AGNPH Stories



Story Notes:

I know i haven't updated in gawd knows how long but i hope my most recent updates make up for it!



Two weeks had passed since Ash and Julian's wedding and things seemed to have returned to normal. Well as normal as you could be with a family of Pikachu...

"Jolt Ketchem! Get back here this instant!" Julian yelled chasing Jolt around the neighborhood using her agility to catch up to him.

Jolt used his own agility to get just out of her reach as he darted down the sidewalk only to see his father standing at the end, which caused him to dash into a nearby yard.

"That Chu's ass is going to be beat red by the time I'm through with him." Julian said in a pissed off tone huffing and puffing.

"That's the third pokemon this week he's been busted fucking...why is he doing this?" Ash asked curiously running along side of Julian.

"I have no clue...he maybe of age...but I'll be damned if he's going to be a father before he even hits 18. (6 in human years)" Julian said as she and Ash pursued him.

Jolt ran into a dead end and turned around to see his parents standing at the end of it.

"Jolt Ketchem! What the hell is wrong with you?! You're going to wind up getting a female pregnant!" Julian said as she slowly walked up making sure she and Ash did not give him enough room to escape.

"You'll never understand! You can't understand!" Jolt yelled back.

"What can we not understand son...tell us and maybe we can help you...I personally am getting tired of chasing you all over new bark town. I can only imagine the hell you'll put me through when we move into the forest." Ash said in a exhausted tone.

"Can you make me look normal again?! No you can't! I can never be normal! At least sex takes the pain away!" Jolt screamed out and then immediately went quite realizing he said something he didn't want to.

Julian's anger had suddenly subsided and was overwhelmed with worry for her son at these words." What pain? Jolt what's hurting you and where?" Julian asked more worried than pissed now.

"It's nothing with my's here." Jolt said in a sad tone pointing to his heart." You have no idea what I go through! Knowing I'll never be normal again!" Jolt yelled and jumped so high that he landed on the top of the left building in the alley they were in.

Ash facepawed as jolt landed on the top of the building. "Your territory dear...just try to get back down here in one piece." Ash said looking at Julian who just sighed.

"That Chu is in so much trouble when I get a hold of him." Julian said in a halfhearted tone and then jumped on one wall and to the other back and forth until she reached the top.

"I'll see you at home then?" Ash called up to her.

"Ya, we'll see you there." Julian called back and disappeared from sight.

Julian jumped buildings following her son's scent until she found him sitting down with his arms around his legs crying on top of the pokemon center late that night.

Jolt looked up looking very teary eyed at his mother before he buried his head back into his arms.

Julian could not bring herself to yell at him now. She had an entire lecture thought up and what his punishment would be. But looking at him now, This poor Chu who was in so much pain knowing he would never be considered normal ever again...she could not help but pity her son as she slowly walked up next to him and sat down.

" Jolt...I know what it's like to never be considered a and me are not so much different. But having sex with every female you come a crossed...Jolt you should consider yourself lucky they weren't in heat." Julian finished trying to sound as compassionate as possible.

Jolt looked up at his mother still very teary eyed." I know...but when I'm having sex with females...the pain seems to just it was never there. I want to feel like that forever. You have no idea the nightmares I have...the people I've killed...I've almost killed you, my father, and even grandma!" Jolt said as tears flooded his eyes once again and began to sob lying on his mother's chest.

Julian simply rubbed the back of her son's head not knowing what to say or do as Jolt continued to sob loudly.

"I have all this power, but I can't use it! Every time I have, I've been called a freak! The only reason I can have sex with those females is because they are sluts! No one would want me because of my abilities! I'm useless to everyone!" Jolt said still sobbing lifting his head to look into his mother's eyes with a hidden rage in them only that only Julian recognized because it was one she had for years and laying his face back on her chest.

"Jolt, honey...It will get better...I promise." Julian said lifting his head to look into his eyes.

Suddenly before either of them could do anything an explosion knocked them over ten feet off the roof of the pokemon center plummeting to the ground.

