AGNPH Stories



Story Notes:

I know i haven't updated in gawd knows how long but i hope my most recent updates make up for it!



Ash, Rachel, and Delia had been hard at work for an entire week while Julian, Jolt, and Meo recovered and Ash was becoming a nervous wreck with each day passing to the date of his wedding with Julian. Julian had been on her feet for only a day now and was working just as hard as everyone else as the days came closer to their wedding date meanwhile Jolt had been playing with his brothers and sisters.

Ash seemed to be on edge as he walked into the kitchen to see his mother drinking a cup of coffee." I've never been so stressed out in my entire life mom...this is going to be a big step for me." Ash said sitting down while he fidgeted with his tail.

Delia looked at her son and smiled." Ash, you've grown so much on have a wonderful mate and a 6 wonderful kids...I know this is a huge step for you...just know I'm behind you all the way...and for the love of...stop playing with your tail Ash Ketchem." Delia said as she kneeled down and held Ash's paw and looked at him dead in the face." You're going to be fine son." Delia said warmly and stood up, picked up her cup of coffee and walked towards the kitchen door when Julian came walking though it.

"Oh, I'm sorry Delia, I just came in here to see if Ash was in here." Julian said dodging Delia's footing with her tail being missed by mere inches.

"Oh, Ash? He's sitting over there. Well I'll leave you two alone now. I need to check on the litter...if I know Josh he's probly brawling with Jolt right about now... " Delia said as she walked past Julian and into the living room.

"Let me know if they get in any kind of trouble Delia and I'll deal with them." Julian called back just before the door closed.

Julian then walked up to Ash who was sitting in the same seat fidgeting with his tail again." So, how are you this morning dear?" Julian asked jumping on the seat next to the one he was sitting on.

"I'm ok...I'm" Ash said as he continued to fidget with his tail.

Julian raised an eyebrow as she gave an inquiring look." I'm doing well this there something you want to talk about?" Julian said in a soft tone.

"No...not really...i mean we already found out that Chris is dead so..." Ash broke off and looked up at Julian. "I'm just scared I guess...I've never been married before...and marriage means a lot to me. Not something I would do over night." Ash said still looking at Julian.

Julian looked at Ash and locked her lips on his in a long and drawn out kiss which Ash fully returned. "As long as we love each other, we can get through anything." Julian said smiling after she broke the kiss.

"Your not nervous at all?" Ash asked incredulously.

"Me...nah, not all..." Julian said in a sarcastic tone and pausing for a few seconds." Of course I am you silly Chu! I've never been more nervous about anything in my entire life! But I know that we both love each other and by getting married we are telling the whole world we love each other. I know our lives won't be the same from here on out...but as long as I have you...that is all that matters to me." Julian said and gave Ash another kiss.

As Ash returned the kiss he placed a paw on her breast and began to rub it, which caused Julian to give a slight moan in their kiss before she broke it and playfully batted his paw away." Tsk, naughty Chu...your going to have to wait until our wedding night." Julian said and jumped down. "Can you wait that long?" Julian said with a grin as she began to walk away purposely lifting her tail up so that her Chu cunny was showing as she walked away.

"The bigger question is can you wait that long?" Ash replied in a sexy tone as he jumped down and followed her rubbing his tail along Julian's clit causing her to give yet another moan and give Ash a slightly annoyed expression.

"You've become quite used to being a Pikachu haven't you Ash?" Julian said as she stopped and turned to him.

"Well...I guess a little." Ash said blushing, which Julian scoffed at.

"A little? You just flirted with me the same way any male Pikachu would in the wild." Julian said in a matter of fact tone, which caused Ash to give a slightly shocked look." Nothing to be worried about...I just thought I'd let you know that...I mean if professor oak ever figures out how to change you back to being human you won't have to worry about behaving like a normal chu any-" " what if I don't want to become human again?" Ash said abruptly cutting off Julian.

Julian simply blinked a few times at this remark. "You wouldn't want to be changed back? I thought you wanted to be human again...and don't even say your doing this for me because if you do so help me Ash Ketchem I'll-" But Julian was once again cut off by Ash as he kissed her passionately.

Ash broke the kiss and smiled as he looked into her eyes." I'm doing it for the both of us and the litter." Ash said softly.

Julian simply looked at him as if trying to find out if there was some alter motive to this." Don't think you can sweet kiss your way into making me see things your way Ash Ketchem... are you completely sure? I mean what if professor oak finds a way to reverse the process?" Julian finished looking at him.

"As smart as professor oak is I think the secret to reversing the transformation if one existed died with him." Ash said plainly.

Julian sighed at this." As long as your happy is all that matters to me...but don't lie to's not that you don't want to change's that you've lost all hope of returning to normal...right?" Julian said and looked at Ash dead in the eyes.

A tear could be seen forming in Ash's eye but he turned away and began to walk out the door." No...I don't want to change back." Ash said in a mellow tone.

"You liar..." Julian said quietly to herself as she shed a tear of her own with it streaking down her cheek as the kitchen door closed behind Ash.

The next day Ash and Julian took the litter out to the park.

Ash and Julian sat together watching them play on the swing sets, tetter-totters, and other playground equipment.

"We can't live in that house forever Ash...especially since you have no way to make money anymore...we will probly have to move into the forest." Julian said as she watched Josh jump on the bars of the jungle gym.

"The forest? Julian I have no idea how to survive in the wild." Ash said turning to look at Julian.

"That's what you got me for. I can teach you everything there is to know about living in the wild. The only hard part will be the litter...we raised them in a them adjusting to living in a burrow is going to be the hard part. Not to mention we can visit your mother daily...and we will have my mother out there with us to help out as well." Julian said smiling at Ash.

