AGNPH Stories



Story Notes:

I know i haven't updated in gawd knows how long but i hope my most recent updates make up for it!



"Wake up, Bayleef!" Ash yelled desperately as they plummeted towards the ground.

"Go, Swellow!!!" Ash yelled throwing his pokeball out.

Swellow came out of its pokeball and speed toward Ash and Bayleef at incredible speed.

Ash put his arms around Bayleef as Swellow griped him by the shirt lifting them both out of the plummeting structure just before it hit the ground with a huge crash.

Swellow struggled under there weight as he flew towards the ground.

"Wow, Bayleef...lay off the pokechow." Swellow said as he landed them both safely on the ground.

"Good job Swellow, return." Ash said huffing and puffing.

Just then Ash heard a cackling coming form a short distance away.

"Your refusal to die is beginning to annoying me boy." Chris said walking up to them followed closely by Onix who moved up to his side.

"My name is Ash Katchem, and don't you forget it!" Ash said furiously.

Chris's eye's widened.

"The Ash Katchem? I must say, this is a distinct honor. No wonder your Pikachu has such a profound effect on my research subjects..." Chris said in calm voice.

"What do you mean?" Ash asked still pissed off.

"Well, that blasted father of mine never agreed with my methods and constantly tried to stop day I was nearing the end of my latest project...A Pikachu capable of dealing damage to any pokemon of any type regardless of it's natural resistances...just before I could install the obedience chip he stole it from me and gave it to the first trainer he saw...a trainer by the name of Ash Katchem."

Ash's eyes went wide in shock.

"You mean my fiancé was one of your experiments?" Ash asked forgetting everything around him.

"Yes she was...i did a lot of experimentation on that Pikachu, I even changed it's genetic make-up I suppose it's not such a surprise to me now that she was able to bare your children after all." This means that the litter is a unique race of pokemon...looks like I have more experimentation to do so after I have killed you I'll see what secrets your children hold."

"You will not harm my children or my fiancé!" Ash screamed charging at Chris.

"If you love your Pikachu that much you might as well be one yourself!" Chris said laughing as he pulled out another pellet and threw it at Ash.

The pellet hit Ash Square in the chest followed by a huge explosion leaving Ash knocked out on the ground.

Just then Bayleef opened her eyes and looked up to see Ash on the ground knocked out.

"You sick bastard! I'm going to make you regret this!" Bayleef screamed at Chris and began to glow.

"It can't be! No way she can evolve in her weakened state!" Chris said aloud.

Bayleef then Evolved right in front of Chris and Onix's eyes into Meganium!

Meganium smiled and shot her razorleaf at Chris.

"Onix get her!" Chris yelled as he dodged the razorleaf barely.

Onix charged at Meganium using tackle.

Meganium dodged it barely.

Meganium looked at Ash and again. But instead of seeing ash he saw a Pikachu buried in ash's clothes.

Meganium's eyes widened and turned to Chris.

"I see the pellet's taken effect...he should be easy to kill now that he's been turned into a Pikachu." Chris said and laughed manically.

Meganium tapped the pokeball on ash's belt and released Swellow.

"Take Ash and get out of here!" Meganium yelled to Swellow.

"Where is he?" Swellow asked looking around and went wide eyed when it hit him.

"How did this happen?" Swellow asked shocked.

"Psycho over here did it now get him out of here!!!" Meganium replied.

Swellow did as he was told barely evading Onix as he carried Ash off.

"NO! Get him now Onix!" Chris yelled.

Onix charged at Swellow but got tripped but Meganium's vines and fell flat on its face.

"You're not going to harm anyone ever again!" Meganium yelled.

"You have signed your on death warrant you stupid overgrown weed!" Chris yelled outraged at Swellow's escape.

"Bring it on Mr. Genius!" Meganium retorted.

"Onix use rockthrow!" Chris yelled.

Onix then began to throw random objects at Meganium.

Meganium dodged a lamp post barely but the car she could not and was hit badly with it.

Meganium stood up warily.

'Even a fully evolved pokemon can't stand up to the power of my research subjects!" Chris said maliciously.

"Finish her Onix!" Chris said turning around and walking away.

Onix hit her with his tail sending her flying.

Meganium cried out in pain as she landed. Her side was now bleeding heavily.

In a last ditch effort Meganium began to charge up for her solar beam as onix charged at her again.

"Ash were the best a pokemon could ever ask for...may you live a happy life with your true love." Meganium said and fired her solar beam hitting Onix with an ear piercing boom.

Chris turned a 180 almost immediately after hearing the explosion.

"Impossible!" Chris said in shock as he saw his Onix fall to ground its neck spurting blood where its head should have been.

Meganium then fell to the ground.

"At least that's one of them...Ash, the rest is up to you and Pikachu." Meganium said and closed her eyes her side bleeding even more heavily now.

"It doesn't hurt as much as I thought it would" Meganium thought smiling as she took one last breath and breathed no more.
Chapter End Notes:*crys* man...i didn't want to kill another pokemon off but it just seemed to fit ya know...oh and charizard had managed to get out of the ice he was trapped in and followed swellow...sorry i kinda forgot about him..i tried going back to edit but i couldn't find a part where he fit
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