Jolt grabbed his mother mid air and turned his back to the ground with her held on his chest just before they landed on the ground with a loud "Crash!" that left a small dent in the street.

Julian got out of her son's now limp arms and turned around." Jolt, sweeties say something!" Julian said and then placed her left her against his chest.

"He's still breathing...that goodness." Julian said with a sigh of relief just before she turned around to see a Snorlax and a Gyarados which landed on the ground about fifteen feet away from them with a loud crash of their own.

"Julian, Julian, Julian... If you intend to kill someone, you really should make sure the person's dead before you turn tail and run." Came an all too familiar voice from the darkness.

" can't be..." Julian said as something stepped out from the darkness into the light.

As the figure stepped into the light Julian looked up and gasped. "'re dead! Jolt killed you...I saw it with my own eyes!" Julian said still unable to see what she was seeing.

The figure looked human except it's entire body resembled that of a Gengar. "Like the new look? I must almost did have me back there...but something I did not realize was that I had a pellet on me when your boy had thunder attacked it's contents turned me into this...and I made few modifications as well." The figure added as it shot an Ice beam from his palm at Julian, which she dodged.

"Chris..." was all Julian could say as her cheeks began to emit large sparks.

"I told them that those specially trained pokemon would be no match...but no, they insisted I send them anyways...ah well...I had to do what they said until my plan was put into motion, Which it is in full swing and will become active in a matter of minuets." Chris said with his usual sneer.

"How did you find us?" Julian said and then a state of panic hit her. "Ash and the rest of the litter!" Julian said aloud as it hit her, which caused Chris to laugh.

"To be quite honest...I wasn't even looking for you In my eyes you're a failed experiment...I've been too pre-occupied with my plans for world domination. I was flying above the pokemon center when I spotted you...I just couldn't resist the chance to take you both out myself!" Chris said this time as he lunched a flamethrower attack from his palm at Julian.

Julian grabbed Jolt and jumped out of the way of the flamethrower attack and landed a few feet away from Chris and the other two pokemon." You'll never harm my husband or my family while I am still breathing!" Julian said laying jolt down and jumping in the air and shot a thunder attack at Chris with all her power.

Chris looked up at the oncoming attack and placed one palm in the air and a shield appeared out of nowhere surrounding Chris and the other pokemon.

"It looks like adding mew's DNA to my own was a smart plan after all..." Chris said with a smile as a dark orb of energy appeared in his palm, which he chucked at Julian.

"Mew's DNA?!" Julian said in shock as she dodged the energy ball letting it hit the building behind them with a loud explosion.

"Of course! Who do you think created Mewtwo?! It was my genius, Mine! But that bastard took all of the credit for it! I was left to work in a side division!" Chris said in a angry tone then he smiled." But he got what came to him...if I had been there Mewtwo would be serving team rocket right now...but I guess you can't change the past." Chris said with a smile.

Screams could be heard coming from the town now and pokemon could be heard launching attacks.

"At last...pokenet is online...those fools at team rocket have no idea what they have just activated." Chris said and began to laugh manically.

"What's pokenet?" Julian asked looking at Chris with an inquiring glare as Jolt began to stir.

"It's a satellite of my own broadcasts a signal that makes all pokemon that are in pokeballs to come under my control." Chris said with a smile just before the door on the pokemon center was blasted open with pokemon coming out of it.

Chris then pressed a button on his watch, which caused pokeballs to come flying towards him and land on his watch one at a time disappearing into it.

"The pokemon world is mine! I will rule this world with all my power!" Chris said manically and looked at Jolt. " once served me...if you chose to serve me again you will be my right hand Chu and will have a true power! Chris said with a smile.

"Your brain must have been mutated along with your body dude...I have no idea who you are but I will never serve you!" Jolt said with a glare as sparks began to emit from his cheeks.

"It is I...Chris...the one who gave you a purpose for your pathetic existence!" Chris said sound more and more like some mid-evil emperor by the second.

"Oh...that explains a lot then..." Jolt said and dashed at Chris with extreme speed catching him off guard and hit him hard with a thunderpunch knocking him ten feet back in the air.