"Them adjusting to living in a burrow...what about me?" Ash asked in a mock worried tone and started to laugh.

"Julian giggled at this." You silly'll be just fine." Julian said giving him a kiss when they both heard a scream come from the playground.

"Ashley!" Julian and Ash both said at the same time and jumped off to see a trainer with his Rattata attacking Ashley.

"Leave my daughter alone!" Julian yelled thunderbolting the Rattata causing it to go flying and slide a crossed the ground knocked out.

Ash and Julian both landed in front of Ashley with sparks emitting from their cheeks." Head count! Kids front and center!" Ash yelled not moving from his spot as Julian counted each one of them." All here and accounted for." Julian said with a sigh of relief.

"Wow...I've hit the mother load!" The trainer said smiling as he threw a pokeball in the air and an Arcanine popped out landing in front of him.

"If that asshole so much as reaches for his pokeball belt I'll increate him!" Julian said sparks as the sparks emitting from her cheeks became larger.

"Slow down there honey! I want to protect them as much as you but you can't increate him for being a trainer...we just need to knock out all his pokemon and he'll turn tail and run." Ash finished hoping he convinced Julian to calm down.

The sparks emitting from Julian's cheeks went down slightly." I'm sorry honey...I just don't want anything else to happy to our babies." Julian said still staring down the Arcanine not moving her eyesight from it.

Suddenly out of nowhere jolt steps up in front of Ash and Julian and hits the Arcanine with a thunder punch knocking it into the trainer and sending them both flying 10 feet from where the trainer originally stood landing on his ass with the Arcanine in his lap knocked out.

"Whoa...that Pikachu is almost 4 feet tall!" The trainer said looking down and back to Jolt. "It's a freak!" The trainer shouted returning his Arcanine and running away.

"I'm a what?!" Jolt yelled outraged and began to chase after the trainer but was stopped abruptly by Julian jumping in front of him. "Jolt Ketchem! What have we told you about using your strength like that?! You could have seriously injured that trainers pokemon or worse!" Julian said in a fierce tone.

"You were talking about incinerating him mom! And what did you expect me to do?! He hurt my sister!" Jolt retorted angrily.

"There will always be some kind of trainer trying to catch us Jolt Ketchem! What matters is using self-control! And don't you ever raise your voice to me again! Do you hear me young chu?!" Julian said in a stern and motherly tone.

"Yes, mother..." Jolt said in a defeated tone and walked away.

Ash walked up next to Julian and let out a long sigh." That was close." Ash said looking at Julian.

"Too close, I didn't expect Jolt to react like he did. He's going to be a challenge as he gets older." Julian said and let out a sigh shaking her head.

"Let's get the litter back home...before we attract anymore attention." Ash said and turned around to the litter." come on kids, time to get back home!" Ash said waving a tail signaling for them to follow.

Back at home the litter went back to the living room and began to watch tv as they always did in the evening times except for Jolt who stood standing near the entrance to the living room with his arms crossed leaning against the wall.

"Why don't you go watch tv with the others." Ash suggested walking up to jolt.

"I don't want to..." Jolt said in a mellow tone turning his head to his father with a solemn look.

"Anything you want to talk about son?" Ash said sitting down next to Jolt who looked downward and sat down as well.

"I'm a freak...that trainer was right about that...I would have been better off as a puppet for that nut case of a least I wasn't a freak to him." Jolt said in a depressed tone.

"Jolt...he saw you as no more than a tool that he would toss aside no sooner you outlived the purpose he had thought up for least here you have a family that loves you." Ash said placing a paw on Jolt's shoulder, which he swatted away.

"At least I'd have a reason to go on my strength means nothing...I can do anything without being seen as a freak!" Jolt said his voice rising a little more with each word he spoke.

Ash let out a long sigh." Your mother is the same as you jolt...she has so much strength...but she knows when to use it." Ash said looking at Jolt with a smile.

"Mom isn't 4 feet tall is she? No, she not! Look me at me dad! I look nothing like a Pikachu! I'm so much stronger than anyone...even mom...and yet if I even try to use that strength at all I get yelled at for it!" Jolt said almost yelling.

Ash facepawed and looked at Jolt and placed a paw on his shoulder again. "Jolt... true strength is not found in your muscles or you abilities as a Pikachu. True strength can only be found when you protect those you love and knowing when to use that strength is very important." Ash finished and stood up on all fours and began to walk away. "Think about that son...think how your going to use your strength...otherwise you'll be no different than Chris... he abused his power...and I know you're better than him." Ash said as he walked away leaving Jolt sitting on the ground to think.

Later that night after the litter went to bed Ash jumped in bed next to Julian. "Our boy is hurting...he feels like a freak to everyone. I don't know how to help him through this." Ash said with a long sigh.

"He's like me in many ways, but at the same time he's not. At this point he will have to decide for himself like I did what to use his strength for. I know he will make the right choice. But I still worry about him.

Professor oak may have managed to stop the human gene from progressing any farther but I wish he could have reversed it." Julian said with a sad look in her eyes.

"He did all he could...but for now we need to sleep and prepare for tomorrow. We got wedding rehearsals." Ash said ending on a happy tone in his voice.

"That's right...well then I guess we should go to sleep then...and to think I actually wanted to fuck you tonight but you have a point." Julian said turning over to face him in bed with a smirk and closed her eyes.

Ash sat there for a moment until it clicked with him."D'oh!" Ash thought to himself in the classic homer Simpson tone as he lay down next to Julian and closed his eyes to go to sleep.
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