the region during the early months of each year.
"I'll explain more later, if you wish, but first let us eat something," Trent's voice snapped her out of her thoughts as he moved over to the small stack of food that caused her stomach to growl softly. Mew placed her paw on it, trying to shut it up, as the blue Nidoran looked over at her before offering one of the few carrots. "Guests first, sorry if there isn't much but there is never a lot of choice untill after the storm season."
"It's okay, I'm fond of mushrooms and carrots anyway," the feline smiled, praising her ability to live on vegetables unlike the other feline races.

The food was good as the two munched their way through the pile, Trent sticking more to the roots and letting his guest have most of the tastier mushrooms and all of his favourite carrots. It didn't take him long to finish the last of the roots as he ate fairly quickly thanks to his more specialized teeth. The worst of his hunger satisfied, he sat back to let Mew finish off. The pink feline stopped in mid-reach for the final carrot when she realised that Trent hadn't touched a single one. She looked up, meeting his gaze as he watched her eating before he averted his eyes again, blushing slightly.

"You should have it," she spoke up, Trent's ears flicking slightly at the sudden sound. Her high pitched, yet still soft, voice was a relaxing change from the usual noises he had to put up with that it took him a few seconds to actually get around to processing what she had just said.
"No, I couldn't. It would be improper of me," he insisted, rather grudgingly. He wanted that carrot badly but his polite manner just wasn't going to let him show any rudeness to his guest, especially one as powerful as a Legendary.
"Come on," she teased, picking up the carrot and waving it slowly in the air, "you mean to tell me that the bunny doesn't want his carrot?"
"Aye," Trent muttered, yet his nose and ears twitched as his eyes focused on the waving carrot.
"I know I'm a guest and all but that doesn't mean you have to leave on just those crummy roots," Mew stopped the teasing and held out the carrot, "you'll get sick if you don't eat properly. So please just eat the carrot, I don't want to have to force you to."

Trent, having been beaten firmly with her logic, slowly stepped forward and took the tip of the carrot with his fairly large teeth. Mew slowly released her grip, letting the Nidoran step back with his food. She almost squealed at the sight of him sitting on his haunches, carrot clenched firmly in his forepaws as he nibbled on the vegetable. It was strangely adorable, epecially the small blush and smile she got out of him when he realised she was staring. She returned both guestures, feeling a little embarrased for staring so hard, and went back to her own meal.
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