To jolt's shock, Chris stopped mid air and floated there for a moment before he landed gently on the ground on his feet still smiling. "I had forgotten just how powerful I had made you...but that's a mistake I won't make again!" Chris said staring at Julian and Jolt maliciously.

"Jolt...he's too strong..." Julian said quietly to jolt.

"I'll be the judge of that mom." Jolt said as he stood there sparks emitting from his cheeks staring at Chris who continued to laugh maliciously as more and more pokeballs came to him and disappeared into his watch.

"I'll become the ruler of this world with pokenet online all captured pokemon will serve me!" Chris yelled and began to laugh again manically.

Jolt went wide eyed at the word pokenet was meationed."Chris! Me and you in a One-on-one battle!" Jolt said with a fierce look and rage in his eyes.

"What makes you think I would even entertain that thought?" Chris said with his arms crossed.

"If you defeat me...I'll serve you...but if I die!" Jolt said as the sparks began to become larger and larger with every passing second.

Julian became wide eyed at Jolt's offer." Jolt, no! He's too strong!" Julian said and jolt picked her up with one paw.

"Mom...get the others and get out of and hide...i don't know how long I can hold him off...but you must go into hiding...This pokenet...if he's activated it, the pokemon world as we know it is gone mom...I remember him bragging about it to me...please...go now!" Jolt said and chucked his mother as hard as he could in the air.

"JOLT, NOOOOO!!" Julian screamed at she saw Chris and Jolt begin to fight before she turned about face and landed on the ground.

"I've got to release all of ash's pokemon before pokenet gets them!" Julian thought as she ran down to her house and dialed a phone number on the video phone.

Professor oak answered groggily." you know what time it is?" Professor oak said slightly annoyed.

"Professor oak I have little time to explain, but release all of ash's pokemon now!" Julian said in a panicked tone

"Why?" Professor oak asked looking thoroughly confused.

"Chris has activated some kind of satellite called pokenet! He's going to take control of all captured pokemon! He's already taken control of all pokemon in new bark town with the exception of me and my family!" Julian said in the same panicked tone.

"Chris? It couldn't be!" Professor oak said when a explosion occurred behind him.

"Samuel!" Julian screamed.

"I'm ok! I'm activating the release system now but I might be too late. From what I saw of the lab video's the pokemon were already beginning to riot." Professor oak said coughing.

"Make the pokemon Ash his with him now the systems top priority!" Julian said looking up to see ash walking down the stairs sleepily.

"Julian...what's going on? Where's jolt? And why are you calling professor oak at this time of night?" Ash asked looking at Julian and then instantly became wide-awake when he saw her fur all messed up as he came closer. "What happened?! Where's jolt?!" Ash asked in a panicked tone.

"It's Chris Ash...he's not dead...and he's fighting Chris right now... he literally threw me away from Chris and told me to send everyone in hiding!" Julian said in the same tone to Ash.

"What's going on over there professor?!" Ash asked noticing the damage around him.

"It's pokenet takes over all pokemon all pokemon that have been captured in pokeballs and gives Chris full control over them.

"Julian all pokemon that Ash has with him now have been released." Professor oak said which caused Julian to give a sigh of relief.

Ash's pokemon came out looking very confused and looking around." Let me go talk to them." Julian said and went over to talk to them.

After Julian explained the situation to them they turned and looked to Ash. "We all agree when we say you've looked out for us our entire lives with you. So we are with you to the end Ash Ketchem!" The Treeko said with a smile and all the others all said in agreement.

" Ok, then...let's go back and save my son then! And professor oak you need to get out of there and fast!" Ash said looking into the videophone.

"One step ahead of you Ash, I'm already out the door and on my way to my plane, I'm talking to you on a redirected signal on my pokegear. I'll be in the jhoto region in mere hours. Oh and I made sure I had released Brock and Misty's pokemon they had with them as well." Professor oak said with a smile.

" be careful professor. And good thinking!" Ash said and turned to Julian and his pokemon. Let's do this." Ash said as they all walked out the door to confront Chris for hopefully the final battle they would ever have.
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